Monster Altar

Chapter 367

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“What, Chang Sheng is already Morning Star?!”

“How come so fast?”

Hearing the exclamation, the younger generations in all base cities couldn’t help being surprised, even in the three major base cities of Huake, Longpan, and Huanggang.

Although they occupy the top 3 in base cities all year round, they rely on mechanical technology, biotechnology, and refining technology, and their realm is not increasing faster than other base cities.

Up to now, none of them has broken through Morning Star realm, but Chang Sheng has broken through. From this point of view, Chang Sheng has already walked ahead of them.

Of course, surprise comes as surprise. They don’t think that Chang Sheng breakthrough will be able to challenge the status of their three major base cities when they reach the Morning Star realm.

“This is interesting.”

Among the younger generation of Huake Base City, a beautiful woman with a noble temperament touched a metal box next to her with her white and slender hand.

She is the No. 1 Nie Wei in the Huake Base City list, and the metal box next to her is a secret weapon she made. Even if she sees Chang Sheng’s battle strength, she still has the secret to fight for confidence. arms.

“Finally no longer as boring as in previous years.”

Among the younger generation in Huanggang Base City, a slightly dark-skinned youngster touched the blood-colored long spear cast by his hand that looked like blood poured by his side.

He is the No. 2 Qiang Xin in Huanggang Base City, and the bloody long spear next to him is his proud work in the past 1 years.

“This year’s Yinchuan base city is interesting!”

Lan Die, who is number one on the Longpan Base City list, rested his chin slightly and fixed his eyes on Chang Sheng.

Qiang Xin is tired of the unchanging battle, so why not she.

This year’s Yinchuan base city, Fang Ping, a newcomer with hidden strength, first appeared, and now Chang Sheng has revealed the Morning Star realm.

She couldn’t help but have some expectations, wanting to see how much trouble Yinchuan base city can bring to their three base cities.

Exchange meeting 3rd day.

In the First Stage exchange meeting, Huake Base City was playing against Nanzhou Base City. There was no suspense. With just two people dispatched, Huake Base City had already swept Nanzhou Base City.

In the second exchange meeting, Longpan Base City played against Haoyang Base City, and Longpan Base City dispatched 2 people to defeat Haoyang Base City.

In the third exchange meeting, Huanggang Base City played against Jindao Base City. Huanggang Base City dispatched 3 people and easily won the battle.

“The 4th exchange meeting, Yinchuan Base City vs. Jiangmen Base City.”

As the Morning Star old man in Huake Base City announced the battle against both sides, everyone in the underground space couldn’t help but feel refreshed.

In the previous three exchange meetings, because one of the parties was too strong, there was no suspense before it started, which made the battle less expectation.

But this fourth exchange meeting was different.

Jiangmen Base City, which has 3 strong base cities with Morning Star battle strength, owns the Morning Star battle strength second only to Huake, Longpan, and Huanggang, and is the fourth strongest competitor.

Yinchuan Base City, No. 4 in the previous time, although because of the identity of the Zhai Long Demonic Human Race, it lost a Morning Star battle strength, but another Morning Star battle strength immediately appeared.

In terms of Morning Star battle strength, it is not less than Jiangmen Base City, it is definitely a strong enemy of Jiangmen Base City.

In addition to the three base cities of Huake, Longpan, and Huanggang, the other base cities and these two base cities have yet another strength gap.

It can be said that the battle between the two base cities will largely determine the ownership of the fourth, which can not help but make people look forward to it.

At the beginning of the battle, the first player from Yinchuan base city was still Xiang Qiu, while the first player from Jiangmen base city was a tall and sturdy man who was over 2 meters tall.

The tall and sturdy man is very strong, with amazing defense and physical power, it is like a human-shaped monster with the body of a Morning Star monster. Xiang Qiu was eventually defeated and failed to win.

After defeating Xiang Qiu, the tall and sturdy man was physically exhausted and was immediately defeated by Lu Cao, who played the second time.

The second player in Jiangmen Base City was a woman with short hair.

Under Lu Cao’s deceleration field, the short-haired woman was defeated after a long time.

Jiang Chao, who owns Morning Star battle strength at No. 3 on the Jiangmen Base City list, played. Facing the Morning Star battle strength, Lu Cao was not low after all. After more than ten fights, he was defeated swiftly.

Hu Ao’er enters the field and confronts Jiang Chao.

“I have to say that the Yinchuan base city is really lucky. Last time there was a lurking Demonic Human race like Zhai Long, and this time there was Fang Ping, a newcomer who had a Morning Star as soon as he appeared.”

Jiang Chao did not attack at all immediately, but his voice was taunted.

Knowing that Zhai Long was actually a Demonic Human race, he was very upset. If it hadn’t been for the Demonic Human Race of Zhai Long in Yinchuan Base City, the last time Yinchuan Base City was absolutely impossible, they would have won the 4th place.

“Many thanks to praise, the luck of Yinchuan base city has always been good, but the luck of Jiangmen base city is really not so good. It always missed the 4th place. Last time there was Zhai Long and this time there was Fang Ping.”

Naturally, Hu Ao’er is not the one who suffers, and he ridicules each other.

“What if there are 3 Morning Star battle strengths? The number of Morning Stars in our Jiangmen base city is not inferior to yours. I really think you can win the battle?”

Jiang Chao was coldly snorted, his eyes burst with cold light, and a kind of Spiritual Fluctuation spread from his eyes and invaded Hu Ao’er.

The eye of hypnosis, this is his mental ability. Once invaded by the Spiritual Fluctuation that his eyes reveal, even the Morning Star powerhouse is difficult to resist.


Spiritual Fluctuation is blocked by mental tentacles.

The Spiritual Fluctuation that came from Jiang Chao’s eyes had not had time to invade Hu Ao’er’s brain, but was blocked by Hu Ao’er’s mental tentacles.

Hu Ao’er, who had fought Jiang Chao before, naturally knew that Jiang Chao had hypnotic abilities. Of course, even if he knew that Jiang Chao had hypnotic abilities, it would be difficult to prevent.

After all, in a narrow space, facing the invisible Spirit Attack, there is no way to avoid it.

However, Hu Ao’er is an Awakener with spiritual abilities. Although he is different from Jiang Chao in terms of preference, it is undoubtedly a spiritual ability, which happens to be a type of person who can block Spirit Attack.

Wave, wave, wave!

Spiritual Fluctuation and mental tentacles, which ordinary Awakener can’t see, collide between Jiang Chao and Hu Ao’er one after another.

On the battle stage, neither Hu Ao’er nor Jiang Chao had moved half a step, but the sweat on their foreheads and bodies kept sliding down.

Those who came to watch the battle were naturally knowledgeable and understood that this was a spiritual confrontation, and they were all paying attention to the confrontation without a word.

More than ten minutes later, Hu Ao’er and Jiang Chao were all sweating.

“Uh huh!”

Suddenly, Jiang Chao pressed his head and let out a scream of pain, while Hu Ao’er shook slightly, but he did not at all sound of pain.

Obviously, Jiang Chao suffered a loss in the confrontation of spirit.

Hey, hey, hey!

On Hu Ao’er’s back, three blue short spears attacked Jiang Chao who was covering his head at a terrifying speed several times the speed of sound.


When the attack hit, Jiang Chao’s hair stands on end, he just endured the sharp pain in his head and dodged aside.

However, although he avoided two of the blue short spears, he was stabbed by the third blue short spear. A hole appeared in his body and blood was flowing continuously.

And the 2 short spears that missed, turned around and attacked him again.

“I surrender.”

Hearing the sound of the strong wind, Jiang Chao’s scalp was numb, and he quickly gave in.

2 The short spear stopped less than ten centimeters in front of him. If he speaks slowly, he must fill in 2 more holes.

His previous words have already angered Hu Ao’er. Although Hu Ao’er would not kill him, he would never show mercy to him.

There was no time for Hu Ao’er to rest. Zuo Xuan, No. 2 on the Jiangmen Base City list, played, a woman with glasses.

Faced with Hu Ao’er, who had consumed a lot of physical and mental energy, she easily defeated Hu Ao’er.

Hu Ao’er was helped by the Huake base city staff, Fang Ping stood up and stepped onto the battle stage.

The battle broke out immediately.

“300 times gravity.”

The invisible gravitational fluctuations spread around Zuo Xuan and will cover the battle stage in a very short time.

At the next moment, Fang Ping’s body suddenly became heavy, as if he was carrying a boulder weighing 10000 kilograms behind his back.


With the strong physical qualities of the extraordinary grade Taijutsu, Fang Ping withstood the sudden increase in weight without being crushed.

However, this is only the beginning.

“1000 times gravity.”

Zuo Xuan spoke again, and the load on Fang Ping’s body increased again, reaching more than ten 10000 catties.

The weight of more than ten 10000 kilograms acted on Fang Ping. Every muscle in Fang Ping’s body trembled under gravity, barely letting himself fall.

If it weren’t for the platform under your feet, it is mixed with high-grade enchanted metal, which is extremely hard, I am afraid that Fang Ping’s feet have already trampled 2 holes.

“3000 times gravity.”

Zuo Xuan spoke again, and even more terrifying gravity was acting on Fang Ping. The weight on Fang Ping’s body increased again, reaching several 100,000 Jin.

After a staggering, Fang Ping was pressed to the ground, and the disabled to bear one-knee kneels fell on the ground. Overwhelmed voices came from all over the body.

Zuo Xuan was not feeling well either, sweat kept slipping from her forehead.

3000 times the gravity has reached the limit of her current gravity ability, every minute and every second, the energy she put in is extremely terrifying.

Seeing that this battle is about to enter a war of attrition.

If Fang Ping can’t hold on and can’t stand the pressure first, Zuo Xuan will win.

And if Zuo Xuan still fails to make Fang Ping lose the ability to resist until she runs out of energy, then Fang Ping will win.

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