Monster Altar

Chapter 368

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War of attrition?

This was just other people’s thoughts, not Fang Ping’s thoughts. He didn’t compete with Zuo Xuan for physical fitness at all, and it was up to whoever couldn’t hold on first.


Fang Ping’s whole body turned into golden flames, completely flamed.

Then he stood up unaffected by gravity.

Zuo Xuan’s gravity domain is the same as Lu Cao’s deceleration domain. It is also a very unsolvable ability. In the domain, it is inevitable.

However, Fang Ping’s flame elementalization is the nemesis of this ability.

Turning into a flame, even if he bears 3000 times the weight of gravity, the weight he can feel is very small, and he is completely immune to gravity.


After a flash, Fang Ping had already appeared next to Zuo Xuan, the flamed body, and an elbow hit Zuo Xuan’s abdomen.


Zuo Xuan was severely burned in her abdomen and flew upside down, hitting the defensive barrier heavily, and fell down with a plop.


With the ability of divine speed, Fang Ping caught up again and swept to the left with one foot.

Zuo Xuan’s body was attached to the rock, but under Fang Ping’s foot swept, the rock shattered and flew out with burns on his side.

As the strongest ability of gravity is invalid, she is just an ordinary Tier 5 peak Awakener in front of Fang Ping, how can she stop Fang Ping’s attack.

Hey, hey, hey!

After suffering several blows, Zuo Xuan, who was completely injured, could not get up. The Morning Star powerhouse, who served as the referee, immediately pronounced Fang Ping the victory and asked Zuo Xuan to be lifted for treatment.

“It can actually be elementalized.”

Many of the younger generation in each base city frowned and looked at Fang Ping standing on the battle stage.

They have extremely strong battle strength, and now they show elemental characteristics, making them feel tricky.

They naturally know that being immune to gravity is just one of the characteristics of this elementalization of flames, apart from this, and another more tricky feature, that is immunity to physical attacks.

Oh, pā, pā!

Huang Xing, No. 1 in the Jiangmen Base City list, stepped calmly to the battle stage. This is a man with a face like marble carving. Zuo Xuan’s fiasco did not seem to put too much pressure on him.

“The battle begins!”

The defensive barrier was raised, and the Morning Star powerhouse, who served as the referee, announced the start of the battle.

He looked at Fang Ping and said.

“Next will be a bit rough, please forgive me, after all, I still have an opponent and need to save my energy!”


Next moment, in front of him, a blue white long sword appeared.

The length of the sword is about one meter 3, and the two sides of the sword body have patterns like lightning, which are symmetrically distributed and look exquisite like works of art.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the long sword, one after another, huge Thunder and Lightning pythons that were enough to make Morning Star powerhouse’s scalp numb, suddenly spread out of the sword.

Demonic weapon projection, this is his peak order ability, this ability can simulate 100% of the Enchanted weapon after touching and viewing, showing the original very formidable power.

At this time, this Thunder and Lightning sword is an Enchanted weapon with the strongest formidable power capable of reaching the level of Veteran Morning star.

“Even this level of Enchanted weapon can be simulated, and Huang Xing’s strength has become much stronger.”

Under the battle stage, the younger generation in each base city showed a trace of astonished in their eyes.

Not only has the strength of Chang Sheng and Hong Yi become stronger, but the strength of Huang Xing has also become stronger.

“Save your energy?”

Fang Ping smiled. It’s been a long time since no one talked to himself like this when he was fighting.

But there is one thing that he is the same as the opponent, and that is to end the battle as quickly as possible.

Although the stamina consumed by the battle with Zuo Xuan just now was not large, it was eventually consumed.

If the battle continues, it will not benefit him.

“Control of the Wind!”

Using the Wind Element ability, huge wind blades appeared in front of him one after another, condensed as substance, with a sharp aura, just like Divine Weapon blades after another.


At this time, one after another Thunder and Lightning python has attacked Fang Ping. The huge wind blade suspended in front of Fang Ping flew out from Fang Ping.

Hey, hey, pu!

Thunder and Lightning pythons came one after another, their bodies were cut off, and Thunder and Lightning bodies collapsed.

Huang Xing’s Thunder and Lightning attack triggered by demonic weapon projection, the formidable power reached the Veteran Morning star level, and Fang Ping’s control of the wind is not it.

“What, blocked it? And the Wind Element ability is used!”

Some young people in base cities have stood up in shock.

Being able to block Huang Xing formidable power from reaching the Veteran Morning star level attack shows that Fang Ping’s strength has also reached this level.

Fang Ping, a newcomer who participated in the exchange meeting for the first time, actually already has the strength comparable to the Veteran Morning star. What surprised them even more is that Fang Ping uses Wind Element ability this time.

Connected to the previous fire abilities, Fang Ping has at least two abilities to achieve peak order.

Ordinary people have one kind of peak order ability, which is already extremely impressive. They will be called genius, but they don’t want to. Fang Ping, a newcomer, actually has two kinds of peak order ability.

“Compared to the Veteran Morning star, it’s no wonder that Chang Sheng would say that!”

Hong Yi finally understood why Chang Sheng said such words during the battle stage yesterday.

Although up to now, he still doesn’t think he will be inferior to Fang Ping, but there is no doubt that Fang Ping is absolutely qualified to fight him.


Divine speed is universal, Fang Ping rushes towards Huang Xing.

The attack was blocked by Fang Ping, Huang Xing complexion greatly changed, and one Thunder and Lightning python stretched out from the sword again, attacking Fang Ping.

Fang Ping ducked sideways, avoiding a Thunder and Lightning python, but immediately another Thunder and Lightning python struck.


Fang Ping’s right hand extended a cyan ray blade with several meters long and cut it towards the incoming Thunder and Lightning python.

The head of Thunder and Lightning python was cut off, and the body of Thunder and Lightning python turned into a lightning collapse.


Another Thunder and Lightning python attacked from the left, and the azure blade swiftly moved from right to left, beheading the Thunder and Lightning python attacking from the left.

Carrying 2 Thunder and Lightning pythons, Fang Ping rushed to Huang Xing. The azure blade with several meters long slashed towards Huang Xing from top to bottom.

Huang Xing facial expression grave. At this moment, he has already forgotten the idea of ​​quickly defeating Fang Ping.

Fang Ping, which exhibits a Veteran Morning star battle strength, is an absolute rival and cannot be easily defeated at all.

As for defeating Fang Ping, the physical exertion is huge, not Chang Sheng’s opponent, it is not what he needs to consider now.

The blue lightning was wrapped around the sword, and a sword was cut out to face the cyan ray blade.


The cyan ray blade collided with Thunder and Lightning long sword, and the shock wave of horror erupted centered on the two.

If there is an Awakener in the battle stage, no matter where the Awakener is, it will be shaken into pieces by the shock wave.

Fang Ping and Huang Xing could not help being shaken by the shock wave and back again.


While retreating, Huang Xing stretched out a huge Thunder and Lightning python from the sword, and attacked Fang Ping.


Relying on divine speed, Fang Ping escaped the attack of Thunder and Lightning python and approached Huang Xing. Cyan ray pierced Huang Xing straightly.

In a hurry, Huang Xing swung his sword to block, but because he was too hasty, he was very formidable power and only played 70%.


A terrifying impact was uploaded from the sword to Huang Xing. Huang Xing’s right hand holding the sword was numb, his body staggered and he almost stood unstable.

Before he could adjust, Fang Ping had already attacked him again with cyan ray, and he tried his best to wave the sword in his hand to resist, and resisted again with difficulty.

As a price, many muscle fibers in his right hand were torn, and severely, the skin appeared chapped and bleeding.

The right hand was completely unaware, and even the sword of Thunder and Lightning could not be held firmly and fell down.

He quickly caught it with his less used left hand. At this time, the cyan ray blade struck again.


He was not accustomed to using the sword with his left hand. In a hurry, the angle of the attack made a mistake. The sword of Thunder and Lightning was shocked by the cyan ray blade, and the cyan ray blade was cut to his chest.

He backed away in a hurry, but still couldn’t completely escape.

The cyan ray blade wiped his chest, and his clothes made of Tier 5 monster leather were easily torn, and a long blood mouth appeared on his chest, and the blood kept flowing.


Fang Ping pounced, he quickly inspired Thunder and Lightning python to pounce and bite Fang Ping.

Fang Ping was a dodge and went around behind him, and the cyan ray blade slashed towards him from behind.


He hurriedly turned around and resisted the cyan ray blade, but he could not completely block it. The cyan ray blade made a deep hole in him again.

Hey, hey, pu!

Under Fang Ping’s successive attacks, Huang Xing resisted in embarrassment. His injuries continued to increase, his injuries became heavier and heavier, and the resistance became more and more difficult.

Pu chi ——

In the end, he was hit by Fang Ping with a sword in his chest, and the blood flew out violently, and he could not get up from the ground for a long time.

Morning Star powerhouse, who served as referee, quickly announced Fang Ping’s victory, and immediately lifted Huang Xing from the battle stage for treatment.

“I didn’t expect that the battle between Yinchuan Base City and Jiangmen Base City would be such a result.”

Seeing that Huang Xing was defeated, the audience stage was absolutely silenced, and it took a while before there was a sound.

Originally, they thought it would be an evenly matched battle. It would be extremely difficult to tell the victory or defeat, but they didn’t want to, but it was such a result.

For the Yinchuan base city, Chang Sheng, who is the number one on the list, has not yet made a move, and Jiangmen base city has been defeated.

This is not a battle of a level at all. Yinchuan base city is obviously stronger than Jiangmen base city.

“In Yinchuan Base City, there are actually 2 people with battle strength reaching the Veteran Morning star level!”

The young people in the three major base cities of Huake, Longpan, and Huanggang are not relaxed.

Although they still don’t think they will be the opponent of Yinchuan Base City, there is no doubt that Yinchuan Base City, which has a Morning Star battle strength and 2 Veteran Morning Star battle strengths, is already qualified to challenge them.

Facing the base city of Yinchuan, even if they occupy the top 3 all year round, they have to take it seriously.

“It’s really unexpected!”

The expression on Lan Die’s face in Longpan Base City was full of exclamation.

Although she had already noticed Fang Ping’s hidden strength, she never expected that Fang Ping’s hidden strength would be so much, and the strongest strength actually reached the level of Veteran Morning star.

“But that’s fine, too weak is meaningless.”

The perfect face showed a charming smile.

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