Monster Altar

Chapter 372

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“give it to me!”

At this moment, Chang Sheng came to the battle stage.

He could see that Fang Ping had no physical strength, and even if it could consume Qiang Xin’s physical strength, it would not consume much.

Moreover, he is very eager to fight Qiang Xin, who is in a state of victory. This is the pride of being a young generation of geniuses.

“it is good.”

Fang Ping nodded and agreed.

He saw Chang Sheng’s desire to fight with Qiang Xin in a win-win state, and if it was him, he would also be eager to fight with Qiang Xin in a win-win state just like Chang Sheng.

Although Qiang Xin is strong, he does not think that Chang Sheng is inferior to Qiang Xin.

Especially in terms of durability, Chang Sheng is better than Qiang Xin. After all, Qiang Xin realm is still at the top of Tier 5, and Chang Sheng is already a Morning Star.

What’s more, even if you lose, the exchange meeting, victory or defeat is not the key, through battle, mutual improvement is the key.

Even if you lose, as long as there is a gain, it is worth it.

Fang Ping stepped down to the battle stage, Chang Sheng boarded and confronted Qiang Xin. Many people watched nervously at the confrontation.

For many years, there have been no base cities outside of Huake and Longpan for many years, and the Huanggang base city has been forced to such a point.

“I didn’t expect that the Yinchuan base city could actually force the Huanggang base city to this point.”

“Qiang Xin won’t lose to Chang Sheng?”

“How can it be!”

The whispering voice sounded from the audience stage, surprised that Yinchuan base city was able to fight with Huanggang base city to such a point.

Of course, even now, most people are still optimistic about the Huanggang base city, thinking that Qiang Xin will win in the end.

In the one-on-one situation, Qiang Xin has no reason to lose. After all, he is ranked first in the top 3 Huanggang base cities.


Qiang Xin shot, the blood-colored long spear stomped the ground, and the rolling lava suddenly spread out, like a lava river, sweeping the entire battle stage, surrounding Chang Sheng.

“Energy draw.”

Chang Sheng emitted blue rays of light all over his body. Under the blue rays of light, the tumbling lava solidified and turned into lava in an instant.

He who has energy draw, the least afraid of attack is energy attack.


Lava was restrained, Qiang Xin frowned, and when he mentioned the long spear, he flew towards Chang Sheng, and in an instant he was already close to Chang Sheng.


Using the crushing ability, Chang Sheng’s right hand extended a white light blade that was several meters long and cut it towards Qiang Xin.

Qiang Xin The bloody long spear swept across, facing the white light blade.


The white light blade and the blood-colored long spear collided violently. Under the strong reaction force caused by the collision, both Chang Sheng and Qiang Xin couldn’t help backing away.

The lava ability is restrained. It is reasonable to say that Qiang Xin should suffer in the fight, but Qiang Xin is not at all.

I saw purple lines light up on the bloody long spear at this time.

As the purple lines light up, purple light appears on the long spear. The purple light produces a strong repulsion. It is this strong repulsion that blocks Chang Sheng’s crushing ability.

That’s right, the blood-colored long spear in his hand not only possesses the lava ability but also has repulsive power. It is very rare, and has a dual ability Enchanted weapon.

This is also his confident work.


Chang Sheng Morning Star’s physical strength exploded, stopping the retreat trend, catching up with Qiang Xin, and the white light blade stabbed Qiang Xin.


On Qiang Xin’s left index finger, an orange ring lights up. With the light up of this orange ring, Qiang Xin’s speed explodes, and he retreats sharply, avoiding Chang Sheng’s white blade.

As a Refiner Master, he naturally has more than just an Enchanted weapon in his hand. This orange ring is an Enchanted weapon with speed capabilities.

Avoiding Chang Sheng’s attack, Qiang Xin went around to the left of Chang Sheng, and the long spear stab Chang Sheng.


Chang Sheng’s left hand, white radiance turned into a shield, blocking this spear.

At the collision between the two, the visible ripples of air spread. If the ripples of air spread, even if it is the Morning Star powerhouse, it will never feel good.

Qiang Xin retreated with a single blow. Chang Sheng did not chase, but chose to keep changing to 10000, because Qiang Xin with an orange ring was faster than him.

Hey, hey, hey!

Qiang Xin kept attacking Chang Sheng from all directions, but was blocked by Chang Sheng.

Every time there is a collision, there is a shock wave after another enough to hurt the Morning Star powerhouse.

Although the speed is not as good as Qiang Xin, as a person who owns Morning Star realm, Chang Sheng’s reaction is extremely quick. With this reaction, he blocked Qiang Xin’s successive attacks.

The battle fell into a protracted battle, Qiang Xin gasped violently, and the situation gradually turned against him, because he was not as good as Chang Sheng in the physical strength.

As his physical strength declined, his body’s reaction was not as flexible as before, but Chang Sheng seized the opportunity to knock away the long spear and cut towards him.

Pu chi!

Failing to escape, Qiang Xin had an oblique wound on his chest. Blood leaked from the wound, staining the clothes near the wound red.

Hey, hey, pu!

Continuing to fight, Qiang Xin’s body added new wounds from time to time. Although each wound was not deep, it accumulated a lot of blood, and this also exacerbated his decline.

Pu chi!

The white light blade drove straight in. Qiang Xin, who was in a declining state, could not block it. The light blade pierced Qiang Xin’s abdomen and penetrated deeply, almost piercing Qiang Xin.


Chang Sheng dissipated the white light blade, Qiang Xin fell to the ground immediately, no longer able to fight.

Qiang Xin was carried down to the battle stage, and the audience was silent for a while. No one thought it would be such a result.

Huanggang Base City unexpectedly lost in the battle with Yinchuan Base City, and lost to Yinchuan Base City!

3 Major base cities lost to other base cities. This has not been seen in many years, but it is now.

“It’s lost, Huanggang Base City actually lost!”

“How many years? How many years have there been no base cities outside the three base cities defeating the three base cities?”

Each and everyone was filled with consternation on their faces, and this result was beyond their expectations.

Huanggang base city was dragged down from the altar, and in contrast, Yinchuan base city was on the altar. This was something that no one had expected before.

“Yinchuan Base City…”

Nie Wei, who is No. 1 in the Huake base city list, has a solemn face. For the first time, she felt the threat from Yinchuan base city for the first time.

Although I don’t want to admit it, I have to admit that Yinchuan Base City, which has a record of defeating Huanggang Base City, has been able to threaten Huake Base City.

“It’s not as boring as usual, but did you expect this result?”

Lan Die looked at Qiang Xin who was lifted down to the battle stage, sighing in his voice.

She knows that Qiang Xin’s battle for the top 3 among the three major base cities of Huake, Longpan, and Huanggang has become quite boring.

But I’m afraid Qiang Xin didn’t even think about it. Although boredom was broken, Huanggang Base City was the first stepping stone.

“This year’s Yinchuan base city is too fierce.”

Bai Xue’s lovely face worked hard to maintain dignity, but it didn’t match her at all, and it gave people a feeling of being handsome.

“Be careful, otherwise we may become the second Huanggang base city.”

Lan Die said seriously.

“No, definitely not.”

Bai Xue shook her head again and again, her head shaking like a wave.

“Yinchuan base city has 2 Veteran Morning star battle strength, while Huanggang base city has only one.”

“But we are different. We also have 2 Veteran Morning star battle strength, and have 2 more Morning Star battle strength than them.”

Lan Die laughed and said nothing more.

The Yinchuan base city did give her a lot of pressure, but as Bai Xue said, she did not think that the Longpan base city would lose to the Yinchuan base city.

Although she does not underestimate Yinchuan Base City, she will never be afraid of a battle with Yinchuan Base City because of this. Isn’t this change exactly what she expected?

The next day, the exchange meeting was not held again. After 6 consecutive days of fighting, all the base cities couldn’t help feeling mental fatigue, so they took a day off.

After a lazy sleep, Fang Ping 5 got up to wash up until almost ten o’clock.

Naturally, the breakfast was not available anymore. They left the hotel and found a breakfast shop, which saved Gu Gu’s screaming belly.

When they were full, they began to think about how to spend the time today.

During the battle yesterday, both the body and the spirit were quite exhausted. The cultivation was not suitable, and it was necessary to relax properly.

“Why don’t you go to the Demonized Technology Store. The demonized technology weapons in Huake Base City are very unique.

Hu Ao’er suggested that Fang Ping and the others are both heartbeats, and they are indeed quite curious about magical technological weapons.

Leaving the Monster Countermeasures Department of Huake Base City, hired 2 taxis, and 5 people went to the largest magical technology store.

To look at nature is to look at the best, so they went straight to the largest magical technology weapon shop.

The taxi stopped in front of a shop called “Nie’s Demonized Technology Weapon Store”.

This is a 5-Layer building. The entire building is owned by the Nie’s Demonized Technology Weapon Store. From time to time, you can see people coming in and out of the store.

When 5 people walked into the store, a clerk immediately greeted the 5 people and introduced them.

The 1st floor in the store sells Tier 1 magic technology weapons, and the 2nd floor sells Tier 2 magic technology weapons. Push upwards in turn. The 5th floor sells Tier 5 magic technology weapons.

As for Morning Star’s magical technological weapons, such things, like Morning Star Enchanted weapon, are already extremely valuable Enchanted weapons that are priceless.

Although the Nie’s Magical Technology Weapon Shop has output, it will not be sold publicly, and will only be auctioned regularly by the auction house.

Five people went straight to the 5th floor and saw dozens of counters. In each counter, there was a magic weapon with a sense of science and technology that was exquisite like a work of art.

In the end, others didn’t buy it, but Fang Ping bought a Tier 5 pinnacle magic weapon.

It’s not that he wants to fight with magic technology weapons like the people in Huake Base City, but wants to see if the re-hardening of Mutated Mera Mera no Mi’s abilities is also useful for magic technology weapons.

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