Monster Altar

Chapter 373

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After strolling in Huake Base City for a long time and visiting some unique places in Huake Base City, 5 people returned to the hotel.

Back at the hotel, Fang Ping took out the magical technology weapons he bought.

This is a weapon with a length of about 1.5 metres and a dark red color. It looks very similar to Barrett in his previous life.

On the surface of the barrel, there are many blood-colored patterns, which look extremely exquisite.

Using the Doa Doa no Mi ability, Fang Ping enters the door space, places it on the ground, then releases the golden flame, wraps it, and re-quenches it.

After half an hour, Fang Ping stopped re-quenching.

Picking it up, the shape does not change at all, not even the color. This is expected. The outside will not change. The key is to look at the inside.

He appeared outside the Huake base city, and then he chose a direction at will and walked in that direction.

Soon, he appeared more than 100 miles away from the Huake base, and appeared in the surrounding places where he could see the low mountains from time to time.

Looking at a low mountain that is about more than two hundred meters high and sparsely wooded, he raised the magic weapon that resembled Barrett in the previous life, aimed at the low mountain, and pulled the trigger.


Fang Ping felt that his physical energy had been absorbed a lot, and then a blood-colored rays of light shot out and attacked the low mountain.

Pu chi!

Under the scarlet rays of light, in the middle of the low mountain, a huge circular hole with front and back transparent appeared, with a smooth edge.

And after penetrating the low mountain, the scarlet rays of light still shot forward until it disappeared from the field of vision.

“The formidable power should have reached the Morning Star.”

Staring at this huge circular hole, Fang Ping had a judgment in his mind.

The magical technology weapon he bought, the formidable power is only the pinnacle level of Tier 5, and now the formidable power has reached the Morning Star.

It shows that the re-quenching effect of Muted Mera Mera no Mi’s ability is also effective for magical technological weapons.

“It’s a pity that I don’t plan to make money on this anymore. Otherwise, I can cooperate with Huake Base City.”

Put away the magic weapon, Fang Ping shook the head.

He doesn’t at all want to rely on this idea of 鈥嬧€媘aking money, because the money he needs is not simply a matter of improving the quality of magical technology weapons and making a difference.

Day 7.

First Stage exchange meeting, Huanggang Base City vs. Jiangmen Base City.

After losing to the Yinchuan base, the Huanggang base city was like a chicken blood.

In the third round, Qiang Xin had already played. With just three people dispatched, he had already defeated the Jiangmen base city with three Morning Stars.

In the second exchange meeting, Yinchuan Base City played against Hanting, and Yinchuan Base City won easily.

In the third exchange meeting, Jindao Base City played against Haikou Base City, and Haikou Base City had a 3-game losing streak.

The director of the Haikou Base City team is so worried that he has to grab his hair. I don’t want to win, but the strength does not allow it.

In the 4th exchange meeting, Haoyang Base City played against Nanzhou Base City, and Haoyang Base City easily won.

“In the 5th exchange meeting, Huake Base City played against Longpan Base City.”

With the announcement of the old man, the audience stage became enthusiastic, and everyone was looking forward to this battle.

Both Huake Base City and Longpan Base City have a record of defeating Huanggang Base City, and both have 3 Morning Stars and 2 Veteran Morning Star-level terrifying battle strengths.

In terms of paper strength alone, Huake Base City and Longpan Base City are the top ten base cities.

Therefore, many people believe that the battle between Huake Base City and Longpan Base City will determine the ownership of the first.

Now that the two base cities have encountered each other and the outcome is about to be decided, why not let people look forward to it?

The battle begins.

The first player in Longpan Base City was a man whose hands could turn into a sickle, and the first player in Huake Base City was a man with two guns.

The man with two guns used two guns and defeated the man whose hands could be turned into a sickle.

The second player from Longpan Base City came on the field. It was the woman who had the leopard gene of the Blood Moon monster. Relying on her speed, she defeated the man with two guns.

The second person from the Chemical Science Base City is on the court. It is a woman whose magic technology weapon is a “small steel cannon”.

The woman fused with the Blood Moon leopard gene pounced on the woman in the Huake base city. The woman in the Huake base city held a “small steel cannon” and did not panic until the blood moon leopard gene fusion woman approached.


A huge white net was shot from the gun.

Knowing the characteristics of the women’s Enchanted weapon in Huake Base City for a long time, the women fused with the Blood Moon leopard gene hurriedly avoided.

But it’s one thing to know that you are on guard, it’s another to be able to avoid it.

After evading several times, he was finally caught in the white web, like a prey falling into the spider web, unable to move even a little bit.

The third person from Longpan Base City played. This was a man, a man wearing a yellow windbreaker.

The man could spit out a hot flame from his mouth. Under this kind of flame, the white net was burnt when it appeared, and the Huake base city woman was defeated.

The third person in Huake Base City came to the stage. It was a man. The weapon was a magical technological weapon similar to a machine gun. After he took the stage, he swept wildly with the weapon, and immediately shot out dense beams.

In the end, he was tied with a man who could breathe fire.

The 4th player from both sides played, Longpan Base City, Baixue fused with the Bingyue Fox gene, and Huake Base City, Jinwu ranked second on the list.

His weapon is the left and right hands, two “arms” that almost wrap the left and right hands.

Above the two arms, there is a barrel of weapons, one of which can produce sonic attacks, and the other can bombard a white beam of light.

The two sides fought fiercely, and in the end, regardless of the outcome, it ended in a tie.

Lan Die, No. 1 in Longpan Base City, and Nie Wei, No. 1 in Huake Base City, played.

Lan Die is wearing white tight-fitting combat uniforms and close-fitting clothing, which outlines a seductive curve.

Nie Wei was wearing a full-body armor, and her entire body was wrapped in the armor.

This is a set of blue and white armor, with a streamlined body, which can be recognized at a glance. The armor is a woman.

This is naturally not an armor in the traditional sense, but a magic weapon power armor containing a number of cutting-edge technologies.

There is a power system in it, which can increase the user’s physical ability more than ten times or even dozens of times.

apart from this, it is also inlaid with energy weapons, which is a magical technology weapon that can be used in close, medium and long range.

This is Nie Wei’s proud work, and it was not completely completed until last month.

Nie Wei took the lead in launching an attack. At the position of his left shoulder, a barrel appeared, and a solid purple beam of light attacked Lan Die.

Lan Die’s hands turned into butterfly wings, and the blue mist filled out, encountering the purple beam of light from the attack.

The purple beam of light was turned into blue crystals, shattered and disappeared, and the blue mist spread to Nie Wei.

Nie Wei’s right shoulder also ejected a barrel, and the barrels on both shoulders shot out blue beams of light one after another.

When colliding with the blue mist, it crystallized and shattered, but also consumed the blue mist.

And behind her armor, a pair of purple wings grew, and she also flew into the sky.

After fighting for more than ten minutes, Nie Wei couldn’t avoid it and was contaminated by the blue fog.

Under the blue fog, blue crystals appeared on the surface of the power armor, and more and more, finally formed a huge blue crystal.

Nie Wei was trapped in the blue crystal and couldn’t break free. The Morning Star powerhouse, who served as the referee, announced that Lan Die had won.

This also means that the battle between Huake Base City and Longpan Base City ended in Longpan Base City’s victory.

Day 8.

In the First Stage exchange meeting, Longpan Base City played against Jiangmen Base City, and Longpan Base City dispatched 4 people to defeat Jiangmen Base City.

In the second exchange meeting, Huanggang Base City played against Haikou Base City, and Haikou Base City lost 2 straight.

In the third exchange meeting, Hanting Base City played against Nanzhou Base City, and Hanting Base City won.

In the 4th exchange meeting, the base city of Tsushima played against the base city of Haoyang, and the base city of Tsushima won.

In the fifth exchange meeting, Huake Base City played against Yinchuan Base City.

Obviously, this is a very eye-catching exchange meeting, which is why the organizer will arrange it in the fifth.

The Huanggang base city of the top 3 regulars has already lost to the Yinchuan base city. What about the Huake base city of the first 3 games?

This is a battle worth looking forward to.

If Huake base city beats Yinchuan base city, then Huake base city will be ranked second.

If Yinchuan base city can beat Huake base city, then Yinchuan base city can at least get second.

Of course, people who are not optimistic about the base city of Yinchuan account for the majority. After all, based on paper strength, the base city of Yinchuan is not as good as the base city of Huake.

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