Monster Altar

Chapter 377

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Seeing Lan Die surrender, Fang Ping stretched out a finger with a huge bloody hand and touched Lan Die.

Under the touch of this finger, the purple lines attached to Lan Die disappeared, and Lan Die’s ability was restored.

“Lan Die gave up, in other words, Fang Ping won?!”

On the audience stage, many people looked dull. They thought Lan Die had won, but they didn’t expect such a reversal.

Although they did not know that Fang Ping imprisoned Lan Die’s abilities, they could also tell that Lan Die was at a loss, and Fang Ping gained an advantage in the battle with Lan Die.

“Longpan Base also lost, and Yinchuan Base City won the first place?!”

“I didn’t expect that in this exchange meeting, Huang Gang, Huake, and Longpan would be defeated by Yinchuan Base City one after another, and Yinchuan Base City would actually win the first place!”

Many people sighed that such a reversal really surprised them. They are unceremoniously saying that film and television scripts dare not write in this way, but this kind of thing happened.

The base city of Yinchuan became the biggest dark horse in this exchange meeting, and after a blackout, it defeated Huanggang, Huake and Longpan successively, and won the first ranking.

The first Ranked 1st time fell outside the three base cities of Huanggang, Huake and Longpan.

“How come, Lan Die was actually defeated?”

The seats in Longpan Base City, and the few people in Longpan Base City could not help but look surprised and disbelieved.

The Lan Die, who was so overwhelmed by them and kept ranking first on the list, which they secretly called a monster, was actually defeated.

“Even Lan Die was defeated, that guy is really a monster!”

Bai Xue was crying, her gaze at Fang Ping was full of fear.

Fang Ping, whose appearance is delicate and pretty, has turned into a ferocious-looking monster in her eyes.

“How did it come out?”

Qiang Xin in Huanggang Base City, and Nie Wei in Huake Base City, both looked at Fang Ping with complicated eyes, as if he wanted Fang Ping to come to mind. This is a Peak genius who is by no means inferior to them.

It’s just that they can’t figure out why the other party was unknown before, and didn’t even have a record of attending the exchange meeting.

It stands to reason that based on the strength of the other party, it would be right to participate in the exchange meeting.

“Director Lu, congratulations!”

Many leaders of the base city congratulated Lu Yun.

“Thank you.”

Lu Yun laughed so hard that he could hardly close his mouth.

Although she vaguely guessed that her results this time would not be too bad, she did not expect it to be so good.

It was actually able to win the first place, creating a history unprecedented in the history of Yinchuan base city.

“Originally I thought I was a monster, but after seeing you, I found that you are more worthy of the title of monster.”

To help Fang Ping remove the crystals from the bloody giant hand, Lan Die looked at Fang Ping expression and said complicatedly.

Fire ability, Wind Element ability, physical strengthening ability, space ability, imprisonment ability.

The opponent has at least 5 peak order abilities, and each of them has a level that exceeds the general peak order.

Compared with the other party, she feels that the other party is more like a person who has undergone genetic fusion and acquired a monster gene.

“Uh, Lan Die Young Lady, are you complimenting me or hurting me?”

The receiving ability was released, and the right hand returned to its normal appearance, Fang Ping was stunned.

“Just call me Lan Die, of course, to praise you, and to praise the heavens.”

A smile appeared on Lan Die’s unreally beautiful face, and he turned back to meet the people in Longpan Base City.

After a big battle, everyone in Fang Ping 5 was quite tired, so instead of going out to celebrate, they returned to the hotel instead.

“The bottleneck is loose again!”

After taking a shower, the fatigue was slightly reduced. Fang Ping felt his body slightly, and suddenly realized that the bottleneck had loosened a lot in the battle with Lan Die, and he was one step closer to breaking the bottleneck.

“This kind of high-intensity battle, if there are dozens more games, I am afraid I can really break the bottleneck with this.”

Fang Ping’s eyes light up.

Although the ten base cities have already fought with each other, it does not mean that the exchange meeting has ended.

The exchange meeting has 2 stages.

In the first stage, the ten major base cities compete against each other in a battle.

In the second stage, the younger generations of the top ten base cities will select opponents to exchange and play against each other.

As long as the two sides are interested, they can board the battle stage to fight.

This stage will last for a week. If it is used well, although it is unlikely to allow him to break through, it will also greatly promote the loosening of the bottleneck and shorten the time.

In the depths of the wilderness, there is a magnificent palace on the top of a barren mountain.

The palace is extremely huge, just like the residence of giants. On a seat that is more than ten meters high, sits a young man who looks young but has extremely vicissitudes of eyes, as if experiencing millions of years.

The man’s face has natural golden lines, like a beautiful pattern, giving the man a mysterious temperament.

Suddenly, the terrifying aura came out from the man. It was a more terrifying aura than the Blood Moon-class powerhouse, like a deep prison, like a Demon God coming to the world.


At the same time as the breath erupted, one after another silver chains appeared, densely packed around the man’s body.

These silver chains have complicated blood-colored lines on the surface, which are not patterns, but rune that represents a certain rule, which is the appearance of the power of rules.

One after another cracks appeared on these silver chains, making the silver chains look extremely broken, as if they would all split up and in pieces at any time.

“The strength has decayed to such an extent, you still want to trap me?”

The man’s face showed an expression of contempt, and the black rays of light leaked from him, turning into a mighty force enough to make the Blood Moon powerhouse gradually filthy, and hit the broken silver chain.

Boom, boom, boom!

One silver chain after another broke, and there were fewer and fewer silver chains wrapped around the man.

Finally, with the last crisp sound, all the silver chains entwined with the man broke and disappeared, and the man broke free from the shackles of the silver chains.


The breath of horror was no longer restrained, it broke out, spread to an endless distance, and signaled his return to the world.

“The Lord is restored!”

At the Yingchuan Demonic Human race station, Zong Ling’s expression in the eyes of Zong Ling sitting on the bone seat suddenly became happy and excited.

“Congratulations to the Lord!”

A few thousand kilometers away from the Huake base city, in a Demonic Human race tribe no less than the Demonic Human race in Yingchuan, a middle-aged woman stood up, her eyes filled with enthusiasm, and knelt directly on the ground.

“The Lord has finally recovered!”

A few thousand kilometers away from the base city of Tsushima, in a large Demonic Human race tribe, a man who looks more than 1000 years old, looked in the direction of the man with a pattern on his face, his expression was full of excitement.

“Great, the Lord is restored!”

A few thousand kilometers away from the Haoyang base city, in a large Demonic Human race tribe, a man with eyes like an eagle has an expression of excitement.

One after another, the Demonic Human race tribes may show excitement or crawl on the ground, without exception, they all express excitement.

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