Monster Altar

Chapter 378

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On the first day, Qiang Xin challenged Fang Ping.

As a Peak genius who is not inferior to Lan Die, Nie Wei, and Chang Sheng, he has never played against Fang Ping. Whether it is him or Fang Ping himself, they are quite eager for this battle.


In the battle stage, Qiang Xin stomped the blood-colored long spear in his hand, and a tumbling lava river rushed out and hit Fang Ping.

“Wind Blade.”

Wang Ping’s right hand stretched out, slashing vertically from top to bottom, and a terrifying azure wind blade greeted the lava river.

Pu chi ——

The lava river was split into two halves and broke apart, splashing the battle stage everywhere.

However, under the control of Qiang Xin, the collapsed lava river converged again and turned into a lava river again, tumbling, carrying the terrifying heat, and attacking Fang Ping again.

Wu wu ——

A huge tornado appeared, slammed into the lava river, and collided with the lava river.

The high-speed rotation gave tornado a strong cutting ability, the lava river was shattered, and the hot lava splashed in 4 places.


Qiang Xin remained unmoved, no longer caring about these 4 splashing lavas, but began to continuously create lava rivers attacking Fang Ping.

Pu chi , pu chi , Pu chi!

One lava river after another was defeated, and none of the lava rivers could get close to Fang Ping.

But soon, Fang Ping discovered the anomaly.

The ground of the duel has been filled with lava made by Qiang Xin, a large amount of lava flooded the duel, and his place to stay is almost gone.

Qiang Xin is planning to deal with him in the same way that Lan Die dealt with him.

“Lan Die’s ability really makes me jealous, but I am not afraid of lava.”

Fang Ping did not see any panic on his face, next moment, in the duel, near the ground, a door opened, and the space inside the green door was exposed.

The door leaf is in a low-lying place, and the lava, which is no longer under the control of Qiang Xin, suddenly “crash-bang” to the space inside the door under the action of gravity.

Lan Die’s ability. Because blue mist is a gas, it has poor fluidity and cannot be dealt with in this way, but lava can.

Soon, all the lava flowed into the space inside the door, and the ground of the duel was exposed again.


Judging that lava can’t deal with Fang Ping, Qiang Xin raised the scarlet long spear and rushed towards Fang Ping.

Above the long spear, purple rays of light appear, which is another ability of the scarlet long spear-repulsion, a formidable power that is not inferior to the melee ability of lava.

Before the long spear approached, Fang Ping could already feel the terrifying aura coming.

His facial expression grave, right hand black Busoshoku Haki appeared, and his already extremely strong defense was increased several times.

Then he did not evade and rushed to the long spear.


Fang Ping’s fist collided with the tip of the long spear’s gun, and there was a sound of metal collision.

Oh, pā, pā!

Under the shock wave, the two people retreated again and again.

Where Fang Ping right hand collided with the tip of the gun, there were only a few scratches, and it quickly recovered.

Sage Mode’s powerful recovery ability is very outstanding. Although it is not Undying Body, it is absolutely unusual.

“Really strong defense and recovery capabilities.”

Seeing Fang Ping suffered only a little injury on his hand and recovered instantly, Qiang Xin’s eyes were surprised.

Forcibly stabilize his figure, pounce on Fang Ping again, long spear stabs Fang Ping.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Fang Ping’s fist collided with the tip of Qiang Xin long spear’s gun one after another.

During the battle, one uses the divine speed ability, and the other uses the Enchanted weapon that can increase the movement speed.

The two figures keep colliding together and separating again, fast enough to be dazzling.

However, in terms of speed, even if Qiang Xin has an Enchanted weapon that can speed up its movement, how can it be faster than Fang Ping.


Fang Ping teleported closer to Qiang Xin, and his fist hit Qiang Xin’s abdomen before Qiang Xin hit with a long spear.


Qiang Xin squatted and flew upside down, hitting the defensive barrier and slid down, squatting on the ground with a long spear, bleeding from the corners of his mouth.

Obviously Fang Ping this fist, let him hurt.

In the end, Fang Ping won the battle.

With a variety of peak order abilities, he has obvious advantages when facing opponents with comparable battle strength. Therefore, Nie Wei, Lan Die, and Qiang Xin all lost to him.

If you want to defeat him, unless you are an opponent with extremely special ability, apart from this, you can only defeat him with absolute strength.

On the second day, it was not someone else who sent Fang Ping a match application, it was Chang Sheng.

One of them is No. 3 on the list of Yinchuan Base City, and the other is No. 2 on the list of Yinchuan Base City. However, the two have never played against each other, so Chang Sheng took this opportunity to apply to Fang Ping.

Now that Fang Ping is eager to fight to make a breakthrough, it is natural that those who come are always willing to accept it immediately.


The white light blade spread out, spreading out a few ten meters long, and pierced Fang Ping.

Fang Ping dodges, avoiding white rays of light.

However, the white light blade that spreads a few ten meters long, but with the swing of Chang Sheng’s arm, it cuts towards Fang Ping like a sharp blade several ten meters long.

Fang Ping did not evade any more, and the right hand extended the cyan ray blade to block the white light blade.


The cyan ray blade collided with the white light blade, and they were deadlocked. At the collision, the cyan ray light and white radiance were extinguished.

Next moment, both parties retreat.

However, Fang Ping is a teleport, appearing beside Chang Sheng, cyan ray cutting towards Chang Sheng.

Peng –

Chang Sheng’s left hand extended the white shield to block the cyan ray blade, and the right hand white blade pierced Fang Ping.


Fang Ping teleported to avoid, avoiding the white blade, and attacked Chang Sheng from behind.

Chang Sheng turned around as if he had eyes behind his back, blocking the blow with a white shield.

Hey, hey, hey!

Fang Ping teleported one after another, attacking Chang Sheng, but they were all blocked by Chang Sheng.

Compared with Qiang Xin, Chang Sheng, who is the Morning Star powerhouse, has a faster response speed.


The cyan ray blade collided with the white shield again.

Suddenly, Fang Ping stomped the ground with his left foot, and the ice spread out with Fang Ping as the center, freezing towards Chang Sheng.

The cold ice spread from Chang Sheng’s feet. Chang Sheng quickly broke free of the cold ice, withdrew and retreated, Fang Ping pursued.


Chang Sheng’s movement became no longer flexible because of his freezing feet. He couldn’t avoid it and was slashed by the Azure Wind Blade. A bloody mouth suddenly appeared on his body.

Chang Sheng stabbed at Fang Ping with a white light blade, but Fang Ping had teleported to the other side of Chang Sheng, and attacked Chang Sheng from the other side.

After a long battle, Fang Ping won the battle.

Faced with Fang Ping with multiple peak order abilities and various battle methods, it is difficult to defeat people with equal battle strength. Except for those with special abilities, only those with battle strength beyond him can be absolutely Strength defeated him.

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