Monster Altar

Chapter 379

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On the 3rd day, it was Hong Yi who has a Veteran Morning star battle strength in the base city of Tsushima who applied to Fang Ping for a match.

When they met for the first time, they challenged Chang Sheng to Chang Sheng, only Chang Sheng in his eyes, and Chang Sheng as his opponent.

But now, as Fang Ping’s strength is revealed, Fang Ping has also become his goal.

The result is self-evident, Fang Ping won again.

On the 4th day, Huang Xing, who has a Veteran Morning star battle strength in Jiangmen Base City, challenged Fang Ping. After a fierce battle, Fang Ping defeated him.

On the 5th day, Jin Wu with Veteran Morning star battle strength in Huake Base City challenged Fang Ping. After the fierce battle, he was defeated by Fang Ping.

On the 6th day, Bai Xue, who has a Veteran Morning star battle strength in Longpan Base City, challenged Fang Ping. After a fierce fight, he was defeated by Fang Ping.

Fang Ping wants to use these peer geniuses to sharpen himself and break the bottleneck. These people are not.

Although they don’t have the terrifying Growth innate talent that reaches the extraordinary level like Fang Ping, but as geniuses, their own Growth innate talent is absolutely not bad, and they can naturally benefit from this kind of battle.

Defeating Bai Xue, Fang Ping returns to the hotel.

After 6 days of fighting, his bottleneck was loosened again to a certain extent. If this continues, he believes that the distance breaks bottleneck already not far.

However, it is a pity that the exchange meeting is about to end today, and there is no time for him to fight with more people.

“Now I have found a quick way to break the bottleneck. After I return, I can let Lu Yu and Zuo Gaofeng do sparring exercises for me.”

Thinking of Lu Yu and Zuo Gaofeng, one is comparable to the Veteran Morning star and the other Veteran Morning star, he can’t help being in a good mood.

Ordinary people, even if Peak people like Chang Sheng and Hu Ao’er have the Awakener family background, want a Veteran Morning star powerhouse to do nothing, and keep them as a sparring partner, it is absolutely impossible.

But he is different. Whether it is Lu Yu or Zuo Gaofeng, they are all under his control, and letting two of them do sparring is just a sentence.

After returning, he can go to the base city of Liuzhou and gather two people to do sparring for him until he breaks through Morning Star.

At this moment, he finally realized the benefits of being powerful.

Three waves of people appeared in a temporary open space in the forest outside of several hundred li in Huake base city.

The number of people in each wave has reached more than 20 people. Most of them are restrained and can’t feel the slightest breath. They are one Morning Star powerhouse after another.

And everyone who can feel the breath has the Tier 5 peak breath.

“Ying Shan, I didn’t expect that we still have one day to join hands.”

Among them, the leader is a man who looks 50 years old. The man has strong muscles and bronzed skin, he coldly said.

“I didn’t expect to join you one day.”

The other group of people headed by is also a man in his 50s. The man has eagle-like eyes, so sharp that people dare not look directly.

“The action at this time is personally appointed by the Lord, and is the most important part of the battle to destroy the world. I hope you two will not lose the chain at the critical moment, otherwise, you cannot bear the responsibility.”

The head of the last wave was a middle-aged woman with her hair curled up and looked like a lady. She looked at the two people with warning eyes and said.

“Hmph, you don’t need to say.”

Ying Shan and the other old man are both coldly snorted, but they do not at all refute the middle-aged woman’s words. Obviously, the two of them do not dare to defy the order of the “master” in the middle-aged woman’s mouth.

“When will the attack be launched?”

Ying Shan asked.

“Ten 2 o’clock tonight.”

Said the middle-aged woman.

The relationship between the three people is obviously not good. After the necessary exchanges, they all fell silent, and each took the people back to rest and waited for the time to come.

If someone sees 3 people, they will be immediately surprised. The 3 people are the leaders of the 3 large Demonic Human race tribes Ying Shan, Ao Dong, and She Ji, all possessing the powerful strength of the Blood Moon class.

She Ji will leave aside. Originally, the forces of Ying Shan and Ao Dong were like fire and water, and the relationship was not much better than that between Human Race and Demonic Human Race, but it was this two forces that actually united.

“The bottleneck has loosened a lot again, but unfortunately the time is too short.”

At midnight, the man with mysterious lines on his face walked out of the palace and came outside. The sky was dazzling with stars.


The man rose into the sky and flew straight into the sky.

His speed is very fast, and he has exceeded 20 times the speed of sound.

The violent friction with the air made his surroundings become red, but he was intact, and a light shield protected him from the high temperature.

After a long time, he left the atmosphere and came to outer space.

Standing in space, he was not wearing any protective clothing, but he was fine, as if he was originally a creature that could adapt to the starry sky environment.

He looked at the planet below and saw satellites orbiting the planet one after another.

Shua! hong long!

A red rays of light shot out from his eyes, instantly destroying a satellite dozens of kilometers away from him.

And this is not the end. He floats above the planet, shooting one after another red rays of light in his eyes, one after another satellite, blowing up under the red rays of light, all split up and in pieces, and falling to the ground.

These all are communication satellites are an important means of communication between human base cities, but they have now been destroyed. That is to say, the current Human Race base cities can no longer communicate with the outside world and have become isolated cities one after another.

Just when he attacked the communications satellite, a team of more than 3 people composed of 70 Demonic Human race tribes had approached the base city of Huake and quietly invaded the base city of Huake.

Bang, bang, hong long!

At 2 1 o’clock in the night, loud noises suddenly rang in Huake Base City, and the most dense of them was where the Monster Countermeasures Department was located.

crackle ——

A terrifying shock wave swept across the monster countermeasures department, and all the buildings, including the hotel where Fang Ping was located, were turned into ruins.

Some Awakener were killed on the spot under the shock wave, and some Awakener were buried in the rubble.

“what happened?”

“What happened?”


Among the ruins of the hotel, each and everyone from the top ten base cities drilled out of the ruins, staring in astonishment at the Huake Base City Monster Countermeasures Division, which could see the end and turned into ruins.

Fang Ping and the others, among these people, the lowest strength is Tier 5 Awakener, they are naturally impossible and can’t hold the aftermath. Of course, embarrassment is indispensable.

“Demonic Human race invasion?!”

The five Fang Ping hurriedly joined Lu Yun. The scene before them was so similar to the invasion of the Demonic Human race in the base city of Yinchuan a year ago. They immediately thought of the invasion of the Demonic Human race.

Hey, hey, sou!

One silhouette after another, exuding a fierce aura, rushed towards them, many of them exuded the morning star aura.

“Demonic Human race, it’s Demonic Human race!”

Someone recognized the identities of some of these people and could not help but shout out warnings.

Bang, bang, hong long!

The battle was about to start. Almost everyone was attacked by a Demonic Human race, and some were attacked by two Demonic Human races.

Among them, 4 of them have the strongest breath and may have reached the peak of Morning Star Demonic Human Race. They even went straight to Lan Die, Qiang Xin, Chang Sheng and Fang Ping.

“Fang Ping, Yinchuan Base City.”

The one who stared at Fang Ping was a middle-aged man with severe burns on one half of his face. He looked at Fang Ping with a grin, his right hand turned into a giant claw condensed by blue rays of light, and he patted Fang Ping.

The giant claw is very huge, with incomparable destructive power, the air is strongly squeezed, and the space is full of waves.

Feeling the terrifying power of this claw, Fang Ping did not dare to carry it hard, and immediately prepared to teleport to avoid it, but soon his face changed, and his divine speed ability exploded, and he dodges aside.

The giant claws passed by him dangerously and dangerously, and the strong wind it caused hit his face like a knife.

“Fang Ping, go back to Yinchuan Base City for help!”

Not far away, Lu Yun, who was also fighting a Demonic Human race, shouted to Fang Ping.

The Demonic Human race is clearly prepared, and the strength of Huake Base City is likely to be unstoppable. If Huake Base City falls, the consequences will be serious.

Therefore, Lu Yun asked Fang Ping to teleport back to the base city of Yinchuan and request support from the base city of Yinchuan.

“For help, it’s a pity that he can’t do it.”

The middle-aged hehe with burns on his face sneered.

They have three major Demonic Human race tribes. Apart from the base city of Huake, the target this time is the geniuses of the base cities participating in the exchange meeting. Therefore, the ability of Fang Ping and the others has been investigated clearly.

After learning that Fang Ping has the teleporting ability, he immediately made targeted arrangements and let him, a space shielding ability person, deal with Fang Ping. Fang Ping’s space ability has failed.

“Your spatial ability has failed, right?”

The middle-aged man with burns on his face looked at Fang Ping triumphantly.

Fang Ping’s face is solemn, just as the other party said, his spatial ability has failed.

If he hadn’t seen and heard the domineering foreseeing the future, and foreseeing the failure of his spatial ability, he would probably not have time to escape, if he was ready to use his spatial ability.

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