Monster Altar

Chapter 381

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Hey, hey, pu!

The giant tail hit Fang Ping one after another, and was evaded by Fang Ping one after another.

On the surface, huge cracks suddenly appeared one after another.

After chasing and fleeing, the two sides quickly left the Huake base city and appeared outside the Huake base city.


There was a scalding speed on the face, and he was still above Fang Ping. After several pursuits, the opponent stopped in front of Fang Ping, transformed into a blue giant claw a few ten meters in size, and patted Fang Ping.

Faced with an attack with such a wide coverage, Fang Ping did not have time to evade, and was shot by a giant claw from the ground.

“cough cough ……”

Appearing on the surface, Fang Ping’s mouth overflowed with blood, which was the injury suffered by the blue giant claw slap just now.

Although he was aware that he couldn’t escape immediately, he had wrapped his whole body with Busoshoku Haki to strengthen the defense of the incarnation body.

However, what was encountered was another attack from the Peak Morning Star. Even in Sage Mode, his own defense plus Busoshoku Haki’s defense could not be completely blocked.

“Escape, I see where you can escape!”

There was a man with burns on his face, and he opened his mouth with the body of a monster.


Fang Ping didn’t respond, turned around and ran wildly, his feet flew into the sky like stepping on an invisible ladder.

Since the underground is not good, then from the sky.

“hmph -“

There was a scalded man on his face and he let out a contemptuous smile.

A ring that fits on his sharp claw and can grow bigger as his sharp claw grows, emitting red rays of light.

Then, he was enveloped by red rays of light, flew into the sky, and chased Fang Ping quickly.

Demonic Human race attaches great importance to Fang Ping, Chang Sheng, Lan Die, Qiang Xin and 5 people with Blood Moon level potential genius, second only to Blood Moon powerhouse Nie Jian, 5 people, like Nie Jian, are also regarded as must be eliminated Object.

For this reason, the Demonic Human Race has thoroughly studied the abilities of 5 people, so it has long been prepared for Fang Ping to escape with flying ability.


There was a scalded man on his face covered by red rays of light, turned into a touch of red light, intercepted in front of Fang Ping, and the giant tail lashed towards Fang Ping.

Fang Ping’s figure dropped rapidly, avoiding the giant tail’s lashes, but the giant tail followed him like a shadow, and he drew towards Fang Ping again. Fang Ping dodged one after another, avoiding the giant tail lashes again and again in a thrilling manner.


A blue giant claw with a diameter of several ten meters reappeared. Fang Ping was no longer able to evade. When shot by the blue giant claw, fiercely fell to the ground, smashing a deep hole in the ground.

“Shadow Clone Jutsu.”

Blood spilled from the corner of his mouth again, but Fang Ping refused to wipe it.

With both hands quickly forming seals, three identical Shadow Clones appeared, fleeing in one direction with him.

“There is also the ability to clone…”

The sudden appearance of 3 Fang Pings caused a slight accident to the man with burns on his face, but the accident was only a moment, the next moment, and he responded.

Standing on the sky, from the palm of the giant blue hand, one after another blue rays of light shoots out, like rain, covering all 4 Fang Pings.

Pu chi , pu chi , Pu chi!

As a Shadow Clone, his strength and various abilities are naturally inferior to Fang Ping himself. Soon, three Shadow Clones were attacked and turned into white smoke and disappeared.

“The main body is this!”


The man with a burn on his face quickly chased Fang Ping, and soon intercepted Fang Ping again.

“Can’t escape!”

Fang Ping stopped urgently, and looked at the man with burns on the face in front of him with facial expression grave.

All kinds of escape methods were used, but he still couldn’t escape. Apart from a desperate battle, he had no other way to escape.

Wu wu ——

A huge tornado appeared, like a huge pillar connecting Heaven and Earth, and hit the man with a burn on his face.

Ka-cha !

The man with burns on his face slapped with his blue giant hand, and the tornado ka-cha shattered and collapsed.

The formidable power of the controlling ability of the wind has reached the level close to the peak Morning Star.

However, being close is only close after all, not comparable. After all, there is still a difference in strength from the peak Morning Star.

ka-cha, ka-cha, ka-cha!

The blue giant claw pats Fang Ping, and Fang Ping dodges sideways.

At the place where he was originally, a huge claw print appeared, and there were huge cracks that were bottomless, spreading to the surroundings, spreading to a few hundred to 100 meters away.


Fang Ping quickly approached the man with burns on his face.

His right hand turned into a giant scarlet hand with no scales and no hair to see the muscle outline. Around the giant scarlet hand, a huge purple pattern appeared.

This is naturally the “partial reception. Wang Yuan” of Take over.

Faced with a Morning Star peak powerhouse, his chances of winning are not great, but he does not need to defeat the opponent. He only needs to confine the opponent’s space shielding ability and restore the space ability, and he will be enough to escape.


Seeing Fang Ping’s fist, there was a scalded man on his face. He did not evade, but came with a giant tail lash.

Although Fang Ping’s imprisonment ability was used in the battle with Lan Die, it was not at all noticed, and Lan Die was also not at all publicized, so that the Demonic Human race did not know the news.


The fist collided with the giant tail, Fang Ping was hit and flew out, the right hand became bloody and blood was splashed.

This right hand received from Wang Yuan, a Veteran Morning star powerhouse, is impossible to be the opponent of the peak Morning Star, a man with a burn on his face.

Unstoppable, this is expected.

After smashing a lot of trees and rocks, Fang Ping stabilized his figure.

He is one-knee kneels, looking forward to looking at the man with burns on his face, success or failure depends on this.

“It is!”

There was joy on his face, and there was a scalded man on his face, a huge purple pattern attached to the body that turned into a monster.

He hurriedly said in the heart.

“The ability to imprison space shielding.”

With his thoughts, the purple pattern changed, and more fine patterns were stretched out. These patterns constructed 4 words that didn’t understand the meaning at all.


There was a scalded man on his face, and he made a panic sound.

He saw the huge purple pattern on his body, and he felt that his spatial shielding ability was being constrained by some unknown ability.

He fully mobilized the space shielding ability to impact this invisible imprisonment force.

Ka-cha !

It sounded like the sound of something shattering, and the confinement ability that imprisoned the space shielding ability, accompanied by this crisp sound, quickly retreated and disappeared without a trace.


The joy on Fang Ping’s face disappeared, and the complexion greatly changed, he felt the loss of the imprisonment ability attached to the man who had burned his face.

“How could this be? Does he have the ability to break the imprisonment?”

“No, I’m afraid it’s because his realm is too high, he has exceeded the limit of his imprisonment ability.”

in a flash, Fang Ping guessed the reason, but he couldn’t help but feel colder.

The imprisonment ability is ineffective, and there is no way to survive other than fighting against each other and dividing birth and death.

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