Monster Altar

Chapter 382

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Hong long!

A giant blue claw patted Fang Ping, and the wind roared, and the air rippled violently, as if it was enough to teach the world.

“5th layer Rashoumon!”

It was too late to evade, Fang Ping bit his finger, formed a seal, and then slapped the ground with a palm. Five huge iron gates appeared like evil spirits and resisted Fang Ping.

ka-cha, ka-cha, ka-cha, ka-cha, ka-cha!

Under the blue giant claws, the demon iron gate with strong defenses shattered one after another.

After the 5th evil ghost iron gate shattered, the blue giant claw still failed to disappear, but some power remained.

With the battle strength of the peak Morning Star, the attack, the formidable power, will never be worse than the tail beast jade among the Hokage ninjas.

Therefore, even though the 5th layer Rashoumon has a very strong defense, it still cannot completely block the blue giant claw.

However, the purpose of Fang Ping summon 5th layer Rashoumon is not to block the blue giant claw, but to change the attack trajectory of the blue giant claw.

Pu chi ——

The blue giant claws with residual formidable power passed by Fang Ping, bombarded into the distance, ploughing out a trace that looked like a dry river.


Avoiding the attack of the blue giant claw, Fang Ping right hand slashed, and a huge cyan ray blade with a length of several ten meters appeared, slashing to the man with burns on his face.

Ka-cha !

There was a scald on his face. The man raised a giant claw and slapped it. With a crisp sound, the huge azure wind blade shattered.

As for himself, he pounced on Fang Ping, his bare giant tail, lashing towards Fang Ping.

Fang Ping quickly withdrew and backed away, avoiding the beating of the giant tail, his right hand stretched out like a hand knife, and a cyan ray blade stretched out, cutting to the man with burns on his face.

Although it turned into a monster form, the flexibility of the man with burns on his face was not bad at all. When he moved sideways, he had already avoided the cyan ray blade.

Then, the giant tail flicked like a thick iron rope, lashing towards Fang Ping.

Fang Ping dodged, cyan ray stabbed forward, stabbing the man with burns on his face.

Before being stabbed by the cyan ray blade, the man with burns on his face lifted the sharp claw and slammed it on the cyan ray blade.

The cyan ray blade is shattered, and a thick tail is drawn horizontally towards Fang Ping.


To avoid it, Fang Ping was hit.

Even with the immediate defense of Busoshoku Haki, a bloody wound still appeared on his waist, and blood kept flowing out, staining the broken clothes on his body red.

Gee, gee, gee—

Fully mobilize the self-healing ability of Sage Mode, and the wound heals at a speed visible to naked eye. Except that the clothes are still tattered, the wound is gone, and there is even no scar.


The man with burns on his face rushed again, and a giant claw was drawn towards Fang Ping’s heart.

“Sage art. Gracious Deity Gates.”

Without avoiding, Fang Ping quickly sealed his hands, a huge red building dropping from the sky in a horizontal and vertical direction, and with a bang, it happened to be stuck on the man with a burn on his face.

The invisible pressing force acted on the man with burns on his face, and the giant claws attacked by the man with burns on his face were pressed to the ground.

Ka-cha !

There was a burn on his face. The man was struggling, and cracks appeared on the surface of the red building, which was about to break apart.

Fang Ping pounced on the man with burns on his face, azure’s light blade stabbed the left chest of the man with the body of the burned monster on his face.

He didn’t know where the heart in the form of a monster with a burn on his face was. He could only guess where his heart was based on experience.


The azure blade pierced in the left chest of the man with burns on his face, and blood immediately flowed from the left chest of the man with burns on his face.

At this time, the huge red building was shattered, and the man with burns on his face broke free.

Ka-cha !

There was a scalded man on his angry face. He suddenly slapped Fang Ping with a claw. Fang Ping vomited blood and flew upside down. There were hideous claw marks on his body and his ribs broke.

“It hurt me!”

The man with burns on his face looked at the bleeding wound on his left chest, and his voice was extremely angry.

The left chest is indeed the key position of his heart. Fortunately, his fleshy body has a strong defense. Fang Ping’s attack formidable power is a bit worse, and he failed to penetrate the heart position.


Fully mobilizing Sage Mode’s self-healing ability, Fang Ping’s hideous wounds healed quickly, and the broken ribs healed together again under the push of muscles.

However, the injury has not fully recovered, and a blue giant claw has already slapped him.

Backed hurriedly, still couldn’t help being swept by the blue giant claws, adding wounds to his body and flying backwards.

Hey, hey, bang!

Although possessing extremely amazing self-healing ability, Fang Ping’s injuries were not completely healed under the successive attacks of men with burns on his face.

If it weren’t for him with amazing self-healing ability, he would have died of his injuries by changing someone else.


After being slapped with another claw, Fang Ping fiercely hit a low mountain, and the low mountain collapsed by him.


Kneeling on the ground, Fang Ping spit a mouthful of blood, and there are visceral fragments in the blood.

Regardless of looking at the injuries on his body, he rolled over and rolled to the side.

And where he was originally, a man with burns on his face appeared there, giant claws, and slapped densely packed cracks on the ground.

“Only a few minutes!”

Standing up, Fang Ping looked at the man with burns on his face solemnly.

Under the attack of the man with burns on his face, he was injured one after another, and there was no counterattack.

Except for the man who stabbed and burned his face by surprise at the beginning, he was never able to injure a man who had burned his face.

The situation is extremely unfavorable to him. If this continues, even with Sage Mode’s powerful self-healing ability, he will inevitably die.

Moreover, Sage Mode has a time limit. With his current physical ability, he can hold on for a few minutes at most. After a few minutes, he will quit Sage Mode.

The only good news is that under such a high-intensity battle, Tier 5 peaked to the bottleneck of the Morning Star, which was loosening at a speed much faster than any previous battle. He felt that the Morning Star was getting closer and closer to him.

Either breakthrough or die!

In this situation, only if breakthrough becomes a Morning Star can he have a chance to survive, so for him, either breakthrough or death.


A huge blue giant claw patted him, and he quickly avoided, but he could not help being rubbed by the blue giant claw. A wound appeared on his body and he was flying upside down.

The pants on his body woven with the hair of the Tier 5 monster have turned into cloth strips, and the blood dyed them red.


Without knowing how many boulders were crushed, Fang Ping stopped, bleeding severely, which greatly reduced his physical fitness, but he could not get up immediately.


A blue giant claw chased up, dropping from the sky, and patted Fang Ping.

“Aaahhhh!!!! “

Before he could escape, Fang Ping Busoshoku Haki wrapped his whole body and issued an angry roar.

Vent the anger and anxiety in my heart with voice.

Ka-cha !

It seemed that there was a cracking sound within the body. Suddenly, Fang Ping’s body was turned into a piece of iron, and a large amount of mysterious material poured into him and penetrated into his within the body.

He immediately perceives that the essence of this mysterious substance is the force of nature that he is familiar with and can no longer be familiar with.

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