Monster Altar

Chapter 383

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Hong long!

The purple giant palm fell, and a huge palm print appeared on Fang Ping’s place.

Under the giant palm, the nearby area is densely packed with huge cracks spreading 1000 100 meters.

“cough cough -“

Among the huge palm prints, Fang Ping lay down on the ground, and the impossible to bear spit out a mouthful of blood.

Under the slap of the purple giant palm, he was injured again, but the injury he suffered was much lighter than expected.

Because, in that very short time, his physical fitness has doubled.

The enhanced physical fitness makes his fleshy body defense stronger, and makes him less injured under the purple giant palm.

And the transformation of his body is not over yet, his physical fitness is still improving.

“I don’t believe you are Undying Body!”

Seeing Fang Ping who was injured but not at all dead, the man with burns on his face issued coldly snorted, and the purple giant palm photographed Fang Ping again.


Fang Ping lies in the palm prints, spit a mouthful of blood again.

The man with burns on his face remained silent, and the purple giant claw once again patted Fang Ping.

At this moment, Fang Ping stood up, wrapped the right hand of Busoshoku Haki, and faced the purple giant claw that was photographed, suddenly punched out.

Hong long!

There was a loud noise, and the terrifying shock wave spread.

Ka-cha !

Accompanied by a cracking sound, densely packed cracks appeared on the surface of the purple giant claw, and then the entire surface broke apart, turning into purple rays of light and disappearing.

In the pothole, Fang Ping still kept his right fist bombarding the sky, not at all, adding new injuries during the purple giant claw attack just now.

He blocked this formidable power and reached the peak of the Purple Giant Claw of the Morning Star!

“how come?”

The shocked voice of the man with burns on his face sounded, and he turned into a monster. His small eyes looked at Fang Ping who blocked the purple giant claws in amazement.

The opponent actually blocked his formidable power to reach the peak Morning Star. Doesn’t it mean that the opponent’s this fist’s formidable power also reached the peak Morning Star?

But how is this possible?

According to intelligence, although the opponent’s battle strength is close to the peak Morning Star, there is still a big gap between it and the peak Morning Star.

But what’s going on now, the opponent actually blocked a blow from the peak Morning Star. Could it be that the opponent had been hiding his strength before?

However, judging from the state of the opponent’s previous injuries, it is obviously not like hiding his strength.

In the potholes, Fang Ping suddenly looked at the man with burns on his face.

The transformation of his body has ended, the strength of his body has increased several times, and the realm is firmly in the Morning Star.

Chi, Chi, Chi!

The injury on his body healed quickly under Sage Mode’s self-healing ability. In a very short period of time, the injury on his body has recovered as before.

After reaching the Morning Star realm, his own recovery ability has also been enhanced a lot. With the self-healing ability of Sage Mode, his recovery ability has become stronger.


He jumped out of the pothole and rushed to the man with burns on his face.

In an instant, the speed he showed was not 3 times the speed of sound, not 4 times the speed of sound, nor 5 times the speed of sound, but an extremely exaggerated 6 times the speed of sound.

This speed is nearly twice as fast as that of men with burns on their faces.

In an instant, he appeared next to the man with burns on his face, punch towards the man with burns on his face.


Unexpectedly, Fang Ping could explode with such a terrifying speed. Before the man with a burn on his face could react, he was hit by Fang Ping with a punch.

A penetrating wound appeared on his body, and his huge body flew out sideways, and countless trees and rocks were constantly smashed by him.


Fang Ping did not chase, but stepped back and quickly moved away from the man with burns on his face.

Although the realm has reached the Morning Star, the battle strength is no longer weaker than the peak Morning Star, but the physical strength is extremely exhausted, and the timeliness of Sage Mode is approaching.

In addition, what he should do now is not to fight a man with a burn on his face, but to ask for help from Yinchuan Base City.

Therefore, he decisively withdrew.

Perceiving Fang Ping’s intention, there was a scalded man pursuing him on his face, but Fang Ping today is far faster than him.

After a dozen breaths, the distance between the two people has reached 2 kilometers.

“The shielding of spatial ability disappeared!”

After reaching this distance, Fang Ping immediately felt that the space shielding ability of the man with a burn on his face had no effect on him. Teleportation maho used it and he immediately teleported away.


When he appeared again, he appeared on the top floor of a building in the Monster Countermeasures Division of Yinchuan Base City.

The entire floor was built into a huge suite, some study rooms, bedrooms, offices and other rooms. This is the residence of Director Wei You in the Monster Countermeasures Department.

He was interviewed by the director Wei You once, but now the situation is urgent, he ignores that many, and teleported directly to here.


As soon as Fang Ping appeared teleported, to be precise, as soon as space fluctuation appeared, Director Wei You had already noticed it.

Although he is not a space capable person, in his current realm, his perception has been strengthened to an unusual degree, and he can perceive space fluctuations.

“Director Wei, my name is Fang Ping, and the Huake base city was attacked by several large Demonic Human race tribes. Director Lu asked me to come back for help.”

Without waiting for the director Wei You to ask in detail, Fang Ping has already revealed all the circumstances. Now it is time to race against time. Every additional minute and second wasted, the more casualties in Huake Base City will be.

“What, Huake base city was attacked, why didn’t Yinchuan base city receive a request for help?”

Hearing Fang Ping’s report, Wei You complexion greatly changed and immediately let people contact Huake Base City, but found that the communication signal could not leave Yinchuan Base City at all.

Knowing the reason for not getting help from Huake Base City, he issued an emergency call to summon all the Morning Star battle strength.

“It’s not too late, you send me over first!”

After issuing the summoning order, Wei You said to Fang Ping.

The situation was too urgent. For every second of delay, the Huake base city would become dangerous. He could not wait for others to meet, so he decided to go first.


Fang Ping responded and immediately used Teleportation maho.

“Damn it, really let him escape!”

Where Fang Ping left, there were burns on his face. The man looked a bit unwilling to find 4 places, and finally had to admit the fact that Fang Ping had indeed escaped.

The attack fell short. The most troublesome thing was that this Peak genius possessed space capabilities. At this time, he might have returned to Yinchuan Base City for help.

“The situation must be reported to the leader.”

He immediately prepared to leave and rushed to the battle place of the Blood Moon-class powerhouse to report the situation.


At this moment, the light and shadow flickered, and Fang Ping, who had already left, appeared in his field of vision again.

He smiled and was about to pounce, but when he saw the old man next to Fang Ping, his face paled involuntarily, and he turned and left.

As a senior of the Demonic Human race, he naturally knew something about the Human Race Peak powerhouse, so he immediately recognized the identity of the Wei You Blood Moon powerhouse.


His response is already fast, but no matter how fast he reacts, how can it be faster than Wei You, the Blood Moon powerhouse.

A huge silver cross dropping from the sky, like a mountain, hit him.


The terrifying impact acted on him, and most of his skeleton was shattered, falling to the ground like a puddle of mud.

If it is an ordinary Morning Star powerhouse, it must be dead after suffering a Blood Moon-level powerhouse full strength attack.

However, he is the pinnacle of the Morning Star powerhouse after all. Although he was extremely injured, he was not at all dead.

“He hands it to you, I’ll go and support over there!”

Looking solemnly towards the direction with the terrifying loud noise and the aura of Blood Moon, Wei You said to Fang Ping and hurried over quickly.


Fang Ping hurriedly rushed to the severely injured man who had a scald on his face. The right hand extended the cyan ray blade, fiercely cut to the neck of the monster who had burned the man’s face.


Azure’s wind blade burned the man’s neck on his face, leaving a wound, but it failed to cut off the throat of the man who had burned his face.

Sage Mode has been cancelled and he is temporarily unable to use Sage Mode. His battle strength can only reach the level close to the peak Morning Star.


A bare giant tail lashed at Fang Ping, and a scalded man fought back on his badly injured face.

Fang Ping exploded at a terrifying speed of 6 times the speed of sound, a dodge easily dodged, and the cyan ray blade was cut to the face from the other side, which burned the man’s throat.


The man with burns on his face endured the pain of his whole body and avoided, avoiding the critical point of his throat, and a wound was cut on his side.

Enduring the pain, he staggered to escape.


Fang Ping caught up, azure wind blade once again slashed to the throat of the man with burns on his face, and the man with burns on his face rolled over. While adding another wound to his body, he avoided the critical throat again.

Hey, hey, pu!

Holding a cyan ray blade, Fang Ping attacked the throat of a man with burns on his face one after another, but was evaded by men with burns on his face.

Successive injuries and burns on the face of the man’s injuries became more serious, and his avoidance movements became more sluggish.


The man with burns on his face finally had no time to escape, and was cut across his throat again by Azure Wind Blade.

With blood spattering, the throat of the man with burns on his face was cut open, revealing the cut blood vessels and trachea.


The man with burns on his face fell and his huge body fell down. Although he died immediately, he was clearly on his way to death.

Regardless of the man with burns on his face, Fang Ping teleported back to the base city of Yinchuan and went to pick up the recruited Morning Star powerhouse.

After several consecutive teleports, he sent all the conscripted Morning Star powerhouses to Huake Base City, a total of 3 people, which is now all the Morning Star battle strength in Yinchuan Base City.

Hey, hey, sou!

After arriving, thirteen people rushed to various battlefields. Fang Ping stood on the spot with his hands on his knees, crouching on his body, breathing heavily.

First there was a big battle, and then used Teleportation maho one after another to teleport over a long distance. His energy was almost exhausted and he was no longer able to fight.

“Even with the support of Yinchuan Base City, the situation may not be optimistic!”

Fang Ping felt not at all because he moved to Yinchuan Base City for support.

When escaping from the Monster Countermeasures Division of Huake Base City, he discovered that the Demonic Human Race that invaded this time had 6 Blood Moon-class battle strengths, while Huake Base City had only three.

Even with the addition of Wei You and the Morning Star with a Blood Moon-level Enchanted weapon, the pinnacle battle strength is still inferior, and the situation is still not optimistic.

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