Monster Altar

Chapter 384

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“Maybe it can…”

Fang Ping looked at the man with burns on his face not far away, and walked over.

Although the man with burns on his face was killed by him, the most important reason was Wei You’s full strength attack.

If it is allocated, Wei You should naturally take the majority.

If it is normal, Fang Ping will naturally not take advantage of this kind of advantage, but now the situation is urgent, and one more Blood Moon-class battle strength is needed to insure.

And if he sacrifices with the corpse of a man with a burn on his face, it is possible to obtain an Apex seal and temporarily possess Blood Moon-class battle strength.

Therefore, this is a corpse that has the potential to turn the tide of the battle, and he doesn’t care about that many.


The blood-colored chains appeared, tied to the body of the man with the burn on his face, dragged the body of the man with the burn on his face into the void and disappeared.

Using the Doa Doa no Mi ability, Fang Ping entered the door space to ensure his own safety, and immediately began to sacrifice.


As the body of the man with burns on his face disappeared under the blood flame, the bloody altar was lit up with bloody rays of light for more than ten meters.

Stars in the sky appeared, and one of the golden stars burst out bright golden rays of light, projecting a golden beam of light, and bursting into an old man.

The old man is more than 2 meters tall and tall and straight.

The hair and beard are all white, and the body is full of majesty.

Name: Kokujouji Daikaku

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: very excellent


The power of gold: The powerful ability derived from the Dresden Slate, has the attribute of destiny, and has the ability to maximize human talents.

Fang Ping recognized this cartoon character immediately.

Kokujouji Daikaku, the character in the anime K, the second king, is far stronger than other kings, and is known as the strongest king on the ground.

There is no doubt that this anime character is very strong, not generally strong. As far as the level of strength is concerned, he will definitely not be weaker than the Blood Moon powerhouse, but I don’t know if he can get the other party’s Apex seal as he expected.

At this moment, the majestic voice sounded.

“Get the Apex seal!”


A golden pattern flew towards Fang Ping, landed on Fang Ping’s left arm, and turned into a golden tattoo.

“Really won the Apex seal!”

Looking at the golden tattoo on his hand, Fang Ping looked excited. He was right to bet. He really got the Apex seal by offering a burned man’s body on his face.

He quickly looked at the attribute panel of Kokujouji Daikaku. Apex seal has been obtained and his goal has been achieved. However, the acquisition of ability and innate talent obviously cannot be given up.

“Growth innate talent is just very excellent……”

As the strongest king on the ground, Kokujouji Daikaku only reached the very excellent Growth innate talent, and it seemed that he was not worthy of it.

However, it is not difficult to understand that Kokujouji Daikaku’s second royal power, the golden power, and the attribute of destiny, can maximize human talents.

The opponent must rely on this attribute to obtain the strength far beyond other kingly powers.

“The power of the second kingship golden.”

Looking at the golden power of the other party’s ability, Fang Ping couldn’t help but feel excited, but thought that each and everyone kingship were all short-lived ghosts, and couldn’t help but stop.

“No, the second kingship does not have the Undying and Inextinguishable attribute like the first kingship, but it is not a short-lived kingship either.”

Fang Ping suddenly thought that Kokujouji Daikaku, as the first term of the second kingship, had been in the position for several decades, and finally lived to be more than 2 years old before he died. It was not a short-lived ghost.

This shows that the second kingship is not the same as other kingships. It is not a short-lived kingship. The sword of Damocles is not easy to fall.

“Moreover, now I have discovered that abilities can be replaced, even if the sword of Damocles is about to fall, I can also use other abilities to replace the power of gold.”

Thinking of this, Fang Ping made a decision in his mind and said immediately.

“Choose the power of gold.”


A golden rays of light separated from the illusory shadow of Kokujouji Daikaku and crashed into Fang Ping within the body. Fang Ping immediately felt a new ability.

Originally, the number of abilities had reached the upper limit, but as his realm reached the Morning Star, the upper limit was increased, so not at all replaced other abilities, and he already gained the power of gold.

The Huake base city is in critical condition and has withdrawn from the sacrifice space. Fang Ping has no time to feel the newly acquired abilities, and has already started to use Apex seal.

“Shadow Clone Jutsu.”

He first used the technique of invisibility to separate a Shadow Clone, and then he used the Body-Transformation Technique to become a strange man wearing blue and white armor, silver gloves on both hands, and black cloak behind his back.

This man was exactly what he changed from the last time the base city of Yinchuan was attacked. He decided to use this identity as a vest, and use this vest when it is not convenient to come forward.


The Kokujouji Daikaku Apex seal is activated, and the originally fragile Shadow Clone, under the perfusion of Kokujouji Daikaku’s peak strength, has changed its essence and turned into a normal lifeform.


Fang Ping rushed towards the direction where the battle was the most dynamic in his perception, which was the Blood Moon-class battlefield.

Bang, bang, hong long!

The shock wave of horror spreads in a circular shape. A total of 5 Blood Moon-level battle strengths in Huake Base City plus Yinchuan Base City are fighting 6 Blood Moon-level battle strength Demonic Human races.

Five people in Huake Base City and Yinchuan Base City were all injured, especially 5 people in Huake Base City, and their injuries were not minor.

Of the 6 Blood Moon-class battle strength Demonic Human race, only 2 people had injuries, and the injuries on their bodies could only be considered minor injuries.

Obviously, 6 Blood Moon battle strength Demonic Human race are dominant.

This is not difficult to understand. Even with the addition of the two Blood Moon-level battle strengths in Yinchuan Base City, the Demonic Human Race still dominates the number, even more how. Before Yinchuan Base City’s support arrived, the 2 Huake Base City had already The injury was serious.

“What if the Yinchuan base city has arrived? You are still going to die, not only you are going to die, they are going to die too!”

A petrified ray came out of her eyes, petrifying a pillar of light struck by Nie Jian, She Ji said proudly.

The rescue in Yinchuan Base City was indeed beyond expectations, but it was still under control, and it was still them who had the advantage.

“Before you die, I will drag you to die together.”

Wearing a damaged power armor, Nie Jian pounced on She Ji.

Hey, Shua!

She Ji’s eyes shot out 2 petrified light to block, so she didn’t dare to carry it hard, Nie Jian quickly avoided.

“Only you who have been seriously injured?”

The petrochemical rays of light came out one after another in the eyes, blocking Nie Jian from approaching, and She Ji sneered disdainfully.

Nie Jian, who was seriously injured, is now an arrow at the end of its flight, and it is impossible to drag her perish together.

“None of you can live. Unless there is another Blood Moon level coming, the 5 of you will all die here today.”

The number is superior, and in addition to the fact that 5 of the 3 opponents have been seriously injured, she is confident that she can destroy 5 people at the cost of no casualties.

“Plus me?”

A voice sounded, and Fang Ping Shadow Clone, covering the golden rays of light, rushed to the Blood Moon-class battlefield.

“Are you the one who appeared in Yinchuan Base City last time…?”

Seeing Fang Ping’s changed face, She Ji recognized Fang Ping, and her voice was solemn.

For Fang Ping, the Blood Moon-level powerhouse that once appeared in Yinchuan Base City, the Demonic Human Race naturally collected relevant information, so she recognized it at a glance.

Originally it was just a casual talk, but I didn’t expect that there would actually be another Blood Moon powerhouse.

“Your Excellency, it’s great that you can come here!”

Compared with the dignity of the Demonic Human race, the five people in Huake Base City and Yinchuan Base City were happy, and Wei You was even more sighed in relief.

Before rescuing the Huake base city, he didn’t think about contacting the “Blood Moon powerhouse” living in Yinchuan base city, but unfortunately, he didn’t at all contact information.

Originally thought that the other party could no longer rush, but did not expect that the other party actually rushed over magically.

“I’ll deal with him, I’ll see if he really has a Blood Moon realm like the rumors!”

Ao Dong made a sound and culled to Fang Ping.

Many people in the Demonic Human Race are skeptical about the strength of Fang Ping, the “Blood Moon-class powerhouse” that appeared in Yinchuan Base City. After all, there has never been a record of shots before, and this person cannot even be found. .

Stinging –

The huge mouth opened, and the hot breath turned into a pillar of terror, attacking Fang Ping.

Fang Ping’s complexion remained unchanged when the attack struck. This is not the first time he has confronted a Blood Moon powerhouse, and he believes that Kokujouji Daikaku’s peak strength will never be weaker than the Blood Moon powerhouse.


Sacred Domain was launched, and the sky above the head, the sword of Damocles appeared. It was a giant sword with a golden body and a gem inlaid on the hilt.

In the night sky, it is as dazzling as a golden sun.

With the appearance of giant sword, terrifying aura, not inferior to Blood Moon powerhouse, is revealed from Fang Ping.


Before hitting Fang Ping, the fiery breath was blocked by a golden barrier centered on Fang Ping.

This is a defensive cover launched by Sacred Domain as a medium, with extremely strong defense.

Before Ao Dong continued to attack, Fang Ping raised his hand, and the right hand was wrapped in golden rays of light. The golden rays of light stretched out for a full 100 meters, from top to bottom, cutting towards Ao Dong.

Ao Dong wrapped the sharp claw with red rays of light and lifted the sharp claw to resist.


The red rays of light on Ao Dong’s sharp claw collapsed, and Ao Dong turned into a huge body of a monster, which was smashed back and forth.

Above the sharp claw, a clear wound appeared, and blood flowed from the wound.

“How could it be so strong?”

Ao Dong was shocked suddenly, and he was already injured in the first match.

The opponent’s strength not only reached the Blood Moon level, but was also too strong, even above him.


Surrounded by golden rays of light, Fang Ping chased to Ao Dong who was retreating, and suddenly punched Ao Dong.

Not daring to carry it hard, Ao Dong hurriedly avoided Fang Ping’s attack, and then lashed towards Fang Ping with a giant tail full of hard scales.

Peng –

Fang Ping did not evade, the giant tail was blocked by the golden barrier before hitting him, and he was punched out the golden beam of light, attacking Ao Dong at close range.

At such a close distance, Ao Dong did not have time to evade. He was struck by a golden beam of light, and a blood hole appeared on his body.

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