Monster Altar

Chapter 385

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Fang Ping chased Ao Dong, and Ao Dong climbed up, dripping blood from the wound, staining the ground beneath him red.


He roared in pain and anger, and his fiery breath attacked Fang Ping who was chasing after him.

Hong long!

Fang Ping wrapped the golden rays of light with his fist, exploded the hot breath with one punch, and continued to quickly approach Ao Dong.

Stabbing, stabbing, stabbing——

Ao Dong exhaled one after another hot breath, which was a terrorist attack that was enough to destroy the mountain range, but even so, he couldn’t help being blown by Fang Ping one after another.

“really strong !”

Seeing the sturdy battle strength displayed by “Fang Ping”, the faces of people in Huake Base City and Yinchuan Base City could not help showing shock and joy. The battle strength of “Fang Ping” not only reached the Blood Moon level, but also exceeded Generally, Blood Moon, this can be said to be too good news.

Even Wei You couldn’t help being slightly surprised. He felt that the battle strength shown by Fang Ping this time was stronger than the previous one, and he didn’t know whether there was a breakthrough during this period or the last time he had reservations.

“Ao Dong——”

Compared with the surprise of Wei You 5 people, the Demonic Human race can’t help but worry, and Ao Dong is obviously at a disadvantage.


One of them is a Demonic Human race with a Blood Moon-class Enchanted weapon. He is from the same large Demonic Human race tribe as Ao Dong, and when he wants to rush to support Ao Dong.

“Think about it, and asked me if I did.”


A man wearing golden gloves in both hands blocked his way and hit him with a punch, forcing him to face him with the Blood Moon-class Enchanted weapon in his hand.

As an opponent, a man wearing a golden glove with both hands would naturally not allow the opponent to leave him and go to support Ao Dong.


After smashing several hot breaths in succession, Fang Ping approached Ao Dong, with a golden light blade extended in his hand, slashing towards Ao Dong.

Ao Dong avoided, but could not completely evade, the golden light blade slashed across his back, and a deep wound of several meters long appeared on his back.

Ao Dong, who was in pain, slapped his giant tail and hit Fang Ping, but was once again blocked by the golden barrier.

And taking this opportunity, Fang Ping made a deep wound on Ao Dong’s body.

Ao Dong went mad, biting Fang Ping with his ferocious mouth, and planned to swallow Fang Ping in one bite. The stench was so foul, as if he hadn’t rinsed his mouth in several decades.

Fang Ping raised his fist and bombarded, bombarding Ao Dong’s huge white teeth.

Ka-cha !

Accompanied by a crisp sound, several huge teeth fell, and Ao Dong’s mouth flew upside down with blood.

Under the impact of Aodong, a low mountain all split up and in pieces opened, and rubble splashed everywhere.

Ao Dong struggled to stand up, but as soon as he stood up, a golden beam of light had already attacked him.

He evaded in embarrassment, but still could not help being rubbed by the golden beam of light, the scales fell off, and a small piece of flesh disappeared, drenched with blood.


Fang Ping caught up and hit Ao Dong’s stomach with a punch. A hideous wound appeared on Ao Dong’s stomach, with bones faintly visible.

Injured one after another, Ao Dong’s injuries intensified and turned into serious injuries.

Ao Dong already felt bad, avoiding Fang Ping, and wanted to cooperate with other Demonic Human race.

However, every time he was stopped by Fang Ping.

“Ao Dong——”

The other Demonic Human races all noticed that Ao Dong’s situation was not good, and they wanted to get rid of their opponents and rescue Ao Dong.

However, their opponents would naturally not allow them to intercept with all their strength, or even fight to intercept with injuries.

Ka-cha ——

Fang Ping bombarded Ao Dong with another punch. This time he bombarded the previous wound.

Accompanied by a crisp sound, Ao Dong’s skeleton within the body shattered, and the internal organs within the body were shattered under the violent attack. One of them was the heart.


Ao Dong’s huge body suddenly froze, and then fell heavily to the ground, splashing dust.

not at all died immediately, his body twitched, and blood kept flowing from all over his body.

If he possesses some extremely powerful self-healing ability, he might be able to survive, but it is a pity that he is not at all.

“Withdraw, withdraw!”

Seeing Ao Dong fell to the ground, obviously not far from death, She Ji’s voice was full of panic.

Demonic Human Race has only 5 Blood Moon-level battle strengths, while Human Race has 6 Blood Moon-level battle strengths, and one of them is stronger than the average Blood Moon-level.

The situation became unfavorable, so she decisively ordered the retreat.

Hey, hey, sou!

Five people from She Ji broke out one after another towards the direction away from the base city of Huake.


“Don’t let them run away!”

Naturally, the 6 Fang Ping would not allow them, and they chased the 5 She Ji who had fled.


A white light attacked a Demonic Human race holding an Enchanted weapon holding an axe.

Perceiving the attack behind him, the Demonic Human race changed color, and quickly dodged to the side, avoiding the white light dangerously.

But at the next moment, another golden beam of light struck him directly, and it was too late to escape.

He turned around, an earth-yellow halo bloomed on the axe, facing the golden beam of light.

Peng –

The earth-yellow halo above the axe shattered, and he backed back under the golden beam, and wounds appeared one after another on his body.

Blocking the blow, he turned around to continue to escape, but at this time, Fang Ping had already turned into a golden light, blocking his way.

He hurriedly turned around and fled in the other direction, but soon, a woman wearing a damaged power armor and a serious injury appeared in that direction.

“Fuck off!”

He slashed at the woman with an axe in his hand, and the woman met with a fist, but because of the serious injury, he slashed with an axe.

With joy in his heart, he immediately prepared to flee in this direction. Suddenly, he felt a swift sound of sharp blades coming from behind him.

He hurriedly turned to avoid, rolling on the ground regardless of his image.


However, he still couldn’t escape, a golden blade of light cut over him, half of his arm was cut off, and blood gushed from the wound.

After all, it was only the peak of the Morning Star, with the help of Blood Moon-class weapons to have the Morning Star battle strength. The defense of the fleshy body was not strong. Facing the attack of the Blood Moon level, it could not be prevented at all, so the arm was directly cut off.

“Aaahhhh!!!! “

Holding an axe in his hand, the Demonic Human race screamed, and looked at Fang Ping who had cut his arm in horror, his eyes full of fear.

“shua ——”

Fang Ping expression is indifferent, turning the golden sharp blade in his hand, once again slashing towards the Demonic Human race holding the axe.

Holding an axe in hand, the Demonic Human race dodges in a panic, which is worthy of avoiding the golden blade.

But at this moment, the woman wearing the damaged power armor arrived and hit the Demonic Human race chest with an axe in her hand.

ka-cha, Pu chi!

The ribs shattered, the sound of the heart being penetrated sounded, and the woman’s metal fist penetrated into the chest of the Demonic Human race holding the axe, penetrated the skeleton, and smashed the heart.

“Do not……”

Holding a tiger head, Demonic Human race fell to the ground unwillingly. After falling to the ground, his body turned into a huge monster with two sharp horns like scimitars.

He was killed under the cooperation of Fang Ping and a woman wearing a damaged power armor.

The woman in the damaged power armor picked up the axe and looked at Fang Ping.

“Your Excellency, I will keep this axe for the time being. I will discuss with you how to distribute it later?”

Holding an axe in the Demonic Human race, although she was beheaded by her, Fang Ping had at least half of its power, so Fang Ping’s share was of course included.

“Okay, I’ll talk about it later.”

Fang Ping nodded, not afraid that the other party would take possession of it, and forgive the other party for not having the guts to take his “Blood Moon powerhouse”.

Two people looked for other Blood Moon-level battle strength Demonic Human race, but found that they had lost the trace of other Blood Moon-level battle strength Demonic Human race.

The battle time for besieging the Demonic Human race with a hand-held axe is not long, but this time is enough for other Blood Moon-class battle strength Demonic Human race to escape their vision and range of perception.

Hey, sou!

The two people each chose a direction, with amazing murderous intention in their eyes, and rushed to other places.

Although the remaining 4 Blood Moon battle strength Demonic Human races have escaped, there are quite a few Morning Star Demonic Human races around.

Half an hour later, the Demonic Human race had escaped. Of the remaining 4 Blood Moon Demonic Human races, one was killed and 3 escaped. Fang Ping and the others returned to Huake Base City.

Because apart from the initial battle, the time consumption was not violent later, Fang Ping’s Apex seal has not dissipated, and of course the distance dissipated is already not far.

Rough statistics came out very quickly, leaving aside the matter of Hua Technology, there were casualties in all major base cities that came to the competition.

In the Yinchuan base city, Lu Cao was killed in battle and Chang Sheng was seriously injured and nearly died.

Originally, Xiang Qiu should also be inevitable, but with the “9 lives” ability, he deceived the Demonic Human race and escaped.

“Your Excellency, how do you assign this Blood Moon Enchanted weapon?”

Nie Jian found Fang Ping Shadow Clone, which was still in Apex seal status, and asked very politely.

The situation at this time is very critical, otherwise he would not give the order to abandon the Huake base city and disperse and escape.

And if Fang Ping and Yinchuan Base City had not supported 3 Blood Moon-level battle strengths, the collapse of Huake Base City would be inevitable. He was very grateful for Fang Ping and Yinchuan Base City, so he gave Fang Ping the right to choose.

“The two sides cooperate to kill, then each person gets half, the Blood Moon level Enchanted weapon belongs to you, and the body belongs to me. I am interested in your power armor, and the rest will be replaced with other power armors of the Peak Morning Star.”

Fang Ping Shadow Clone thought about replied.

Although he is now the Morning Star, he is just a newcomer to the Morning Star after all, and he is not enough to drive the Blood Moon class Enchanted weapon.

The most important thing is that all his net worth is not half the value of a Blood Moon Enchanted weapon.

And the reason why he asked for the other power armor of the Peak Morning Star is to re-harden and improve the quality after the realm is enough in the future, and upgrade its quality to the Blood Moon level.

Then, Fang Ping Shadow Clone looked at Fang Ping.

“Give him everything and let him keep it for me temporarily.”

“He”, who was originally in Yinchuan Base City, has now been highlighted here. The fact that “he” is related to Fang Ping is already obvious, and “he” is simply and generously revealed.

Sure enough, upon hearing “he”, the Yinchuan base city all showed the color of “it really is.” Obviously, “he”‘s words confirmed their guess.

“Send me back.”


Fang Ping replied, and hurried away with the Shadow Clone using Apex seal.

Almost the next moment after returning to the base city of Yinchuan, the Apex seal disappeared, and accordingly, the unique breath of the Blood Moon powerhouse disappeared.

If it takes a few seconds longer, I am afraid that some people will have to judge his true identity from his breath.

“It seems that in the future we have to prepare an Enchanted weapon that can hide and change the breath.”

Lifting the hidden clone, Fang Ping thought.

Apex seal is such an unconventional force, if he uses it himself, it is bound to be difficult to explain.

But handing the Apex seal to the “Blood Moon-class powerhouse” to use it as a powerhouse can solve this problem well.

Therefore, he must maintain this identity, and use Enchanted weapon to hide and change his breath to avoid being aware of his true identity by the Awakener who is good at breath.

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