Monster Altar

Chapter 395

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When Fang Ping returned to the place where he fought with the Morning Star Demonic Human race, Jin Li’s battle with the middle-aged Icelandic tribal woman Lu Yan has ended, and the five Morning Star Demonic Human races have been moved together by Jin Li and Zuo Gaofeng.

I have to say that I am truly ashamed of the Morning Star Demonic Human race. The 4 people who were seriously injured by him just now, although they were extremely injured, were not at all dead.


One after another, scarlet chains appeared, binding 5 people, and disappeared without a trace.

On a trip to Yinchuan base city, Fang Ping reported the situation to the director Wei You.

“3 Veteran Morning star battle strengths and 2 normal Morning Star battle strengths. This is probably a combination of 2 medium-sized tribes.”

Wei You glanced at Fang Ping unexpectedly, slightly surprised, not too surprised.

Before the Morning Star realm, Fang Ping already had the Morning Star battle strength close to the peak. Now that the realm reaches the Morning Star, it is inevitable to have the peak Morning Star battle strength.

With the peak Morning Star battle strength plus a Veteran Morning star and a regular Morning Star, it is inevitable to be able to defeat 3 Veteran Morning stars and 2 regular Morning Stars. The only accident is that none of the 5 people can escape. .

Of course, if he knew that Fang Ping 3 had already swept 5 people in just a few minutes, he would not be so calm.

“In a short period of time, I have encountered two consecutive Demonic Human race attacks. It seems that the base city of Mingzhou has been targeted. Do you need support?”

“No need to.”

Fang Ping shook his head. He can still cope with the current situation. There is no need to seek support. After all, there is a shortage of manpower.

Moreover, if someone else comes, he cannot monopolize the spoils of war.

Seeing Fang Ping’s refusal, Wei You didn’t say any more. He knew that Fang Ping had a Blood Moon powerhouse behind him. The support of that person was more effective than any support.

After the report, Fang Ping returned to the base city of Mingzhou.

Naturally, the previous villa could no longer live in it. In the previous battle, it had disappeared entirely, and many buildings in the surrounding area had disappeared.

Fortunately, this villa is in a sparsely populated place, and Fang Ping deliberately controlled it to guide the formidable power to the sky, so not at all casualties occurred.

Let the Monster Countermeasures Department of Mingzhou Base City arrange that Fang Ping 3 people live in another hidden place, still let Jin Li be on guard, Fang Ping enters the sacrifice space.

Use Please don’t die to heal the injuries of Xiong Dali, Sai golden flower, and Hualing, and use the control of other gods to eliminate memories. After sending out the sacrifice space, Fang Ping looks at the remaining two Demonic Human races.

The middle-aged woman, Lu Yan, did not at all die because of Jin Li’s retention. Miao Qi was still alive. Of course, she was still alive and could die at any time.

Fang Ping’s current realm is only new to Morning Star. The normal version of the other gods cannot affect the Veteran Morning star, and the enhanced version of the other gods cannot be used. Even if it can be used, he is also impossible to use a trifling Veteran Morning star.


He directly sacrificed to Miao Qi. Before the seriously injured Miao Qi even screamed, he was already turned into ashes under the blood flame.


A black beam of light descended, turning into a weird-looking man.

The man wears a black and white mask, a black kimono-like costume, and a white robe.

Name: Mayuri

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: very excellent

Death God innate talent: very excellent

Scientific research innate talent: extraordinary


Ashisogi Jizō: Zanpakuto is highly poisonous.

“It’s just an illusory shadow and is not true person!”

Fang Ping looked carefully, and regrettably found that what he saw was only the illusory shadow of the anime character, and is not true person, and failed to offer a take out daoist.

Mayuri, Captain of the 2th Division 2 of the anime Death God, the director of the 1nd Generation Technology Development Bureau, a person who has extremely high innate talent and is called a mad scientist.

The extraordinary level of scientific research innate talent also shows that the opponent’s innate talent in scientific research is high.

“Currently anime characters have Growth innate talent, Death God innate talent, scientific research innate talent, and ability Ashisogi Jizō. Do you choose one kind of acquisition?”

The majestic voice sounded.

“Choose Ability Ashisogi Jizō.”

Instead of choosing an extraordinary level of scientific innate talent, Fang Ping chose the ability Ashisogi Jizō, which is the Zanpakuto owned by the opponent.

The extraordinary level of scientific research innate talent, although it looks great, is not a scientific researcher after all. After obtaining it, it is not very useful, on the contrary, it is not as good as Ashisogi Jizō.

“The sacrificer already possesses similar abilities and is able to merge them!”


A black rays of light penetrated into the Zanpakuto that Fang Ping hung around his waist. Zanpakuto was wrapped in black light and disappeared after a while.

Fang Ping pulled out Zanpakuto and found that the subtle changes in Zanpakuto’s appearance, and the biggest change is the color, which has changed from the original bright white to black.

Putting Zanpakuto under his scabbard, he looked at his attribute panel and found the Zanpakuto column.


Combining Zanpakuto Haineko, Zanpakuto Senbonzakura, Zanpakuto Ashisogi Jizō, an enhanced version of Zanpakuto is formed, with 3 kinds of Zanpakuto characteristics, and the formidable power becomes stronger.

“Should be able to reach the high order level of peak order ability, right?”

Previously, Zanpakuto’s formidable power was originally the middle order level of peak order capabilities. Now, it integrates the third Zanpakuto, and it is a high-quality Zanpakuto. Zanpakuto’s formidable power should be enhanced again.

Fang Ping estimates that Zanpakuto’s formidable power should have reached the high order level of peak order capability. The level of the high order level in the high order level will only be understood after the actual test.

Looking at the middle-aged woman Lu Yan, Fang Ping stepped forward and gave her a last knife to kill her, causing her to have cause and effect with herself and sacrifice again.


A blue rays of light descended and turned into a young woman with blue long hair.

The young woman is tall, wearing a white women’s military uniform and a white military cap with a cross pattern on her head.

Name: Ace Desi

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: extraordinary

Taijutsu innate talent: very excellent


The essence of the devil: formidable power A powerful ice emperor with powerful ice abilities.

“Super S Queen Ace Des…”

Fang Ping looks at this anime character illusory shadow.

Ace Des, the character in the anime Slashing the Crimson Eye, its ability means that the emperor possessed by him possesses extremely powerful ice abilities, as well as 2 hidden abilities.

One is Mokobotem, and the second is Binglan Great General.

Ice Lan Great General, this is a special trick specially used for group battles. It can create a powerful ice Knight with battle strength, and can store energy through accumulation for use at critical moments. It can be used as a big move or used Replenish consumption.

Mokobotimo, a special move that can freeze time and space, has the disadvantage of short duration, can only be activated once a day, and it is not unbreakable.

Tazmi in the anime Slashing the Crimson Eye once relied on the evolved evil spirit to break the effect of time and space freeze.

Fang Ping estimates that if the opponent’s strength exceeds his own too much, this freezing effect should be able to be broken.

“Currently anime characters have Growth innate talent, Taijutsu innate talent, and the essence of the demon of ability. Do you choose one kind of acquisition?”

The majestic voice sounded, Fang Ping immediately chose the essence of the demon of ability, after all, the opponent had this ability.

Moreover, the 2 hidden abilities possessed by the opponent’s ability are very useful.

Moko Botemo, let’s not say that it can freeze time and space. This ability is simply a bug-like existence. Another hidden ability, the Great General, Ice Lan, is also very practical.

Not only can it be used for group attacks, but the most important thing is that it can store energy for use at critical moments.

With the continuous improvement of Fang Ping’s ability level, Fang Ping’s battle strength is getting stronger and stronger, but a drawback has also emerged, that is, the continuity of battle strength is getting worse.

After all, the more powerful the ability, the greater the consumption of body energy when used.

The Binglan Great General’s ability can store energy for use at critical moments, not only as a big move, but also greatly improving the continuity of his battle strength.

“The sacrificer already possesses similar abilities and is able to merge them!”

A blue rays of light crashed into Fang Ping within the body. Fang Ping felt his body was slightly cool and then returned to normal. He looked at the attribute panel, looking for the ice-related abilities, and the new ice abilities fused were discovered by him.

【Ice Ability】

The powerful ice attribute ability formed by the fusion of multiple ice abilities, possesses 2 special abilities of Moko Botemo and Great General Ice Lan.

Yingchuan Demonic Human race station.

“Lord Zong Ling, one day ago, the Obsidian Tribe and the Ice Tribe joined forces to attack the base city of Mingzhou, but they encountered Fang Ping and were destroyed by Fang Ping and two other Morning Stars.”

“None of the five Morning Stars managed to escape. Fang Ping has broken through the Morning Star realm, and the battle strength has reached the peak Morning Star.”

A man wearing black clothed appeared from the shadow, one-knee kneels said in front of Zong Ling.

“Already breakthrough Morning Star? And also have the peak Morning Star battle strength?”

Zong Ling frowned, after the Chang Sheng breakthrough, Fang Ping also broke through the Morning Star realm, and as soon as the breakthrough had already had the peak Morning Star battle strength, this is not good news.

“According to reliable sources, Fang Ping should be still in the base city of Mingzhou, but it is hidden.”

Wearing a black clothed man, he continued.

“How dare you stay in the base city of Mingzhou, courage is not small.”

Zong Ling coldly snorted.

“Let Dark Crow go!”

“Let Dark Crow take the shot? Yes, I’ll tell you.”

Wearing a black clothed man, he was slightly surprised, and Dark Crow related information could not help appearing in his mind.

Dark Crow, the young genius of the previous generations of the Yingchuan Demonic Human race tribe, its innate talent is also above the 5 geniuses of this generation of the Yingchuan Demonic Human race.

Less than 50 years old, it is now the peak Morning Star realm. The speed of realm and strength has broken the history of the Yingchuan Demonic Human race tribe.

Coupled with the reason that the body is also known for its strong ability in the peak order ability, today’s battle strength has reached the third stage of the morning star, and is catching up to the Blood Moon level.

Although Fang Ping also has the peak Morning Star battle strength, it is absolutely impossible to be Dark Crow’s opponent. After all, the strength of Dark Crow is already close to the Morning Star peak of Blood Moon’s Third Stage.

Moreover, he also knew that Dark Crow had an ability called “Psychological Boundary”, which was very suitable for assassination. Fang Ping might have been assassinated without even having a chance to fight back.

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