Monster Altar

Chapter 396

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Inside the door, Fang Ping pulled out Zanpakuto and then sank it into the ground.

One after another black giant sword rose from the ground, and then shattered and turned into 100000000 million black sharp blades, which quickly revolved around Fang Ping, filling the entire door space like a huge black tornado.

Fang Ping followed beckoned, and a black blade floated in front of him, the color of pure black, even the blade was black.

With his connection with Zanpakuto, he immediately understood that the poison attached to the surface of the black blade was poisonous enough to kill the Morning Star powerhouse.

In the past, Zanpakuto’s formidable power was mainly reflected in the physical destructive power of 100000000 million sharp blades, but nowadays, it is highly toxic.

Once scratched by a sharp blade, the body will inevitably be severely poisonous, and once the body is severely poisonous, the opponent’s ability to move will inevitably deteriorate and the battle strength will inevitably be greatly reduced.

With its highly toxic, Zanpakuto’s formidable power is undoubtedly a higher level, and it is inevitable to reach the high order level of peak order.

Putting Zanpakuto away, Fang Ping continued to test the second ability that changed.

Ka ka ——

The cold was raging, and icebergs rose from the ground one after another, and the entire space inside the door instantly turned into a World of Ice and Snow.

“Ice Knight.”

The shape of the ice changed, and a large number of cavalry appeared. They were riding strong horses and holding a sharp ice long spear, and the whole body was cold.

“Attack me!”

Fang Ping issued an order to one of the ice knights. This ice knight clamped his horse on his legs, turned his direction, and ran towards Fang Ping.

The sharp ice long spear in his hand, pierced the air with a lot of momentum, and pierced Fang Ping.


The pierced ice long spear was clamped by Fang Ping’s 2 fingers, and it was difficult to get in any inch. The cold air above the long spear could not affect Fang Ping.

“There should be a Tier 5 Awakener level.”

Feeling the impact uploaded from long spear, Fang Ping came to a conclusion.

Every Ice Knight has Tier 5 Awakener level strength. Although this strength can’t be considered compared to Fang Ping, it is already an extremely good battle strength.

However, what Fang Ping values ​​most is naturally the real ability of Bing Knight, Bing Lan Great General.

It can accumulate energy by making ice Knight. The accumulated energy can not only be used as a big move, but also can be used to supplement its own consumption.

In this way, it can greatly compensate for his weakness of low battle strength continuity.

“Ace Des can’t carry the Ice Knight with me, but I can carry it with me. The role of the Great General Binglan in my hands is far greater than that of Ace Des.”


Fang Ping’s heart moved, one after another bloody chains appeared, binding the Ice Knight, dragging the Ice Knight, and disappearing into the void.

There is a huge space in the sacrifice space, which can be used to store the ice knight. When it is needed, it can be extracted from the sacrifice space summon, and it can even be turned into energy to supplement itself in the sacrifice space.

In the base city of Mingzhou, a middle order man wearing a black trench coat sneaked in quietly.

Soon after, the man appeared at the Monster Countermeasures Division of Mingzhou Base City, and walked in wildly.

He was not invisible, and people around him could see him, but even though people around saw him, they didn’t come forward to question him.

People around him are commonplace for his appearance, as if they have seen a companion who gets along day and night, and some people also nod to him.

This is one of his abilities “psychological boundaries”, this ability can blur the psychological boundaries of others, make strangers become mature, make enemies into friends, and of course, make friends into enemies.

In the eyes of the people in the monster countermeasures department, he is a companion who gets along with each other day and night and can no longer be familiar, naturally impossible to cross-examine.

“Which director is on duty today?”

“It’s Director Wang on duty.”

“Where is Director Wang now?”

“It’s in the director’s office on the top floor.”

Under the guidance of the “acquaintances”, the man came to the office of the deputy director on duty, opened the door and walked in.

Seeing his arrival, the deputy director was equally enthusiastic and even poured a cup of tea for him.

He took a sip of tea and then asked with a smile.

“Where is my friend Fang Ping?”

“At No. 185, Huangxing Street, Qinghe Road.”

Without any hesitation, the director told Fang Ping hidden places.

The corner of the man’s mouth was slightly tilted, he drank the tea, stood up, left the office of the director, and left the monster countermeasures department.

“Well, what was I doing just now?”

The mental ability was lifted, but all members of the Monster Countermeasures Division, including the deputy director just now, only felt a little trance in their spirits, and none of them realized that a terrifying enemy had visited here.

And this man, of course, was sent by Yingchuan Demonic Human Race to deal with the peak of Fang Ping, Morning Star Dark Crow.

According to the address provided by the deputy director, Dark Crow hired a taxi, and it took more than ten minutes to reach Huangxing Street.

Stepping out of the taxi, he checked the house number, and soon he found the place where Fang Ping 3 people were hiding.

Hey, hey, hey!

He made an amazing move, instead of sneaking in quietly, he went to knock on the door.

With his knock on the door, Jin Li, who should have been alert by the knock on the door, did not hesitate to walk to the door and open it.

Opening the door, seeing Dark Crow outside the door, Jin Li was still not alert, but enthusiastically welcomed Dark Crow in and closed the door incidentally.

Entering the house, Dark Crow looked at 4 places, glanced at Zuo Gaofeng who looked like a wooden man, and walked towards Fang Ping.

“long time no see.”

He greeted Fang Ping.

“It’s really been a while.”

Fang Ping said enthusiastically.

“Are you realm breakthrough Morning Star?” Dark Crow asked.

“Well, just breaking through soon.”

Fang Ping didn’t hide it, nodded and admitted.

“I have a bottle of potion that can stabilize the realm. It is very useful to stabilize the realm. Please drink it.”

Dark Crow took out a vial with a green faint liquid in it that was a highly toxic substance, handed it to Fang Ping, and signaled Fang Ping to drink it.

Fang Ping reached out and took it, and then—

While sending it into the sacrifice space, the right hand attached to Busoshoku Haki and suddenly punched towards Dark Crow.

Hong long!

A loud bang sounded, and under the strong shock wave, the house arranged by the Monster Countermeasures Department of Mingzhou Base City once again all split up and in pieces and disappeared.

“You don’t have the psychological boundaries of me?”

Suddenly attacked by Fang Ping, Dark Crow hurriedly raised his left hand to resist, blocking Fang Ping’s surprise attack at the cost of his left hand injury.

His body slid out in a slight embarrassment, slammed through the wall, and appeared on the street outside.

On the street outside, many people fled in a panic because of the sudden movement of the fighting. He ignored these people and stared at Fang Ping instead.

There is sorrow and shame on his face. Fang Ping does not have the ability to match his mental boundaries. In other words, he has been playing tricks since at first Fang Ping, and he was tricked by Fang Ping.

By virtue of his ability, he should have been playing Fang Ping between the palms of his hands, but he was actually being played by Fang Ping, which made him very annoyed.

“Psychological limits, is this the name of this mental ability?”

Fang Ping looked at Dark Crow mockingly on his face, and it was no exaggeration to use his mental ability to call him display one’s slight skill before an expert.

With Rinnegan and the powerful mental ability of other gods, his spirit is as solid as a rock. Even if a Blood Moon powerhouse wants to influence him with mental ability, he may not be able to do it, even more how is the other party.

Although I don’t know the opponent’s specific realm level, there is no breakthrough Blood Moon level.

How could it be easy to encounter a Blood Moon-level powerhouse? The nearby Blood Moon-level powerhouses are only Zong Ling and Hei Ni, but this person is obviously not these two people.

“However, when I first entered Morning Star, I was able to withstand my psychological limits. I underestimate you, but if you can stop it, it doesn’t mean that other people can also stop it.”

Dark Crow looked at Fang Ping with gloomy eyes and suddenly said.

“kill him!”

A strong wind sounded behind Fang Ping. Behind Fang Ping, Zuo Gaofeng and Jin Li, who were already wearing power armor, were all rushing towards Fang Ping.

“wake up!”

Fang Ping coldly snorted, turned his head, his eyes turned into mutant Rinnegan, and a mental shock wave swept towards 2 people.

As the shock wave swept through, the action of the two people rushing towards Fang Ping suddenly stopped, stopping several meters outside Fang Ping.

The psychological limit of ability in the institute has obviously been lifted.

“Relieved my ability.”

Dark Crow eyes slightly shrink, the ability to break free of itself and the ability to relieve others, these are obviously two different levels, the latter has a higher level than the former, indicating that the latter has mental abilities that are not inferior to him.

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