Monster Altar

Chapter 397

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“Thunder and Lightning.”

Knowing that mental ability is useless, Dark Crow resolutely gave up mental ability, his face straightened, and said in a solemn voice.

Accompanied by his voice, the terrifying Thunder and Lightning appeared, and the sky was densely covered with Thunder and Lightning which were several hundred meters or even 1000 meters long.

Like a huge thunder snake after another, shining with dazzling rays of light, and there is a rumbling sound.


One after another, the terrifying thunder snakes attacked Fang Ping, attacking Fang Ping like the thunder of the world.

Fang Ping facial expression grave is not only because of the power of Thunder and Lightning formidable power, but also because, if these Thunder and Lightning are allowed to wreak havoc in the base city, the surrounding area, except for the 4 of them, will definitely become Danger Land.

When the time comes, I don’t know how many 10000 people will die under Thunder and Lightning.

This makes Fang Ping fall into a difficult situation and cannot avoid it. If he is able to carry it head-on, the shock wave generated will also cause extremely serious damage.

“The sealing technique sucks the mark.”

in a flash, Fang Ping thought of a way to deal with it.

His eyes turned into Rinnegan, Rinnegan’s unique ability to seal and absorb imprints, his body turned into a black hole, and all the incoming Thunder and Lightning, when they came into contact with him, they all got into his within the body and disappeared strangely. .

From a distance, this is an extremely exaggerated scene.

One after another, several hundred meters or even 1000 meters long, each one is enough to destroy the terrifying Thunder and Lightning of a mountain, thrown into Fang Ping within the body, and disappear without a trace.

In a moment, all Thunder and Lightning disappeared, not at all, the shock wave of horror was vented for 4 weeks, and Fang Ping, who was in the center, showed no injuries on his body.


Such a terrifying Thunder and Lightning, with a single blow, there was no damage at all. Dark Crow fiercely startled, and looked at Fang Ping, which was unscathed.

Even if Fang Ping blocked the blow head-on, he wouldn’t be so surprised.

Blocking means that the opponent still needs to resist, but just now the opponent did not resist at all, and the horror blow has disappeared invisible.


He already had a certain guess in his heart, and once again said in a solemn voice.

In the sky, a boundless fire sea appeared, and then it revolved and turned into a huge fire pillar like a mountain, dropping from the sky, hitting Fang Ping.

Before getting close to the ground, the surrounding buildings have melted under the terrifying heat and turned into lava.

From just now to now, from start to finish, he has only used one ability, and this ability is the ability to speak spirit.

This is the ability to use imagination to trigger various unnatural phenomena.

With this ability, he can cause Thunder and Lightning, flames, ice, hurricanes, and other phenomena, and this is just the most basic use of this ability.


Fang Ping once again turned into a black hole, all the flames, like a suckling swallow coming home, drilled towards him within the body and disappeared without a trace.

In the end, the huge flame column, like a mountain, completely disappeared, and Fang Ping still saw no damage, and even the clothes on his body did not suffer any burns.

“Energy extraction, it really is energy extraction.”

Dark Crow’s face showed a real color, which is useful for both Thunder and Lightning and flames. Then this opponent’s ability must be an energy extraction type of ability, which can absorb all energy attacks.

Facing this kind of ability, the elemental ability is useless, but he still looks calm, because he has the ability to speak spirit

The most indispensable is ability.

Even if he was about to change to another non-energy attack power ability, Fang Ping would already have an action before he took any action.

“You stay!”

After giving orders to Jin Li and Zuo Gaofeng, Fang Ping rose into the air and flew quickly outside the city.

Although he has absorbed the 2 attacks of the incoming person by virtue of the seal technique, he cannot guarantee that the seal technique absorbs all the abilities of the incoming person.

After all, the sealing technique is not 10000 energy, not any ability can absorb it, such as Taijutsu or physical attacks cannot absorb it.

Once the opponent’s attack is not absorbed, the damage to the base city of Mingzhou will be terrifying.

As for why Jin Li and Zuo Gaofeng are left behind, the reason is naturally that the two of them will be manipulated by the opponent’s spirit and cannot be involved in this kind of battle.

“Want to distract me? However, my goal was not the base city of Mingzhou.”


Dark Crow quickly chased in the direction Fang Ping left, one after the other, and soon left the base city of Mingzhou.

However, it is obvious that Fang Ping is faster, and the distance between Fang Ping and him is getting farther and farther.


Dark Crow was naturally aware of this, and a solemn voice came from him again.

Next moment, an invisible force acted on him. His speed increased several times, surpassing Fang Ping’s fastest 6 times the speed of sound. In a few moments, he caught up with Fang Ping and intercepted in front of Fang Ping.

“Fast speed!”

Fang Ping startled, stop quickly. Not counting the Blood Moon powerhouse, the opponent’s speed should be the fastest person he has ever seen.

“Okay, here it is!”

Stopping Fang Ping, Dark Crow’s eyes are cold.

Even though Fang Ping battle strength is comparable to the peak Morning Star, the opponent’s realm is at best First Level. As the peak Morning Star of the Third Stage, three consecutive shots failed to injure Fang Ping, giving his face a little Not pretty.


A solemn voice came from his mouth again, an invisible force acted on him, and then his body changed.

The body was pulled high, hair and sharp claw grew on his body, his fangs were exposed from his mouth, and the pupils in his eyes became dark-green. He turned into a werewolf who was more than 3 meters tall.

There are some wolf-like beasts in human appearance, but don’t get me wrong, the form of his monster has nothing to do with wolves. The reason why he can be transformed into a werewolf is also because of the ability to speak.


He turned into a werewolf, his speed became faster, and he was close to Fang Ping in an instant.

The sharp sharp claw slashed its head towards Fang Ping. The strong wind caused by the claw swing has already plowed deep scratches on the ground.


Fang Ping sensed the terrifying power of this grasp, and he felt that even if he used Busoshoku Haki to enhance his defense, he couldn’t stop the blow.

Seeing that elemental attacks are invalid, the opponent decisively replaced it with physical attacks, and the ability that the opponent can use is not small.

However, it is a pity that this ability is also ineffective against him.


At the moment when he was about to be caught by the sharp claw, Fang Ping’s body turned into a golden flame, ignoring the opponent’s attack, and swiping the flame fist and punching the opponent.

Huh, bang—

Dark Crow’s sharp claw struck Fang Ping’s body, and passed through Fang Ping’s flamed body without hurting Fang Ping at all.

On the contrary, it was the flame fist punched by Fang Ping, which hit Dark Crow’s body. A lot of the black hair on Dark Crow’s body was burned out, and the body that was 3 meters high retreated.


The burnt-out black hair instantly recovered under the powerful self-healing ability of the werewolf, and Dark Crow looked at Fang Ping slightly solemnly.

Both the previous energy extraction and the current elementalization are obviously quite difficult abilities. Combining these two abilities, the degree of difficulty is simply doubled.

Elemental attacks will be absorbed, and physical attacks will be completely ineffective.

“Change to the peak Morning Star, I’m afraid it really can’t help you.”

The expression in his eyes was even colder, the next moment, solemn and solemn, and the voice came from his mouth again.

“Elemental damage!”

His voice seemed to be able to provoke Heaven and Earth and change the rules. The blood-colored rays of light appeared and penetrated into his 2 wolf claws. His 2 wolf claws became blood-colored, not with blood light. It was the color that turned blood.


He pounced on Fang Ping again, Fang Ping originally wanted to repeat the same trick, but the next moment was alert.

Kenbunshoku Haki predicted the future and saw the picture of the future. In the picture of the future, the opponent turned into a sharp claw of red, which actually severely injured him who was elementalized.

On the opponent’s 2 wolf claws, a certain kind of Rule Power is attached. This kind of Rule Power allows him to be injured by physical attacks.

“Golden Holy Domain!”

The elementalization was lifted, and the huge golden sword above Fang Ping appeared, majestic and grand, representing the supremacy and sacredness of kingship.

Fang Ping’s right hand golden rays of light swallows and stretches out the golden light blade, just like a golden forged blade, facing the shaved scarlet wolf claws.


It was as if two weapons made of rare and enchanted metal were colliding, and there was a harsh metal sound.

The ground beneath Fang Ping and Dark Crow’s feet was cracked and exploded, and the surrounding area was actually cracked like a spider web.

The harsh metal sound also brought on the terrifying destructive power, and everything was shattered wherever I said it.

By the strong impact, both of them couldn’t help but back again.

But at the next moment, the two slaughtered each other again, and the golden blade collided with the scarlet sharp claw, and a harsh metallic sound came out again.

If there is a normal level Morning Star powerhouse around 2 people, the collision sound alone is enough to seriously hurt the normal level Morning Star powerhouse.

Hey, sou!

The speed of the two people is extremely fast, as if 2 rays of light are constantly separating and constantly approaching each other.

2 Where people passed, rocks and trees exploded and the ground rolled.


With the use of space ability, Fang Ping suddenly appeared behind Dark Crow, and the golden blade sharpened towards Dark Crow’s back.

He, who had not used his spatial ability, suddenly used it in order to make the opponent completely unprepared.

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