Monster Altar

Chapter 399

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Peng –

While retreating, Dark Crow slammed on the ground. He stepped on the densely packed spider web on the ground. With the recoil of this trampling force, he stabilized his figure and disappeared in place.

At his current speed, in a short range, his movement speed is no less than Fang Ping’s teleport.

In a very short period of time, he walked around Fang Ping’s back and swung his claws towards Fang Ping’s back.


Kenbunshoku Haki’s foreknowledge of the future made Fang Ping notice that Dark Crow was coming from behind, and he quickly teleported and disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, Fang Ping appeared not far from Dark Crow, Shinra Tensei used it, and the powerful repulsive force swept out again.

Dark Crow reacted extremely quickly, and immediately reacted, swiping his claw in that direction.

With a dull boom and the spread of the powerful shock wave, he was once again shaken back by the powerful recoil.

Stabilizing his figure, he culled to Fang Ping again.

Hey, hey, bang!

Fang Ping and Dark Crow quickly fought, the powerful shock wave swept the earth over and over again, and the earth’s soil was rolled over over and over again.

There were originally many mountain peaks, which were swept flat by two people and turned into plains.


Fang Ping and Dark Crow both stepped back, moving apart, staring at each other.

“hu, call…”

Both parties were panting heavily, obviously physically exhausting.

However, Fang Ping’s physical exertion was significantly more serious. His clothes were wet with sweat and his hair was stuck together.

With the first entry into the Morning Star realm and the use of the Morning Star battle strength at the peak of the Third Stage, the physical consumption of each blow is extremely huge compared to the physical fitness.

On the contrary, it is Dark Crow. Although the physical energy consumption is equally huge, it is the peak Morning Star realm after all. Compared with the physical fitness, the physical energy consumed is far from exaggerated as Fang Ping.

“Hmph, see how long you can hold on!”

The state of Fang Ping, Dark Crow naturally noticed, and guessed it, he sent out coldly snorted, did not give Fang Ping a chance to breathe, and continued to kill Fang Ping.


In a teleportation, Fang Ping avoided Dark Crow’s culling and appeared outside several hundred meters.

In the sacrifice space, the ice Knight made by the Binglan Great General exploded and turned into physical energy and poured it into Fang Ping within the body. His physical energy recovered more than half, and his gasping for breath state was much better.

“Must do it quickly!”

Even if he had the “Binglan Great General” to recover his physical stamina, he couldn’t hold on for long. After all, he obtained the special ability of Binglan Great General soon, and only the ice Knight made for one day was stored in the sacrifice space.


Dark Crow culled again, and the distance of several hundred meters, below the opponent’s speed, came in an instant.

“Limbo: Hengoku.”

Derived from the use of the unique Rinnegan ability of Uchiha Madara’s eyes, an invisible Fang Ping emerges from the shadow of Fang Ping and faces Dark Crow.

The Dark Crow, who was throwing at Fang Ping, obviously did not see the invisible Fang Ping, and the invisible Fang Ping was not blocked, and punched towards Dark Crow’s chest.

Boom, ka-cha!

Dark Crow’s huge body as high as five meters shoots backwards as if hitting an invisible wall. There is the sound of skull cracking on his body, his chest is clearly collapsed, and a fist mark is vaguely visible.

“How did it hurt… mine?”

Blood was coughed out of Dark Crow’s huge mouth. Dark Crow looked at the fist marks on his chest, his expression shocked and shocked, he didn’t know how he was injured.

But soon, he understood how he was injured.


The shadow of Fang Ping approached him again, punching towards his chest again, and he instinctively felt the danger subconsciously avoiding.

But still unable to escape, a fierce fist mark appeared on his body again, and his body flew upside down.

“Invisible creature!”

He immediately understood that he had encountered an invisible “creature” attack. It could be Fang Ping’s clone or some kind of humanoid monster.


He was once again attacked by an invisible attack, and a hideous wound appeared on his body.

If it weren’t for the self-healing physique in the spirit he gave himself, at this time, even if he did not die, he would be seriously injured.

“No, he has self-healing ability, has extremely terrifying recovery ability, and can’t kill him in a short time!”

Fang Ping not at all was happy because he successively injured Dark Crow, because under the terrifying healing ability, most of the initial wounds on Dark Crow’s body had healed.

“Chibaku Tensei.”

He used Chibaku Tensei decisively.

Facial expression grave, a black gravitational ball was generated by his hand, flew to the sky, and hovered in the air.

The terrifying gravitational force is generated by the black gravitational ball. A large amount of soil and rock, and the Dark Crow who is leaping towards him, are all attracted to the black gravitational ball under this powerful attraction.

In a very short time, the black gravitational ball turned into a huge rock ball with a diameter of several hundred meters, and Dark Crow was also buried in this huge rock ball.

“This is… what ability?!”

Dark Crow surprised and angry and panicked voices came from the huge sphere. He was struggling, trying to break free from the rock sphere.

“I don’t know if it can be sealed.”

Fang Ping, who was horribly exhausted by the use of Chibaku Tensei, looked at the huge rock sphere with a facial expression grave, and watched the strong struggling movement from the huge rock sphere.

If it was just a rock sphere with a diameter of several hundred meters, it would naturally not be able to stop Dark Crow, and could easily break free with the opponent’s strength.

However, Chibaku Tensei is not as simple as simply making huge rock spheres. While making huge rock spheres, it also wears a strength of seal. At this time, it is this kind of strength of seal that is binding Dark Crow.

The first time he fought with Chibaku Tensei, he did not know whether he could seal the Dark Crow of the Morning Star at the peak of the Third Stage.

Hey, hey, hey!

Among the huge rock sphere, Dark Crow’s struggle continued, but the strength of Seal of the rock sphere was unusually strong.

Although Dark Crow made a lot of movement in the rock sphere, it was still unable to break the rock sphere and broke free from the rock sphere.

The sealing ability of the rock sphere is beyond Fang Ping’s imagination.

“It is already the limit to seal it with my strength. It seems that I have to ask Director Wei to come over.”

Fang Ping both hands forming seals, ready to separate Shadow Clone, go to invite Wei You.

But at this moment, mutation suddenly appeared.

9 huge green mist pythons appeared, bombarding the huge rock sphere in the air.

The huge rock sphere appeared with 9 hollowed holes, densely packed cracks appeared on the surface, and finally all split up and in pieces opened.

Accompanied by the all split up and in pieces of the huge rock sphere, Dark Crow escaped, but Fang Ping’s gaze did not look at the Dark Crow emerging from the trap, but at the place where 9 green mist pythons were attacked. .

In that direction, an old man with half-white hair appeared, and a horrible aura emerged from the old man, like a deep abyss.

“Zong Ling.”

Fang Ping recognized at a glance that this old man was the Demonic Human race Blood Moon powerhouse Zong Ling. After all, when Yinchuan base city was invaded by Yingchuan Demonic Human race, he had seen him.

“Many thanks Lord Zong Ling for help.”

Dark Crow not at all, who came out of trouble, culled Fang Ping, but respectfully addressed the old man.


Zong Ling nodded, looking at Fang Ping, his eyes are sharp, like a sharp blade, as if there are two sharp blades piercing Fang Ping.

After ordering Dark Crow to come and attack Fang Ping, he was worried that this was a trap set up by the Yinchuan Base City in order to let the Yingyingchuan Demonic Human race expert go.

After all, Fang Ping has obviously been exposed, and still has not been withdrawn, which seems very unreasonable.

He hurried over, and after arriving, he saw Dark Crow with the Morning Star battle strength at the peak of the Third Stage, but was actually trapped by Fang Ping with some ability.

It’s not clear whether this ability has a follow-up killer move, or if Dark Crow will be directly obliterated. He quickly shot and rescued Dark Crow.

“Forbidden ability!”

Looking at Fang Ping, the horrible murderous intention revealed from him.

If Fang Ping, who is new to Morning Star, has this kind of battle strength, Fang Ping’s ability is undoubtedly the forbidden ability.

He did not expect that such an ability would actually appear, and it would appear in a human being.

The innate talent was originally high, but now it has the forbidden ability. If it grows up, it will definitely be a big problem for the Demonic Human race.

Murderous intention in his heart was harsh, and the 9 green mist pythons behind him attacked Fang Ping.

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