Monster Altar

Chapter 400

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Without any hesitation, Fang Ping teleported and disappeared.

Facing a Blood Moon powerhouse, he had no thoughts of fighting. He knew that he would not retreat even if he was defeated. That was not bravery, but suicide.

Hey, hey, pu!

The moment Fang Ping teleported away, his place was easily penetrated by 9 fog pythons, and a bottomless hole appeared.

“It’s quite fast to escape. Spatial ability is a trouble. It seems that if you want to kill him, you must find a way to get a space enchanted artifact.”

Zong Ling is coldly snorted, Yingchuan Demonic Human Race, there used to be a spatial enchanted artifact, but because of Wu Shi’s death, it has fallen into human hands.

“Lord Zong Ling, the other party should have already returned to Yinchuan base city for help, let’s withdraw as soon as possible!”

Fang Ping couldn’t be found in 4 searches, Dark Crow said worriedly.

“No hurry, since it’s here, then destroy this base city before leaving!”

Zong Ling looked at the base city of Mingzhou in the distance, and his voice was cold.

Although he has reached his current level of strength, he is too lazy to work on such a small base city, after all, he will not be able to get any benefits after doing it.

In his current realm, even the corpse of the Morning Star Demonic Human race, it is difficult for him to be promoted.

However, since it has already arrived, he doesn’t mind removing the base city of Mingzhou by the way.


A distance of tens of kilometers, under Zong Ling’s speed, it has already crossed within one minute, Zong Ling and Dark Crow appeared outside the Mingzhou base.

Did not enter the base city of Mingzhou, because there was no need, the 9 green fog pythons behind Zong Ling became larger and extended and swept towards the base city of Mingzhou.

The Morning Star powerhouse can bring great damage and casualties to the base city, while the Blood Moon powerhouse has the terrifying power to destroy a small base city in one blow.

“what is that?”

Nine green pythons enveloped the base city of Mingzhou and cast a huge shadow over the base city of Mingzhou.

In the base city, many people lift the head, sounds of surprise, shock, panic, and despair, all in one piece, a scene like the end of the world.

This is not a metaphor but a fact. If these 9 green pythons are allowed to be attacked, it will be the end of the world for the people in the base city of Mingzhou.

Seeing that 9 green pythons are about to be attacked, at this moment.

In the sky, another huge monster appeared.

It was a huge cross, silver white, as huge as a mountain, and it also cast a huge shadow over the Mingzhou base.

Hey, hey, hey!

As soon as the silver cross appeared, it immediately shot 9 silver rays of light, like 9 silver blades, slashing to 9 green pythons.

Hey, hey, pu!

Under the 9 silver blades, 9 green mist pythons were cut into 2 pieces at the waist, and they collapsed and disappeared.

“Zong Ling, doing this with your strength will damage your identity!”

An old man with an astonishing spirit appeared. His whole body was filled with holy silver rays of light. Although he was not tall, he had a sense of sacredness.

This person is Wei You.

Knowing that Zong Ling is likely to attack the base city of Mingzhou, Fang Ping hurriedly returned to the base city of Yinchuan and invited Wei You.

“Hmph, you move very fast.”

Zong Ling let out a coldly snorted with an indifferent expression. It was only incidental to destroy the base city of Mingzhou, but what he didn’t expect was that Wei You would move so fast and come so soon.

There was fear in his heart, and the Awakener with spatial ability was a trouble. Once something happened, he would soon be able to call in strong support.

Thinking of this, he took Dark Crow, turned and left.

Although his strength is not weaker than Wei You, in a one-on-one situation, he is completely fearless of Wei You.

But at this time, the Fang Ping has already gone to ask for reinforcements.

He felt that Fang Ping was an eyesore more and more. After this time, he must find the enchanted artifact of the space type as soon as possible, and then set up a bureau to obliterate Fang Ping.

“Since it’s here, it’s better to stay longer!”

Seeing that Zong Ling was about to leave, Wei You refused instead.

With the huge cross as the center, a huge light mask appeared, enveloping Zong Ling and Dark Crow in the light mask.

As Zong Ling thought, Fang Ping has already gone for help.

“Hmph, I want to block me with this thing.”

Zong Ling is coldly snorted, 9 green mist pythons that have been defeated re-growth and hit like a silver mask.

Chi chi!

The 9 green mist pythons were strongly corrosive. Under this strong corrosiveness, the silver mask was quickly corroded into a huge hole, and he took the Dark Crow to quickly rush out from the hole.

After rushing out, he struck a huge green mist column, attacking the base city of Mingzhou not far away with the power of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, while he quickly moved away.

From start to finish, his face is calm.

Even if he has the space ability, Fang Ping wants to invite another Blood Moon powerhouse, I am afraid it will take a lot of time. This time is enough for him to get rid of Wei You who is fearful because of Mingzhou base city.

Huh, hong long!

Sure enough, seeing the green mist column attacking the base city of Mingzhou, Wei You not at all immediately pursued it, but struck out a silver rays of light, blocking the green mist column.

But he has already taken advantage of this period of time to get a long distance from Wei You.

However, he was obviously happy early.


Before he was far away from the base city of Mingzhou, two figures suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

One of them is Fang Ping, and the other is a man wearing blue and white armor, silver gloves on both hands, and black cloak behind his back.

This person is exactly the “Blood Moon powerhouse” that Fang Ping made Shadow Clone change with Body-Transformation Technique.

Under normal circumstances, Fang Ping would invite a Blood Moon powerhouse, it does take a lot of time, after all, Blood Moon powerhouse is not so easy to see.

Fang Ping can quickly see Wei You because Fang Ping is an important member of the Monster Countermeasures Division of Yinchuan Base City, which is obviously not the case with other Blood Moon powerhouses.

But Zong Ling obviously did not understand the peculiarity of the relationship between Fang Ping and the Blood Moon-level powerhouse living in the base city of Yinchuan. The two of them are the same. If you want to, you can “invite” them at any time.

“It’s so fast!”

Seeing the mysterious Blood Moon powerhouse blocking the way, Zong Ling’s complexion became solemn. He didn’t expect Fang Ping to invite another Blood Moon powerhouse so quickly.

“Zong Ling, since you dare to appear, then you will stay forever today!”


Wei You who crushed the green mist column chased and blocked Zong Ling’s retreat.

After learning that Zong Ling appeared and only Zong Ling was alone, he decided to take the opportunity to besieged Zong Ling, so he asked Fang Ping to go to the “Blood Moon-class powerhouse” in Yinchuan base city to live in seclusion.

He was also surprised that the reclusive “Blood Moon powerhouse” appeared so quickly.

Looking thoughtful in his heart, and being able to invite him so quickly, it is clear that Fang Ping has an extraordinary relationship with this reclusive Blood Moon powerhouse.

This made him secretly wondering what the relationship between Fang Ping and this reclusive acupuncture point and powerhouse was.

However, no matter what the relationship between the two people is, this is obviously a good thing.

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