Monster Altar

Chapter 403

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In the disappearing yard, a pale-gold mask appeared, covering Fang Ping, Jin Li, and Zuo Gaofeng, protecting it, and blocking the Thunder and Lightning attack just now.

In the pale-gold mask, Jin Li and Zuo Gaofeng staggered, while Fang Ping turned into golden flames and was not affected by poison qi.

The flame of his body will burn out the toxins that have invaded him within the body, and the dizziness and heaviness of his body have disappeared.

Hey, sou!

He quickly came to Jin Li and Zuo Gaofeng’s side, and put them into the sacrifice space.

The two poisonous people now have no battle strength. If they are outside, they will continue to be affected by the poison qi, so he directly put the two people into the sacrifice space.

As for the spatial ability being imprisoned, it naturally has no effect on Monster Altar. The level of Monster Altar is much higher than the enchanted artifact of the space.

After doing all this, he had time to look at the attacker and immediately recognized two people.

Dark Crow is a person who has dealt with once, and although She Chuzhu has never dealt with it, the other party is the Morning Star powerhouse at the peak of the Third Stage, and Yinchuan base city naturally has related records of the other party.

“Two Morning Star powerhouses at the peak of the Third Stage, really worthy of me.”

“Where did those two people go?”

Dark Crow asked suspiciously that he heart startled when he saw Jin Li and Zuo Gaofeng disappear, but after seeing Fang Ping not at all disappear, he was relieved.

Although the opponent can still use the space ability, it should be impossible to leave the square space.

“Guess it yourself.”

Fang Ping sneered.

Hula –

The turbulent golden flames spread around him, wave after wave, burning to the surroundings.


Dark Crow’s solemn voice sounded, and then a translucent mask appeared on him and She Chuzhu.

The golden flame hit the mask, but it was hard to hurt him and She Chuzhu in the mask.


The turbulent flood appeared, the golden flame was extinguished, and the flood attacked Fang Ping, which turned into flame, but it was blocked by the pale-gold mask formed by the power of gold.

“Turn the body into a flame, and burn the poison that invaded within the body.”

She Chuzhu looked at Fang Ping turned into flame, looking thoughtful in his heart.

The poison qi ability is no longer useful, she disarms the poison qi ability.

Then, green bamboos with a height of 100 meters appeared around her.

In the swaying, a large number of dark-green bamboo leaves showing green rays of light, like some kind of green enchanted metal casting, attacked Fang Ping.

The burst of formidable power has reached the peak of the Third Stage Morning Star.

The colorless and tasteless poison qi formidable power is extremely strong, but it is not his strongest ability. His strongest ability is this plant ability.

And this kind of attack has both a physical attack and an energy attack, no matter whether it is body elementalization or seal absorption, it can’t be completely blocked.

It is precisely because of possessing this ability that Zong Ling invites the opponent to take action with the potion for life extension.

The Morning Star at the peak of the Third Stage, Yingchuan Demonic Human Race, although there are not many, but there are not only two of them. In addition to Dark Crow, only her ability can hurt both the seal and the body element. Fang Ping.

Clang, clang, ka-cha!

After the formidable power reached the peak of the Third Stage, the morning star’s terrorist attack, the pale-gold mask supported by Golden Domain trembled violently, and then shattered with a clear sound.

“Shinra Tensei.”

The poison remaining in the air has been burned under the flame just now, Fang Ping lifted the flame, and his eyes turned into mutant Rinnegan.

A powerful repulsive force was suddenly produced and swept forward.

The dark-green bamboo leaves that flashed with green light exploded and disappeared.

Not only that, the green bamboos, which are as high as 100 meters, shattered and disappeared under this powerful repulsion.

She Chuzhu’s complexion condensed, and a large number of densely packed green bamboos grew out, resisting the powerful repulsive force, and blocked the powerful repulsion force.

“Werewolf, madness, elemental damage, speed physique, self-healing physique.”

When Fang Ping and She Chuzhu fought, Dark Crow used the ability of speech and spirit one after another to transform into an ugly giant wolf with a height of five meters, and then culled to Fang Ping.

He who has played against Fang Ping and knows the strength of Fang Ping, he will do his best with every shot.

“Limbo: Hengoku.”

Seeing Dark Crow pounce, Fang Ping facial expression grave, another ability to mutate Rinnegan’s use, from his shadow, an invisible “clone” separates, facing Dark Crow.


The Dark Crow who was quickly slaughtering him, as if being hit hard on his abdomen, a bloody fist mark appeared.

He squatted and flew backwards at a faster speed than before.


With an invisible clone temporarily blocking Dark Crow, Fang Ping pounced on She Chuzhu.

Hey, hey, hey!

Seeing Fang Ping pounced, She Chuzhu hurriedly used the plant ability.

A large number of Azure Bamboo rose from the ground, attacking one after another bamboo leaves with green rays of light and hardness comparable to enchanted metal, densely packed, and attacked Fang Ping.

The destructive power is strong enough to easily destroy a mountain. If it is attacked, even if there is Busoshoku Haki to strengthen the defense, it will definitely be injured.

“Shinra Tensei.”

The powerful repulsive force is produced by Fang Ping’s body, and all the green leaves that hit are shattered, even the green bamboos that are as high as 100 meters are also shattered.

There was no block, Fang Ping quickly pounced on She Chuzhu.

However, She Chuzhu is the Morning Star of the Third Stage after all, and the battle strength is no weaker than Fang Ping.

The shattered green bamboo will grow out in the next instant.

Once again blocked between her and Fang Ping, and a lot of green bamboo grew behind Fang Ping, enclosing Fang Ping.

Hey, hey, hey!

The green bamboo swayed, and the green leaves all over the sky shot down, attacking from all around towards Fang Ping.

The powerful repulsive force is generated by Fang Ping, sweeping to the surroundings, and the green leaves and even all the green bamboos that hit are shattered and disappeared.

He looked towards She Chuzhu, but saw that She Chuzhu had already taken this opportunity to distance himself from him.

After taking a breath, he used the mutant Rinnegan, who had consumed a lot of physical strength, and pounced on She Chuzhu again, but soon, he was again blocked by the green bamboo rising from the ground.

“Blocking the two of us from joining forces!”

Faced with the cooperation of She Chuzhu and Dark Crow, Fang Ping fell into a bitter battle, but She Chuzhu and Dark Crow became more and more frightened.

The two of them are both the Morning Star, the pinnacle of the Third Stage, and they have used all their strength without any reservation, but even so, they still failed to win Fang Ping, instead they got into a fierce battle with Fang Ping.

The powerful battle strength displayed by Fang Ping really shocked them.

In particular, Dark Crow couldn’t help but think of the battle with Fang Ping a few months ago, and the scene where Fang Ping was finally sealed by Fang Ping, and he couldn’t help but feel strong fear in his heart.

“Not good, time is up.”

During the battle, Fang Ping’s face suddenly changed.

The invisible clone arrives, leaves Dark Crow and returns to his shadow, Limbo: Hengoku is released.


The attack failed to come. Dark Crow was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately reacted, guessing that Fang Ping’s invisible “summon thing” had timeliness, but now the timeliness has passed.

Without the slightest hesitation, he pounced on Fang Ping, and the scarlet sharp claw grabbed Fang Ping.

“Shinra Tensei.”

Fang Ping hurriedly used Shinra Tensei to generate repulsive force, and faced the attacking Dark Crow.

However, his current opponent is not only Dark Crow.

Almost at the same time that Dark Crow’s attack arrived, She Chuzhu’s attack had also arrived, and a large number of green leaves attacked him.

He quickly turned a part of his repulsion power against the green bamboo leaves, which naturally caused the repulsion power against Dark Crow to weaken.

Pu chi!

Under Dark Crow’s scarlet sharp claw, the weakened repulsive force was cut open, and the scarlet sharp claw continued to grasp Fang Ping.

Fang Ping hurriedly dodged to evade, but he was still caught by the scarlet sharp claw. A serious wound appeared on his body and blood was splashed.

On the other hand, the green bamboo leaves that struck were not completely victorious because of their repulsive force. There were many green leaf breakthrough repulsive forces that continued to attack Fang Ping.

Unable to dodge, Fang Ping’s body bloomed with blood, several holes appeared, and his body staggered back.

“Shinra Tensei.”

A repulsive force pushed Dark Crow back, Fang Ping looked at the wound on his body.

With the time for Limbo: Hengoku to be lifted, he was completely in a disadvantageous situation.

At this time, She Chuzhu’s attack had struck again.

“Chibaku Tensei.”

If he doesn’t make any changes, he will definitely lose. He hastened to use the strongest move of mutant Rinnegan formidable power-Chibaku Tensei.

A black gravitational ball is generated from both of his hands and flies into the sky, producing a terrifying suction.

She Chuzhu’s attack flew to the sky under this terrifying gravity.

Not only that, a large amount of earth and rocks, as well as She Chuzhu and Dark Crow, also fly to the sky under the horrible gravity.

In a very short time, a huge sphere appeared above the sky, and She Chuzhu and Dark Crow were sealed in the sphere.

“Hu, call—”

Looking at the huge sphere in the sky, Fang Ping gasped violently.

Continuous use of mutant Rinnegan, especially Chibaku Tensei, this kind of extremely intensive ability, his physical strength has bottomed out.

Fortunately, both of them were sealed in the sphere.

But soon, his face changed suddenly.

Ka-cha !

A huge gap appeared on the sphere floating in the sky.

Hey, hey, pu!

One after another huge green bamboos broke out of the soil and grew on the surface of the huge sphere, opening the huge sphere.

ka-cha, ka-cha, ka-cha!

Densely packed cracks appeared on the surface of the huge sphere, which looked like an egg that was thrown full of cracks.

In the end, like a broken egg, all split up and in pieces, falling quickly.

And Dark Crow and She Chuzhu rushed out of the sphere of all split up and in pieces.

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