Monster Altar

Chapter 404

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“It is too reluctant to seal 2 people at the same time!”

Fang Ping’s heart suddenly sank. Dark Crow and She Chuzhu 2 were all the Morning Stars of the Third Stage. Their strength was too strong. With his current strength, it was not enough to seal two people at the same time.

However, if only one person is sealed, another person will destroy the seal externally, which is also impossible.

“Is there any means, just use it.”

Covered in dirt is quite embarrassing, but Dark Crow’s face is smug.

The last time he played against Fang Ping, he was planted on this ability. Although he was guarded this time, he was still inevitably sucked into the sky and sealed in the sphere.

Fortunately, he was not the only one at this time, and She Chuzhu, the Morning Star of the Third Stage, broke the sphere together and escaped.

“Even if there is a means, he should not have the physical strength to use it.”

Notice that Fang Ping has gasping for breath, She Chuzhu said.

“Binglan Great General.”

Watching the two people, Fang Ping did not answer. In the sacrifice space, a large amount of ice Knight dissipated and turned into pure energy to replenish his body.

With the supplement of these energy, his physical energy quickly recovered.

The wounds on his body are also quickly recovered under Sage Mode’s powerful self-healing ability.

“Do it, don’t give him time to recover.”

She Chuzhu and Dark Crow are both experienced Old Daoist people. Although they don’t know that Fang Ping has the means to quickly restore physical fitness, they also quickly attacked Fang Ping.

Hey, hey, hey!

Green bamboos rose from the ground one after another, growing to a height of 100 meters, swaying a large number of green leaves, and attacking Fang Ping with terrifying power.


Dark Crow is a huge body as high as five meters, and pounces on Fang Ping extremely quickly.

In an instant, he appeared beside Fang Ping. The wolf’s claw, which was more than half a meter in length, showed an extremely sharp aura and slashed towards Fang Ping.

Fang Ping facial expression grave, he felt the sharp and sharp breath, and goose bumps appeared on his skin.

However, he does not at all avoid it.


The invisible wave spread, and as the wave spread, the green bamboo leaves that hit, the wolf claws that Dark Crow swung down, everything was still.

Moko Botemo, one of the two special abilities possessed by today’s ice attribute ability, possesses the powerful ability to freeze time and space.

Although there are restrictions that can only be used once a day, the effect of this freezing is not unbreakable.

But it is obvious that neither Dark Crow nor She Chuzhu has the ability to break this freezing of time and space.


Under the freezing of time and space, Fang Ping was on the side Dark Crow without attacking, but instead rushed towards She Chuzhu in the distance.

He has dealt with Dark Crow, and he knows how strong the defense and self-healing ability Dark Crow has in the werewolf state.

Even if Dark Crow was hit hard, with the opponent’s recovery ability, he would soon be able to recover.

Therefore, he did not choose to start with side Dark Crow, but chose She Chuzhu from a distance to start.

In a very short time, he approached She Chuzhu, an azure blade was condensed in his hand, and he stabbed She Chuzhu’s chest and heart.

Pu chi!

The azure blade pierced She Chuzhu’s chest and pierced the heart, leaving a hole in She Chuzhu’s chest.

At this time, the effect of the freezing of time and space has also ended, and everything that was imprisoned is restored.

She Chuzhu, whose heart was pierced, staggered to the ground, staring at his bloody chest in amazement.

When will Fang Ping approach her?

When was she injured?

She had no impression at all.

“what happened?!”

Not far away, Leng Khan slid down Dark Crow’s forehead, and he watched in horror that he was still next to him, but now he has appeared in She Chuzhu side Fang Ping.

“The teleporting ability, no, his teleporting ability has been imprisoned, and this is no longer what a simple teleporting ability can do!”

Even if you use the teleport ability, you can definitely see it when you attack.

But just now, he hadn’t seen how Fang Ping shot at all, and She Chuzhu had already flown upside down. This method was definitely not teleportation.

It feels like in the moment just now, time has stopped.

“Time Freeze?!”

He looked at Fang Ping in horror and horror, and only Time Freeze could explain what had just happened.

“Cough cough, time… ability?!”

Although the heart is pierced, but as Peak Morning Star has an extremely powerful life force, not at all immediately die.

Hearing Dark Crow’s speculation, She Chuzhu was horrified and desperate, with deep regret in his heart.

I knew this Fang Ping was a monster with Time Freeze ability. She said nothing that she would agree to take action against each other.

Although the life span is not long, there are still a few years to live, but now it’s good, even a few years are gone.

With regret in her eyes, her body softened, and she died completely, and her body turned into a monster form in a very short time.

This is an extremely huge snake with azure scale armor.

“This ability can’t last long!”

After the panic, Dark Crow gradually calmed down. If such a powerful ability can be used unlimitedly, it must have been used initially.

Since it was not used at the first time, it shows that this ability is extremely limited and cannot be used as a conventional method.


He appeared next to Fang Ping in an instant, and the blood-colored sharp claw was like a sharp claw made of blood-colored metal, cutting very ruthless towards Fang Ping.


Fang Ping did not evade, but before being cut by the scarlet sharp claw, Dark Crow had already been hit hard, vomiting blood and flying backwards.

There was a clear fist mark on the chest, and even a clear collapse. It was obvious that there must have been a rib fracture.

This kind of injury is naturally caused by an invisible clone. Not a short time has passed, Limbo: Hengoku has recovered and became available again.


Fiercely hit the wall of the square space, and the retreating Dark Crow stopped.

“It’s your turn!”

Fang Ping turned and looked at Dark Crow coldly.

Mokobottom is indeed extremely restricted, and it is no longer available today.

However, even if he couldn’t use Mokobotem, he didn’t have any fear, because She Chuzhu was dead, and his current opponent was only Dark Crow.

It was just defeated, even if he couldn’t use Mokobterm, with other abilities, he was enough to defeat Dark Crow.

“Not good !”

Being stared at by Fang Ping’s cold gaze, Dark Crow shuddered, thinking of the battle with Fang Ping six months ago.

If Lord Zong Ling hadn’t arrived in time, his result would probably be death.

Suddenly, he felt a strong wind coming, and he quickly avoided, but in the face of an invisible attack, he still had no time to escape.


Most of the chest injury has recovered, but there is another hideous wound in the abdomen.

Flying upside down, fiercely hit the space barrier on the other side of the square space.

“She Chuzhu is dead, now I am the only one left, not his opponent at all…”

Suddenly spit a mouthful of blood, there was a deep fear in his heart, and he quickly took out a large metal slap, which was a space-like Enchanted weapon.

Hong long!

The invisible clone approached quietly and attacked him again, but just before being attacked, his body quickly retreated.

The body touched the space barrier as if passing through the liquid. He passed through the space barrier and appeared to the outside world.

The attack of the invisible clone was a bombardment on the space barrier, causing the space barrier to tremble, but it was blocked.

As a barrier with Space Attribute, the defense can be quite powerful.

“He is going to escape!”

Seeing Dark Crow leaving the square space, Fang Ping secretly thought was not good. The opponent knew that he was invincible and was about to escape.


Sure enough, after leaving the square space, Dark Crow gave Fang Ping a bitter look, then turned and flew outside the base city.

“The square space is not lifted.”

Fang Ping flashed, appeared beside the wall of the square space, still being able to feel resistance, the square space not at all was lifted as the opponent flees.

The space generated by the enchanted artifact of the space class in the opponent’s hand can still exist without the enchanted artifact of the space class.

In fact, this is also a special attribute of the enchanted artifact of the space type in the hands of Dark Crow. With this special attribute, not only can the enemy be trapped, but also time to escape at the critical moment is also possible as it is now.

“Shinra Tensei.”

Fang Ping quickly used Shinra Tensei to attack the space barrier.

Hong long!

With a loud noise, the powerful repulsive force hit the space barrier, but it failed to break the space barrier. The solidity of the space allowed the space barrier to block Shinra Tensei’s attack.

Without stopping, Fang Ping continued to attack.

Bang, bang, hong long!

After several consecutive attacks, Fang Ping stopped after failing to break the space barrier.

Looking at the intact space barrier, he browses tightly knit.

He didn’t worry about being locked in a square space all the time.

Although the square space can exist without the enchanted artifact of the space type, it will not last for a long time without the maintenance of the enchanted artifact of the space type. I believe it will automatically disappear after a period of time.

But this period of time was enough for Dark Crow to escape, and it was obviously impossible to catch up and kill Dark Crow.

“Although I now have three spatial abilities, Doa Doa no Mi, Flying Thunder God Jutsu, and Teleportation maho, the level of the abilities is too low, and I will be restrained when encountering other spatial abilities.”

“It is necessary to increase the level of space ability, but the probability of Monster Altar space ability is extremely small, and it is not easy to limit the space ability.”

The thought flickered, and Fang Ping left it behind. Without paying attention to She Chuzhu’s corpse, his consciousness quickly entered the sacrifice space.

When he left the sacrifice space, he had two more people in his hands, it was the poisoned Jin Li and Zuo Gaofeng.

At this time, the two complexion ashens had passed out in a coma. She Chuzhu’s colorless and tasteless poison qi could not be managed by the Morning Star system. The situation of the two has deteriorated.

“I hope the antidote will be effective.”

He hurriedly took out 2 detoxification medicines to 2 people, and waited for the effect of the 2 people.

But after waiting for a while, the two people who took the detoxification medicine did not at all show improvement.


Fang Ping facial expression grave, She Chuzhu’s poison is too overbearing and powerful, and it cannot be resolved by ordinary antidote.

He himself was able to detoxify his body through incarnation flames, but he was not at all a way to detoxify two people.

Please don’t die does not work either. This ability can treat the dying state, but it cannot pull out the toxin within the body. The toxin cannot be removed, and the condition of the two people is impossible to improve.

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