Monster Altar

Chapter 408

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“How did you attack me?”

Bumping on the space barrier, Hei Ni stared at the fist print on his chest in astonishment.

He hadn’t noticed how he was attacked. Just now, there seemed to be an invisible fist attacking him.

“Invisible fist?”

He looked on guard for 4 weeks, and suddenly, a strong wind suddenly sounded.

He quickly dodges to leave the place and dodges to the side, but still can’t escape.


Another fist mark was added to his body, and he flew upside down, hitting the space barrier again.

In fact, he had escaped just now, but his opponent was not an invisible person, but a full 4 invisible people.

With Rinnegan’s vision of “Fang Zhan”, he can see that at this time, he is surrounded by four people.

Although he escaped the attack of the first invisible person, he was attacked by the other three invisible persons.

Hey, hey, hey!

Under the attack of 4 invisible people, Hei Ni was attacked one after another, showing one after another fist marks on his body.

Ka-cha ——

Under successive attacks, the black bone armor shattered and he lost the protection of the black bone armor.

Pu chi ——

A fist hit his chest, and the sound of broken bones made him back again and again, a mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth, the injury was not light.

“Black mist–“

Complexion pale, a large amount of black fog spreads around him, and the 4 invisible clones, “Fang Zhan”, are all shrouded in it.

Thick as ink, no 5 fingers can be seen in the entire area, but he is not affected at all, using the black mist as a cover, quietly approaching Fang Ping.

“Bansho Ten’in.”

Losing his vision, “Fang Zhan” not at all panicked, his left hand stretched out, and a powerful attraction came from his left hand.

The dense fog around was attracted and flowed towards him, gathering in front of him and turning into a black ball, and the black fog disappeared.

Hei Ni, who was approaching him, was immediately discovered, and 4 invisible clones rushed over.


Hei Ni encountered an invisible attack again and slammed into the space barrier, coughing out a mouthful of blood from his mouth, unable to bear, and he was already seriously injured.


Enduring the severe pain in his whole body, the demon wings behind him quickly flapped, he soared into the sky and flew into the sky.

“No flying ability!”

The attack did not come again, he immediately guessed that the invisible creature should not have the ability to fly.

sighed in relief, good for the sky, he swung his sword towards “Fang Zhan”, and a black rays of light appeared with his slash, attacking “Fang Zhan”.

“The sealing technique sucks the mark.”

“Fang Zhan” turned into a black hole, swallowing up the black light. He looked up at the sky, frowned.

He himself can fly with Shinra Tensei, but the 4 invisible clones can’t, and the time for Limbo: Hengoku is almost here, he simply cancels Limbo: Hengoku.

“Wood release .Deep Forest Creation.”

Both hands forming seals, a large number of trees rose from the ground, growing one after another huge roots, attacking Hei Ni to the sky.


The extension of the Black Sword in Hei Ni’s hands turned into a few ten meters long, and all the huge roots that struck him were cut off under this long sword that was a few ten meters long.

During the process, he did not forget to take out the special-grade healing potion and pour it into himself.

As the super healing potion was swallowed, the injuries on his body were recovering at a speed visible to naked eye.

As a Blood Moon powerhouse, he naturally has this kind of High Rank healing potion as a backup.

“Wood release ninjutsu alone can’t help him.”

Seeing Hei Ni can easily block the attacked plants, “Fang Zhan” is frowned, the formidable power of Wood release Kekkei Genkai is not weak, but Wood release Kekkei Genkai alone cannot help Hei Ni.

“Chibaku Tensei.”

His both hands forming seals, a black gravitational ball flew into the sky, creating a terrifying attraction.

The mud, building ruins and even Hei Ni, all converged towards the black ball under this terrifying attraction.

“Not good.”

Hei Ni complexion greatly changed. Although it was the first time he saw this ability, his instinct told him that if he was sucked into a black ball, something bad would happen.

The Demon Wing flapped quickly and tried his best to fight the attraction. Unfortunately, the attraction was too strong, and his body flew towards the black gravity ball uncontrollably.

“This ability again?”

On the other side, Zong Ling, who was fighting Wei You, looked into the sky and had sucked in Hei Ni. The rock sphere became bigger and bigger, and his complexion changed slightly.

He has seen this ability once, but the last time he saw it, it was used by Fang Ping.

Even so, he understood the danger of this ability.

If it is sealed, it will be difficult to break without outsiders’ help.

From behind him, 9 green fog snakes attacked and attacked the sphere in the sky.

“Your opponent is me!”

Wei You naturally will not allow Zong Ling to interfere with Fang Ping.

A huge cross hovered above his head. From the cross, 10000 silver rays of light were shot out.

Under these silver rays of light, 9 green mist snakes, 1000 sores and 100 holes, collapsed.

In the end, he could only watch Hei Ni being sealed into the sphere.

“Retreat -“

Hei Ni was sealed, and now there is only one person left. Zong Ling has a strong sense of crisis in her heart, and he can no longer care about Hei Ni.

Taking out the enchanted artifact of the space category, he quickly rushed towards the spatial barrier of the square space, unexpectedly intending to escape.

He overestimated the strength of himself and Hei Ni. He originally thought that in the case of 2 vs. 2, he could take the opportunity to attack Fang Ping and obliterate Fang Ping.

But I didn’t want to. Before finding a chance to attack Fang Ping, one of the two of them had already missed and was captured.

“Block him!”

Seeing Zong Ling’s intentions, Wei You was loudly shouting at the same time that Wei You produced a silver mask to intercept himself.

Hearing Wei You’s anxious cry, “Fang Zhan” used Wood release Kekkei Genkai, and huge roots rose from the ground to intercept Zong Ling.

However, a Blood Moon powerhouse who wants to escape is not so easy to stop.

9 pythons cleared the way, the silver mask was broken, the huge roots were corroded, and Wei You rushed to the space barrier of the square space.


At the critical moment, Fang Ping used the special ability of ice attribute, Moko Botemo, and the time and space were frozen immediately, and he quickly rushed to Zong Ling in the frozen time and space.

His current strength is called the weakest Blood Moon, and naturally impossible is Zong Ling’s opponent.

But he doesn’t need to contend with Zong Ling, he only needs to block Zong Ling for a moment.

Ka-cha ——

Fang Ping was just halfway running, and suddenly, a cracking sound sounded, and the frozen time and space resumed flow.

Before he had time to get close to Zong Ling, the frozen time and space had been restored.

Mo Ke Bo Temo is not unbreakable for the freezing of time and space. When the opponent’s strength is too strong, this freezing will be broken.

And just now, there were 4 Blood Moon-class powerhouses that were frozen in the static time and space, and the load caused by this was obviously very large.

Therefore, before Fang Ping could get close to Zong Ling, the frozen time and space had been restored.

“what happened?”

Recovering from the freezing, Zong Ling felt a sense of disharmony.

Although when time and space are frozen, he not at all perception and memory, but he instinctively feels what is happening.

When he saw Fang Ping, who was approaching him at some point, he was shocked and immediately remembered the Time Freeze ability of Dark Crow.

A green mist snake attacked Fang Ping who was approaching, and he retreated suddenly.

“Shinra Tensei.”

Fang Ping produced strong repulsive force with both hands, and immediately smashed the green mist giant snake to block the green mist giant snake.

When he looked at Zong Ling again, Zong Ling had already crossed the space barrier and left the square space.

Hey, sou!

Wei You and “Fang Zhan” rushed over, looking unwillingly at Zong Ling outside the square space.

“I have written down this account.”

Outside the square space, Zong Ling’s face was distorted. He and Hei Ni joined forces to attack, but fell into an ambush. Only he escaped.

The extreme anger and resentment in his heart.

“This is just interest!”

He stared at the base city with cold eyes, and 9 huge green mist snakes appeared from behind him, and attacked the base city under the night sky among the angry gazes of the Fang Ping 3 people.

Hong long!

Houses collapsed, the ground collapsed, boulders shot flying, and the base city collapsed like a sand table.

With just one blow, this small base city was destroyed and ruins everywhere.

But he was still dissatisfied, manipulating 9 giant fog snakes to crush in the ruins.

Those who were lucky enough to survive the first attack, under this kind of crush, exploded to death.

Almost no calls for help and screams were heard, because more than 90% of the people in the base city died under these two consecutive attacks.

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