Monster Altar

Chapter 409

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“You damn it!”

Looking at the base city that was destroyed in an instant, watching the tragedy of the base city, Fang Ping 3 people were in a panic.

They are constantly attacking the space barrier.

Bang, bang, hong long!

The attack of the three people caused the space barrier to tremble violently, but it failed to break the space barrier.

“It’s useless, with your strength, it is basically impossible to break the space barrier.”

Outside the square space, Zong Ling laughed triumphantly when she saw this. The laughter was full of triumph, sarcasm, and madness.


Fang Ping is close to the space barrier and wants to break away from the square space with spatial ability.

However, all the means were used, all the space capabilities were used, and the square space was still not able to get rid of.

The level of this enchanted artifact of the space category is not low, and the resulting space has a strong suppression of space capabilities.

In addition, although he has three spatial abilities, the three spatial abilities belong to different systems, and they did not use fuse together, forming an effect of one plus one greater than 3.

“It’s just in vain.”

Seeing this, Zong Ling seemed even more concerned, with a sneer on her face, and her anger in her heart eased slightly.

“Wait, I’ll take this account down.”


No longer staying, he flew away from the base city, and soon disappeared into the night.

Fang Ping 3 people looked at the direction the other party was leaving, their eyes full of anger and unwillingness.


Suddenly, Fang Ping groaned softly, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

As Zong Ling left with the spatial Enchanted weapon, although the square space did not disappear immediately, the suppression of the spatial ability was rapidly weakening.

He has been able to mobilize a little space ability.


He tried to use the Doa Doa no Mi ability to open a door on the space barrier.

With great difficulty, a door appeared above the space barrier.

It flickered, very unstable, as if it would collapse and disappear at any time, but it was finally made.


The door opened, Fang Ping rushed out, left the square space, and came to the outside world.

He quickly said to Wei You and “Fang Zhan”.

“Quickly, I can’t maintain this door for too long.”

Wei You and “Fang Zhan” rushed out of the opened door. As soon as they rushed out, the door opened with Doa Doa no Mi ability behind them was already insufficiently maintained and collapsed.

“Chasing, he shouldn’t have gone far now.”


Wei You looked at the direction where Zong Ling left with murderous intention in his eyes, and chased in that direction.

Fang Ping came to the side of “Fang Zhan”, put his hand on the shoulder of “Fang Zhan”, Teleportation maho used it, and it appeared outside the several hundred meters in an instant.

Although it started late, in a few flashing rooms, it has surpassed Wei You and rushed into the night.

Facing the Blood Moon class with hidden breath, Kenbunshoku Haki and Sage Mode’s perception is useless.

The two-person Rinnegan used his full strength, observing the traces along the way.

Although Rinnegan’s insight is not as good as a blind eye, it is definitely not bad. After all, Rinnegan evolved from Sharingan, and Sharingan has strong insight.

Soon, two people discovered the traces left by Zong Ling.

Because Zong Ling was on guard, the traces were inconspicuous and extremely slight, but they were still discovered by Rinnegan’s insight, and the two quickly chased in the direction of the traces.

“just in front!”

After more than ten minutes of chasing, Fang Ping and “Fang Zhan” suddenly looked cold, and looked forward with cold eyes.

Under Rinnegan’s powerful vision, there was already a swift silhouette of Zong Ling in front of him.

Murderous intention was revealed in the eyes of Fang Ping and “Fang Zhan”.


After a flash, Fang Ping took “Fang Zhan” and intercepted in front of Zong Ling.

“What, how is it possible?”

Seeing Fang Ping and “Fang Zhan” appearing, Zong Ling’s complexion changed suddenly.

He didn’t expect that the two people trapped in the square space would have escaped so quickly, and they had tracked them up.

“Shinra Tensei.”

Zong Ling was surprised, Fang Ping and “Fang Zhan” were not surprised. As soon as they appeared, “Fang Zhan” swept out with Shinra Tensei and attacked Zong Ling.

Si si ——

Although surprised, he did not hesitate to move.

Nine green fog pythons appeared beside Zong Ling, hovering together, enveloping Zong Ling.

Peng –

The powerful repulsion hit 9 green mist pythons, and the 9 green mist pythons exploded and disappeared.

However, it also blocked most of Shinra Tensei’s formidable power, and only a small part of formidable power hit Zong Ling’s body.

ka-cha, ka-cha, ka-cha!

Many trees were broken, and Zong Ling, who was knocked back, relied on the powerful body of the Blood Moon class to force the aftermath of Shinra Tensei.


Blocking the attack, Zong Ling turned and fled.

Although there is only a Blood Moon powerhouse in “Fang Zhan”, not at all seeing Wei You, Wei You must be on his way here at this time, so he doesn’t dare to love the battle at all.


In a teleportation, Fang Ping intercepted Zong Ling in front of Zong Ling, blocked Zong Ling’s path, and slapped out with powerful repulsive force with both hands.

“Give me a roll!”

Zong Ling 9 green fog pythons attacked, Fang Ping formidable power was weaker than the “Fang Zhan” attack by one or two levels of repulsion, and was immediately defeated.

The 9 green fog pythons kept moving, and continued to attack Fang Ping.

“Limbo: Hengoku.”

Two invisible clones emerged from the shadow of Fang Ping, facing 2 green fog pythons.

After the realm was upgraded to Morning Star Middle-Stage, the formidable power of Limbo: Hengoku this move became stronger, which was enough to distinguish two invisible clones.

Hey, hey, hey!

The invisible clone, like a mantis trying to stop a chariot, faces the 9 green fog pythons, and with stronger defense than the main body, it hardens the 9 green fog pythons.

After all, there was a gap in strength, and he was immediately knocked back and flew out.

Where the body collided with 9 green mist pythons, there were signs of corrosion.

However, this moment of blocking has successfully bought time for “Fang Zhan”.

Hey, hey, hey!

Giant trees rose up from the ground, growing a large number of thick roots, attacking Zong Ling from all around.

Zong Ling no longer cares about Fang Ping, and manipulates 9 fog pythons to face the roots of plants that hit the sky and covering the earth from all directions.

Plant roots continue to be corroded by 9 green mist pythons, but plant roots seem to be endless, continuously growing out, and continuously attacking Zong Ling.


The angry roar sound came from Zong Ling’s mouth, and Zong Ling’s body suddenly swelled.

Transformed into a giant ape with a height of ten meters and covered in black and white hair.

It was surprisingly using the form of a monster to explode the strongest battle strength that could erupt, which shows the pressure that “Fang Zhan” put on him.

As Zong Ling transformed into a monster form, the 9 green mist pythons suddenly became more solid and more corrosive.

Choosing a no one’s direction, Zong Ling withstands endless plant attacks, cutting a path with a powerful attack, and fleeing away.


Suddenly, the green mist python protecting around him collapsed under some kind of attack, and more attacks bombarded him.

spit a mouthful of blood, he flew back.

The attack comes from Limbo: Hengoku. Of course, it is not Limbo: Hengoku performed by Fang Ping, but Limbo: Hengoku performed by “Fang Zhan”.

With Wood release temporarily delaying Zong Ling, 4 invisible avatars waited for the opportunity to wound Zong Ling and intercept Zong Ling.

“Invisible attack?”

Turning over and getting up, Zong Ling watched for 4 weeks, 9 green fog pythons gathered again, guarding him.

Suddenly, he looked up to the sky with vigilance, and saw “Fang Zhan” floating above his head in the night, pressing his hands down, and a powerful repulsive force attacked him.

Pu chi ——

He hurriedly manipulated 9 green fog pythons to resist. Under the horrific repulsion, the 9 fog pythons exploded again and disappeared, and he was almost crushed to the ground.

At this moment, he felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart, and conditioned to avoid him.

Hong long!

With a bang, a terrifying shock wave appeared in the place where he was originally, and the air was compressed into a discus, which continued to spread forward, leaving a trace of damage extending straight forward.

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