Monster Altar

Chapter 410

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Before Zong Ling was fortunate to dodge an invisible attack, Zong Ling suddenly felt a sudden pain in his stomach, and his body crouched involuntarily.

A bloody wound appeared on Zong Ling’s abdomen, and it was vaguely discernible that it was a fist mark.

“To die–“

Painful Zong Ling, manipulated the green mist python to sweep in that direction.

There was a muffled sound, which seemed to have hit something.

However, this did not prevent him from attacking.


At almost the same time, an invisible fist slammed on his head.

There were serious wounds on his huge head, teeth fell, blood splashed, and a body as high as ten meters fell heavily to the ground.

“Shinra Tensei.”

“Fang Zhan” landed from the sky and stood on his huge body, with powerful repulsive force impacting his body.

Ka-cha ——

The sound of skeleton fragmentation sounded, and his body showed an unnatural depression.

Many parts of his body were bloody and bloody, and he suffered heavy injuries.

“You damn—”

With an angry roar, he stretched out his giant hand to grab the “Fang Zhan” standing on him, but before the giant hand caught “Fang Zhan”, he was blocked by an invisible attack.

“What the hell is you!”

The “Fang Zhan” expression was cold and attacked alternately with 4 invisible clones, and the attacks fell on Zong Ling continuously.

A few minutes later, when he stopped, Zong Ling had been dead for a long time.

The whole body was bloody, and there was hardly a place intact.


A silhouette came flying by, it was Wei You.

His not at all tracking ability, coupled with the darkness, caused him to follow the wrong direction completely.

He rushed over after hearing the battle, but the battle was over.

Having dealt with Zong Ling many times, he recognized this as Zong Ling’s monster form at a glance.

“It’s cheaper for you!”

His anger over the destruction of the Dongchuan base city was slightly reduced. Although a base city was damaged, he finally killed Zong Ling.

In addition, Hei Ni, who has been sealed, is still very worried about the destruction of Dongchuan Base City, but it is better.

At such a huge price, these two enemies were finally captured.

“Your Excellency Fang Zhan, Zong Ling’s corpse and space Enchanted weapon belong to you. How about handing Hei Ni to Yinchuan Base City?”

Wei You discussed with “Fang Zhan”.


“Fang Zhan” nodded in agreement.

Hei Ni is converted from human beings, and whether it can be used for sacrifice is a question.

Choosing one between the two, he is naturally inclined to choose Zong Ling’s corpse, besides, there is also the addition of the space category Enchanted weapon.

“Put away the body.”

“Fang Zhan” looked at Fang Ping.


Under Fang Ping’s control, scarlet chains appeared one after another, tied to Zong Ling’s corpse, dragged Zong Ling’s corpse, and disappeared into the void.

Although Scarlet Chain had the ability to capture, it was too slow to be used in combat, otherwise, it would be able to add a powerful combat method.


Putting away Zong Ling’s body, Fang Ping took “Fang Zhan” and Wei You back to Dongchuan Base City, which had been turned into rubble.

Seeing Dongchuan base city turned into ruins again, the faces of the three people were very ugly.

Although the necessary sacrifices are inevitable, when they chose to set up the trap in Dongchuan Base City, they had prepared for the worst, but when Dongchuan Base City was truly destroyed, I still couldn’t help but feel inexplicable.

However, even if they were allowed to choose again, they would probably make the same choice without the slightest hesitation, as long as they had the opportunity to kill the Blood Moon-class powerhouse, everything would be at their disposal.

At the place of battle, the square space has disappeared, the huge sphere sealed with Hei Ni is still suspended in the sky, and the power of the seal supports it in the sky.

Fang Ping sent the “Fang Zhan” whose Apex seal had disappeared back to Yinchuan Base City, and moved from Yinchuan Base City for support.

Use a special Enchanted weapon to bind Hei Ni and search for survivors in Dongchuan Base City.

I was busy one day, one night, until the evening of the 2nd day, the search was over.

Because of conscious responsibility, Fang Ping participated in the whole process.

The statistics are horrible to see.

Dongchuan base city with a population of 1,000,000, with fewer than hundreds of survivors, was the base city with the largest casualties among the destroyed base cities.

In other words, for Zong Ling and Hei Ni 2 people, more than 90 10000 lives were paid.

Fang Ping panicked when he thought of this.

But he knew very well in his heart that if something like this happened again, whether it was Yinchuan base city or other large base cities, they would do so without the slightest hesitation.

This is the situation of Human Race today, it has reached the brink of life and death, even at the cost of a lot of sacrifices, it will also weaken the vitality of Demonic Human Race.

In the huge palace on the lofty mountain, a man with mysterious lines on his face sits on a huge throne ten meters high.

He is the creator of the Demonic Human race, Leviathan, the king of the Demonic Human race, which is the Immemorial Devil in the mouth of Human Race, who has the horror power beyond the Blood Moon level.

“Master, there is news from the War Zone in Yinchuan base city that Zong Ling was killed in battle and Hei Ni was captured.”

A beautiful middle-aged woman with her hair curled up entered the palace and bowed to salute.

She is a Blood Moon class Demonic Human race She Ji.

“Suddenly lost two Blood Moon-level battle strengths. What happened?”

Leviathan asked.

“Fell into the trap of Yinchuan Base City, resulting in one death and one capture.”

She Ji replied.

“How about the other 9 War Zones?”

Leviathan asked indifferent expression.

“Except for the three war zones of Huake, Longpan, and Huanggang, the other War Zones have gained advantages.”

She Ji reports.

“You have to speed up the process.”

Leviathan said not satisfied.

“What does the Lord mean?”

She Ji asked carefully.

“Let those ten people be dispatched.”

Leviathan ordered.


She Ji condensed suddenly, her voice in awe.

In the past six months, Human Race and Demonic Human Race have fought endlessly, and the restored Immemorial Devil Leviathan has not been idle.

Searching in the wilderness, brought back ten people, all of whom were transformed from Blood Moon level monsters, and each of them possessed Blood Moon level terrifying power.

It is conceivable that such a powerful force joins the Human Race, which is already at a disadvantage, what the outcome will be.

Soon, ten Blood Moon-level Demonic Human races rushed to various War Zones. Among them, because of the fall of the Blood Moon-level battle strength, Yinchuan War Zone surprisingly had 3 Blood Moon-level Demonic Human races.

After the search and rescue ended, Fang Ping returned to Yinchuan base city. Upon returning to Yinchuan base city, he entered the sacrifice space impatiently.

The value of a Blood Moon-level Demonic Human race corpse is conceivable. Of course, the price he paid for this Blood Moon-level Demonic Human race corpse is not small. Only one Apex seal was consumed.

This is the second time he has obtained a Blood Moon-class Demonic Human race corpse. The last time he obtained a Blood Moon-class Demonic Human race corpse, he took out Hawkeye, a powerhouse close to the Blood Moon class.

He is looking forward to what the second Blood Moon-class Demonic Human race corpse can take out.

Entering the sacrifice space, he immediately saw the giant ape corpse above Monster Altar.

Although he was dead, the huge body still had a powerful impact, and the pressure still remained on his body, as if he was not at all dead and would come alive at any time.


Fang Ping made a sound, and the body of giant ape burned under the scarlet flame and turned into ashes.

The altar was lit up with blood-colored rays of light more than ten meters high, and one after another stars appeared in the sky.


One of the stars shined with dazzling golden rays of light, projecting a golden beam of light, and bursting into a man.

The man wore a battle suit with bare arms, had black hair, and had extremely strong muscles.

However, it does not appear bloated, but rather symmetrical, with a sense of combination of strength and aesthetics.

Name: Burdock

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: extraordinary

Taijutsu innate talent: extraordinary

Super Saiyan innate talent: excellent


Foresight: The ability to predict the future, the timing of activation and the object of prediction cannot be controlled.

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