Monster Altar

Chapter 411

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“Dragon Ball Burdock!!!”

Fang Ping has a feeling of being hit by a surprise. He hasn’t slept for 2 days, and his tired brain instantly wakes up.

Burdock, an anime character in Dragon Ball, is the father of the protagonist Sun Wukong, a cosmic battle race Saiyan.

Of course, this is not the reason for Fang Ping’s excitement. The reason for Fang Ping’s excitement is that the opponent, like Sun Wukong, has a super Saiyan innate talent.

Although the opponent’s Super Saiyan innate talent cannot reach the level of Super Saiyan’s fourth form like Sun Wukong, it is enough to reach Super Saiyan’s first form.

Although it is only the first form of Super Saiyan, it seems that it is only the lowest level Super Saiyan, but the enhancement of battle strength is not weak, but extremely strong.

After being fully developed, it is enough to obtain an amazing battle strength of 50 times under normal conditions. Threw away Sage Mode for a few blocks, which is far unmatched by Sage Mode.

“Burdock’s Super Saiyan innate talent is actually only excellent, but even so, it can have an exaggerated increase effect of up to 50 times. It is really a terrifying innate talent.”

Looking at Burdock as an excellent super Saiyan innate talent, Fang Ping sighed in his heart.

If innate talent is like ability, it has low order, middle order, high order, peak order, and forbidden levels, then Super Saiyan innate talent is definitely forbidden.

Only the excellent level, after being fully developed, is enough to obtain an exaggerated 50 times increase in battle strength. One can imagine the horror of this innate talent.

“Currently anime characters have Growth innate talent, Taijutsu innate talent, Super Saiyan innate talent, and ability prediction. Do you choose one to acquire?”

The majestic voice sounded, Fang Ping even trembled because of excitement.

“Choose…Super Saiyan innate talent.”

In addition to the super Saiyan innate talent, Burdock has good predictive ability, but it is completely incomparable with the super Saiyan innate talent.

Therefore, he chose Super Saiyan innate talent without the slightest hesitation.


A golden rays of light drilled into Fang Ping within the body. After feeling a little strange, Fang Ping returned to normal.

He looked at the attribute panel and suddenly saw that the Super Saiyan innate talent had been lying quietly on the attribute panel.

“The level of Super Saiyan innate talent is not high. I am afraid it will take a lot of time to be inspired.”

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Fang Ping calmed himself down and thought.

Although he has obtained the Super Saiyan innate talent, it does not mean that he can immediately transform into the first form of Super Saiyan. This requires an exciting process.

The level of Super Saiyan innate talent is only excellent, indicating that innate talent is not too high and it is quite difficult to inspire.

This is enough to see from Burdock that when the opponent is inspired to reach Super Saiyan’s first form, he is already quite young.

“Fortunately, with the power of the second kingship gold that can maximize talents, this time should be greatly reduced.”

Thinking of the golden power of the second kingship, Fang Ping had expectations. Under the power of golden, he didn’t know how long he could develop the first form of Super Saiyan.

One day later, a new round of rotation began. Fang Ping went to the base cities and brought the Morning Star teams back to the base city of Yinchuan.

“Everyone, before the meeting starts, I want to tell you good news. Not long ago, we ambushed and killed Zong Ling and captured Hei Ni alive.”

Wei You, who presided over the meeting, smiled.


“Master Wei You, is this true?”

Hearing what he said, the Morning Star powerhouse attending the meeting were all surprised and pleasantly surprised.

Zong Ling and Hei Ni, the two Blood Moon Demonic Human Races, are a dangerous sword hanging above their heads, which has always made them fearful.

They are all very afraid of encountering two people. After all, with their strength, if they encounter any of them, they will almost certainly die.

Now suddenly I heard that one of the two people was dead, the other was captured alive, and the crisis was lifted, so why not surprise them.

However, among these surprised people, there was a stranger mixed in.

“What, Zong Ling is dead and Hei Ni was also captured alive? How could it be, how could it be?”

Upon hearing the news, Rong Wenbin felt not surprise, but fright, with panic on his face.

It was Zong Ling who made him an inner promise and promised to reincarnate his clansman into a Demonic Human race. Now, Zong Ling who promised him has been killed. Is this guarantee still valid?

In fact, he didn’t know that Zong Ling never thought of asking the Immemorial Devil Leviathan for his credit and transforming him and his family into the Demonic Human race. What he promised was just a bad check.

It is not easy to transform monsters or humans into Demonic Human races. Because of this, Immemorial Devil Leviathan did not manufacture Demonic Human races in large quantities, and has always followed the route of elite soldiers.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to transform Rong Wenbin’s clansman family into a Demonic Human race.

Rong Wenbin’s strange reaction fell into the eyes of other Morning Star powerhouses. Many people looked at him with doubts. He quickly suppressed the panic on his face and tried to squeeze a “happy” smile.

At this time, Wei You’s voice sounded again.

“Killing Zong Ling and capturing Hei Ni alive is something to be happy about, but.”

Wei You’s voice paused, cold.

“It is very irritating that a traitor has appeared among us. He has been whistling about the Demonic Human race and betraying the intelligence of his companions.”

“What? Director Wei, sure you made a mistake?”

Hearing Wei You’s words, all Morning Star powerhouses cannot help but express their anger.

They desperately worked hard, fighting with the Demonic Human race time and time again, just to get a glimmer of survival for the Human Race, but they didn’t want them to have traitors who colluded with the Demonic Human race.

“Damn it, Director Wei, who is that traitor, I’m going to tear him up.”

The hot-tempered Morning Star powerhouse looked at the people around him, looking for the traitor.

“Rong Wenbin, what else do you have to say.”

Wei You looked at Rong Wenbin with cold eyes, coldly said.

“It’s you, you’re the traitor?”

Each and everyone Morning Star powerhouse looked towards Rong Wenbin with bad eyes, and his eyes were full of cold murderous aura.

“Misunderstanding, I am not…traitor, there must be…some misunderstanding in this.”

Rong Wenbin hurriedly defended in a cold sweat.

“Misunderstanding? I still want to quibble, do you really want me to show evidence to give up?”

Wei You coldly snorted, projected a video to the huge LCD screen of the Conference Hall. It was a video of Rong Wenbin in the toilet quietly passing the message to the Demonic Human race.

Seeing this video, Rong Wenbin’s only fluke disappeared, and his face was pale, while the other Morning Star powerhouses were complexion ashen, staring at Rong Wenbin as if he was going to eat people.


Knowing what was waiting for him, Rong Wenbin suddenly violently rushed towards the wall of the room, planning to break through the wall and escape.


Just as he was about to smash the wall and escape the room, a dark silhouette appeared in front of him coldly. This person was Fang Ping.


Seeing Fang Ping blocking the way, Rong Wenbin’s face showed craziness and hideousness, his fist wrapped Thunder and Lightning, and a very ruthless punch hit Fang Ping’s head.


The fierce Thunder and Lightning fist was firmly grasped by Fang Ping, and the surging Thunder and Lightning wrapped around the fist disappeared without a trace at the moment of contact.

Not only that, but Rong Wenbin felt that his body’s strength was losing rapidly, and his body was gradually becoming weak.

This is naturally because Fang Ping used the “sealing technique to absorb the seal” to absorb Rong Wenbin’s attack, and even his body energy was also absorbed.

“Go away!”

Rong Wenbin was panicked, and attacked Fang Ping with Thunder and Lightning in his other hand, but was caught by Fang Ping again. Thunder and Lightning disappeared in the moment of contact.

He panicked and wanted to get rid of Fang Ping’s hand. Unfortunately, he was not a Fang Ping opponent who was already Morning Star Middle-Stage in the power competition.


For a moment, Rong Wenbin, who had absorbed the energy of his body, fell to the ground weakly and felt very difficult to move his fingers.

“Fang Ping, give him a good time.”

Wei You sighed.

“it is good.”

Fang Ping responded, knelt down, grabbed the opponent’s head, and twisted suddenly.


Accompanied by the sound of skull cracking, the opponent’s neck was unnaturally curved, and blood overflowed from his mouth.

Without too much struggle, and without the strength to struggle, the opponent soon died.

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