Monster Altar

Chapter 412

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“According to the investigation, the opposing family is not aware of his collusion with the Demonic Human race, and the matter ends here.”

Wei You Ping Fang and also to the Morning Star powerhouse who is still angry in the Conference Hall.

“It’s cheaper for him.”

Some Morning Star powerhouse looked at Rong Wenbin’s body and sent out coldly snorted.

“I know.”

Fang Ping nodded. He knew that Wei You said so because he was afraid that he would retaliate against Rong Wenbin’s family. However, the other party was worrying too much.

Although he was very angry at this person who put him in a crisis, he didn’t want to anger the innocent person.

The meeting continued. This time, it was no longer a mobile station, but an active attack.

Zong Ling is dead, Hei Ni has been captured, and there are no Blood Moon enemies in the nearby area. It is a perfect time to counterattack the Demonic Human race and wipe out the Demonic Human race tribe.

Therefore, they will take the initiative to attack and kill the Demonic Human race tribe.

And the first target they set was the Yingchuan Demonic Human race, the large Demonic Human race tribe that lost the Blood Moon powerhouse.

Yingchuan Demonic Human race station, Yinchuan base city is known.

However, before the strength was not enough, he has been patient and did not make a move. Now, the strength of Yingchuan Demonic Human race is greatly damaged, and it is a perfect time to make a move.

“After six months of continuous missions, everyone must be tired. Let’s take a day off and leave early tomorrow morning.”

After the meeting, Wei You told everyone to leave, but stopped Fang Ping.

“Fang Ping, contact Your Excellency Fang Zhan and ask him if he is willing to participate in the attack on a Human Race in Yinchuan this time.”

“I want to disappoint Director Wei. He has left Yinchuan base city a few days ago and his whereabouts are unknown. Even I cannot contact him.”

Fang Ping expressed regret on his face.

The identity of “Fang Zhan” is the vest he used with Apex seal, and he can only use it when he has Apex seal.

Now that he has no Apex seal, he naturally cannot use this vest, so he can only shirk his departure.

“This way.”

Wei You is a pity, but not too disappointed.

Yingchuan Demonic Human Race no longer has a Blood Moon powerhouse. With his strength, it is enough to suppress everything. The reason why he wants to be called “Fang Zhan” is just for insurance.

The atmosphere of the Demonic Human race in Yingchuan was solemn.

“The news has been confirmed that Lord Zong Ling and His Excellency Hei Ni encountered an ambush, Lord Zong Ling died on the spot, and His Excellency Hei Ni was captured.”

A man wearing a black clothed man expression grave said that he is the one who has always served Zong Ling.

“How come, how could Lord Zong Ling die?”

Hearing the news, Zhai Long who had resumed Morning Star realm was full of consternation. Even if the news had been confirmed repeatedly, he still didn’t want to believe it.

“Is that Fang Ping really so strong today? It actually forced Lord Zong Ling to take action, and ultimately led Lord Zong Ling to fall into the trap of life and death.”

Later, the realm has been upgraded to the blood moon level Xiong Haokong frowns saying.

When attacking the Yinchuan base city, he once fought Fang Ping. Although the opponent at the time was indeed quite strong, he and Jin Li 2 were able to compete, but the strength was close to Morning Star Middle-Stage.

It has only been more than a year since he has just upgraded his realm to Morning Star, and his battle strength has reached Morning Star Middle-Stage.

But I don’t want to, the opponent’s strength is already strong enough to require the Blood Moon powerhouse to deal with it personally.

2 In comparison, his growth over the past year is almost like a turtle crawling.

“Although it is surprising, it is a fact that his strength has grown to the Morning Star, the peak of the Third Stage. This is why Lord Zong Ling will take action.”

Dark Crow shook his head and said.

“Lord Zong Ling is dead. It is meaningless to discuss this issue. There are more pressing issues that we need to face.”

“This place is likely to have been exposed. I suggest to evacuate it as soon as possible, otherwise, it is likely to be attacked by Yinchuan Base City.”

Wearing a black clothed man said.

“I agree.”


Concerning their own lives, the Morning Star Demonic Human race did not hesitate at all. They all agreed with the decision to withdraw. As for the deadly fight and so on, there is no such word in their dictionary.

On the 2nd day, Fang Ping entire group quietly left the base city of Yinchuan, murderous-looking towards the Demonic Human race station in Yingchuan.

However, when they arrived at the Demonic Human race site in Yingchuan, they saw an empty site. There was not a Demonic Human race.

“A step late.”

Looking at the empty station, Chang Sheng said regretfully.

Judging from the items that the building still hasn’t had time to take away, this is indeed the site of the Yingchuan Demonic Human race.

But unfortunately, before they arrived, the Demonic Human race had already evacuated. It should have sensed the danger and chose to evacuate.

“From the traces of life, it should have been withdrawn not long ago, or even less than a day. If you follow the traces, you might be able to catch up.

Hu Ao’er said.

“Not necessarily, the other party did not evacuate in a hurry. The smell and traces should have been dealt with. It may not be traceable through the smells and traces.” Fang Ping shook his head.

Just now, he has used Rinnegan to observe the surrounding area, looking for traces of the Demonic Human race withdrawal.

Unfortunately, he not at all found traces such as footprints, and all traces have been erased.

In terms of smell, although he was not at all capable of this aspect, the result should be the same if he wanted to, and was also erased.

He couldn’t help but think of a person, maybe there should be a way to keep track of that person.

“Director Wei.”

At this moment, Wei You walked over and all three of them greeted him.

After Wei You nodded in response, he looked at Fang Ping.

“The traces and scents have been wiped out, and they can no longer be traced through the traces and scents, Fang Ping, you return to the base city and bring Lin Jieyu who is good at breath tracking.”

“it is good.”

Fang Ping responded with a teleportation maho and disappeared where he was. The person he had just thought of was Lin Jieyu.

He had dealt with Lin Jieyu and knew that Lin Jieyu had the ability to track breath.

This is an ability different from traces and smell tracking. If anyone else has the ability to track the demonic Human race that has been withdrawn, it may only be her.

After a short while, he returned, and Lin Jieyu was with him.

This is the middle order of each and everyone, double eyelid, and a very outgoing woman.

However, even if his personality is extroverted, he still couldn’t help being nervous when he saw Wei You, the Blood Moon powerhouse and many Morning Star powerhouses.

“Director Wei, sirs.”

Her voice was restrained.

“Don’t be nervous, this time needs your ability, so I specially invited you here.”

Wei You is kind.

“It shouldn’t be too late, you can search with your ability to see if you can still find the breath.”

Breath is not a smell, it is something similar to a biological magnetic field, coercion, etc., which may remain after staying in a certain place for a long time.


Lin Jieyu hurriedly responded, light and shadow appeared, a compass appeared, and the red arrow quickly rotated.

For a moment, the arrow’s rotation slowed down, and finally stayed in one direction.

“The breath has been recorded, they should have withdrawn in this direction.”

Lin Jieyu sighed in relief.

Watched by so many Morning Star powerhouses and even a Blood Moon powerhouse, she was under pressure. Fortunately, she didn’t drop the chain and collected the breath.

“Well, this time you have done a great job, we will set off now, I will take you, and you will show the way.”

Wei You applauded.

The rays of light of silver emerged from him, forming a small sphere, wrapping him and Lin Jieyu in it, and flying towards the distance.

Fang Ping and a group of Morning Star powerhouses followed him behind, and followed them by various means.

A day later, the evacuated Yingchuan Demonic Human race appeared in a valley. In the valley, there were many buildings, and the buildings also had furniture, but they were all dusty and had not been inhabited for a long time.

This is a backup stronghold for the Yingchuan Demonic Human race, which is used for emergency evacuation like the present.

“This is where you chose?”

Coming here, Dark Crow sneered, attacking the man wearing black clothed.

“Lord Zong Ling died in battle and Hei Ni was captured. Now we no longer have the strength to contend with Yinchuan Base City. You still want to defend the Yinchuan War Zone, do you want all of us to die with you?”

Wearing a black clothed man named Ying2, the reason why he has such a weird name is because the other person is the second shadow of Zong Ling.

Although the other party has always served Zong Ling like a servant, in fact, the other party is a Third Stage Morning Star. For some special reasons, the other party has always served Zong Ling.

After Zong Ling’s death, it was the opponent who was temporarily the leader, and it was the opponent’s decision to move to this place.

This makes him very dissatisfied with the Morning Star, who is also the pinnacle of the Third Stage.

On the one hand, he is dissatisfied with staying in Yinchuan War Zone. On the other hand, because he is also the Morning Star of the Third Stage, he doesn’t think he will be weaker than the other party. Why should the other party be the leader?

“Do you want to escape Yinchuan War Zone in a desperate way? If you really think so, you can leave, I won’t stop you.”

Shadow 2 coldly snorted.

“What is running away? I’m just stating the fact that with our current strength, we are no longer an opponent of Yinchuan Base City.”

“If we stay, we will all die if we are discovered by Yinchuan Base City.”

Dark Crow loudly said, obviously inspiring other people, and after other people heard it, they couldn’t help showing worry on their faces.

“Who said it was not an opponent of Yinchuan Base City?”

Shadow 2 did not panic at all, coldly said.

“Learning about the situation in the Yinchuan War Zone, the master has sent three Blood Moon-class powerhouses here. This is the place where the meeting was agreed.”

“We will meet with 3 adults here, when the time comes, we will not be afraid of Yinchuan base city, and we will be able to avenge Lord Zong Ling.”

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