Monster Altar

Chapter 413

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In a wilderness, three silhouettes are moving forward at a terrifying speed several times the speed of sound.

3 Strong wind pressure is generated where people pass, and the leaves of plants along the way are all gone, leaving only bare branches, and mountains and rocks constantly flying under the terrifying wind pressure.

These three people rushed to Yinchuan War Zone to join the Yingchuan Demonic Human race, and the three Blood Moon Demonic Human Race.

“How far is it?”

Yu Yexue, a beautiful or coquettish woman wearing a white feather coat, asked.

“Almost, we have now entered the Yinchuan War Zone. At our speed, we will be able to arrive before dark in most hours. I believe that Yingchuan Demonic Human race has prepared a place for us.”

There are some ugly men who look diligent.

He holds a crystal ball in his hand. On the crystal ball, there is a microcosm of the surrounding terrain, and a line extends straight to the valley where the Yingchuan Demonic Human race hides.

“Yingchuan Demonic Human race? Huh, it’s just a waste. If we die, we are sent to clean up the mess.”

The long-haired man Bao Peng made a voice of dissatisfaction, apparently very dissatisfied with being sent here.


“The breath is in the valley!”

Outside the valley hidden by the Demonic Human race in Yingchuan, the entire group of Yinchuan base city approached quietly, Lin Jieyu said, looking towards the mountain valley.

“Well, you stay here and leave it to us next.”

Wei You glanced at the valley with murderous intention in his eyes, and turned to Fang Ping and other Morning Star powerhouses.

“Action, don’t let any one go!”

Hey, hey, sou!

Everyone dives into the mountain valley.

Hey, pu!

Two Tier 2 Demonic Human races responsible for security patrols had their necks broken before they could make a sound, and died after twisting their bodies a few times.


A Morning Star Demonic Human race responsible for vigilance seems to have heard the movement of these two Tier 2 Demonic Human races before they die, and looked slightly suspicious for 5 weeks.

At this moment, behind him, a door opened silently, a giant green hand stretched out, grabbed him and sank into the door space, and then closed it again.

“Aaahhhh!!!! “

His screams can only be heard in the space inside the door, and cannot be transmitted to the outside world, let alone a warning for the Demonic Human race in the mountain within the valley.

Even the sound inside the door quickly disappeared without a trace. With Fang Ping’s current strength, dealing with an ordinary Morning Star Demonic Human race is naturally extremely easy.


It was not until everyone rushed into the valley that they were discovered by the Yingchuan Demonic Human race within the valley. At this time, Fang Ping and the others had surrounded Yingchuan Demonic Human race.

“Yinchuan base city is coming from Yinchuan base city!”

“Wei You, Wei You is here too!”

“Escape, run away!”

Panic sounds came from Yingchuan Demonic Human race, each and everyone Demonic Human race did not have the slightest fighting intent, and fled one after another.

The deterrence of the Blood Moon class is so strong that they can’t even think of fighting, and just want to escape.

This is a wise move. In the face of the Blood Moon-class powerhouse, if you do not retreat, the result will only be annihilation of the entire army.

However, Fang Ping and the others would naturally not allow them to escape, each and everyone Morning Star powerhouse intercepted them.

“You are not dead!”

Chang Sheng intercepted Zhai Long and looked at Zhai Long strangely, but the other party was not dead.

Zhai Long was killed by his own hands, and even the corpse was taken back. How could he be alive? He almost thought it was another person with the same appearance.

However, it is not difficult to see from the ability that this is not another person with the same appearance, but Zhai Long himself.

Hu Ao’er stopped Xiong Haokong. Xiong Haokong’s realm was promoted to Morning Star, and she was no exception. She was also promoted to Morning Star not long ago.

Wei You intercepted the new leader of Yinchuan Demonic Human race, Ying2, but unexpectedly Ying2 had a Blood Moon-level Enchanted weapon in his hand.

With this Blood Moon-level Enchanted weapon, Shadow 2 temporarily blocked Wei You, but facing Wei You, the Blood Moon-level powerhouse, death is sooner or later.

“The smell and trace have been erased. How did Yinchuan base city find this place? Damn, I should have left before I knew it.”

Dark Crow’s face was flustered, and he regretted it now.

Because he learned from Shadow 2 that three Blood Moon-level Demonic Human race powerhouses were coming, he finally did not leave.

But I didn’t want to. The 3 Blood Moon-level Demonic Human race powerhouse did not wait, but they waited for the Yinchuan base city.


Seeing Wei You staring at Shadow 2, his face was ecstatic, secretly thought the sky is endless.

Bless yourself with a speed system, and burst out with a terrifying speed of 6 times the speed of sound, like flying over a valley.

Several Morning Star powerhouses intercepted, but were all avoided by him with a terrifying speed of 6 times the speed of sound. Seeing that, he was about to escape from the valley.

At this moment, a silhouette stopped in front of him, blocking his way.

“Fang Ping.”

Looking at Fang Ping, who was blocking his way, Dark Crow’s complexion became solemn.

He has learned about the strength of Fang Ping. He and She Chuzhu 2 Third Stage peak Morning Star teamed up to besiege. Not only did they lose, but She Chuzhu died in Fang Ping’s hands.

“Werewolf, madness, self-healing physique, elemental damage.”

He hurriedly used the strongest speech and spirit ability he could currently use, and turned into a giant wolf with a height of five meters.

There is no escape, so you can only fight and make a way out!


He approached Fang Ping in an instant, and his scarlet wolf claws grabbed Fang Ping’s chest very ruthlessly.

Peng –

The wolf claws grabbed towards Fang Ping’s chest are already one meter away from Fang Ping.

A powerful repulsive force blocked the attacking wolf claws, and even hit him back again and again, a wound appeared on the wolf claws, and blood flowed long.

“Your strength has become stronger? Is your battle strength already comparable to Blood Moon?”

Looking at the bloody wolf claws, Dark Crow looked at Fang Ping in horror.

In the last match, She Chuzhu died in Fang Ping’s hands because Fang Ping used the terrifying Time Freeze ability.

Regarding battle strength, Fang Ping and him are almost on par, and are also the Morning Star of the Third Stage.

But this time, Fang Ping’s battle strength was clearly stronger than him, and he suffered a little loss in the first day of the match.

“It’s almost, but it’s enough for you.”

Fang Ping looked at this enemy who had attacked him with cold murderous intention in his eyes, coldly said.

After the realm reaches the Morning Star Middle-Stage, his strength is still a bit worse than that of the average Blood Moon powerhouse, but it is also enough to deal with the Dark Crow, which is the peak Morning Star on the 3rd floor.


With a terrifying speed exceeding 6 times the speed of sound, Dark Crow has no fighting intent, avoiding Fang Ping’s direction and fleeing quickly.

Because Fang Ping has the teleport ability, it is difficult to escape from Fang Ping’s hands. He originally wanted to injure Fang Ping so that Fang Ping could not chase him.

But after seeing Fang Ping’s battle strength, he knew that he was impossible to be Fang Ping’s opponent, and he decisively avoided Fang Ping and fled.

“Shinra Tensei !”

Teleportation maho used, Fang Ping intercepted again in front of Dark Crow, and as soon as it appeared, a powerful shock wave hit Dark Crow.

Ka-cha ——

Under the powerful shock wave, Dark Crow flew backwards.

There was a sound of skull cracking from his body, his body was unnaturally concave, there were cracked wounds everywhere on his body, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and his appearance was extremely miserable.

However, the self-healing physique endowed by the Yan Ling ability gave him an amazing self-healing ability. The seemingly serious injury can recover quickly under this powerful self-healing ability.

“Sure enough, it’s hard to kill, so you can only capture it alive!”

Fang Ping raised his eyebrows, Limbo: Hengoku used it, and two invisible clones emerged from his shadow and ran towards the Dark Crow.

The injury has recovered somewhat, and Dark Crow has just risen from the ground.

Suddenly feeling a strong wind hit, he hurriedly endured the pain of his whole body to avoid, but he could not escape.


His body was smashed to the ground by an invisible attack, smashing a deep hole on the ground, and fist marks were faintly visible on the wound on his body.

Hey, hey, hey!

The attack not at all stopped, one after another invisible fists attacked him, and one after another serious wounds appeared on his body.

If it were not for the self-healing physique, he would have died many times without knowing it.

“Put him down!”

Fang Ping ordered the two invisible clones to press the seriously injured Dark Crow to the ground, making Dark Crow unable to break free.

Fang Ping uses the power of Monster Altar to extend the scarlet chains and bind them to Dark Crow.

The speed of Scarlet Chain is not fast. Under normal circumstances, it can easily be avoided at the speed of Dark Crow.

However, now that Dark Crow has been pressed to the ground, unable to move even a little bit, there is naturally no way to avoid it.


The scarlet chain was entwined on Dark Crow’s body, and the injury recovered some Dark Crow suddenly exerted force, and finally flew the two invisible clones, struggling frantically, trying to break free of the scarlet chain.

However, it is too late at this time.

The Scarlet Chain is not thick, but it is unusually strong, and there is a suppressing force generated by the Scarlet Chain. Under this suppressing force, Dark Crow’s ability can no longer be used.

“Do not……”

Dark Crow uttered an unwilling roar, struggling hard, but in vain, dragged by the scarlet chain into the void and disappeared without a trace.

Caught Dark Crow into the sacrifice space, Fang Ping looked at the direction where Wei You was fighting against the black clothed man.

The battle is coming to an end, and wearing a black clothed man is already very injured.

Although he holds a Blood Moon-class Enchanted weapon, it is ultimately impossible to be the opponent of a Blood Moon-class powerhouse.

After all, the field is a field, and naturally impossible can be used as freely as the ability it has.

Moreover, what the Blood Moon-class Enchanted weapon confers is only one-sided battle strength comparable to Blood Moon, while the Blood Moon-class powerhouse reaches the Blood Moon level in many aspects.

“With the Blood Moon weapon, it really is not Wei You’s opponent. If you want to avenge Lord Zong Ling, you can only rely on the three adults.”

Shadow 2 glanced at Wei You slightly unwillingly, did not break through and escape, instead turned and sank into the shadow of a building.

Then, he melted into the shadow and disappeared without a trace.


Wei You’s attack follow closely from behind.

The building was destroyed and the shadow dissipated, but after the shadow dissipated, but not at all saw the silhouette of Shadow 2.

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