Monster Altar

Chapter 414

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Wei You frowned and looked at this place, wondering where the other party was hiding. Could it be that he had the Earth Element ability and got into the ground.

Teleportation maho was used, Fang Ping came here, felt it carefully, and made a discovery.

“The opponent used his spatial ability to escape!”

“Not the shadow ability, but the spatial ability?”

Wei You is surprised. Judging from the characteristics just now, the opponent’s ability is clearly the shadow ability, but Fang Ping must have a basis for saying this.

Fang Ping explained.

“There is space fluctuation, which is undoubtedly the space ability. The opponent’s ability is probably a teleportation ability that can only be used with the help of shadows.”

“Can you track him through space fluctuation?”

“Let me try.”

Fang Ping tried to capture space coordinates, next moment, through space fluctuations, and there was a gleam in his eyes.

“Caught it!”

From the fluctuation of space, he captured the space coordinates of the opponent’s departure. As long as he knows the coordinates, he can catch up with Teleportation maho.

“Chasing, don’t let him run away!”

Wei You’s eyes lit up.

Fang Ping touched Wei You with his hands, next moment, he and Wei You disappeared in place, and when they reappeared, they appeared outside the valley, under the shadow of a huge rock.

Here, he perceives another space fluctuation and continues to capture it with his spatial ability, and he discovers another spatial coordinate.


With this space coordinate, he and Wei You disappear again.

At this time, he appeared more than ten kilometers away, under a towering giant tree, and he felt new space fluctuations.

Huh, huh, Shua!

With Wei You, Fang Ping teleported and tracked one after another, teleporting many times, after not knowing how far away from the valley, the two finally saw the escaped shadow 2.

“Not good, I caught up!”

Suffering from a serious injury, Shadow 2 stopped to rest. When Fang Ping and Wei You appeared, the complexion greatly changed, even if he wanted to throw himself into the shadows again, he teleported and fled.

However, after taking precautions, Wei You will naturally not give him another chance.


A silver mask appeared centered on Wei You, spreading rapidly, closing Shadow 2 in it.

Shadow 2 hurriedly used the Blood Moon Enchanted weapon in his hand, a long spear capable of manipulating the wind, to stab the silver mask.

Ka-cha !

There was a crack in the silver mask, but it stubbornly blocked the hit of Shadow 2 and failed to break it.

Ying 2 quickly stabs the silver mask again with a long spear in his hand, but at this moment, a silver cross dropping from the sky, pressing towards Ying 2.

If he continues to attack the silver mask, he will be attacked by the silver cross.

The long spear in his hand turned in the direction, and he pierced the cross that was lowered into the sky.


With the long spear, he blocked the silver cross, but it was impossible to bear spit a mouthful of blood. His body was unstable and he had to support the ground with long spear.

In the previous battle, he was already seriously injured, and now he was shocked by the shock, even more injuries.


Fang Ping teleported closer, and a golden blade extended from the right hand, piercing him.

Pu chi ——

Before he could evade, the golden blade came out from his chest through the back, and blood sprayed from the front and back.

His movements suddenly became stiff, his mouth was overflowing with blood, and his face was extremely unwilling.

Stay strong, stay with long spear, unwilling to fall.

He has not yet seen Wei You die, and he has not yet avenged Lord Zong Ling.

哐 Dang!

Life Aura disappeared from his body, his body turned into a giant wolf and fell to the ground, raising a lot of dust.

“You are not reconciled. Why are the 1000000 people killed by your Demonic Human race reconciled?”

Picking up the long spear, Wei You said coldly.

Although he didn’t know why the other party was so unwilling, he didn’t care.

In the 1000 years of fighting, the human race and the Demonic Human race have long been hatred as deep as the sea. Once the Human Race and the Demonic Human race encounter, apart from the death of the other party and their own death, there is no third possibility.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Suddenly, three silhouettes shot at here at a terrifying speed several times the speed of sound.

In an instant, he was approaching and appeared within 100 meters of Wei You and Fang Ping.

“It seems to be late.”

Seeing Shadow 2 and 3 who had died and turned into a monster form, a woman in feather clothes said indifferently.

These 3 people are the 3 Blood Moon Demonic Human Race who are going to join the Yingchuan Demonic Human Race.

“You who?”

Fang Ping and Wei You facial expression grave look at 3 people.

Although it is impossible to judge the strength of the three people from the breath because the three people have hidden their breath, but from the exaggerated movement speed of the three people, they have noticed that the three people are not simple.

“How to deal with these two humans?”

Ignoring Fang Ping and Wei You, the ugly mouse Qiwang asked Yu Yexue.

“You will encounter a Demonic Human race who is being hunted down. The situation in Yinchuan War Zone does not seem to be very good. Capture it and ask about the current situation in Yinchuan War Zone.”

Yu Yexue said.

“Okay, I’ll catch them.”

Hearing Yu Yexue’s words, Mouse Qi was courteous.

Then, he turned around and looked at Wei You and Fang Ping as if looking at his prey.

At the next moment, a huge earth-yellow rock giant hand appeared, like a giant hand covering the sky, grabbing towards Fang Ping and Wei You.

Feeling the not simple of this giant rock hand, Wei You condense a huge silver cross and hit the giant rock hand.


The giant silver cross collided with the giant rock hand and stood in a stalemate. After a while, both shattered and disappeared.

There was a terrorist shock wave spreading, and the surrounding area, which was originally quite dense forest, was suddenly raze to the ground under this terrorist shock wave.

“Blood Moon level?”

Surprised voices sounded at the same time on both sides, both of them couldn’t help being surprised by the strength of the other’s Blood Moon level, and they looked at each other.

“Are you Wei You?”

Yu Yexue looking thoughtful.

Appearing in Yinchuan War Zone and possessing Blood Moon level strength, she immediately thought of Wei You, the director of Yinchuan base city.

“I am Wei You, who are you?”

Wei You stared at the three people, and Fang Ping next to him was the same. He was ready to use Teleportation maho at any time.

The ugly-looking man has amazing Blood Moon level strength, but it is not difficult to tell from the dialogue between the three people that the identities of the three people are equal, and there is no primary or secondary.

This can’t help but make a bad guess about the 2 people, won’t these 3 people be Blood Moon?

“Luck is really good, I ran into it as soon as I arrived.”

Bao Peng, who had been silent for a long time, showed a cold smile on his face, and his eyes revealed murderous intention. Yu Yexue and Shuqi also couldn’t help but burst out of murderous intention.

I didn’t expect to meet the main goal of this trip so soon.

The most important thing is that the other party is not at all with another Blood Moon powerhouse, and there is only one youngster who is obviously not Blood Moon class beside him.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

The silhouette flashed, and the 3 people surrounded Fang Ping and Wei You, and the Blood Moon level terrifying aura was revealed from the 3 people.

“Fang Ping.”

Feeling the breath of the three people, Wei You showed cold sweat on his forehead.

Not to mention the 3 Blood Moon ranks, even if it is the 2 Blood Moon ranks, he has no chance of winning. He quickly signaled to Fang Ping vaguely.


Fang Ping’s back was soaked with cold sweat.

This joke is too big, he actually encountered 3 Blood Moon level, but he has no Apex seal now.


Three Blood Moon-level Demonic Human races all attacked Fang Ping and Wei You.

Shuqi recreated a giant rock hand that could cover the sky and the sun.

Snow drifted around Yu Yexue.

This is a snowflake with extremely low temperature. When it comes into contact with the ground, it is like a Catalyst falling into a chemical substance, triggering a violent chemical reaction, and instantly freezing the surrounding area.

Leopard Peng’s hand turned into a black iron color, like a sharp claw of a falcon. He swung his claws at Fang Ping and Wei You from the air. Three silver lines appeared, cutting towards Fang Ping and Wei You.

Under these three silver lines, the space fluctuates violently, as if to be cut apart.

There are 3 kinds of attacks, and each formidable power is of Blood Moon level. If it is taken head-on, Wei You may be alive, but Fang Ping is almost certain to die.


Where Fang Ping and Wei You are, they were first frozen by ice and turned into icebergs.

Then he was slapped by the giant rock hand and smashed to pieces.

Then it was cut by silver lines and cut into several large pieces.

After being ravaged three times in a row, the earth became dilapidated, sunken deeply, and even cracked a bottomless canyon.

However, the Demonic Human race 3 Blood Moon powerhouse that caused such damage was very dissatisfied.

“Unexpectedly, the kid next to him is not simple, he actually has the ability to teleport.”

Before the attack fell, they had seen Fang Ping and Wei You disappear, and Shadow 2 turned into the body of a giant wolf.

“What should we do now?”

Mouse Qi asked.

The two people escaped with the ability of space. Even if they wanted to track the two people, they didn’t know where to track them. Moreover, at their speed, they would not teleport as fast as the other party.

“Continue to rush to that valley and join Yingchuan Demonic Human race.”

“To deal with the base city of Yinchuan, it seems that we have to understand the situation in the base city of Yinchuan. At least it will not be the same as before. The other party has the teleport ability but is not wary of it.”

Yu Yexue said.

Three people went on the road, and half an hour later, they arrived at the hidden valley of the Demonic Human race in Yingchuan.

Unfortunately, what appeared before their eyes was the valley that had been raze to the ground.

The buildings within the valley and the peaks around the valley were all destroyed under the influence of fighting.

one after another hideous traces, telling what kind of battles have happened here.

“Not long after the battle was over, the Demonic Human race who was killed just now should be from the Yingchuan Demonic Human race.”

After being transformed into a Demonic Human race, all three of them were not stupid, and immediately connected the tragedy of this valley with the Demonic Human race who had just been killed.

“Yingchuan Demonic Human race seems to be annihilated. Even if you want to get information, there is no way.”

Yu Yexue said disappointedly.

Shu Qi was just about to take the call, but his expression moved and his eyes turned in one direction.

“What did you find?”

Seeing his expression, Yu Yexue asked.

“There seems to be another survivor.”

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