Monster Altar

Chapter 415

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Shuqi lightly stomped his feet, and the ground not far away suddenly rolled, lifting something up.

It was a piece of bloody flesh and blood, like being cut from a monster with scales on it.

Yu Yexue and Leopard Peng were puzzled, and immediately saw this piece of flesh and blood swell in volume, squirming, and finally turned into a naked man with black hair.

The man is no one else but Zhai Long who has the ability to regenerate from a severed limb.

Originally, Chang Sheng, who had already had a dike, was about to destroy any flesh and blood that fell from him after he was going to kill him.

However, Fang Ping and Wei You returned and evacuated with everyone.

This did not have time to find this piece of flesh and blood to destroy, so that he could live a heavy life with his severed limbs.

And the price he paid was even more than the last time, because the object of the severed limb rebirth this time was just a piece of flesh and blood, his realm fell directly from the Morning Star to Tier 4.

“Are you from Yingchuan Demonic Human race?”

Looking at Zhai Long, Bao Peng asked proudly.

Zhai Long was also looking at the three strangers, and couldn’t feel the breath from them. The three were at least Morning Stars, and he was definitely not able to contend now.

Suddenly, there was a movement in his heart, thinking of the words of Shadow 2 not long ago, and guessing about the identities of the three.

“Are the three adults sent to support Yingchuan Demonic Human race?”

“It’s us.”

Bao Peng nodded coldly.

Zhai Long sighed in relief, and said with sadness and bitterness in his expression.

“As seen by the three adults, Yingchuan Demonic Human race has been wiped out. Apart from me, I am afraid that only Ying Senior 3 is still alive.”

“If you are talking about the guy whose main body is a wolf-shaped monster, it’s a pity that he is already dead.”

Shuqi twitched his lips, a large Demonic Human race tribe, and it was really miserable. He was killed in a Blood Moon powerhouse, and the whole tribe was wiped out with only one Tier 4.

Fortunately, they never thought about using Yingchuan Demonic Human race as a battle strength. They just wanted to get information about Yinchuan Base City. They just don’t know how much a Tier 4 can know.

The Monster Countermeasures Department of Yinchuan Base City, under the Teleportation maho of Fang Ping, just destroyed all the Morning Star powerhouses of the Demonic Human Race in Yingchuan, evacuated urgently and returned here.

“What? There are 3 new Blood Moon Demonic Human races? How could this be?”

Coming here, Wei You had time to explain to everyone why he had to evacuate urgently.

Hearing what he said, everyone’s faces turned pale, and some of them slipped down involuntarily in cold sweats.

If the news is not mistaken, this will be an unprecedented disaster, and even the base city of Yinchuan is in danger.

Three Blood Moon-level Demonic Human races are even capable of destroying Yinchuan base city. After all, even the Blood Moon-level powerhouse living in Yinchuan base city, Yinchuan base city has only 3 Blood Moon. Class powerhouse.

“Two Blood Moon powerhouses? No, only one.”

Fang Ping smiled bitterly in his heart. He who understands the truth of the matter is more dignified than everyone else.

The Blood Moon powerhouse that lives in the base city of Yinchuan is nothing but a fiction, and cannot be used as a regular Blood Moon battle strength.

Moreover, he has no Apex seal now, and he can no longer make the Blood Moon powerhouse “appear”.

“The three Blood Moon powerhouses are basically impossible to stop with our strength.”

A Morning Star powerhouse said dejectedly.

“No, although it is dangerous, we are not without chance.”

Xu Dong said calmly.

“Your Excellency Director Wei and Fang Zhan are enough to block a Blood Moon class alone.”

“In addition, we have a Blood Moon-level Enchanted weapon, and today we seized a Blood Moon-level Enchanted weapon. Together, two Blood Moon-level Enchanted weapons should be enough to block one person.”

“Yeah, we now have 2 Blood Moon Enchanted weapons.”

Several Morning Star powerhouse eyes lit up.

A Blood Moon-class Enchanted weapon certainly cannot stop a Blood Moon-class powerhouse, but if two Blood Moon-class Enchanted weapons work together, it is possible.

But, soon, they were splashed with cold water, Wei You said solemnly.

“In the discussion at this time, you need to exclude His Excellency Fang Zhan, because His Excellency Fang Zhan has already left the Yinchuan base city and his destination is unknown. It is likely that he has left the Yinchuan area.”

The discussion lasted for a long time before it ended, and the final conclusion was not optimistic.

The two-handled Blood Moon-class Enchanted weapon is impossible to block the two Blood Moon-class powerhouses, which is certain.

Unless Fang Zhan, who is missing his whereabouts, returns, Yinchuan base city is dangerous.

In this regard, Fang Ping had no choice but to pin his hopes on someone who did not exist.

If he can now Awakener into a Super Saiyan form, the crisis will naturally be solved, and his current strength will be increased by 50 times. It is certain that he can easily kill the general Blood Moon level.

However, the Super Saiyan form is not as good as Awakener. The super Saiyan innate talent he has obtained is only excellent and not high in level. It is destined that Awakener’s process will be extremely difficult and will take an extremely long time.

Even if he has the power of the second kingship gold that can maximize his talents, it will only shorten this time drastically, and he will not be able to achieve it overnight, Awakener Super Saiyan form.

Returning to his residence, Fang Ping immediately entered the sacrifice space. He is now desperate to obtain an Apex seal to activate Fang Zhan’s identity.

Although it cannot be used as a regular battle strength, it may be used at critical moments to resolve the crisis.

“where is this place?”

In the sacrifice space, seeing Fang Ping appear, Dark Crow asked in a panic.

After being locked in the sacrifice space for several hours, he fully experienced the weirdness of Monster Altar and was frightened.

He really did not expect that such an object still existed in this world, so that he, the peak of the Third Stage Morning Star, could not even look directly at him.

Once you look straight, you will be in a trance and lose the memory of this moment, as if you have become a fish with only ten seconds of memory.

It’s not that he has never seen Blood Moon Enchanted weapon. It is absolutely impossible to reach this level of magic. This is definitely a magic item that surpasses the Blood Moon level.

Such a thing, how could human beings who have never appeared in the powerhouse on Blood Moon be able to refine it?

If it were the Lord who gave him a new life, it would be possible, but it was obvious that this was not something refined by that one, and the things refined by that one would definitely fall into human hands.

“The dead don’t need to know.”

Fang Ping, not in a good mood, explained to Dark Crow the doubts in his heart. Of course, even he himself couldn’t tell what the fuzzy altar was and how it came from.

He stared coldly at Dark Crow.

“What do you want to do?”

Feeling Fang Ping’s gaze, Dark Crow panicked suddenly, with a bad feeling.


Fang Ping made a sound, and a bloody flame appeared, enveloping Dark Crow.

“Aaahhhh!!!! “

Dark Crow, who was in pain under the blood flame, screamed in horror and despair, and then turned to ashes under the blood flame.

Monster Altar lights up blood light, and stars appear in the sky.


A blood-colored star lit up the bright blood-colored rays of light, and then projected a blood-colored beam of light.

The blood-colored beam of light exploded and turned into a girl with long, pale green hair like a gem.

The girl’s appearance is peerless, her eyes are emerald, like a deep lake.

Name: Gada Kukokan

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: extraordinary

Taijutsu innate talent: extraordinary

Vampire innate talent: extraordinary


Siutktori: A beast that can generate huge flame pillars underground.

Amashitoli: A beast that can produce Thunder and Lightning from in the sky.


Sotolor: The shape is a huge bone giant animal.

“There is no Apex seal.”

Fang Ping was disappointed that he could not get the Apex seal, and then he looked at the anime character illusory shadow who offered to take out.

“The third true ancestor… Imperial Princess of Chaos?!”

Looking at the anime character who offered to take out, Fang Ping was not sure if he admitted his mistake.

The third true ancestor of Chaos Imperial Princess, an anime character in anime bloodthirsty raid, an extremely terrifying vampire.

However, the other party only appeared for a very short time during the bloodthirsty attack of the animation, so that Fang Ping did not have a deep impression of him, and he was not sure that this person was the other party.

“From the perspective of the beast, this anime character should come from a bloodthirsty raid, and with this emerald-like hair, it should be her.”

Efforts to recall, Fang Ping confirmed the identity of the other party, the other party is indeed the third true ancestor Chaos Imperial Princess.

“At the level of the other’s true ancestor, the dependents possessed, each formidable power will be terrifying, but unfortunately, there is no choice.”

Fang Ping glanced across the 27 blessed beasts that the other party had. From the description, he could feel the power of these blessed beasts, but he couldn’t help but feel a pity in his heart.

This thing is something that only vampires can play, and it is not something that can be contaminated by humans other than vampires.

This can be seen from the artificial lifeform Astaruti in this anime.

Once you get the favored beast, your life will be swallowed up by the favored beast until death.

He at Morning Star Middle-Stage, theoretically has a life span of about 180 years old, even so, it is definitely not enough to swallow.

Therefore, if he chooses to obtain the beast, it is no different from swallowing chronic poison.

Fang Ping looks at the innate talent owned by Gada Kukokkan.

The opponent has a total of 3 kinds of innate talents, among them, the extraordinary level of Growth innate talent and the extraordinary level of Taijutsu innate talent, he already owns, and choosing to obtain it will not help him much.

Only vampire innate talent, he is not at all.

“If I get the vampire innate talent, I am afraid I will be transformed into a vampire…”

Fang Ping hesitated.

Judging from the anime Bloodthirsty Assault, being a vampire is not at all bad. Although I hate sunlight, I am not afraid of sunlight. I just hate it, just like some people hate carrots.

And after obtaining it, it will have an almost unlimited life span, and it will be easy to live a few thousand years.

However, he still had some resistance to make him switch races suddenly.

“Speaking of which, I should not be considered a pure human now, after all, I have already acquired Super Saiyan innate talent before.”

Thinking of the super Saiyan innate talent on him, Fang Ping couldn’t help but smile.

It turns out that I was already non-human, and I was still resisting being non-human, but in fact I had already become non-human.

Of course, even if he is asked to choose again, he will choose Super Saiyan innate talent without the slightest hesitation. No way, this innate talent is too fragrant.

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