Monster Altar

Chapter 416

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“Vampire innate talent, although not as good as Super Saiyan innate talent, but not much worse…”

In a moment, Fang Ping made a decision and said.

“Choose the vampire innate talent.”

He finally decided to choose the vampire innate talent. With today’s dangerous situation, he should not miss any opportunity to become stronger.

If such an opportunity is placed in front of others, he believes that others will definitely choose the vampire innate talent without the slightest hesitation.

Moreover, this vampire innate talent is not inevitable, and there are ways to remove it when it is deemed unnecessary in the future.

Since there is an upper limit on the number of abilities, it is not difficult to infer that there is an upper limit on the number of innate talents. When the time comes, just replace the innate talent of the vampire with other innate talents, and he can ask for the status of a vampire.


A blood light crashed into Fang Ping within the body, Fang Ping felt the blood all over his body agitated, as if the blood within the body was boiling, rushing through his body quickly.

As the blood washes the body, the cell morphology of his body is changing.

Although the appearance has not changed, the essence of life has already undergone a change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down, and it is extremely huge.

After all, one is a human with a lifespan of around 180 years old, and the other is a vampire with almost infinite lifespan. The life essence between the two is naturally very different.

After a short while, the restless blood subsided, and the physical changes ended, Fang Ping looked at the attribute panel.

Name: Fang Ping

Sacrifice value: 157150

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: extraordinary

Kenbunshoku Haki innate talent: very excellent

Busoshoku Haki: very excellent

Busoshoku Haki: very excellent

Hacker innate talent: very excellent

Taijutsu innate talent: extraordinary (Taijutsu innate talent…)

Ninjutsu innate talent: very excellent (Sage Mode, Body-Transformation Technique, Clone Technique, Body replacement technique, Shadow Clone, Rasengan, 5th layer Rashoumon, Sage art Gracious Deity Gates…)

Magic innate talent: extraordinary (Take over, Teleportation maho…)

Super Saiyan innate talent: excellent

Vampire innate talent: extraordinary


Mutated Mera Mera no Mi ability (…), Doa Doa no Mi ability (…), variant Rinnegan (…), Please don’t die (…), Beauty of Fitzgerald (…), Mutated Hie Hie no Mi Ability (…), Zanpakuto (…), Nuke Nuke no Mi (…), divine speed (…), Wind Control (…), Golden Power (…),

Connected to the vampire innate talent, the number of innate talents he has has reached ten, and the upper limit of the number of innate talents should be already not far.

If you really feel that vampire innate talent is not suitable for you, accumulate a few more innate talents and you should be able to replace them.

took a deep breath, Fang Ping stopped thinking about vampires for the time being, he looked at the giant wolf corpse on Monster Altar.

After killing Shadow 2, he obtained the corpse of Shadow 2 in the Blood Moon level Enchanted weapon and Spoils of War 2 like the corpse of Shadow 2.

He is not at all dissatisfied with this. Although Shadow 2 was killed by him in the end, most of the credit is due to Wei You.

If it weren’t for Wei You, he would never have a chance to start Xiangying 2, so the bulk of it would naturally belong to Wei You.

Taking a step back, even if he gets a Blood Moon-level Enchanted weapon, he can’t perform its formidable power. If he wants to drive a Blood Moon-level Enchanted weapon, he must at least be the peak Morning Star realm.


The altar was lit up with blood-colored rays of light, and stars appeared in the sky, but there was no beam of light shot down for a long time. Fang Ping was wondering, and a majestic voice sounded.

“You can choose to sacrifice the world. Should you choose to sacrifice the world?”

“Fortunately, I was able to choose to sacrifice the world.”

Hearing this voice, Fang Ping was slightly happy.

If you can choose to sacrifice the world, you can choose to sacrifice the world to avoid taking out abilities that have harsh use conditions or use restrictions.

For example, the abilities in the anime Charlotte can only be used by adolescent girls, even if the ability to take out is extremely useless.

It is necessary to avoid such minefields.

“Which sacrifice world should I choose?”

Fang Ping considered the choice of sacrificing the world, one after another animation world flashed in his mind, and suddenly, he had an idea and said.

“Choose to love Strike the Blood.”

In the anime blood raid, the strongest fighting method of vampires is the monster. Therefore, in this anime, almost all the vampires’ battle methods are to manipulate the monster.

Although he has acquired the vampire innate talent, he is not at all the beasts. Obviously, he cannot fully display the vampire innate talent.

Therefore, it is necessary to obtain the favored beast.

Now, he chooses to eat Strike the Blood because he wants to see if he can take out a vampire and get the other’s favor.


As Fang Ping made his choice, the number of stars above his head suddenly decreased, eventually reducing to only more than 100.

One of the blood-colored stars lit up the bright blood-colored rays of light, and projected a beam of blood-colored light, which burst into pieces and turned into a young man.

“Still did not offer a took out Apex seal.”

Still not looking forward to the Apex seal, Fang Ping, disappointed in his heart, looks at the anime characters who have taken out.

This is a teenager wearing a white sweater, with light blue hair and a tired face, as if he was not awake.

Name: Kojou Akatsuki

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent :extraordinary

Vampire innate talent :extraordinary


Vajra of the Sheep (…), Amber of the Bull Head King (…), Dragon Snake Mercury (…), Silver Mist of the Carapace (…), Gold of the Lion (…), Iridescent of the Hades (…) ), Black Sword of Yemo (…), Purple of Scorpion Tiger (…), Deep Scarlet of Two Horns (…), Eye Crystal of Scorpion (…), White Steel of Water Spirit (…) , Demon Girl’s Cangbing (…)

“The 4th real ancestor Kojou Akatsuki.”

At this time, Fang Ping did not hesitate, and recognized the identity of the other party in an instant.

Kojou Akatsuki, originally an ordinary person, became the 4th true ancestor because of the Yabo who was involved in fireworks. He gained almost immortal physique and huge magic power over the Earth Dragon vein.

This is a vampire of the same level as the third imperial ancestor Chaos Imperial Princess that he took out before.

He already has both the extraordinary level of Growth innate talent and the extraordinary level of vampire innate talent. He skipped the innate talent column and looked directly at the twelve abilities or ten blessed beasts possessed by the opponent.

These ten blessed beasts are the true ancestor-level blessed beasts, each of which is very powerful and possesses various abilities.

Vajra, the god sheep, has a strong defense, and is able to rebound attacks against opponents. It is a beast of offense and defense.

The Amber of the Minotaur King has powerful physical attack capabilities and can break through any non-physical barrier.

Dragon Snake Mercury has the ability to swallow the dimension, whether it is tangible or intangible, it can disappear.

The silver mist of the carapace has an extremely powerful atomization ability, which can atomize creatures and buildings.

The lion’s gold, wrapped in Thunder and Lightning, can release powerful Thunder and Lightning attacks.

The iris of Hades, the martial beast in the form of Martial Goddess, can cut off the physical form and the law of cause and effect.

The Black Sword of Yemo is a giant sword with a length of more than 100 meters. It can manipulate gravity and possess extremely powerful destructive power.

The purple of the tiger can analyze toxins and create anti-Poison Blood, and can seize the magic power of the enemy’s beast.

The deep scar with double horns can generate shock waves and use it as a beast of attack.

The pupil of the magic scorpion, a beast with the ability of spiritual control.

The white steel of water essence has the ability to heal or restore, and it can return all existence to its original posture.

Cang ice of the enchantress, a beast with strong ice attribute ability.

Twelve blessed beasts, many of which possess abilities, make Fang Ping greedy.

Such as Vajra’s offensive and defensive integration, Dragon Snake Mercury’s dimensional swallowing, Tauren’s Amber’s breakthrough, any non-physical barrier ability, Hades’s iridescent ability to cut the physical form and causality of objects, and the crystal’s white steel. Reduction ability.

These 5 kinds of beast abilities are very greedy for him, but he can only choose one among them.

“Which kind of beast should I choose?”

Fang Ping’s gaze swept back and forth over the introduction of the 5 kinds of beasts, each of which had extremely powerful abilities, so he didn’t know how to choose for a while.

“What am I missing now?”

Unable to choose, Fang Ping had to consider what kind of ability he currently lacks.

Fighting against Dark Crow and She Chuzhu, and against Zong Ling and Hei Ni, all revealed that his spatial ability level is too low, and it is easy to be restrained by enchanted artifacts of the spatial category.

In other words, what he lacks is the ability in space.

Among the five beasts, Dragon Snake Mercury possesses spatial abilities.

This kind of beast can swallow the dimension, even space.

If he had this ability before, the square space would not be able to trap him, after all, the barrier of the square space was also swallowing the range.

And once he can’t be trapped, with Teleportation maho, he can fight and go, even the Blood Moon powerhouse will be fearless.

“Choose Dragon Snake Mercury.”

Fang Ping made a choice. A two-headed giant dragon with a dragon head on the front and back appeared in a silver color, intertwined in a spiral shape.

After appearing, the two-headed giant dragon flew towards Fang Ping and crashed into Fang Ping.

Fang Ping did not evade, because he knew it was a necessary process.

Not at all a strong impact appeared. After the two-headed giant dragon came into contact with Fang Ping, it melted into the soil like water and penetrated into the body of Fang Ping.

The huge body is attached to Fang Ping within the body in an incomprehensible state.

At this point, Fang Ping’s harvest has been exhausted, and there are no monster corpses to sacrifice.

Regrettably, the Apex seal has not been obtained for the two sacrifices. It is impossible to rely on Apex seal to compete with the Blood Moon Demonic Human Race.

Fortunately, the two sacrifices were not small, especially Dragon Snake Mercury, which made up for his lack of space ability.

“I don’t know, what is the formidable power of the Dragon Snake Mercury driven by my current realm.”

After exiting the sacrifice space, Fang Ping immediately opened the door in the air with the Doa Doa no Mi ability and entered the space inside the door.

Doa Doa no Mi ability not at all merges with Dragon Snake Mercury.

Although both are classified as abilities, one is non-biological and the other is biological. It should be for this reason that there is no fuse together.

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