Monster Altar

Chapter 417

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“Dragon Snake Mercury.”

Inside the door, Fang Ping muttered silently in his heart, calling for Dragon Snake Mercury.

One second.

2 seconds.

3 seconds.


One minute later, the Dragon Snake Mercury, the beast that should have appeared, was not at all moving. It still parasitized on his within the body, as if falling asleep.

“How is this going?”

Fang Ping was unexpected. It was the first time he encountered an uncontrollable situation.

Although the abilities at this time are indeed quite special and have life, they shouldn’t be so special that they don’t want to be dispatched, right?

Did you raise an uncle?

Suddenly, Fang Ping thought that something similar had happened to Kojou Akatsuki, and he had a guess in his heart.

“Is it like Kojou Akatsuki, who needs a psychic to wake up the beast?”

All Kojou Akatsuki’s awakening of the beasts is through psychics. According to the statement, the role of psychics is not only to awaken the beasts, but also to strengthen the abilities of the beasts.

The better the psychic, the stronger the beast’s ability will be after awakening.

“It seems that there is really a lack of psychic mediums. In the anime, it takes 2 psychic enzymes to wake up Dragon Snake Mercury. Who should I find?”

Fang Ping first thought of Yan Xue and Fan Xuan. Based on his relationship with the two people, after explaining the situation, there was no problem for them to provide a little blood.

However, thinking that the better the psychic, the stronger the ability of the dependents after awakening, he hesitated again.

Fan Xuan’s innate talent is not bad, and she should have the potential to become a Morning Star. Yan Xue’s innate talent is very average, and Tier 5’s peak should be her limit.

Whether it is Fan Xuan or Yan Xue, among women, innate talent is definitely not a cream of the crop. If two people are used as psychics to awaken the Dragon Snake Mercury, the enhancement effect is sure to be average, which is naturally not what he wants.

“If you talk about aptitude, Hu Ao’er should be regarded as the Peak in the Human Race. Apart from her, the aptitude of Lan Die and Nie Wei these two people can also be regarded as the Peak in the Human Race.”

“However, based on my relationship with the three people, if I come to the door and say I want to suck the other’s blood, I am afraid I will be regarded as an idiot, and may even be chased by Chang Sheng.”

Fang Ping shuddered. Hu Ao’er has Chang Sheng, a boyfriend who is so strong, and Lan Die and Nie Wei are so strong. He is really afraid that he will be hunted down.

“In fact, psychics do not necessarily have to be humans.”

Fang Ping thought that among Kojou Akatsuki’s psychics, there was a non-human existence, and he couldn’t help but move in his heart.

It is a little difficult to find aptitude cream of the crop among humans, but it is not difficult among non-humans. His men can find two of these.

Jin Li is one. As the original Yingchuan Demonic Human race genius, the innate talent of the other party is naturally the cream of the crop in the Demonic Human race.

The Jade Spirit who was sacrificed by him to summon is also counted as one. As the patriarch of the leech family, the king of leech demon, aptitude is naturally Peak’s.

If two people are used as spirit mediums, the effect will never be worse than that of Hu Ao’er, Nie Wei, and Lan Die as spirit mediums.

Thinking of this, he teleported and disappeared into the door space, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared in the villa in Liuzhou Base City.

He placed Jade Spirit here, and Jin Li is still here now because of his injuries.

Over the past six months, he has been arresting and brainwashing the Demonic Human race. Today, in this villa, the Morning Star has more than a dozen people, and the Tier 5 level has reached more than 80 people, which is already a not weak force.

“Young Master.”

Fang Ping asked people to find Jade Spirit and Jin Li. When they saw Fang Ping, they all saluted respectfully. This respect comes from the heart.

One is Monster Altar brainwashing, and the other is brainwashing by other gods. It is difficult for two people not to respect Fang Ping.

“What is Young Master looking for?”

Jade Spirit asked, his voice soft and sweet, quite nice.

“I have a new Awakener ability, but this ability requires blood to be awakened, so I want to ask you for some blood.”

“The ability that needs blood to be awakened?”

Jade Spirit had some accidents. It was the first time she heard of the ability to wake up with blood.

Jin Li was not surprised.

The number of abilities is 10000000 million, some of which require special methods to activate, she knows.

She said directly.

“Young Master can draw from me at any time if necessary.”

“I have no problem.”

Jade Spirit agreed.

Under Monster Altar’s brainwashing, she has a natural intimacy towards Fang Ping. She naturally doesn’t mind if she draws some blood.

“Many thanks, I want it now.”

Fang Ping thanked him, walked to Jin Li’s side, rolled up the collar of Jin Li’s shirt, and lifted the blond hair to reveal the white neck of the other party.

His eyes became blood red, and two fangs grew involuntarily in his mouth, which bit against the snow-white neck.

There was a sweet or fragrant taste in his mouth. After acquiring the vampire innate talent, his sense of taste had changed slightly, and he became no longer resistant to blood.

He only sucked a little, and he stopped, just a little bit as a psychic medium, and didn’t need to suck much.

Then he walked to Jade Spirit’s side, lifted the opponent’s black hair, bit against the opponent’s white neck, and also only drew a little blood.


Almost the moment Fang Ping stopped sucking blood, Fang Ping felt a strange body, as if something was moving within the body and wanted to get out.

He knew that this was the Dragon Snake Mercury being awakened, and Fang Ping let the opponent drill out without suppressing it.

At the next moment, a huge two-headed dragon appeared in the room.

The eyes are red, the body is silver, and the streamlined body is full of mysterious and beautiful.

A frightening aura leaked from it, and feeling the strength of the aura, Jin Li and Jade Spirit showed surprise on their faces, and even Fang Ping couldn’t help showing a little surprise on their faces.

Hey, hey, sou!

Many people rushed towards this house.

Among them, the fastest is Hawkeye with a black long knife, followed by Lu Yu and other Morning Star Demonic Human race.

Seeing the double-headed dragon in the room, Hawkeye’s face showed solemnity. He sighed in relief until he was sure that the double-headed dragon was not raging and his actions were under control, and his voice was slightly shocked.

“Sovereign level.”

On the double-headed dragon body, he perceives a breath that is not weaker than the Sovereign level. Converted to the level of this World, it is Blood Moon level, which means this is a Blood Moon level creature.

“It’s okay here, Lu Yu, Hawkeye stay, everyone else is gone!”

Fang Ping put away the two-headed dragon, Dragon Snake Mercury, and signaled everyone to disperse.

“Young Master, could the two-headed dragon just now be your summon?”

Lu Yu asked Hawkeye.

“Well, it’s the summon of my new Awakener.”

Fang Ping nodded, naturally there is nothing to hide from the two.

“Congratulations to Young Master.”

Xiang Qiu and Yingyan both congratulated them with pleasure.

Possessing Blood Moon-class battle strength shows that Fang Ping has stepped into the powerhouse and has become a true powerhouse, and this is obviously a good thing for them who are attached to Fang Ping.

“Under the current environment, it is indeed a good thing to be able to obtain Blood Moon-level battle strength.”

A smile appeared on Fang Ping’s face.

He never doubted that his battle strength could reach the Blood Moon level, it was just the time, but now the most lacking is time. After all, I don’t know when Immemorial Devil will personally take the shot.

Originally, he wanted to sacrifice the Apex seal, but now he directly took out a Blood Moon-class beast, which is undoubtedly a good thing.

Thinking of the Blood Moon class, Fang Ping couldn’t help but look at Hawkeye and asked.

“How do you feel when you can break through Blood Moon level?”

“It should take some time.”

Hawkeye replied.

He has the potential to become a Blood Moon rank, plus the blessing of the second kingship golden power, becoming a Blood Moon rank is inevitable.

However, the Blood Moon level is not easy to become, so half a year later, he is still only a little short of the Blood Moon level, there is no breakthrough.

“Don’t put too much pressure on, change your mind from normal.”

Because the “Fang Ping forces” desperately needed a Blood Moon level that could be used as a regular battle strength, he was a bit tight on Hawkeye during this period.

But now he already has Blood Moon level battle strength himself, so he no longer presses the opponent.

“Come here today, besides this summon thing, there is another thing.”

Fang Ping glanced over Lu Yu, Jin Li, Hawkeye, and Jade Spirit. The 4 people were the 4 strongest under his team.

Jin Li and Lu Yu have the strength of the Veteran Morning Star, while Eagle Eye and Jade Spirit have the strength of the peak Morning Star.

“Not long ago, I ran into 3 Demonic Human races that I had never seen before.”

“3 new Blood Moon-level Demonic Human race?”

Hearing Fang Ping’s words, all four of them are heart startled.

Zong Ling died and Hei Ni was captured alive. He originally thought that the pressure in Yinchuan area would be reduced sharply, but he didn’t want to reappear 3 Blood Moon Demonic Human Race.

“The three should be Immemorial Devil who learned of Zong Ling’s death and sent reinforcements. With these three, the situation in Yinchuan will be worse than ever.”

“Not only are all small and medium-sized base cities in danger, even the Yinchuan base city is also dangerous. Although I don’t want that day to come, we still have to figure out a way out.”

Fang Ping’s voice pauses slightly, expression seriously said.

“I give you a task to open up a secret stronghold in the wilderness. It must be secretive enough, and it must have food production capacity, and it must be able to accommodate at least 100 people.”


The 4 people should say that the expressions are all serious, and they can all feel the importance Fang Ping attaches to this matter.

It is not easy for Lecheng Base City, one of the only 9 small and medium-sized base cities around Yinchuan Base City to survive to this day.

But today, it ushered in destruction.

Snow fell from the originally clear sky, and the entire base city was covered.

Some of these snowflakes fell in the crowd, and someone was frozen into ice sculpture immediately and died on the spot.

Some fell to the ground, and immediately icebergs rose from the ground.

Some fell on high-rise buildings, which were immediately covered with a thick layer of ice.

The people in the high-rise buildings were also slowly dying in the cold.


In a very short time, Lecheng base city turned into a world of ice and snow, but it was not beautiful, but full of evil.

Because in this Snow and Ice World, hundreds of thousands of people have died silently.

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