Monster Altar

Chapter 419

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“What do you mean?”

Wei You was shocked suddenly, surprised and angry looked at Mouse Qi.

“Didn’t you understand? Then I’ll say it again. The other large base cities are already overwhelmed and have no spare capacity to support here.”

Shu Qi hehe said.

“Demonic Human race has shot at the top ten base cities at the same time?”

Wei You sucked in a breath of cold air.

Time has passed so long and the support has not yet arrived. He already has a bad premonition. Now that he heard the words of the mouse, he immediately understood that the bad premonition had come true.

“Almost, you can’t wait for the rescue anyway. Looking at the appearance of the two people, it shouldn’t last long, right?”

Shu Qi was joking, as if verifying his judgment, just as soon as the voice fell.

Peng –

With a muffled noise, a silhouette flew upside down, crashing more than ten houses one after another, and fiercely hit the ground.


After hitting the ground, this silhouette unable to bear spat out a mouthful of blood.

This is an Old Lady, one of the two peak Morning Stars in Yinchuan Base City holding Blood Moon Enchanted weapons.

Just now, she couldn’t avoid it, and was hit by an iceberg by Yu Yexue, and her injuries were serious.

Supporting the ground with a long spear, she stood up and still had the strength to fight again, but the battle strength might be discounted.

The strength was originally inferior to Yu Yexue, but now that the battle strength is reduced again, it is not difficult to imagine how the situation would be.

Flying in the sky, Yu Yexue’s wings flapped, and a large number of snowflakes floated down and fell to the ground.

Ka ka ka ——

Above the ground, icebergs rose from the ground one after another, spreading towards Old Lady.

“Blade Storm—”

The Wind Attribute Blood Moon-class Enchanted weapon in the Old Lady’s hand was driven by a violent wind, which was mixed with azure wind blades, and attacked the spreading iceberg, while it retreated again and again.

Ka-cha ——

Under the dense wind blades, icebergs are constantly being shattered, but more icebergs appear.

The dense wind blades were dissipated by the spreading iceberg, and the iceberg spread to Old Lady who was retreating.

Seeing, Old Lady was about to be hit by the iceberg again, hurting and hurting.

It is at this time.

A creature with two heads, a silver white body, and spirally entangled creatures appeared, swallowing the icebergs that spread to Old Lady.

The rolling icebergs that spread to Old Lady disappeared, leaving only creatures with two heads and no wings, but flying in the sky.

“what is that?”

Shuqi was slightly surprised and apprehensive.

Originally, Old Lady was about to be injured again, but unexpectedly, a strange creature appeared, blocking the continuous iceberg and preventing Old Lady from being injured again.

Judging from the breath, this is a Blood Moon-class creature.

And beside the Blood Moon-class creature, there is a man wearing blue armor.

This Blood Moon-level creature is likely to be the opponent’s summon, which means that this man wearing blue armor is a person with Blood Moon-level battle strength.

“Your Excellency Fang Zhan? Your Excellency Fang Zhan has returned to the base city?”

Compared to Shuqi’s surprise and fear, Wei You’s face showed surprise.

He didn’t care what kind of abilities Fang Zhan used, only the arrival of Fang Zhan itself.

Although the support of other base cities failed to come, Fang Zhan came, and they have not lost this battle.

“Leave it to me here, go and support over there!”

After Fang Ping spoke to Old Lady, his eyes were calm, but his heart was not calm and looked towards Yu Yexue flying in the sky.

Now he is not using Apex Seal, but with his own strength. Compared with Apex Seal, his strength is one level weaker, so he doesn’t dare to care.

“Are you the Blood Moon living in seclusion in Yinchuan Base City?”

Flying in the sky, Yu Yexue looked at Fang Ping. She had learned from Zhai Long that there was a Blood Moon-class powerhouse in Yinchuan Base City.

“it’s me.”

Fang Ping said.

“Wei You died in your hands?”

Yu Yexue asked.

Wearing a feather robe with ice and snow wings on her back, she is cold and holy, like an angel in the world.

But what she did has nothing to do with the angels. Just two days ago, a base city with a population of 2 was destroyed by her, and there was not even a living.

“Yes, Wei You died in my hands, and Hei Ni was also caught by me.”

Fang Ping nodded and admitted.

He said this, naturally, not to show off, he is not so low-level interest.

The reason for saying this is to see if he can deter the opponent with these achievements and let the opponent take the initiative to retreat. After all, his current strength is different from when he used Apex Seal, which is a level difference.

But unfortunately, as a Blood Moon powerhouse, Yu Yexue is obviously not someone who can scare him off based on record alone.

“It turns out that you are the chief culprit in the destruction of Yingchuan Demonic Human race.”

Yu Yexue’s eyes became cold.

She didn’t care about the destruction of Yingchuan Demonic Human race, but because of the destruction of Yingchuan Demonic Human race, the Lord’s plan was frustrated, which was not her permission.


She flapped her wings, and the snowflakes drifted down towards Fang Ping.

Fang Ping didn’t dare to be careless. Although he possessed the ability of cold ice, and he could also turn into cold ice, it didn’t make him immune to the opponent’s cold attack.

On the contrary, the opponent is immune to his ice attack by virtue of the stronger ice ability than him.

“Dimensional Swallowing.”

Fang Ping manipulated Dragon Snake Mercury to meet the seemingly beautiful but extremely dangerous snowflakes.

The two dragon heads opened their huge mouths that even space could swallow, and swallowed the flying snowflakes.

Snow fell into the giant mouth and disappeared without a trace, without causing any movement.

The huge mouth of Dragon Snake Mercury can swallow even space. No matter how dangerous these snowflakes are, how powerful the formidable power is, once you fall into these two huge mouths, you will never want to get out of the waves.

“Just swallowed it?”

Yu Yexue was slightly surprised as she swallowed the snowflakes with extreme low temperature, but there was no strange double-headed dragon at all.

As the summon of the Morning Star, the opponent was able to block her attack. She was not surprised, but it was obviously different from being able to block the attack and directly devouring the attack. The latter caused much more shock than the former.


Swallowing snowflakes, Dragon Snake Mercury flew towards Yu Yexue under the control of Fang Ping.

Hula –

Yu Yexue carried some dignity on the surface, and the ice wings on his back flapped, and the cold air rushed out, condensed into an iceberg, and hit the Dragon Snake Mercury.

Ka-cha !

Under the two huge mouths of Dragon Snake Mercury, the iceberg was pierced from the middle and shattered. Dragon Snake Mercury took advantage of this opportunity to get close to Yu Yexue, and two ferocious mouths bite towards Yu Yexue.

Yu Yexue changed color, and the ice wings quickly flapped, avoiding the bite of two ferocious mouths.

Without frontal resistance, it is enough to see the danger from the fact that two huge mouths can swallow snow and ice with extremely low temperature.

Huh, huh, Shua!

Above the sky, Yu Yexue evaded and blocked it with the ability of cold ice. Dragon Snake’s water greeted the continuous pursuit and swallowed the ice, forcing Yu Yexue to be quite embarrassed and obviously dominant.

However, Fang Ping is not at all. Don’t worry. Dragon Snake Mercury is indeed powerful. Even space can be swallowed, but the weakness is obvious.

That is, the attack completely relies on the bite and swallowing of two huge mouths, and there is no other attack method. This kind of monotonous attack method is easy to find a restraint method.

Sure enough, the situation quickly reversed.

“The attack can only rely on 2 huge mouths?”

The corners of her mouth raised slightly, Yu Yexue pulled a long distance, the expression on her face had become relaxed, and she had found a way to deal with Dragon Snake Mercury.

Hey, hey, hey!

Around her, 10000 ice sharp blades appeared. Under her control, Qi Qi attacked Dragon Snake Mercury.

Dragon Snake Mercury has a single attack mode, not at all ranged attack mode, so it is most appropriate to use ranged attack to attack.

“Not good !”

Faced with such a scattered attack, just two giant mouths could not be swallowed, Fang Ping quickly controlled Dragon Snake Mercury to avoid it.

However, the number of ice is too dense, and I want to completely avoid the fundamental impossible.

Hey, hey, hey!

Dragon Snake Mercury’s body was attacked by ice one after another and was smashed to the ground from the sky. There were wounds on his body. The ice blade was chasing the Dragon Snake Mercury that fell to the ground.

“Shinra Tensei.”

Fang Ping slid to the side of Dragon Snake Mercury and put away Dragon Snake Mercury. A powerful repulsive force was generated and the remaining ice blade was blocked.

The characteristics of the beast can be restored even if it is destroyed, but it takes time to restore.

If it is killed, then this battle is definitely unusable.

“Your Excellency Fang Zhan?”

In the distance, Wei You, who was fighting with Mouse Qi, looked in the direction of Fang Ping in surprise, and His Excellency Fang Zhan was actually at a disadvantage.

“The strength is much weaker than the previous few shots. Is it possible that your Excellency Fang Zhan has been injured before this?”

There was a trace of worry in his heart, but now his opponent is not weak, and he can’t support it in a short time.

“With this kind of strength, you killed Wei You and captured Hei Ni alive?”

Flying in the sky, Yu Yexue said with a sneer.

“Or do you have hidden strength and didn’t show it?”

Fang Ping glanced over the direction in which the morning Star, the peak holding Blood Moon Enchanted weapon, fought with another Blood Moon Demonic Human Race.

Because of the reason that the injuries were serious before this, even if the two people joined forces, they still couldn’t take advantage of it, but they were slightly at a disadvantage.

If this continues, the 4 of them will lose!

With the help of Teleportation maho, he is sure to take Wei You 3 to escape, but He’an Base City will definitely be destroyed by 3 Blood Moon Demonic Human races.

“I hope it’s as expected!”

Looking at Yu Yexue, Fang Ping’s expression became unusually serious.

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