Monster Altar

Chapter 420

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“Golden Holy Domain!”

Fang Ping drank low in his heart.

In the sky, a huge golden sword with purple gems inlaid on the hilt appeared.

Dignity, majesty, the Supreme symbol of kingship.

And just when the golden giant sword appeared in the sky, in a place in He’an Base City, more than 100 people had a feeling in the heart and looked towards the sky.

On their arms, each has a golden badge. At this time, the golden badge lights up with golden rays of light.

These more than 100 people are Lu Yu, Jin Li, Eagle Eye, Jade Spirit and the others who were subdued by him.

Even Dragon Snake Mercury is not an opponent. With the power of gold, it is naturally more impossible to be the opponent of the Blood Moon level Demonic Human race.

And the reason why he used the power of gold was to use the increasing effect of the domain on the people of the clan and the king.

The reason why he came late was to bring more than 100 people here.

“This is your hidden strength?”

Although Yu Yexue was relaxed on the face, she was wary in her heart.

Upon seeing the emergence of the golden giant sword immediately, they fluttered their wings, and the ice blade was hiding the sky and covering the earth. Each of them had terrifying power that severely wounded or even killed the Morning Star.

“Shinra Tensei.”

Fang Ping raised his hands and turned his hands toward the direction where the ice blade hits. A stronger repulsive force than before was generated, sweeping towards the ice blade hitting the sky and covering the earth.

ka-cha, ka-cha, ka-cha!

Under this powerful repulsive force, the ice blades hit by hiding the sky and covering the earth burst into pieces, turning into broken ice instead of flying back. No ice blade can get close to Fang Ping.

If the previous Shinra Tensei’s formidable power is comparable to the Blood Moon-class powerhouse without peak order capability, then the current Shinra Tensei’s formidable power is comparable to the Blood Moon-class powerhouse with peak order capability, and it has been compared with most Blood Moon-class powerhouses. powerhouse is flat.

In the domain, the greater the number of clan members, the stronger the strength, the stronger the effect of the increase.

More than 100 of them are at least Tier 5, and the strongest 2 are the clan who reached the peak of the Third Stage Morning Star, which has enhanced his battle strength to this level.

Of course, using Golden Holy Domain and mutant Rinnegan at the same time, his consumption is naturally extremely fast. Fortunately, there is a large amount of ice Knight in the sacrifice space, which can be broken into pure energy at any time to supplement his consumption.


Fang Ping flew to the sky, reaching the same height as Yu Yexue.

“Now I kind of believe that you killed Zong Ling!”

Yu Yexue’s beautiful eyes are slightly narrowed, and her heart rises solemnly.

A summon that can be swallowed by any attack, coupled with the ability to rebound a wide range of attacks, combined with 2, the formidable power is far greater than one plus one, and she perceives danger in Fang Ping.

“Believing or not that’s your business.”

A powerful repulsive force was generated by Fang Ping’s hands, sweeping towards Yuyexue, and he started a counterattack.

“Iceberg barrier!”

Yu Yexue looked solemn, and several icebergs rose from the ground to resist her.

ka-cha, ka-cha, ka-cha!

The iceberg exploded, but the powerful repulsive force produced by Shinra Tensei was also blocked.

Hey, hey, hey!

After the iceberg, a densely packed ice blade appeared in front of Yu Yexue. At almost the same time as the iceberg exploded, he shot out and attacked Fang Ping.

Under her control, some of these ice blades flew in a straight line, while others flew in an arc, going around Fang Ping’s 2 sides, or even behind.

ka-cha, ka-cha, ka-cha!

The powerful repulsive force, centered on Fang Ping, sweeps out in all directions without dead ends.

All the ice blades that hit him were shattered and shot back. No attack could hit him.

Unlike Dragon Snake Mercury’s attack that can only rely on the bite of the mouth, it is not good at dealing with range attacks in a single way, Shinra Tensei has a strong ability to cope with single attacks or range attacks.

“Rebound my attack? So what?”

Yu Yexue’s wings suddenly flapped, and the extremely low-temperature cold air surging out like a tossing mist, surging towards Fang Ping.

Unlike cold ice, which has a physical attack, cold air has no physical form, and the attack method is the extreme low temperature carried, which is more difficult to guard against than cold ice.

Facing the cold from hiding the sky and covering the earth, Fang Ping didn’t use Shinra Tensei anymore. It was not that Shinra Tensei could not rebound the cold.

Shinra Tensei can not only bounce objects, but also ninjutsu. The cold is naturally nothing difficult, but he has a better way to face the current situation.

“The sealing technique sucks the mark.”

His body turned into a black hole, and he refused to resist the incoming cold and absorbed it as soon as possible.

The extreme coldness did not cause him the slightest impact, and even the ice was not able to condense, and it had been absorbed as much as possible and turned into his body energy.

Using two forbidden abilities at the same time, his physical energy consumption is extremely fast. Although he has the ice Knight, which is the Binglan Great General supplement, he will naturally not be polite for this kind of “supply” to the door.

“It swallowed my attack. Is it the ability of the summon thing just now? No, it’s a little different from that.”

Yu Yexue’s facial expression grave, although different from the summon’s physical ability just now, was the same weird and powerful. It swallowed her attack without any movement being caused.


Fang Ping flew quickly towards Yu Yexue, because his current identity was Fang Zhan’s reason, he could not use Teleportation maho, but even so, his speed was still extremely fast.

After Morning Star Middle-Stage, the divine speed capability reached an astonishing 6 times the speed of sound. After the Golden Domain increased, the speed skyrocketed again, reaching an astonishing 9 times the speed of sound.

This speed is not only not slower than the Blood Moon powerhouse, but even faster than the general Blood Moon powerhouse.

In an instant, Fang Ping was close to Yu Yexue for less than 30 metres. This distance, for their level, would not be too close to being called.


With a powerful repulsive sweep, Yu Yexue hurriedly condensed the ice resistance from one side to the other, but the hastily shot was still unable to completely block it.

She was swept by the repulsive force, and the 2 ice and snow wings behind her exploded, and fiercely fell to the ground, smashing potholes in the ice ground with a bang.

The feathers on his body are tattered, enticing to spring, and scratches can be seen in many places.

“Fast speed!”

Rising from the pothole, Yu Yexue’s eyes flashed with fear.

She is not a Demonic Human race of speed type, and speed is not her strong point, so the opponent suddenly showed amazing speed, which immediately made her suffer.


Without giving Yu Yexue a chance to breathe, Fang Ping fell from the sky like a meteorite and quickly chased Yu Yexue.

Yu Yexue’s face changed, a large number of ice blades appeared around her, attacking Fang Ping who was falling from the sky.

“Shinra Tensei.”

Faced with such a intensive attack, even with an astonishing speed, Fang Ping had no choice but to stop and sweep away with Shinra Tensei.

Under Shinra Tensei’s powerful repulsive force, the ice blades exploded one after another, but the delay of this moment had already bought Yu Yexue time.

“Snow Giant.”

With Yu Yexue as the center, a mountain of white snow appeared, enveloping Yu Yexue, and then its body changed.

In a very short time, it turned into an ice giant.

The ice giant is as high as 100 meters and looks like a Martial Goddess in armor. It holds a shield in its left hand and a long sword in its right hand.

After it appeared, the giant sword that was several ten meters long immediately waved, bringing strong wind pressure to Fang Ping into the sky.


Fang Ping resisted with Shinra Tensei, and the powerful repulsion collided with the ice and snow long sword.

The next moment accident happened. With the powerful repulsive force produced by Shinra Tensei, it was torn apart. After a slight pause, the giant sword continued to split towards Fang Ping.

Fang Ping retreated quickly, avoiding the snow and ice giant sword, and the snow and ice giant sword slashed on the ground, cutting out a bottomless ravine.

“The formidable power has become stronger!”

When he stretched the distance, Fang Ping’s complexion slightly condensed, turning into the ice giant’s opponent, and his battle strength increased.

Just as Rinnegan has Chibaku Tensei’s formidable power that is stronger than normal, the opponent’s ice and snow ability also has the snow giant’s formidable power that is stronger than normal ice ability.

“Is it in giant form? I have it too.”

A green giant appeared centered on Fang Ping and wrapped Fang Ping in it.

This is also a giant with a height of more than 100 meters, covered in armor and wings on the back. The right hand holds a huge spiral sword.

Complete body Susanoo, and Rinnegan evolved from Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, displayed complete body Susanoo.

The equivalent to enhanced formidable power with Rinnegan, the formidable power is stronger than the ordinary Susanoo.

Hong long!

The ice and snow giant sword hit, Fang Ping used the spiral sword to fight against it, and the two giant swords collided and made a huge roar.

The strong counter-vibration force was transmitted for 4 weeks, and everything around was shattered under this counter-vibration force.

Bang, bang, hong long!

The weapons of the two giants kept colliding, causing a thunder-like sound after another.

From a distance, this is an extremely exaggerated scene, as if two gods with a height of 2 meters are at war. In fact, with the battle strength of two people nowadays, the gods are not at all at all.

What is a god?

What a capable man can’t is a god.

The battle strength of two people today is far superior to ordinary people. Under a full strength attack, it is enough to cause hundreds of thousands of casualties. Such strength is far beyond the ordinary person. It is not an exaggeration to call it a divine force. This is also Susanoo. It is called God’s Force.

Especially Fang Ping, after obtaining the innate talent of the original ancestor-level vampire, his life span has been almost endless, and in essence, he is closer to the definition of god.


After receiving a strong impact, the Snow Giant and Susanoo both retreated.

“Shinra Tensei !”

Susanoo’s left hand suddenly generated a powerful repulsion and swept towards the snow giant.

Susanoo can use all the abilities of the main body, Fang Ping can use Shinra Tensei, Susanoo can also use it naturally, and can also enhance the formidable power of the ability.


Shinra Tensei with formidable power increased fiercely and hit the snow giant. The snow giant’s body as high as 100 meters flew upside down, and the body made of ice and snow collapsed in a large area.

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