Monster Altar

Chapter 426

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“how come……?”

In the wilderness, Lin Jieyu, who was led by Wei You and followed Fang Ping and the others, suddenly heard a panic voice.

Hearing her voice, Fang Ping and the others who were following stopped.

“what happened?”

Wei You looked at Lin Jieyu in doubt, and Fang Ping and the others looked at Lin Jieyu in doubt.

“Their breath is gone, I can’t track their breath anymore.”

Lin Jieyu showed a panic on her face. She was good at tracking. It was the first time she encountered this situation and was pinned high. However, such an event happened, which made her panic.

“The breath disappears? It seems that some of them have the ability to shield the breath.”

Wei You brows tightly frowns.

Lin Jieyu’s ability is to collect breath first, and then use the ability to make the breath echo the main breath and track it.

If the breath of the previous owner is completely cut off, it cannot be traced.

“Sorry, Director Wei, let you down.”

Lin Jieyu said ashamed.

“This does not blame you.”

Wei You shook his head, then looked at Fang Ping and the others.

“Now it can’t be traced. It seems that they can only wait for them to come.”

“But now we have cut off communications with 8 small and medium-sized base cities. If the other party makes a move against the 8 small and medium-sized base cities, we will not know it in time.

Fang Ping said.

“As long as the opponent makes a move, the breath can’t be concealed naturally. You can guess the base city where the opponent made the move through the breath position, but Lin Jieyu has to work hard and must always pay attention to the breath of the four people.”

Wei You said.

“It’s okay, tracking the breath doesn’t consume much to me, I will always pay attention.”

Lin Jieyu quickly said.

“It seems that this can only be done.”

Lan Huiyun and Qu Zhengchu were both regretful in their hearts.

If you can track it, you can choose the place to fight in the wilderness, but if you wait for the opponent to attack the base city, the place of battle will definitely be in the base city, which will inevitably cause huge casualties.

It is Fang Ping who agrees with this decision.

In fact, he didn’t want to find it directly, because if there was no increase in the clan, he would only have the Dragon Snake Mercury formidable power to reach the Blood Moon level.

The last battle with Yu Yexue proved that Dragon Snake Mercury alone can hardly compete with Blood Moon.

And if the battle takes place in the base city, he can hide the people of the clan in the base city and reinforce the battle strength with the Golden Domain.

Half a month later.

“Medicine efficacy finally disappeared.”

Feeling the complete recovery of strength, Hei Ni gently put out a breath.

“I can finally do it? I’m already a little impatient.”

Seeing Hei Ni’s strength recovered, Shu Qi said eagerly.

“Well, we will act now. The master has already sent an order to destroy the small and medium-sized base city in Yinchuan area as soon as possible.”

Yu Yexue also said.

“Which base city is the nearest base city to us?”

“It’s the base city of Liuzhou.”

Hei Ni said.

As a native of Yinchuan area, he is very familiar with Yinchuan area.

“Then take action against Liuzhou Base City.”

The 4 people immediately headed towards the base city of Liuzhou. The speed of the Blood Moon class made them move extremely fast.

In fact, they were not close to the base city of Liuzhou, which was a few hundred kilometers away, but at their terrifying speed, they had arrived in less than ten minutes.

Looking at the human beings can be seen everywhere in Liuzhou Base City, the eyes of all four of them could not help but show cold light.

“I haven’t used it for a long time, my body is rusty, let me do it.”

Hei Ni asked actively.

“Okay, then let you.”

All three of Yu Yexue had no objection, so I could just take the opportunity to observe Hei Ni’s strength and see what Hei Ni’s strength is.

You must know that the difference in strength between Blood Moon and Blood Moon is also quite large. Among them, the powerful Blood Moon even has the strength to kill Blood Moon alone.


The powerful breath erupted from Hei Ni, hiding the sky and covering the earth swept towards Liuzhou Base City, covering the entire Liuzhou Base City under the breath.

Feeling this aura, the base city of Liuzhou suddenly became confused.

On the street, the driving car suddenly became driverless.

Some rushed to the street, killing many pedestrians, and some hit the car in front, forming a chain collision.

Ordinary persons were frightened to the ground, and some even had feces and urine.

Even the Awakener was frightened out of control.

Only the senior Awakener can barely move under this aura. This is because the aura is scattered and not at all is deliberately locked.

Looking at the chaotic Liuzhou base city, the four Blood Moon-class Demonic Human races all had cruel smiles on their faces.

“Sovereign level breath, it’s Blood Moon level Demonic Human race invaded!”

In the villa purchased by Fang Ping, the eagle eyes looked towards the direction of the breath, and there was no fear in his eyes, but be eager to have a try.

“Young Master’s order is to hide immediately if the Demonic Human race is invaded.”

Seeing Hawkeye’s fighting intent, Jade Spirit reminded.

“I know.”

took a deep breath, and the eagle eye pressed down this fighting intent. Although I wanted to fight this World’s Blood Moon powerhouse, the Young Master’s order could not be disobeyed. This is Monster Altar carved in the depth of one’s soul The iron law.

A lounge in the Monster Countermeasures Division of Yinchuan Base City.

“The breath appeared.”

Suddenly, Lin Jieyu exclaimed.

“Which direction?”

Wei You asked quickly.

In order to be able to get there immediately when the breath appeared, everyone was eating and living together during this time.

“This direction.”

Lin Jieyu pointed her finger in one direction.

Everyone hurriedly searched the map. There are not many small and medium-sized base cities now, and the positions of the base cities are well distinguished, so they quickly confirmed the base city where the breath appeared.

“Liuzhou base city, Fang Ping, hurry up, go to Liuzhou base city.”


Fang Ping hurriedly used Teleportation maho, except for Lin Jieyu, everyone in the room disappeared in an instant.

When it appeared again, it had already appeared in Liuzhou Base City.

“Sure enough in Liuzhou Base City.”

As soon as they appeared, everyone felt Hei Ni’s raging terrifying aura and immediately understood that it was here.

“Fang Ping went into hiding, and the others faced me.”

At the same time Wei You made his voice, he had already rushed to the direction of Hei Ni, Fang Zhan, Qu Zhengchu, and Lan Huiyun all followed.

“Well, how can people from Yinchuan Base City be so fast?”

In order to avoid the destruction of the Liuzhou base city, Wei You and the others did not hide their whereabouts, and were soon discovered by Hei Ni 4 people.

However, the four of them didn’t panic. Today, they have four Blood Moon ranks, and they are stronger than Yinchuan base city.

“Yinchuan base city and medium and small base city, already have the means of timely communication?”

Yu Yexue asked.

“Then you don’t need understood.”

Wei You coldly snorted, he naturally would not tell the Demonic Human race how he and the others discovered the attack on Liuzhou Base City.

“Even if there is a means of quick contact, you are not our opponents at all.”

Yu Yexue’s expression is relaxed.

“Do it quickly, they must have asked other base cities for help.”

Hong long!

The two sides quickly fought each other, and the horror sounded one after another.

Lan Huiyun fought Hei Ni, Fang Ping fought Yu Yexue, Qu Zhengchu fought Bao Peng, and Wei You fought Mouse Qi.

However, it seems intentional, and it seems the same, Qu Zhengchu and Wei You, the place where the two people fought are very close, and the distance is only several hundred meters.


Suddenly, a square space spread out with Wei You as the center.

This square space is exactly the enchanted artifact of the space category obtained by Fang Ping.

At this time, the purpose of using the enchanted artifact of the space category is naturally to confine some people in the space so as to besiege another part.

“Not good !”

Perceiving the danger, Shuqi screamed, and quickly backed away, trying to avoid the space envelope.

However, the distance between him and Wei You was already very close. In addition to Wei You’s mental arithmetic and unintentional, he didn’t have time to escape, so he fell into the space.

Not only that, the space spreads to Qu Zhengchu and Bao Peng not far away.

Perceiving the spreading space, Bao Peng also changed color, and quickly retreated without hesitation.


A terrifying speed of more than ten times the speed of sound erupted, and he quickly retreated to avoid the spreading space.

The terrifying speed of ten times the speed of sound caused him to appear in the distance in an instant, passing by the spreading space, avoiding the envelope of space, but instead, as his opponent, Qu Zhengchu, was enveloped in the space.

“Only one person!”

Seeing that only Shuqi was locked into the space, Wei You showed disappointment on his face. The original goal was two people, but now only one person is locked up.

Although he was different from what he expected, he immediately took Qu Zhengchu out of the space, leaving Shu Qi alone in the space.

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