Monster Altar

Chapter 427

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“Break for me!”

Being locked in the square space, Shu Qi’s expression became panicked, using the strongest battle strength, the rock turned into a huge fist and hammered towards the wall of the square space.


There was a loud noise, and the wall of the square space trembled, but it was not at all broken.

At the beginning, this square space wall blocked the joint attack of two Blood Moon-classes, and it was naturally impossible to break it by himself.

“Not good, let’s take a shot together and break the space that traps Mouse!”

Seeing Shuqi being locked in the square space, Yu Yexue, Baopeng, and Hei Ni all changed their colors, leaving their opponents aside, one after another shot at the square space.

Yu Yexue condensed an iceberg and slammed into the square space.

Baopeng cuts into the square space with a silver net.

Hei Ni is a huge black skull in condense, hitting the square space.

Ka-cha ——

Cracks appeared on the surface of the square space barrier.

The 3 Blood Moon tiers on the outside, coupled with the mouse odd inside, combined with 4 Blood Moon cascades. Even if it is a square space, it cannot withstand the formidable power and is damaged.

After all, the barrier of the square space is not a real space barrier, but a similar structure generated by Enchanted weapon.

“Stop them and don’t let them have the opportunity to attack the space barrier.”

Seeing a crack in the space barrier, Fang Ping and the others secretly thought it was not good, so he quickly intercepted his opponent and prevented the opponent from continuing to shoot.


Another iceberg condensed in front of Yu Yexue, like a huge meteorite, whistling and impacting into the square space.

“Bansho Ten’in.”

Fang Ping hurriedly stopped, his hands produced a strong attraction, attracting the iceberg that hit the square space.

Under the powerful attraction, the iceberg that flew into the square space not only flew backwards, but also crashed into Yu Yexue.

“Is there still such an ability?!”

Yu Yexue changed color, and a large number of ice blades condensed, attacking the iceberg that came back.

Puff puff!

The iceberg was smashed before hitting her. She was ready to attack the square space again, but she hadn’t waited for her to move.


With a terrifying speed of 9 times the speed of sound, Fang Ping is like a rays of light, body flashed, intercepted between Yu Yexue and the square space.

On the other two sides, Wei You blocked Hei Ni, and Lan Huiyun and Qu Zhengchu also blocked Bao Peng.

Although it was different from what was expected and only trapped Mouse Qi in the end, the Demonic Human race temporarily lost a Blood Moon-class battle strength, and the battle strength no longer had the advantage, and the Mouse Qi must not be released.

Contrary to Fang Ping and the others’ thinking about Dharma Idol, Yu Yexue’s idea is that Mouse Qi must be rescued, even if it pays some price.

“Snow Giant.”

Regardless of physical energy consumption, Yu Yexue burst out with the strongest battle strength. A giant ice and snow giant as large as a mountain as high as 100 meters appeared, waving the ice and snow long sword several ten meters long, and slashed towards Fang Ping.

Fang Ping not to be outdone, was wrapped in Susanoo in a very short time, facing the ice and snow long sword with the huge spiral sword in Susanoo’s hand.


With a muffled sound, a strong shock wave spreads around the spiral sword and ice long sword that collided together, sweeping for 4 weeks.

But all the buildings swept by the shock wave were blown up in an instant, turning into extremely small stones.

Fang Ping blocked Yu Yexue’s full burst, Wei You blocked Hei Ni’s full burst, but the full burst of Leopard Peng could not be blocked.


With an astonishing speed exceeding ten times the speed of sound, Leopard Peng’s figure was like lightning, even facing the siege of the Morning Star, the peak of two blood moon-level Enchanted weapons, he still avoided and approached the square space.

Stinging –

Silver’s lines are intertwined into a net, cut into the square space, colliding with the square space barrier, piercing through the ears.

But inside the square space, the mouse Qi cooperated in time, fought with the Baopeng inside and outside, and attacked the same wall of the square space.

Fortunately, the solidity of the square space is beyond imagination.

Although it is not as good as the barrier formed by the large enchanted artifact in Yinchuan Base City, the Monster Countermeasures Division Prison, it is also sufficient to block a joint attack by two Blood Moon tiers.

The joint attack of the two people caused a violent tremor of the square space barrier, but it failed to break the square space barrier.

“With the power of two people, you can’t break the square space!”

Concluding that Bao Peng became anxious.

Both Yu Yexue and Hei Ni were entangled by their opponents, unable to rescue Mouse Qi, but with his teaming with the two people, it was not enough to break the barrier of direction space.

At this moment, Lan Huiyun and Qu Zhengchu chased after him and once again joined forces to besieged him.

Seeing the two people who came under the siege, his heart moved and he noticed.

“Binglan Great General.”

To maintain Susanoo and Golden Holy Domain, Fang Ping’s physical strength was consumed at an extremely terrifying speed, and his physical strength had already bottomed out after only a few dozen fights with Yu Yexue.

He hurriedly used the Ice Lan Great General, and in the sacrifice space, a large amount of ice Knight was blown up and turned into pure energy to replenish him.

In just an instant, his physical stamina was completely restored.

Incorporating Ace Des’s Demon God Appearance. Demon’s essence of ice ability, the biggest benefit is not the ability level to be raised to the high order level peak order, but the two special abilities obtained.

Let’s not talk about the power of Moko Botemo’s freezing time and space. Even the Great General of Binglan is extraordinary to him, and it makes up for his weakness of rapid physical consumption because of fighting across multiple realms.


The giant sword of ice and snow, which is several ten meters long, comes with a terrifying wind.

“Dragon Snake Mercury.”

Fang Ping took a deep breath and used another powerful ability, Dragon Snake Mercury.


The body is silver, intertwined in a spiral shape, and a Dragon Snake Mercury with a head on the front and back appears, facing the giant sword of ice and snow.


The crisp sound is heard.

Although it is condensed by ice and snow, the ice and snow giant sword, which is not inferior to Morning Star Enchanted weapon in hardness, disappears half of the sword body under the two huge mouths that Dragon Snake Mercury can swallow even in the dimensional space.

Not only that, Dragon Snake Mercury took the opportunity to get close, and quickly pounced on the ice giant.

“It’s the summon thing with devouring ability!”

Yu Yexue hurriedly manipulated the ice giant to avoid it. However, although the ice giant with a height of 100 meters gained powerful destructive power, it lost its flexibility and failed to avoid Dragon Snake Mercury’s bite.


The body of the ice giant, whose hardness is not worse than that of Morning Star’s enchanted metal, was pierced by Dragon Snake Mercury, penetrated into it, and wreaked havoc within the body.

Dragon Snake Mercury within the body has a huge void, and Dragon Snake Mercury is looking for Yu Yexue of the snow giant within the body.


Yu Yexue made a decisive decision to blow up the ice giant, while he flew with the help of 4 splashing ice, and ice and snow wings grew behind him, extending the distance.

She, who had fought Dragon Snake Mercury before, knew very well that she must never let Dragon Snake Mercury get close.

“over there!”

Relying on Rinnegan’s powerful insight, Fang Ping discovered Yu Yexue, who was pulling a long distance with the help of 4 flying shots of cold ice, and manipulated Dragon Snake Mercury to chase Yu Yexue.


Yu Yexue is not skilled in speed, and she is also blocked by the ice flying everywhere. When she found Dragon Snake Mercury, she was already close by Dragon Snake Mercury.


One of her ice wings was swallowed by Dragon Snake Mercury. Not only that, while the ice wings were swallowed, her back was swept by the dragon Snake Mercury lamp.

“Aaahhhh!!!! “

With a scream, a large piece of flesh and blood on her back disappeared, and her back became drenched with blood and fell to the ground.

Fang Ping controls the mercury pursuit of Dragon Snake claws.

“Dare to chase it!”

Seeing Dragon Snake Mercury chasing, Yu Yexue’s eyes showed an angry cold light.

During the fall, a large number of ice blades appeared in front of him, and they attacked all together, attacking Dragon Snake Mercury.

“come back!”

Fang Ping secretly thought was not good, and called Dragon Snake Mercury back within the body, and then a powerful repulsive force faced a large number of ice blades.

ka ka ka!

All the ice and sharp blades were blown to pieces.

“Do not–“

“No -“

Suddenly, two voices with guilt and self-blame sounded at the same time. These two voices were heard from the population of Qu Zhengchu and Lan Huiyun.

Hearing this voice, Fang Ping was secretly thought not good, so he looked in the direction of two people.

What I saw was the attack of two people. A huge winding thunder and lightning and a large number of azure wind blades were avoided by the leopard peng and attacked, and that direction was the square space.


Two kinds of attacks fell on the square space barrier, causing the barrier to tremble violently.

Not only that, almost at the same time, a giant rock hand and a silver net all attacked this place.

The attacks of the two were actually used by Bao Peng. Although the two were not opponents to the Blood Moon powerhouse in one-on-one, but with the Blood Moon-class Enchanted weapon, the destructive power was the same as the Blood Moon-class.

Coupled with the attacks of Shuqi and Baopeng, that is to say, at the same time, there are 4 formidable power attacks that reach the Blood Moon level and fall on this barrier.


At the beginning, under the joint efforts of the 4 Demonic Human races, the barrier had cracks, and now it was attacked by 4 Blood Moons. The cracks on the barrier instantly became bigger, and the forks seemed to have no leaves. The branches.

Dense cracks appeared on the barrier, and the barrier finally reached its endurance. With a sound of ka-cha, it completely shattered and collapsed.

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