Monster Altar

Chapter 428

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laughed heartily, Mouse Qi quickly rushed out of the square space, his face full of excitement and excitement.

Being trapped in a square space, the most dangerous thing is him. He originally thought he would be bode ill rather than well, but he didn’t expect mountain road twists around each new peak to get out of the trap.

“My fault is my fault.”

“Mine, it’s mine.”

The voice of regret and annoyance came from the mouths of Lan Huiyun and Qu Zhengchu. The two of them clenched their fists, pinched their nails into the flesh, and blood leaked from their fists.

In a very good situation, they were ruined by the two of them. Regret is no longer enough to describe the mood of the two, and both of them have suicidal hearts.

“Unexpectedly out of trouble!”

Wei You and Fang Ping have serious faces.

Because of the two people Qu Zhengchu and Lan Huiyun, the mouse Qi escaped and the situation became critical. If you say that you are not angry, it is false, but both people know that being angry is useless. The important thing is to find a way to deal with the current crisis.

Mouse Qi is out of trouble. Today’s Demonic Human race already has April Blood Moon level battle strength. Although they also have 4 Blood Moon level battle strengths on their side, Qu Zhengchu and Lan Huiyun are facing the Blood Moon level. There is no chance of winning in a pair.

“You damn it!”

Mouse Qi looked at Fang Ping 4 with hatred in his eyes.

Trapped in a square space, he couldn’t break it no matter how he attacked it. That kind of fear and despair made him hate Fang Ping 4 people and wanted to eat raw flesh and blood.

“It’s not in a hurry to deal with them. The four of them are blocked by us. You can destroy this base city first. That’s our goal this time.”

Yu Yexue said.

“Okay, let me come!”

A cruel smile appeared on Shu Qi’s face, and an earth-yellow beam of light, centered on him, went straight into the sky.

Next moment, in the sky, a huge meteorite with a diameter of several hundred meters appeared, whizzed down, and fell towards the center of Liuzhou Base City.

“Not good !”

Wei You, Fang Ping, Qu Zhengchu, and Lan Huiyun all changed color.

With the size of this meteorite and the terrifying impact it carries, one blow is definitely enough to destroy the Liuzhou base city.

The four of them wanted to intercept the falling meteorite. At this time, it was the turn of the Demonic Human race to stop them.

Yu Yexue hit Fang Ping with an iceberg, forcing Fang Ping, and had to move to block the iceberg, unable to intercept the meteorite.

Hei Ni is like a shining black sun, shooting out terrifying black light after another, attacking Wei You.

Wei You dodged one after another, avoiding the black light that came one after another, and there was also no way to intercept the meteorite.

On the other hand, Bao Peng attacked a huge silver net to cover Xiang Qu Zhengchu, and relied on the terrifying speed of more than ten times the speed of sound, and quickly appeared beside Lan Huiyun, and the sharp claw grabbed Lan Huiyun’s throat.

For a while, the two people also had no time to intercept the huge falling meteorite.

Seeing, the huge meteorite was about to fall down, destroying the base city of Liuzhou.

In Fang Ping villa, most people have already hid in the basement, but Hawkeye and Jade Spirit 2 did not hide, still watching the battle in the distance.

Beside the two people, there is another person, Fang Ping’s invisible clone. After bringing everyone here with Teleportation maho, he teleported here.

“I thought it was enough, but you still have to do it!”

Seeing the huge meteorite falling from the sky, Fang Ping looked at Hawkeye and said.

“Yes, Young Master!”

Hawkeye responded with excitement in his eyes.

At the next moment, a powerful breath filled his body, not the peak of the Morning Star, but the Blood Moon level.

That’s right, he is already at the Blood Moon level, and Fang Ping didn’t know about it until the breakthrough 2 days ago.

Seeing that Shuqi was trapped, Wei You and the others had the upper hand, he didn’t let Hawkeye take action.

Now that the situation has reversed, Wei You and the others are at a disadvantage, and Liuzhou Base City is in danger of destruction. He immediately let Hawkeye take action.


Looking at the huge meteorite falling into the sky, Hawkeye swiftly pulled out the black blade behind it, and slashed away at the meteorite.

A long black Blade Qi appeared with his swing, facing the huge meteorite falling into the sky.


The long black Blade Qi collided with the meteorite in the sky.

Next moment, the meteorite was split into two halves from the middle position, and the two halves of the meteorite quickly disintegrated and shattered, eventually turning into countless rubble and falling.

After doing all this, Hawkeye looked at the place where the blood moons were fighting in the distance, and flew away quickly.

He finally had the opportunity to see the Sovereign level of this World.

Seeing Fang Ping and the others were blocked, and there was no time to intercept the meteorite, Shuqi’s face showed a cruel grin.

Under his attack, half or more of the people in Liuzhou Base City would die, which gave him a sense of comfort, and the depression that was trapped just now was slightly reduced.

At this moment, in the Liuzhou base city, a huge black light soared into the sky, and the falling meteorite was split into two halves under the black light.


The grinning grin stiffened on his face, and the meteorite was actually blocked. It was not Wei You and the others who blocked the meteorite, but from the city of Liuzhou Base.

Able to block meteorites, this person in Liuzhou Base City also possesses at least Blood Moon level battle strength.

“Has been blocked?! Is it reinforcements from other large base cities?”

Yu Yexue and the others were also shocked, and then their expressions became solemn.

They saw the eagle eye who was holding the black blade fast, and they sensed the breath of Blood Moon on him.

They naturally don’t think that small and medium-sized base cities like Liuzhou Base City can afford a Blood Moon powerhouse, so the conclusion can only be that the opponent is reinforcements from other large base cities.

“Is the meteorite blocked?”

Wei You and the others showed mixed surprises on their faces. Originally thought that Liuzhou Base City had been difficult to preserve, but did not expect the mountain road twists around each new peak, the meteorite was actually blocked.

“Who is this person?”

Seeing the emergence of eagle eyes, there was surprise on his face.

This person is not someone they have seen before, or any Blood Moon powerhouse who has seen the photo. This is a Blood Moon powerhouse that has never appeared before.

Even Fang Ping is no exception. He knows Hawkeye, but he doesn’t know that Hawkeye is already Blood Moon.


In a few moments, Hawkeye arrived and appeared on the battlefield that only Blood Moon-class battle strength could step into.

“Many thanks for your help!”

Wei You, Lan Huiyun, and Qu Zhengchu were full of excitement and gratitude.

Although he didn’t know the Blood Moon in front of him, there was no doubt that the Blood Moon in front of him must belong to their side, because the other side had just taken action to prevent the destruction of Liuzhou Base City.

As long as they know this, they are happy enough, even excited.

“you are welcome.”

Hawkeye nodded in response, then looked at Fang Ping and gave a salute.


He knew Fang Ping disguised as Fang Zhan, so he immediately recognized Fang Ping.

However, now Fang Ping pretends to be a middle-aged person, so he not at all called Fang Ping by the usual Young Master, but changed to Lord.

“you did good.”

Fang Ping’s face has approval.

Hawkeye actually has a breakthrough to become a Blood Moon class, which is really a huge surprise.

Seeing the exchange between Fang Ping and Eagle Eye, the three Wei You immediately understood that “Fang Zhan” had a very close relationship with this Blood Moon powerhouse that had never been seen before, and they couldn’t help but become more happy.

“The reinforcements came so soon, luckily there is only one!”

Yu Yexue’s heart was full of vigilance.

The reinforcements came so fast, and the only thing I was grateful for was that there was only one person. If there were one more person, they would have to withdraw immediately.

“He will leave it to you!”

Fang Ping pointed his finger at Mouse Qi and said to Yingyan.

“Yes, Lord!”

The eagle eye replied, his eyes full of fighting intent looking towards Mouse Qi, and finally he could fight the Sovereign level powerhouse of this World.


The black blade in his hand slashed, a stern black Blade Qi swiftly slashed towards Mouse Qi, and he quickly rushed towards Mouse Qi.

“hmph -“

Seeing the black Blade Qi attack, the mouse Qi is coldly snorted.

The giant rock hand slapped and blocked the black Blade Qi, and then condensed from the other giant rock hand and patted it towards the eagle eye that flew.

Ka-cha !

The black blade in Hawkeye’s hand slashed, and the giant palm of the rock was cut in half from the middle position, and he quickly approached Mouse Qi.

Although he has just become the Blood Moon level, his battle strength as a swordsman, even in the One Piece world with various devil fruits within the realm, belongs to the same level Peak, and is not weaker than the mouse who became Blood. Moon class has some years of Blood Moon class powerhouse.

Bang, bang, hong long!

Almost at the same time that Eagle Eye and Mouse Qi fought, Fang Ping and the others fought each.

The battle broke out again, and the shock waves of terror spread in this area, superimposed on each other, and even the space trembled violently.

Generally, if a Blood Moon powerhouse enters this area, it will definitely be affected by the aftermath and die. This is a real Blood Moon class battlefield, and only the Blood Moon class can join the battlefield.

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