Monster Altar

Chapter 429

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“10000 to the sky.”

A terrifying gravitational force is generated from Fang Ping’s hands, attracting Xiang Yu Yexue, who flies towards Fang Ping uncontrollably.

The body was dragged by the invisible force, Yu Yexue’s expression was slightly flustered, but, after all, it was a Blood Moon-class powerhouse, and the reaction was extremely quick, and she immediately thought of a way to deal with it.

A large number of ice sharp blades appeared around her, and under her control, they all shot towards Fang Ping.

If Fang Ping is still dragging her with invisible traction, then she will be stabbed 1000 through 100 holes by these ice sharp blades.

“Shinra Tensei.”

In no way, Fang Ping turned the gravitational force with his hands into repulsive force, the ice and sharp blades that hit were exploded, and Yu Yexue also took the opportunity to get rid of the gravitational force.

Getting rid of gravity, the wings of ice and snow behind Yu Yexue flapped, and snowflakes fell and fell to the ground.

At the next moment, icebergs rose from the ground one after another, spreading towards Fang Ping and hitting Fang Ping.


The extreme speed of 9 times the speed of sound erupted. Fang Ping avoided the iceberg from the impact, flew into the sky, and quickly approached Yu Yexue.

In front of Yu Yexue, an iceberg condensed and slammed into the flying Fang Ping.

Fang Ping was ready to crush the iceberg with Shinra Tensei.

At this moment, a silhouette quickly approached him, cast a silver net, and attacked him from the other side.

Relying on a speed exceeding ten times the speed of sound, Bao Peng got rid of Qu Zhengchu and Lan Huiyun, and unexpectedly joined forces with Yu Yexue and besieged him.

For a while, he was caught in a joint siege by two Blood Moon-class players.

With his current strength, it is absolutely impossible to block the joint attack of two Blood Moon powerhouses at the same time.

“Not good !”

“Be careful!”

Seeing Fang Ping besieged by two Blood Moon powerhouses, Wei You and the others couldn’t help but exclaim.

Wei You and Yingyan left their opponents and pounced towards this side.

Lan Huiyun and Qu Zhengchu are ashamed, because they failed to stop Bao Peng that made Fang Ping fall into such a crisis.

When the crisis came, Fang Ping was unusually calm. He had at least two ways to resolve the current crisis.

The most commonly used method is the teleportation ability, which is enough to escape the siege of two attacks in an instant.

However, this time he is not planning to use the teleport ability, but is planning to use another ability.


Among the ice abilities, Mokobotimo, which could only be used once a day, was promptly used by him.

In an instant, time and space are frozen, everything is still, even the Blood Moon powerhouse is no exception, being frozen in this still time and space.

But there are 6 Blood Moon players plus 2 Morning Stars, which is a huge load.

With his current realm, it is impossible to maintain it for a long time. In just a few moments, the frozen time and space have been lifted.

However, for him, a few moments are enough.


With an explosion at 9 times the speed of sound, he escaped the siege of the iceberg and the silver net.

Then, Shinra Tensei used it, and the powerful repulsion hit the attacking Leopard Peng.


When the time and space were lifted, Bao Peng flew upside down as if he was hit by a giant hammer.

There were porcelain-like cracked wounds on the surface of the body, and within the body, I didn’t know how many bones were broken.

Falling to the ground, smashed a huge pothole in the ground, and could not immediately get up.

“what happened?”

Wei You, who was rushing to the rescue, were shocked with Hawkeye, and did not understand what happened at this moment.

Fang Ping not only escaped the joint attack of two Blood Moon-level Demonic Human races, but also wounded one of the Blood Moon-level Demonic Human races.

“what happened?”

On the Demonic Human race side, Yu Yexue and the others were also shocked, not understanding what happened.

Why the unexpected siege by 2 people failed to injure Fang Ping, but Bao Peng was seriously injured.


Yu Yexue flew towards Leopard Peng and prepared to lift Leopard and leave Liuzhou Base City.

Bao Peng was seriously injured and the situation became unfavorable for them, so she decided to retreat temporarily.


A silhouette stopped between her and Bao Peng and stopped her. This silhouette was Fang Ping.

“Shinra Tensei.”

A powerful repulsive force swept at her.

She was forced to stop, and the ice walls stood in front of her and resisted the powerful repulsion.


When she resisted the repulsive force, Bao Peng spit a mouthful of blood again, staggering up.

He was so badly injured that he had no fighting intent, so he was ready to flee.

At this moment, a black light cut towards him.

The shot was Hawkeye, who originally came to rescue Fang Ping, but now he turned to shot him.

If in normal times, he can easily evade, but now he is seriously injured, his body seems to be filled with lead, and it is extremely difficult to move.

He hastily intertwined a silver net and stood in front of him.


The formidable power is far worse than usual, and the silver net is broken under the black blade light.

Not only that, the black light slashed on his body, cutting a deep wound on his body.

His chest was almost split in half, and the internal organs were clearly visible.

His body flew upside down again and hit the ground, smashing a huge pothole.

The blood stained his body red, his body trembled slightly, and his breathing became difficult.

Even as a Demonic Human race with strong self-healing ability, this time is not far from death.


Seeing the appearance of Baopeng, knowing that Baopeng might not be able to survive, Yu Yexue made a decisive decision, no longer caring about Baopeng, but turned and flew away.

At this time, Shuqi and Hei Ni also made the same choice, giving up to rescue Leopard Peng, turning around and fleeing.

“Catch, don’t let them escape!”

Fang Ping and the others naturally wouldn’t let the three escape, and pursued the three who fled.

Seeing Fang Ping and the others chasing, Shuqi used the Earth Element ability to take Yu Yexue and Hei Ni and flee underground.

Fang Ping hurriedly used Nuke Nuke no Mi’s ability, led Wei You and others, and also shuttled and pursued underground.

However, for the Mouse Qi whose peak order ability is the Earth Element ability, the underground is the main battlefield.

Sometimes the soil hardens so that Fang Ping’s Nuke Nuke no Mi ability cannot pass through, and sometimes traps are set to drag Fang Ping and the others with trap attacks.

After chasing for more than an hour, Fang Ping and the others chased them down completely and had to go back the same way.

Back to Liuzhou Base City, Baopeng was still lying in the original potholes, but he had been dead for a long time, and his body turned into a huge monster.

This is a monster with the body of a leopard but with 2 wings like birds.

Falling in a pothole, it is like a hill.

The ownership of this Blood Moon-level Demonic Human race corpse is not much disputed, and naturally belongs to Fang Ping.

After all, it was Fang Ping who severely damaged it and Hawkeye killed it. The credit was given to two people, and the two people did not distinguish each other.

“Your Excellency, many thanks this time, if it weren’t for you, Liuzhou Base City would definitely be destroyed!”

Wei You thanked Hawkeye.

“Tell me to change my career with Eagle Eye. I live in Liuzhou Base City, and it is impossible to watch Liuzhou Base City be destroyed.”

Hawkeye said.

“Unexpectedly, there is a powerhouse like Your Excellency Eagle Eye in Liuzhou Base City, but unfortunately, although it has been avoided as much as possible, it was still affected, and there were many casualties!”

Looking at the Liuzhou base city affected by the battle, Wei You sighed.

“Fortunately, this time I killed a Blood Moon-level Demonic Human race, and added a strong support like yours. The Demonic Human race shouldn’t dare to make another appearance.”

“I wonder if your Excellency Yingyan would like to take a trip to Yinchuan Base City?”

“When something like this happened, I have a lot of things to deal with, so I won’t go this time.” Hawkeye declined gently.

Naturally, it was not their turn to deal with the aftermath. Yingyan returned to the villa, while Fang Ping and the others returned to the base city of Yinchuan.

Let Lin Jieyu continue to pay attention to the breath of Hei Ni and the others, while the others return to their own residences.

In a short period of time, Hei Ni and the others will definitely not come up, so there is no need for a few people to gather together.

“came back!”

Fang Ping returned to the villa. Seeing Fang Ping’s return, Yan Xue and Fan Xuan immediately greeted them, like a wife welcoming her husband’s return.


Fang Ping nodded with a smile, accompanied by 2 people, enter the house.

Leaning back on the sofa, the left and right hands all had a soft touch, and he closed his eyes comfortably.

This life makes him feel very good, and it would be even better if there was no crisis of Demonic Human race.

Consciousness entered the sacrificial space, and he looked at the huge Demonic Human race corpse.


The corpse turned into ashes under the scarlet flames, the altar lit up with blood light, and stars appeared in the sky.


An orange-yellow star rays of light flourish, projecting an orange-yellow beam of light, exploding, and turning into an old man.

The old man has no hair, but has long eyebrows and beards.

The beard is tied with purple silk thread, and there is a cross-shaped scar on the right side of the head.

Inside, I wore black clothes similar to kimono, and outside I was wearing a white robe.

Name: Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent :extraordinary

Taijutsu innate talent :very excellent

Death God innate talent :extraordinary


Flowing Blade: Old Gu Zanpakuto is the strongest and hottest in the hot system. Shikai has the same temperature as the surface of the sun, and the solution temperature is equal to the core of the sun.

“Yamamoto Motoyanagiye Shigekuni.”

Looking at this cartoon character, Fang Ping’s eyes were fiery.

Yamamoto Motoyanagi Sajukuni, among the animation Death God, the head of the 3th and 1rd team of the Guardian is the captain, and is known as the strongest Death God in the soul world.

The Zanpakuto owned by the opponent is called the strongest Zanpakuto in the hot system, and even called the strongest Zanpakuto in the soul world.

Is it the strongest Zanpakuto? For the time being, the formidable power of this Zanpakuto is absolutely terrifying. It can be seen from the fact that the temperature is equal to the core of the sun.

Fang Ping estimates that this is probably a Zanpakuto with a forbidden level of formidable power.

“Currently anime characters who have Growth innate talent, Taijutsu innate talent, Death God innate talent, and abilities are fierce, do you choose one kind of acquisition?”

The majestic voice sounded.

“The ability to choose is fierce.”

Fang Ping immediately chose the ability to be a fierce player, it is very likely to reach the forbidden level of ability, and it is impossible to miss it.

“The sacrificial person already has the same ability, fusion of abilities!”

The majestic voice sounded again.


An orange-yellow flame hit Fang Ping within the body. The temperature of Fang Ping’s body rose sharply, and after a while, it returned to normal.

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