Monster Altar

Chapter 430

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He looks at the attribute panel.

Name: Fang Ping

Sacrifice value: 157150

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: extraordinary

Kenbunshoku Haki innate talent: very excellent

Busoshoku Haki: very excellent

Haoshoku Haki talent: very excellent

Hacker innate talent: very excellent

Taijutsu innate talent: extraordinary (Taijutsu innate talent…)

Ninjutsu innate talent: very excellent (Sage Mode, Body-Transformation Technique, Clone Technique, Body replacement technique, Shadow Clone, Rasengan, 5th layer Rashoumon, Sage art Gracious Deity Gates…)

Magic innate talent: extraordinary (Take over, Teleportation maho…)

Super Saiyan innate talent: excellent

Vampire innate talent: extraordinary


Fire system ability (…), Doa Doa no Mi ability (…), variant Rinnegan (…), Please don’t die (…), Beauty of Fitzgerald (…), ice ability (…) , Zanpakuto (…), Nuke Nuke no Mi (…), divine speed (…), Wind Control (…), Golden Power (…),

The name Mutated Mera Mera no Mi ability disappeared and replaced by the fire ability. If not surprisingly, Liubian Ruohuo should be integrated into the fire ability.

The original Mera Mera no Mi ability, after many times of fusion of fire abilities, coupled with this time fusion, has been out of the category of fruit abilities, so the name has become a fire ability.

Fang Ping looks at the detailed comments.

【The powerful fire system abilities formed by the fusion of multiple fire system abilities have the special ability of body elementalization and refining the quality of items. 】

“I don’t know how the formidable power is?”

Exiting the sacrificial space, Fang Ping not at all is eager to test the formidable power of the fire system. He has just gone through a big battle, exhausted, and is seriously lacking in physical fitness.

In the morning of 2nd day, after a night of rest, he recovered physically. He moved away from the residence and came to the wilderness a few hundred kilometers away from the base city of Yinchuan.

Looking at a verdant mountain full of trees in the distance, endless flames surged out of him, covering the entire mountain in an instant.

哧 ——

The emerald green mountains disappeared in an instant, not melting into lava, but completely disappearing.

At the moment of being wrapped in flames, everything on the mountain directly bypassed the liquefaction, transformed from a solid state to a gas state, and evaporated and disappeared.

“The formidable power reached the Morning Star, the peak of the Third Stage, without using Sage Mode.”

Without using Sage Mode, the formidable power is enough to reach the Morning Star, the peak of the Third Stage. This increase is equal to that of Rinnegan.

“Forbidden ability.”

It can be equivalent to the mutation Rinnegan at the forbidden level. There is no doubt that the current fire system ability is undoubtedly the forbidden ability.

After mutating Rinnegan and the power of gold, he has the third forbidden ability.

“Is forbidden ability the end of ability, can it be stronger?”

Fang Ping, who already possesses 3 kinds of forbidden abilities, cannot help thinking about whether the forbidden level is the end of the ability, and whether there is a stronger level above it.

“Above forbidden, there should be a higher level!”

Thinking of the animation Hokage, Fang Ping had a judgment.

In the anime Hokage, Rinnegan is not the strongest eye. Above it, there are 6 magatama Rinnegan and 9 magatama Rinnegan.

There is no doubt that whether it is 6 magatama Rinnegan or 9 magatama Rinnegan, the formidable power is stronger than ordinary Rinnegan.

Rinnegan is already at the forbidden level. 6 magatama Rinnegan and 9 magatama Rinnegan are naturally beyond the forbidden level.

It may be above the forbidden level, or it may be just beyond the general forbidden level, just like the relationship between peak order ability, middle order level peak order ability, and high order level peak order ability.

This indicates that there is a higher level of ability above forbidden, and the level above forbidden should exist.

But such an ability is certainly difficult to produce.

There have been a few cases of forbidden-level abilities in history, but the abilities above forbidden have never been heard.

It shows that the conditions for generating such an ability are extremely harsh. It is very likely that it has not appeared in this World, or it has appeared, but it has not left a record, and no one knows it.

“When you choose to sacrifice the world in the future, you can use Hokage world as the target of your choice. Maybe you can get 6 magatama Rinnegan or even 9 magatama Rinnegan.”

Fang Ping’s eyes became mutant Rinnegan.


Suddenly, his face moved, and he felt that these eyes were different from the previous ones, as if a certain ability had been activated and he was in a state of being able to use them at any time.

He looked closely, and his face couldn’t help showing joy.

“The powerful deity has been restored!”

The ability that is activated to be in a state of being able to be used at any time is surprisingly powerful to other gods.

Other gods, the abilities derived from Uchiha Shisui’s Mangekyo Sharingan have the powerful ability to permanently change the will, but they have a cooling period of more than ten years.

Later, he merged with Lulu Xiu’s compulsory orders, and the other gods changed and split into a normal version and a powerful version.

The normal version can manipulate the will of people with the same realm and those whose realm is lower than their own. The formidable power becomes weaker, but there is no cooling off period.

The powerful version has a strong will control ability and can be used on people higher than its realm, and the cooling period is shortened to several years.

Now, several years have passed since the last time he used the powerful other gods, the powerful other gods finally recovered, and he once again won a strong hole card.

“With my current realm, using the powerful other gods, the Blood Moon level is absolutely difficult to get rid of.”

With the powerful other gods, he equivalent to have an ultimate weapon that kills the Blood Moon level.

But this was not what he wanted. Now that he, with all the means available, his battle strength is no longer weaker than that of ordinary Blood Moon. Using this ability on Blood Moon is too wasteful.

“I don’t know if the powerful devil is useful for Immemorial Devil?”

He couldn’t help thinking of the greatest enemy of mankind, the Immemorial Devil, who has the strength above Blood Moon. He didn’t know whether the powerful other gods could modify the will of Imemorial Devil and enslave Imemorial Devil.

If possible, the crisis of Human Race will be resolved naturally.

“I’m afraid it’s impossible!”

After serious consideration, Fang Ping came to a conclusion.

Any ability has its limits, even if it is a powerful effect on other gods, the same is true.

Today, he is only the Morning Star Middle-Stage, and even the Blood Moon realm has not reached it. There is a difference of 2 great realm between him and Immemorial Devil.

Such a huge realm gap, even if it is a powerful effect on other gods, I am afraid it is difficult to mentally manipulate Immemorial Devil.

“If the realm reaches the Blood Moon, it would have several points of possible, but according to the current situation, I am afraid there is no such time.”

Thinking of the surrounding base cities being wiped out, Haikou Base City and Nanzhou Base City, which had been besieged by the Demonic Human race, Fang Ping couldn’t help but sink.

The final battle, I am afraid, is about to come, either Immemorial Devil launches, or Human Race launches.

Because under the encroachment of Immemorial Devil, the human condition has reached the brink of extinction.

Even knowing that the hope of winning is slim, they have to start.

After all, if the Demonic Human Race is allowed to eat away like this, the Human Race will become weaker and weaker, and there will be no power to launch a decisive battle.

Therefore, he has no time to grow up to Blood Moon realm.

“Although under the blessing of the power of gold, my realm has improved extremely fast, but it is still not enough. If there is a way to become a Blood Moon quickly, it would be great.”

Fang Ping shook his head in his heart, not thinking that such a method exists.

How can Blood Moon be so easy to become, even more how is an instant.

“No, there are such methods!”

The experience of an anime character flashed in Fang Ping’s mind, and Fang Ping’s eyes burst into light.

The anime character he thought of was Kojou Akatsuki, the 4th true ancestor in the blood raid that he had recently offered to take out.

The process by which the other party became the true ancestor is a quick classic case.

In the animation blood raid, the magic power of the true ancestor comes from the “intrinsic accumulation time” accumulated over the long years.

The process of other true ancestors becoming true ancestors is all through long years of accumulation, but he not at all experienced this process of accumulation.

The process of his becoming a true ancestor is by plundering the memory of others and even his own, and filling a large amount of inherent accumulation time in an instant to gain strong demon power and become a true ancestor.

The method adopted by the other party is undoubtedly a quick way.

“The fourth true ancestor is an artificial true ancestor created by the three great ancestors in conjunction with Tianbu. It stands to reason that this method of exchanging memory for magic power should also be the other 4 true ancestors!”

Returning to his residence, Fang Ping immediately entered the sacrifice space and checked the vampire innate talent on the looked towards attribute panel.

If there is a method of capturing memory in exchange for magic power, then this method is likely to be a magic that requires sacrifice value activation, and it exists in the vampire innate talent.

When you click on the vampire innate talent, Fang Ping sees many redemption options.

The third provider of vampire innate talent, the true ancestor, as the true ancestor-level powerhouse, although the strongest means of fighting is the beast, it does not mean that there is no other means of combat besides the beast.

The numerous exchange options that appeared in front of him confirmed his guess that the opponent had a means of fighting other than the beast.

Atomization (the magic of incarnation blood mist, requires 5000 sacrifice value to activate)

Appearance change (change one’s own appearance magic, activation requires 5000 sacrifice value)

Weaponization of Beast Beasts (turn Beast Beasts into weapon-shaped magic, activation requires 10000 sacrifice value)

Physique enhancement (incarnation body magic is greatly strengthened by magic power, 10000 sacrifice value is required to activate)


Fang Ping browse one by one slowly without missing any redemption options.

When browsing to the 53rd activation options, he finally found out and saw a magic.

Memory in exchange (by plundering the memory of others and oneself, the inherent time is obtained, the magic that enhances the magic power, the activation requires 50000 sacrifice value)

Obviously, this should be the way for Kojou Akatsuki to gain huge magic power and quickly become the true ancestor.

“Activate first!”

Fang Ping immediately activated this magic. In an instant, all the memories of the 3rd true ancestor about this magic were poured into his mind.

It took a while before he digested the relevant memories of this magic in his mind.

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