Monster Altar

Chapter 436

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Bang, bang, hong long!

In the sky, white and black mists constantly collide, with white light and black mist constantly splashing.

There were craters one after another in the place where they were splashed, and there was a special force left with extinction.

In these places, 100 years, or even hundreds of years, will be barren, a life decision.

“To be able to fight with me to such an extent, in terms of battle strength alone, you have surpassed the group of humans a few hundred years ago!”

Without wings and without the ability to fly, Leviathan can fly in the sky.

He looked at the giant machine, with memories in his voice.

“However, it should be over!”

The black flame appeared in his hands. It was the kind of flame that made Fang Ping feel that even if it was immortal, it was useless.

Hula –

The black flame soared suddenly, like a dark cloud in the sky, rushing towards the giant machine.

Huh, huh, Shua!

Feeling the danger, the giant mechanical eyes shot white beams of light, attacking the spreading black flame.

However, as soon as the white beam of light touches the black flame, it melts, and it is like ice and snow in front of the flame.

Compared with the previous black mist gas phase, the current black flame formidable power is much stronger.

If black fog is an ordinary ability, then the black flame today is the peak order ability, and the formidable power is completely impossible to mention on equal terms.


The giant machinery hurried back, but the black flame was chasing after it.

Extend one after another black fire snake, chasing to the giant machine.


Can’t dodge, the giant machine was wrapped in black flame and fell into the black flame.

The white radiance on the surface collapsed in an instant, and the black flame burned to the giant machine.

The body of the giant mechanical machine is mixed with many harder metals than the Blood Moon-class Enchanted weapon, which is extremely hard and resistant to high temperatures.

However, under the black flame, it is melting rapidly.

Hey, hey, bang!

The situation is extremely critical, the giant machine charge to the left and dash to the right, trying to rush out of the black flame before it melts completely, but it is always blocked by the black flame.

The surface of the giant mechanical body is melting more and more serious, and the interior is also undergoing damage.

Eventually, the giant machinery became impersonal, and it was no longer impossible to move.

“Aaahhhh!!!! “

After the Longpan Base City Chief Lan Yue uttered a mournful scream, there was no more sound.

The giant machine had melted into that shape. She was inside the giant machine. As a result, it was conceivable that she would not even have time to escape and be burned alive.

Since then, all three major base city directors have fallen!

“Blue Game!”

The powerhouse in Longpan base city is still alive with 10000 points of grief, while the powerhouses in other base cities are all pale, dull and desperate.


Fang Ping also paled.

The other gods that he considered the power of the trump card failed.

Today, the top ten base cities are regarded as the trump card, and the giant machinery that crystallizes technology and wealth in the ten base cities has also lost.

How can such an enemy be defeated?


Let the black flame go out, and Leviathan flies up and descends on the battlefield here.

Seeing his appearance, Human Race powerhouse was panicked.

Some were frightened, unable to show even half of their strength, and were severely injured by the Demonic Human race powerhouse.

Some even turned around in horror and fled, but they were blocked by the Demonic Human race who fought him.

On the Demonic Human race side, each and everyone is full of excitement and excitement.

Immemorial Devil Leviathan’s gaze fell on Fang Ping.

Fang Ping nowadays is the only person in Human Race who has the peak Blood Moon battle strength, and also seems to have Undying Body, which will naturally become his focus or the focus of obliteration.

“Master, there is a big secret in this human being. It is best to capture him alive and search for his memory!”

However, when he was about to do something, a silhouette came forward and gave him a salute respectfully, saying that this silhouette was Hei Ni.

“Have a big secret?”

Leviathan’s face not at all showed too much interest.

With his current strength, in the eyes of others, something that is a big secret or opportunity, in his opinion, it is also only this.

“I have dealt with this person several times. The improvement of this person’s strength is very weird. In just over a year, he has been promoted from the normal Blood Moon to the peak Blood Moon.”

Hearing that Leviathan was not interested, Hei Ni said quickly.

“In just over a year, it has been promoted from the normal Blood Moon to the peak Blood Moon?”

This time, Leviathan became interested.

Even if it was him, it was absolutely impossible to upgrade from the normal Blood Moon to the peak Blood Moon in one year. This strange speed of improvement finally aroused his interest.

“Damn traitor!”

“running dog!”

“Hei Ni, you must die!”

Seeing Hei Ni’s flattering appearance in front of Leviathan, all the Human Race powerhouses, especially the powerhouse in Yinchuan Base City, were all glaring.

Hei Ni didn’t care about it but said contemptuously when he heard a sound of abuse.

“Death? It will be you who will die. Not only will you die, the entire Human Race will be destroyed.”

His words immediately drew more verbal abuse, but he took this verbal abuse as a compliment and seemed even more proud.

“You did good, if this person really has a big secret, the reward will not be less for you!”

Taking all this into the entire scene, Leviathan said with satisfaction.

“Thanks, Lord.”

Hei Ni gave a salute again, full of excitement, stood up and respectfully stood behind Leviathan.

But at this moment, he broke out suddenly.


A huge black circular pattern similar to the magic array appeared, surrounding the Leviathan who was very close to him.

The huge black circular pattern reveals a mysterious and weird breath, rotating, producing numerous black patterns in the sky.

These black lines, like many tadpoles, flew towards Leviathan.


Leviathan surprised and angry crossed, dodged quickly, and appeared outside several hundred meters.

But the black circular pattern moves with his movement, and the densely packed black pattern is still flying towards it.

He quickly propped up the black mask to resist, but these black lines seemed to be intangible, easily penetrated the black mask, and finally attached to him.

With the attachment of the black pattern, his realm plummeted and fell directly from the Blood Moon.


A crowd of Human Race powerhouse looked at Hei Ni who suddenly attacked Leviathan in amazement.

This is obviously not something a traitor would do.

Isn’t he a defect at all?

The reason why I joined the Demonic Human race is to become an internal responder?

If this is the case, then the other party’s contribution to Human Race would be too great.

“It’s actually Human Race’s internal response lurking next to me. How did you escape my memory search in the first place?”

Feeling the drop of realm, Leviathan complexion ashen looks at Hei Ni.

When a Human Race like Hei Ni was transformed into a Demonic Human Race, he naturally focused on reviewing it.

After searching and checking Hei Ni’s memory, it was confirmed that it was not an internal response sent by Human Race before he transformed Hei Ni into Demonic Human Race.

But what is going on now? Hei Ni, who has no problems with memory search, is actually the internal response of Human Race.

“I only recently learned about the identity of my inner counterpart.”

Hei Ni’s face showed complex colors.

At the beginning, in order for him to successfully become an internal correspondent, the few insiders headed by Wei You sealed his memory.

It was not until not long ago that after he was captured alive, the memory of being sealed was released, and he also understood the reason why he was chosen as an internal response.

He is one of the few Awakener with powerful sealing ability.

“Seal of memory? Well, it’s a good method.”

Leviathan complexion is the terrifying of gloomy.

The reason why the Demonic Human race was created was to avoid being sealed by the Awakener who possessed the ability to seal again as it was several hundred years ago.

After more than half a year of trial and error, he confirmed the not at all sealing ability in the Human Race Blood Moon powerhouse before he launched the final battle.

Unexpectedly, Human Race had already sent people with sealing ability to his side.

“However, compared to the seal of the person who forbidden the ability level a few hundred years ago, you are far behind.”

Leviathan is coldly snorted, terrifying aura bursts out, and hits the seal on the body with its own ability.

Ka-cha !

A black pattern shattered.

Although it is only one of the densely packed black lines on his body, there is no doubt that this seal is being broken.

“Not good, stop him!”

“Protect Lord!”

Seeing the hope of victory, people such as many powerhouses smashed Leviathan together, while Demonic Human race powerhouses were defecated and blocked one after another, and fierce fighting broke out again.


Teleportation maho used, Fang Ping appeared next to Leviathan, Shinra Tensei urged to the limit and swept Leviathan.

“Naive, my realm does fall, but also not your trifling peak Blood Moon can contend!”

Facing Fang Ping who suddenly teleported and struck, Leviathan’s face did not panic, but there was contempt.

“Black Crystal—”

He stretched out his fingers, black light appeared on his fingers, and shot towards Shinra Tensei and Fang Ping.

At the next moment, the Shinra Tensei attacked by Fang Ping, and even Fang Ping, all crystallized under this black light and turned into a huge black crystal.

In just one blow, Fang Ping, who possesses the peak Blood Moon battle strength, has been defeated.

Even if the realm drops, even if the opponent has the peak Blood Moon strength, there’s no resistance in front of him.

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