Monster Altar

Chapter 437

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“Your Excellency Fang Zhan…”

“How could it be so strong?”

“Is he… not sealed?”

Seeing that Fang Ping, who was at the peak of Blood Moon’s strength, was in the hands of Leviathan, he still hadn’t survived a single blow. He didn’t know his life or death, and all Human Race powerhouse changed color.

There are those who worry about Fang Ping, and those who are shocked and desperate about the strength of Leviathan.

Originally thought that after being sealed, Leviathan’s strength would be greatly reduced, but unexpectedly, the opponent’s strength seemed to be unaffected.

Listening to the sound of shock and despair from Human Race powerhouse, a sneer appeared on Leviathan’s face, and his expression looked at Hei Ni coldly.


A black light shot from his hand and hit Hei Ni.

Hei Ni hair stands on end, panicking and avoiding, but before he can avoid it, he has been shot by black light.

Under the black light, Hei Ni’s body was wrapped in black crystals, and only the head remained outside.

“Impossible, my seal has not expired.”

The body is unable to move even a little bit, Hei Ni complexion pale, cold sweat.

“It did not fail, but so what.”

Leviathan walked to Hei Ni calmly.

“You should be curious, why can’t you produce a sun-class powerhouse for your Human Race for 100 years?”


Even if the current situation is very bad, Hei Ni can’t help being attracted by Leviathan’s problem.

Not surprisingly, the blazing sun level that the opponent said should be a level above Blood Moon.

“Forbidden ability, forbidden ability is a necessary condition to become a strong sun rank. Without forbidden ability, no matter how high the innate talent is, it is impossible to achieve a strong sun rank.”

At this point, Leviathan sneered.

“Even if the realm drops, I have at least the peak Blood Moon realm, coupled with the forbidden ability, who do you think can be my opponent?”

“how come……”

Hei Ni looked shocked, and his heart was unable to bear despair.

If you want to be above the Blood Moon, you actually need the forbidden ability. No wonder, Human Race has tried its best for hundreds of years, and no one can break through to become the Blood Moon.

The realm of the Peak Blood Moon, coupled with the forbidden ability that far exceeds the peak order ability, although this strength is not as desperate as the Blood Moon, it is still difficult to contend.

No wonder Fang Zhan of Blood Moon at the peak just now could not stop even a single blow.

“Okay, you can die.”

Following Leviathan’s voice, the black crystals that spread to Hei Ni’s neck quickly spread upward, enveloping Hei Ni’s head.

“Hei Ni.”

Worried and anxious voices sounded, and a silhouette rushed here, accompanied by a huge silver cross. This person is Wei You.

For Hei Ni, he is full of guilt, because it was his original decision that made Hei Ni bear the infamy.


Before Wei You approached, Leviathan was already looking at Wei You, and a black light shot at Wei You.

The huge silver cross in front of Wei You, and even Wei You himself, are all transformed into huge black crystals under this black light.

“Director Wei.”

Grief sounded from the surviving people in Yinchuan Base City. Lu Yun, Qin Lan and other people who had been in contact with Wei You more, were full of grief and anger.

“Retreat, everyone scattered and escaped!”

A Blood Moon powerhouse who was still alive knew that there was no chance of winning, loudly shouted.


His utterance made Leviathan notice him, and Leviathan quickly approached him like a lightning.

“You devil!”

The Blood Moon powerhouse roared, and one after another huge plant vines grew from his body, attacking Leviathan.

Knowing that he would die under Leviathan’s eyes, he gave up running away and chose to fight to the death to buy time for others to escape.

“Black Flame.”

A large number of black flames appeared, and all the thick vines that attacked Leviathan turned into ashes under the black flame.

Not only that, the black flame spread along the vines to this Blood Moon powerhouse.

“Aaahhhh!!!! “

The Blood Moon powerhouse screamed in pain, and his body quickly disappeared under the black flame.

“Don’t let one go.”

After beheading the Blood Moon powerhouse, Leviathan looked at the Human Race powerhouse where each and everyone 4 escaped, ruthlessly instructed.


All the Demonic Human race powerhouses responded and intercepted the escaped Human Race powerhouse.

“Aaahhhh!!!! “

The screams sounded one after another, and people died and fell from time to time. A few came from the Demonic Human race powerhouse, and most came from the Human Race powerhouse.

Several Blood Moon powerhouses have died one after another, and the peak Blood Moon powerhouse is the deadly Human Race. It is not a Demonic Human race opponent at all. It is a one-sided killing.

Among the black crystals, relying on the immortal body of the true ancestor, Fang Ping, who was killed, resurrected again.

However, he was trapped in the black crystal, unable to break free, and unable to escape with spatial ability.

“Director Wei, Director Lu, Director Qin, Hu Ao’er, Chang Sheng, Hawkeye…”

Feeling the familiar breath of each and everyone disappear, Fang Ping’s heart is full of grief and anger.

His Shadow Clone was beheaded in the previous battle, and now he is trapped in this black crystal again, and he can only watch the aura of each and everyone acquaintances disappear.

As the familiar breath after another disappeared, the anger in his heart became stronger and stronger.

And as the anger in his heart became stronger and stronger, the Super Saiyan Bloodline within the body became agitated.

It’s not a long time for him to get Super Saiyan innate talent, but the power of gold allows him to develop Super Saiyan Bloodline at a very fast speed.

With the continuous development of the power of gold, the super Saiyan ability has been activated from the deep silence.

Now, when he is angry, he has fulfilled the condition of “emotionally angry”, which activates the ability of Super Saiyan.


All conditions were fulfilled, and his strength immediately grew at an extremely terrifying speed.

ten times.

20 times.

30 times.

40 times.

50 times.

In a very short period of time, his strength has increased by a full 50 times.

His pupils turned green, his hair turned golden, and his whole body was enveloped in golden breath.

“Shinra Tensei.”

The formidable power has increased the repulsive power of terror by a full 50 times, centering on him and sweeping for 4 weeks.


The black crystal that could not break free at all, shattered under this terrifying repulsion and sputtered in 4 places.

He broke free from the black crystal.


Give the order, remain calm and composed while handling pressing affairs. Watching the Human Race and the Demonic Human race fight, Leviathan suddenly turned around and looked at the place where Fang Ping turned into black crystals.

Suddenly, Fang Ping, covered in golden rays of light, broke free from the black crystals.

“I didn’t die, and why did my hair become golden.”

He looked at Fang Ping appearing slightly surprised.

Black crystal is his forbidden ability, this ability can change everything from material form into black crystals.

Even with an immortal body, after the material form changes, it will inevitably not survive, but he did not expect to survive.

“It seems that it was because the realm dropped.”

He quickly thought of the reason. The drop of realm greatly reduced the formidable power of the black crystals. It should be because of this reason that the other party was immortal and survived.

“It’s okay if you haven’t died, but I want to see what secrets you have.”

Hei Ni’s sudden betrayal has greatly reduced his interest in Fang Ping’s secrets. Now Fang Ping is not dead, and suddenly he can’t help but give birth to the idea of ​​capturing Fang Ping alive and searching for memory.

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