Monster Altar

Chapter 438

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The black flame appeared, rotated, turned into a huge black flame column, shot out from Leviathan, and attacked Fang Ping.


Seeing the black flame column hitting, Fang Ping stood ready, and a powerful repulsive force swept out.

Peng –

The black flame column exploded, and the powerful repulsion continued to sweep Leviathan.

“Well, the battle strength has become so much stronger?”

Leviathan made a sound of uncertainty.

Although Hei Yan was not his strongest ability, it was also a high-order peak order ability. Using his current realm of at least the peak Blood Moon, he was actually blocked, which surprised him.


A black light swept out, and he turned the repulsive force into black crystals, causing it to shatter and disappear.

Then, he quickly approached Fang Ping.

In a very short time, he turned into black crystals and attacked Fang Ping with his fist.

It is not only the foreign object that can be transformed into a black crystal, but also itself.

In this state, his body will possess extremely strong defense and battle strength.

“Shinra Tensei.”

Fang Ping’s body was tensed, his hands burst out with strong repulsion, and he faced Leviathan who was approaching quickly.


The fist collided with the powerful repulsion, and the no stronghold one cannot overcome the punch was blocked.

The shock wave of terror spread, and the area of ​​2 meters centered on 1000 people was shattered under the shock wave of terror.

Many fighting Human Race powerhouse and Demonic Human race powerhouse were injured and flew upside down.

“Your Excellency Fang Zhan is not dead?!”

“Moreover, the battle strength has become so much stronger that it actually blocked the Immemorial Devil’s attack?!”

Seeing Fang Ping rushing out of the crushed black crystals and blocking the attack of Immemorial Devil, many Human Race powerhouses made sounds of surprise and surprise.

The giant machinery that the top ten base cities believed to be the trump card was defeated, and all the peak Blood Moon was killed. I thought that there was no chance of winning at all, but I did not expect that Fang Zhan not only died, but the battle strength increased even more, and he actually blocked it. Immemorial Devil’s attack.

“Impossible, how can he possibly contend with the Lord?!”

“Isn’t he not even able to block the main blow just now?”

Unlike the surprises of the Human Race powerhouse, the Demonic Human race powerhouses are shocked.

Actually there was a human being able to contend with the Supreme in their eyes, and no one could be the enemy. This was unbelievable in their eyes, almost thought that they were dazzled, or they were caught in some kind of Illusion Technique.

“Finally there is a battle.”

took a deep breath, Fang Ping was very excited.

I have fought Immemorial Devil 2 times and were killed by Immemorial Devil Leviathan. If he hadn’t possessed the Undying Body, he had already died twice.

Leviathan was dropped by the Hei Ni seal realm, and he inspired the Super Saiyan form, and his battle strength was greatly enhanced. With the growth and the decline, he finally had the power of a battle.

“It actually blocked…”

Leviathan’s face was shocked, and the blow he used forbidden was actually blocked. Doesn’t it mean that Fang Zhan is no less powerful than him today.

This shocked him and at the same time was extremely angry. The trifling humans actually had a strength to contend with themselves.


Leviathan’s body flashed away from the spot, and after a round, he attacked Fang Ping from the side.


Fang Ping, who was waiting in full battle, once again blocked the attack with Shinra Tensei.

However, at the next moment, Leviathan appeared behind Fang Ping extremely quickly and punched him.

“Limbo: Hengoku.”

At the crucial moment, 4 invisible Fang Pings sprang from the shadow of Fang Ping to face Leviathan.

After the realm reaches the Blood Moon level, use Limbo: Hengoku’s summon clones, and the number of clones has increased again, reaching four.


Leviathan heard a surprised voice.

If he continues to attack Fang Ping, he will surely be attacked by these 4 clones. He changes the target and uses both fists to attack the 4 clones.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

None of the clones could block his blow, and all four clones flew upside down.

With Fang Ping’s current strength, each of them is not weaker than the peak Blood Moon, but unfortunately, their stealth is useless in front of Leviathan, and battle strength is not even Leviathan’s opponent.

But this has bought time for Fang Ping.

Fang Ping turned around, Shinra Tensei swept out and hit Leviathan who had just knocked the 4 clones into flight.


The terrifying impact hit Leviathan, but unexpectedly, Leviathan didn’t see the slightest wound on her body except for sliding back out of several hundred meters.

The black crystal on the opponent’s defense is beyond imagination, and the current Fang Ping’s full strength attack actually has no way to break the black crystal on the opponent’s body.

“The defense is so strong.”

Fang Ping facial expression grave.

Immemorial Devil Leviathan can see the invisible clone, so the formidable power of Limbo: Hengoku will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

What frightened him even more was Leviathan’s terror defense, whose whole body turned into black crystals. Forcibly withstood a blow from Shinra Tensei, he didn’t suffer any injuries.

“hmph -“

The coldly snorted sound came from Leviathan. Although he was not injured, he obviously suffered some losses, which made him dull.


With the fastest burst of speed, he quickly rushed towards Fang Ping.

Fang Ping confronted him and swept Ivitan with Shinra Tensei.


The strong repulsion produced by Shinra Tensei was punched by Leviathan, but Leviathan was also blocked.

At this moment, the 4 avatars that had just been knocked off attacked Leviathan from 4 directions.

“Black Crystal!”

Leviathan swept out with 4 black rays of light and attacked the 4 clones.

The 4 avatars evaded quickly, but the black light’s speed was unusually fast. The 4 avatars had been hit by the black light before they had time to escape.

Under the black light, all 4 clones turned into black crystals and died, breaking off contact with Fang Ping.


Taking advantage of the 4 clones to entangle Leviathan, Fang Ping once again swept Leviathan with Shinra Tensei.

Leviathan glided out again, but there was still no wound on his body.

“Even with my current battle strength, it can hardly hurt him. It seems that I can only try to seal it.”

took a deep breath, Fang Ping blasted the ice Knight in the sacrifice space into pure energy to replenish physical energy.

Then, he used Chibaku Tensei.


A black sphere emerged from both of his hands, flew to the sky, and floated in the air.

Terrorist suction is generated, and everything on the ground, including Leviathan, flies to the sky under this terror attraction.

A huge sphere with a diameter of more than 1000 meters appeared, and Leviathan was sealed in this huge sphere with a diameter of more than 1000 meters.

“Impossible, the Lord Impossible will fail!”

Because of the aftermath of the battle, he was forced to retreat to the Demonic Human race powerhouse a few thousand meters away. He looked at the sky in disbelief and sealed the huge sphere of Leviathan.

“Your Excellency Fang Zhan won?”

And the few remaining Human Race powerhouse looked at the huge sphere that sealed Leviathan in the sky.

Unlike the surprise Human Race powerhouse, Fang Ping looks at the huge sphere in the sky, his expression is solemn.

Ka-cha !

The sound of fragmentation sounded, and cracks appeared on the surface of a huge sphere with a diameter of more than 1000 meters above the sky.

The cracks spread quickly, branching like branches, and quickly spread across the sphere.

In the end, the huge sphere in the sky collapsed, 4 scattered and fell, and a black silhouette descended from the sky and stood firmly on the ground.

Chibaku Tensei failed to seal Leviathan, and Leviathan broke free from the seal.

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