Monster Altar

Chapter 439

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After landing on the ground, Leviathan looked at Fang Ping with cold eyes, his face gloomy.

Even if the realm drops, but one after another suffers a loss in the hands of a human, he can’t help being extremely annoyed.


A terrifying black light capable of transforming matter and even elements swept towards Fang Ping, while he himself quickly approached Fang Ping.


Fang Ping expression is serious. Shinra Tensei blocked the black light, but at the next moment, a black fist was already accompanied by the rumbling sound and pounded at him.

Before the fist fell, a huge gully appeared under the wind pressure.

In times of crisis, Fang Ping turned into golden flames, evading the blow with body elementalization.


The black fist hit Fang Ping whose body turned into flames, causing Fang Ping’s accident to happen.

Even if the body turned into a flame, it was not immune to this punch that seemed to only carry a physical attack.

Under this fist, his body was passively lifted from elementalization, a hideous wound appeared on his chest, and blood spattered back.

Because of the particularity of the ability, the opponent’s attack seems to be a pure physical attack, but even elementalization can hurt.


The ground collapsed suddenly, and densely packed cracks appeared on the ground like a spider web. Leviathan quickly chased Fang Ping in the inverted flight.


After catching up with Fang Ping in the inverted flight, he punched Fang Ping again.

Fang Ping had another hideous wound on his body and flew upside down, while Leviathan was chasing Fang Ping in the upside down again.

Hey, hey, hey!

Under Leviathan’s successive attacks, Fang Ping appeared one after another hideous wounds, blood was constantly spilled, and finally fell to the ground like a rag bag.

If an ordinary Blood Moon powerhouse had suffered such a serious injury, it might have been killed on the spot.

However, with immortality, Fang Ping is naturally impossible to die so easily.

Under the immortal body, the hideous wound on Fang Ping’s body is quickly recovering, and the splashed blood is returning to Fang Ping’s within the body as if it was a time flow.

I believe that Fang Ping’s injuries will recover in a short time, but Leviathan does not give Fang Ping time to recover.

Peng –

A foot was placed on Fang Ping, whose body was being repaired quickly, and a huge pothole was stepped on the ground.

Fang Ping’s injury worsened again, and Leviathan was condescending, looking at Fang Ping coldly at his feet.

“Immortality? I want to see if I am really immortal.”

Leviathan is coldly snorted, on a finger, the black light of pitch-black as ink is lit.

At this moment, Fang Ping suddenly looked sharply at Leviathan, not at all like the expression that a wounded person should have.

Leviathan’s heart bulged, and suddenly there was a bad feeling that she wanted to distance herself from Fang Ping.

At this time, a long snake with a mercury-like body and two heads, like two bodies entwined together, appeared. It was the Dragon Snake Mercury.

After appearing, Dragon Snake Mercury, with two huge mouths, all bite towards Leviathan.


Feeling intense danger in Dragon Snake Mercury, Leviathan’s black light turned to shoot at Dragon Snake Mercury, while he retreated quickly.

But the distance between the two was too close, and Leviathan could not escape.

Dragon Snake Mercury bit Leviathan, and the black light hit Dragon Snake Mercury.

Pu chi!

Leviathan, whose body turned into black crystals, was hard to hurt even if Fang Ping attacked with Shinra Tensei’s full strength, but under the two huge mouths of Dragon Snake Mercury, it was as fragile as candy.

Dragon Snake Mercury can swallow even the dimension, and Leviathan’s defense is impossible even stronger than the dimension wall.

Leviathan’s upper body disappeared directly under the engulf of Dragon Snake Mercury, only the lower body remained, and blood was flowing out.

Of course, Dragon Snake Mercury, which was attacked by black light, was not comfortable either.

Ka ka!

Under the black light, his body turned into black crystals, fell to the ground with a bang, and died instantly.

“cough cough -“

Getting up from the ground with a little difficulty, Fang Ping looked at Leviathan with only half of his body in surprise.

With the teleport ability, he is naturally impossible adult meat sandbags, there’s no resistance under the successive attacks of Leviathan.

Except at the beginning, it was indeed too late to evade, all the attacks he encountered later were deliberately not evading, in order to use the Dragon Snake Mercury sneak attack opportunity.

Did not let him down, he really got the chance of a sneak attack, and the sneak attack succeeded and killed the Immemorial Devil Leviathan.

Although Dragon Snake Mercury was also killed, the price is worth it, and as long as he is still alive, Dragon Snake Mercury will not die. After a period of recovery, it can be used again.


Summoning the blood-colored chains to bind the remaining half of Leviathan’s corpse, he looked at the place where the Human Race powerhouse and the Demonic Human race powerhouse were fighting.

Facing the stronger Demonic Human race powerhouse, Human Race is in a bad situation, but fortunately, Immemorial Devil is dead and he has freed his hands.

With his current strength, naturally he can easily reverse the situation.


Hey, hey, dong!

With a thunderous sound, Fang Ping heart startled, suddenly looking in the direction of the sound.

I saw Leviathan, who had only half of his body just now, and his flesh and blood were rapidly multiplying. With the growth of flesh and blood, the upper half of his body was rapidly being produced.

In a very short time, the upper half of the body that had disappeared recovered, and Immemorial Devil Leviathan recovered as before, retreated violently, avoiding the scarlet chains that entangled him.

“Immortality, he has it too?!”

Fang Ping was horrified, and Leviathan actually possessed immortality just like him.

“Shinra Tensei.”

The powerful shock wave swept towards Leviathan, and the newly resurrected Leviathan was swept upside down, but there was no wound on his body.

Fang Ping facial expression grave, except for Dragon Snake Mercury’s dimensional swallowing, other methods can’t hurt the opponent at all.

However, Dragon Snake Mercury was killed by the opponent before he was dying, and was no longer available for a short time.


Leviathan flew back from a distance and stayed several hundred meters away from Fang Ping.

“If it weren’t for immortality, the horror this time must be dead.”

His complexion ashen looked at Fang Ping and almost died in the hands of a human.

He also has an immortal body, but it is different from Fang Ping’s undead body, which returns back like time from the injured part, his undead body is proliferation.

As long as there is a little bit of flesh and blood, he will not die, and he can resurrect from that little bit of flesh and blood.


The distance of several hundred meters came in an instant, and Leviathan approached Fang Ping, his fist blasted towards Fang Ping.

His fist was wrapped with black light this time, indicating that he had become serious.


Fang Ping blocked this fist with Shinra Tensei.

But at the next moment, Leviathan’s fist has blasted towards Fang Ping from another direction.


Fang Ping continued to block Shinra Tensei, but soon Leviathan moved again and attacked from another direction.

Hey, hey, bang!

After several consecutive blocks, Fang Ping finally had no time to escape and was hit with a punch.

A hideous wound flew upside down on his body, and the flesh and blood in the place hit by the fist turned into black crystals.


Leviathan hurriedly pursued, and the black light wrapped on his fist struck down.


Before being hit by a fist, Fang Ping teleported and disappeared, leaving Leviathan at a long distance.

Previously, I couldn’t hide because of intentionally showing weakness. I wanted to attack Leviathan with the Dragon Snake Mercury sneak sneak attack. Now there is no need to show weakness.

Seeing that the flesh and blood that turned into black crystals on his body is recovering, he sighed in relief. Leviathan’s undead is strong and his undead is not weak. Even if it turns into a crystal, it can recover, but the recovery speed is slower than usual.

“If you can’t kill or defeat Leviathan, no one will survive except me.”

“But Dragon Snake Mercury can’t be used. I don’t have the ability to hurt Leviathan at all. It would be nice if I had some ability to restrain the defense.”

See the Human Race powerhouse, Fang Ping frowned, who is at a disadvantage in the distance.

Human Race is in a bad situation. He originally thought he could kill Leviathan quickly, did he think that Leviathan had the same immortality as him?

However, when he saw the each and everyone Blood Moon-level peak Demonic Human race powerhouse in the distance, his eyes lit up.

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