Monster Altar

Chapter 441

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“Keep fighting, I might die!”

Looking across the severed hands, Leviathan retreated in his heart.

If he continues to fight like this, he is likely to die, even if he is immortal, he is likely to be captured alive.

“If it weren’t for the seal, how could such a guy be my opponent.”

Thinking of the seal on his body, his eyes breathed fire.

If it weren’t sealed by the sneak attack of the traitor Hei Ni, the realm would fall, and the opponent would be his opponent.

“In most months, I will be able to break the seal on my body, when the time comes, it will not be too late to kill him.”

He felt the degree of breakthrough of the seal on his body, and he was a little bit calm.

Although Hei Ni has the ability to seal, it is far from the original person.

The person’s sealing ability was a forbidden-level sealing ability, which not only lasted for several hundred years, but also directly caused his realm to fall to the Blood Moon Early-Stage.

However, Hei Ni’s seal can last for a few months at most, which is completely incomparable with that person’s seal.


Exploding the fastest speed, he flew quickly.

Just go through these months of weakness, when the time comes, the opponent is absolutely impossible to be his opponent.

Even if the opponent hides, it is useless. Just now, he has entered the tracking mark on the opponent within the body. No matter where the opponent hides, he can find the opponent.

“Never let him escape!”

Huh, huh, Shua!

Teleportation maho used, Fang Ping’s figure flashed quickly, chasing Leviathan.

Although it is not clear how long the seal on Leviathan can last, it won’t take long to think about it, because there have been signs of breaking the seal before.

If Leviathan’s seal is lifted, even if he has the ability to die, he will definitely be the opponent’s opponent.

In the face of absolute power, even the power of the Demon Eye of Straight Death, it doesn’t work.

Therefore, you must not let the other party escape.


After chasing more than ten kilometers, Fang Ping intercepted in front of Leviathan.

Leviathan’s speed is not unpleasant, the short range even surpasses teleport, but in terms of long-distance driving, it is absolutely impossible to teleport.

“It seems that either you died or I died today!”

Looking at Fang Ping blocking the way, Leviathan complexion ashen.

Faced with Fang Ping, who has teleporting ability, he can’t escape, except for the first battle, not at all by any means.


He lifted the right hand that had just recovered from the immortality, and a jet of black light struck Fang Ping.

Pu chi!

Fang Ping waved Zanpakuto, and immediately smashed the black beam of light.

But at the next moment, from the left, another black beam of light attacked Fang Ping.

Turning around in time, a knife smashed the black beam of light, but soon, another black beam of light struck Fang Ping from behind.


Teleporting away from the place, Fang Ping avoided the black beam of light, and appeared beside Leviathan, slashing towards the line of death on Leviathan’s waist.

But Leviathan dodges dangerously and dangerously, and the speed shown is faster than using the Fang Ping of Teleportation maho.

“So fast!”

Fang Ping is dignified. Although it has the ability to ignore defenses like the Demon Eye of Death, it is no use if you can’t touch the opponent.

In short distances, Immemorial Devil is faster than the one who owns Teleportation maho.

“Limbo: Hengoku.”

He pressed the seal with one hand on the ground, next moment, four invisible clones separated from his shadow, scattered, and surrounded with his main body, towards Leviathan.

Although the invisibility ability is invalid in front of Leviathan, in terms of battle strength, the clone produced by Limbo: Hengoku, the battle strength is stronger than Shadow Clone.


Leviathan sent out coldly snorted, and 4 black beams of light attacked the 4 clones respectively.

Surrounding him by numbers is indeed a way to limit his speed, but after previous battles, he has determined that the battle strength of the four clones is only average, and it is impossible to surround him.

However, something unexpected happened to him.

pu chi, pu chi, pu chi, pu chi!

The four avatars are all condense in their hands. A black rod is cut off against the black beam of light that strikes.

Accompanied by the crisp sound, the 4 black beams of light all collapsed, but the 4 clones showed no wounds.

The four clones also inherited the ability of the magic eye, can see the line of death, and the battle strength soars. Leviathan can no longer be easily killed.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, sou!

Four clones plus Fang Ping surrounded Leviathan, and then began to narrow the circle.

“Battle strength has become stronger!”

Seeing that the avatar actually mastered the ability just now, the battle strength soared, and it was no longer easy to kill, Leviathan’s face was extremely dignified.

Peng –

He collapsed the ground suddenly, cracks appeared on the ground like a spider web, and he rose into the sky, trying to get rid of the encirclement.


Fang Ping teleported over his head, Zanpakuto cut off in his hand, aimed at the line of death on his head, and planned to split him in half.


Falling down extremely fast and falling to the ground, Leviathan evaded Fang Ping’s slash, then chose a direction and shot away in that direction.

However, there are 4 avatars on the ground. Although the speed is not as good as Leviathan, the 4 avatars defend one side. Naturally, it is impossible for Leviathan to escape easily.

When even a clone stood in front of Leviathan, the black rod in his hand attacked Leviathan.

Ka ka!

Leviathan avoided the attack of the black rod in the hands of the clone, and his fist struck the clone.

The avatar was hit by Leviathan, his body turned into black crystals and flew upside down, and died immediately.

The encirclement was also torn out by Leviathan, and Leviathan kept running at a fast speed from the opening.

Suddenly, strong winds hit Leviathan from the left and right directions. If you continue to fly, Leviathan will definitely be hit.

The figure was short, avoiding the attacks from the left and the right, Leviathan’s right hand and the recovered left hand wrapped the black light attack to the left and right.

Hey, bang!

The two clones turned into black crystals and flew upside down, just like the clones just now, and died immediately.

If you want to summon again, you have to wait for a while.


There was a strong wind behind Leviathan, and the last clone arrived and attacked Leviathan.

Turning around quickly, bullying him close, Leviathan hammered his fist on the abdomen of the clone before the black rod in the hands of the clone attacked.

This clone, like other clones, turned into a black crystal and flew upside down, and death dissipated.

The 4 clones were all dead. In a short time, Leviathan did not need to worry about being surrounded.

From the time interval of Fang Ping summon clones, Leviathan has inferred that after each clone’s death, it takes a period of time to summon.

Pu chi ——

There was a sound of flesh and blood being discerned, and Leviathan looked at his waist in amazement, only to see a clear wound on his waist.

His upper body slipped uncontrollably from his body.

Behind him, a silhouette appeared, it was Fang Ping.

When he was entangled by 4 clones, Fang Ping finally seized the opportunity and cut him through his waist with a knife, cutting him into 2 pieces.

Hey, sou!

Although he was cut into two pieces, Leviathan not at all died, and he broke into two pieces of body. One ran with his legs and the other crawled with his hands, but each fled in one direction.

“You still want to escape now?”

Fang Ping sneered, inserting Zanpakuto on the ground, and the left and right hands all produced strong attraction.


Leviathan separated the two fleeing bodies, flew backwards, and collided together under his control.

Pu chi , pu chi , Pu chi!

Pulling out the Zanpakuto plugged into the ground, he appeared beside Leviathan’s two-piece body, Fang Ping slashed with Zanpakuto one after another.

With more than a dozen knives cut out in an instant, Leviathan was broken into two parts. Under these more than ten knives, he was cut into 2 pieces.

The blood formed a pool of blood on the ground, and Leviathan was cut into 100 pieces and dispersed in the pool of blood.

“hu ——”

Fang Ping sighed in relief, breathing continuously.

Whether it is forbidden ability or Super Saiyan form, the physical consumption is extremely terrifying. Under normal circumstances, he is impossible to fight for so long.

Fortunately, in the sacrifice space, there is the ice Knight he has stored for several months, which can be continuously broken and transformed into pure energy to supplement him, so that he can persist for so long.

“You can’t kill me. In most months, once my seal is broken, it will be your death date!”

Although he was chopped to the top 100, Leviathan was not at all dead, and his head with his skull cut off looked resentful and angry at Fang Ping.

Planted in the hands of a human being Fang Ping, it seemed to him to be extraordinary shame and humiliation. However, after previous battles, he was certain that Fang Ping’s ability would not kill him.

Don’t want to kill him unless he is left with a bit of flesh and blood, and Fang Ping’s ability is a powerful cutting ability, and it cannot make him a bit of flesh and blood.

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