Monster Altar

Chapter 442

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“You don’t have that chance.”

Fang Ping’s eyes were cold. Immemorial Devil Leviathan judged not at all wrong. With his ability, it was indeed impossible to kill Immemorial Devil Leviathan.

Once the Immemorial Devil Leviathan breakthrough seals, he is definitely not an opponent.

However, his inability to kill does not mean that he did not have the means to kill the Immemorial Devil Leviathan.


In the void, one after another scarlet chains were bound to Immemorial Devil Leviathan and shattered into 100 pieces of body.

Rolled up the body of Immemorial Devil Leviathan, pulled it into the air, and disappeared without a trace.

Fang Ping quickly followed into the sacrifice space.

Even if it is a Blood Moon powerhouse, he doesn’t worry that the opponent will get out of Monster Altar, but he has no bottom line for Immemorial Devil Leviathan.

“where is this place?”

Bound by many scarlet chains, Immemorial Devil Leviathan looked around in a panic.

The invisibility of Monster Altar was useless to him, but he felt a kind of Extremely Dangerous aura from the scarlet chains and the altar beneath him.

Intuition tells him that the things in front of him have the means to kill him who is immortal.


Fang Ping offered sacrifices without answering.

With a delay of one minute and one second, Immemorial Devil Leviathan may be more likely to escape.

Now, I can only hope that the scarlet flames of Monster Altar can hurt Immemorial Devil Leviathan.


Scarlet flames appeared and burned on Immemorial Devil Leviathan’s body into 100 pieces.

“Aaahhhh!!!! “

The screams came from the mouth of Immemorial Devil Leviathan, and it lasted for a few seconds to completely stop, and then Immemorial Devil Leviathan’s body completely disappeared.

Even the body of the Blood Moon-class powerhouse can burn to ashes’ bloody flames in an instant, and it actually took a few seconds to burn the Imemorial Devil Leviathan. It is not difficult to see the Imemorial Devil Leviathan fleshy body. The defense is tough.


A yellow rays of light descended, and a bald man appeared.

The man was wearing a yellow tights and a white cloak outside.

Name: Saitama

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: extraordinary

Taijutsu innate talent: extraordinary

Saitama, an anime character in One Punch Man, has an amazing growth rate that is invincible within 3 years of cultivation, and the growth innate talent and Taijutsu innate talent displayed also confirm the horror of the opponent’s innate talent.

Not surprisingly, the Ultra Ordinary Level must be a level above the extraordinary level. This is the first time he has taken out the Ultra Ordinary Level innate talent, but it is relieved when he thinks of offering the Immemorial Devil above the Blood Moon.

“Choose Growth innate talent.”

Without too much consideration, Fang Ping chose the Growth innate talent. Compared with the Taijutsu innate talent, the Growth innate talent is obviously more important because it determines the speed of strength improvement and growth to the limit.


After acquiring the Saitama Growth innate talent, Fang Ping did not stay too much in the sacrifice space, quickly left the sacrifice space and teleported back to the place where he was fighting.

Immemorial Devil Leviathan is dead, but there is one thing that worries him.

In the previous battle, both hands of Immemorial Devil were cut off. With Immemorial Devil’s immortality, he might be able to resurrect with this, he must rush back to confirm.

When he reappeared, Fang Ping appeared at the place where Immemorial Devil’s left hand was broken, and he looked for the arm that had just been cut off.

“Disappeared, was it picked up, or ran away?”

After searching for a short while, Fang Ping couldn’t find the arm.

His heart sank, with a bad feeling, he quickly teleported to another place where his arm fell.

Still unable to find it, his heart sank to the bottom. Although there is a possibility of being picked up by someone, it is more likely that the 2 arms ran away by himself.

“Lord Fang Zhan.”

Seeing Fang Ping’s appearance, a crowd of Human Race powerhouses greeted us.

All of them are injured, and the number is not even the first third.

Many acquaintances have disappeared. There were more than 30 people in Yinchuan base city. Now, including Fang Ping, there are less than ten people.

Feeling sad, Fang Ping asked.

“Where are those Demonic Human races?”

“After Immemorial Devil escaped, the Demonic Human race has already withdrawn. We are not opponents, so there is no pursuit.”

A Blood Moon-class powerhouse said, while speaking, he looked at Fang Ping with awe.

Although it had been dropped by the sealed realm before, it was able to defeat Immemorial Devil and force Immemorial Devil to escape. The power of “Lord Fang Zhan” can be imagined.

If it weren’t for the strength of “Your Excellency Fang Zhan”, everyone in the room would probably not be able to live alone.

“Your Excellency Fang Zhan, did Immemorial Devil escape?”

Another Blood Moon powerhouse asked worriedly.

“Although I killed Immemorial Devil, with Immemorial Devil’s immortality ability, it is very likely that I will be reborn with the help of severed limbs, not at all death.”

Fang Ping shook his head, 2 The amputated arms have disappeared, Immemorial Devil Leviathan not at all may have died extremely.

Hearing Fang Ping’s answer, everyone who was still alive sank.

If Immemorial Devil is not dead, then the crisis has not been lifted. What worries them even more is that the seal of Immemorial Devil is lifted, when the time comes, even the Lord Fang Zhan will probably not be an opponent.

“In most months, the seal on Immemorial Devil will be lifted, and Immemorial Devil must be found and killed during this time.”

Fang Ping said solemnly.

“I’m not good at tracking, please follow me with someone who is good at tracking.”

A person with tracking ability took the initiative to stand and participate in the tracking, trying to track the Immemorial Devil from where the two broken arms disappeared.

Unfortunately, neither the smell nor the traces, or even the breath, can trace the whereabouts of Immemorial Devil Leviathan.

There was no way to trace Immemorial Devil Leviathan, Fang Ping had no choice but to give up.

The corpses of the people who died in battle were found in the base cities. One by one, most of the corpses were incomplete, and only a few people were able to keep the whole corpses.

In Yinchuan Base City, the bodies of acquaintances of each and everyone Fang Ping were found.

Lu Yun, Qin Lan, Hu Ao’er, Chang Sheng…

Fang Ping looked at the bodies of acquaintances with a heavy heart.

The person who was still alive a few hours ago is now dead forever. There is an inexplicable sadness in his heart.

Then his eyes fell on the corpses of Wei You and Hei Ni, saying that it was a corpse, rather than two black crystals.

Under the black crystal ability of Immemorial Devil, the bodies of the two directly transformed into the black crystal, and even a bit of bones could not be found.

For 2 people, Fang Ping admired it, because the game set by 2 people sealed part of Imemorial Devil’s strength and allowed him to defeat Imemorial Devil.

Otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable.

Thinking of Hei Ni, who has endured the humiliation and bearing heavy burdens, respect rises in his heart. It is precisely because of the other party’s sacrifice that Human Race has survived this crisis.

Although the crisis was not at all resolved, he had at least a few months of respite, and he won with his life for these few months.

Deputy Director Xu Dong came and reported to Fang Ping.

“Your Excellency Fang Zhan, we didn’t find the body of Fang Ping at all. It is likely that the skeleton doesn’t exist anymore.”

“He is not at all dead.”

Fang Ping shook his head. The reason why the skeleton doesn’t exist is naturally because it is a Shadow Clone, and naturally there will be corpses left behind.

“Then where is he now?”

Xu Dong asked in surprise.

“He is me, and I am him.”

Fang Ping lifts the Body-Transformation Technique and restores the original face.

The main purpose of creating the identity of Fang Zhan is not to be too “genius”.

After all, at his age, he has already revealed Blood Moon-class battle strength, and he will definitely be focused on by the Demonic Human race as a target of obliteration.

Today, it is no longer necessary. Except for Immemorial Devil Leviathan, there is no Demonic Human race as his opponent, so there is no need to hide his identity.


Seeing Fang Ping recovering his original face, Xu Dong was surprised at first, but thinking of the common abilities that Fang Ping and Fang Zhan possessed, he couldn’t help but feel astonished.

Long ago, he and other senior officials in Yinchuan Base City had been surprised that Fang Ping and Fang Zhan had the same ability.

Even if they have a blood relationship, it is impossible to have multiple similar abilities, but Fang Ping and Fang Zhan 2 have as many as several abilities.

If it is the same person, it will naturally make sense, and coupled with the ability to be cloned, it is easy for two people to appear at the same time.

Now think about it, Fang Ping should be the peak Blood Moon powerhouse who hides his identity, and Fang Zhan is the identity that Fang Ping got to help Yinchuan base city.

With the corpses of the survivors and those who died in the base city of Yinchuan, Fang Ping used the Teleportation maho to cover the base city of Yinchuan.

“Well, the Yinchuan base city was attacked?”

What appeared in front of the Fang Ping people was the Yinchuan base city where traces of battles can be seen in many places.

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