Monster Girl Sanctuary
Chapter 10: The Elfmaid’s Favor (◆) + Moonlit Bath Interrupted
Let me set the scene: the dimly lit interior of our humble earthy cabin, scarcely a few minutes past the setting of the sun; the only light sources in the room were the blazing fire that burned in the corner and a couple candles that Autumn had only now just taken the time to set up as things were starting to get heated.
I found myself naked again, and came to the realization that I should probably just get used to it, because based on the itinerary Autumn and I had just cooked up, I'd be spending most of the next week with my cock hilted in someone's pretty mouth, rump, or pussy, varying hour to hour, day to day.
Autumn was perhaps the most excited out of any of us, though in a very different manner. "Yes, go Bucky, go! Get that XP! Get that buff!" she cheered. "Wait, let me strip down to enhance the mood."
It was hardly necessary given the circumstances, but the gesture was certainly appreciated.
Daisy was at my side again, but she was taking on more of a supporting role this time, her tits pressed up against my back as she sucked on my shoulder. Her arms were wrapped tightly around me, and I could feel her fingers delicately tracing the lines of my abs.
May Belle wasn't going to sit by and do nothing while her sister inserted herself into the fun, so the busty little holstaur weaseled her way into the mix, standing at my side, getting up on her tip-toes so that she could make out with me as I hunched down to meet her. Her tongue traced along the edges of my lips, and then darted inside for some serious licking action. May Belle had always been an enthusiastic kisser, but now that I'd marked her sister, it was like she had something to prove. She wasn't going to stop until she'd taken every last morsel of flavor from my lips.
And of course, I couldn't go without mentioning the elves, Ivy and Etherea. Ivy was green-skinned with red hair that was elegantly fashioned in a circlet-like braid that crowned her head. The rest of her tresses fell behind her, extended down to the small of her back. Her body was petite, and she wasn't much taller than May Belle and Daisy.
Etherea was similarly built, a bit taller, though, and had a more generously endowed chest. Her skin was not green, but almost an icy blue, and her hair was a shimmering perfect white, sometimes shining like silver in the dark candle-lit room. She had cerulean eyes that looked up at me, but I was too busy kissing May Belle to take in their beauty as much as I would have liked, not that I was complaining. Both elves were immediately identifiable as elves due to their long pointed ears and the supernatural grace with which they moved. Even as they inched toward my waiting cockhead, they looked preternaturally sexy and regal in equal measure.
Ivy took me into her mouth first, swirling her tongue around the sensitive underside of my shaft before pushing me all the way down her throat. My hips bucked involuntarily as I felt her tongue mingling with my cockhead, Daisy cooing something sweet in my ear all the while. The soft warmth of Ivy's tongue caressed my balls, and I shivered from the bliss. Noticing my reaction, she began sucking harder, pulling off for a second only to adjust the angle so that I could press deeper into her mouth. When she finally released me, I was already gasping for breath, my heart pounding like a kettle drum.
"My turn," moaned the other elf. Her full elven lips took me between them, and she drew me deep into her mouth. I whimpered softly as I felt the heat of her tongue wrapping itself around my length. Unlike Ivy, Etherea didn't suck me all that hard. Her approach was to be as loud and slobbery as she could, and the gorgeous elfmaid pulled it off to supreme effect.
"Ohh fuck," I groaned quietly as she licked and sucked me relentlessly. Her hand reached up to fondle my balls, and when she squeezed them lightly, I thought I might start blasting right there. Instead, I subtly cast Endure 1, but not to its full potential. It was just enough of a boost to keep me going a bit longer. The girls were just enjoying themselves too much for me to burst so soon.
The two elves continued to pleasure me with equal fervor, each taking turns at my cock and balls, the friction of their hot wet lips and tongues gliding up and down my shaft again and again. They were both talented, and soon I was feeling myself approaching the edge despite my attempts to ward it off. I knew if I gave in now, I wouldn't be able to stop myself from coming into the girls' mouths, so I tried to keep myself under control. After another few minutes of their talents at work, though, the time had come, and the need couldn't be denied.
"I'm damn close," I groaned, ready to finish.
"Good," Ivy said between licks. She sucked one more hard suck and my cock exited her mouth with an erotic pop. "Paint our bodies with your seed, hero." She pumped my cock with her hand, now, readying herself, licking her lips with excitement.
The two elves moved their faces so that they were kneeling cheek to cheek, inches from my cock, ready to receive my load, moaning with soft impatience. The sight alone of their proffered faces and tits was enough to finish me once and for all, and I exploded onto their eager bodies and faces, watching with delight as my thick ejaculate dripped down their cheeks and lips and onto their tits.
And then the surprise: as I came, I became aware of a violent quaking sensation of something pressed against my body coming from behind me. Daisy was squealing like crazy, and I also heard a light splashing sound hitting the floor below her. I craned my head to look and realized, with shock and arousal that almost stiffened me again, that she was squirting her lewd girl-juice onto the ground.
“Daisy?” I said cautiously as I groaned through my own orgasm. “What happened?”
“I don’t know,” she shivered, sucking on a spot on my back, no doubt leaving a deep purple hickey.
“I do,” Autumn grinned. “Great show! Good work, everyone. Bucky, check your HUD! How much XP did you get?”
“Hold on, what happened to Daisy?” I insisted.
“She’s permanently linked to you. As long as she’s within a hundred feet, she has a chance to cum when you do. Now, check—”
But before I could do anything, the two elves’ eyes went golden and they each stood up and embraced me. Now I had four insanely hot chicks hugging me at once, which was certainly nothing I’d ever complain about, but I was curious about the eyes.
“Receive our blessing,” they said in unison, and I felt something surge inside of me.
You have received: Elfmaid’s Favor x 2. To which attribute will it be applied?
“Strength,” I said, speaking it aloud. I hoped that’s how it worked.
You now have +2 to Strength. The duration of this effect is 72 hours.
“It worked,” I said, placing a hand on each of the elves’ soft and warm backs.
“I’m so glad,” Etherea moaned contentedly in my ear, her eyes returning to normal. I could feel her nose was brushing up against Daisy’s, we were all so tightly pressed together.
“I would like to sleep forever now,” I muttered.
“May I stay here for the night?” Etherea asked.
“What is it about you, Bucky?” Ivy asked, almost suspiciously, but there was contentment in her voice, too.
“What do you mean?" I asked, and then I turned to the other elf. "And of course you can stay, Etherea.”
“I mean—” she looked over at all the other girls in the room, and I scanned their faces, too. There was no doubt. They all knew exactly what she was talking about. “Just this one experience together and I feel… committed.”
“It’s strange that it works on elves, too,” Autumn noted. “Even breeders’ powers generally don’t have any effect on elves, but you’re absolutely right. After we have sex with Bucky—sex of any kind, even once, mind you—we become incurably devoted.”
“You w-what?!” I asked in shock. This was news to me.
“Think back to how Daisy treated you before we shared our evening of lust together, Bucky,” she said. “And ever since then, she’s been following you around like a sad puppy. You brought out the love in her, as you do in all of us.”
I felt Daisy’s arms tightening around me as she wordlessly confirmed Autumn’s observation.
I swallowed hard. “Then maybe we should stick to just the five of you for the time being,” I suggested. “I don’t want to completely destabilize the town's social dynamics overnight. Maybe we roll out the plan for me to have sex with all the other monster girls a bit later.”
“It’s fine with me,” May Belle cooed happily, almost musically. “Less competition for your attention, right?” She giggled in my ear, a noise as sweet as any honey known to man.
“No complaints here,” Daisy agreed. “But I support whatever you want to do, of course.” Her face blushed. "As long as you don't leave me behind all the time."
I chuckled. “Well, with four naked women hugging me, I’m honestly feeling pretty sweaty.”
They all backed off with a look of embarrassment.
I grinned. “What I meant to suggest is this: why don’t we head down to the river for a bath together? All of us.”
Grins lit the room with more fervor than any of the candles. The idea was unanimously accepted, and we all strolled in the buff toward the stream nearby—though I had the foresight to bring my axe. This was such an amazing world that I felt I could walk naked after dark with five supermodel-hot women to take a moonlit bath in a stream like it was nothing.
The twins played and splashed each other with the water, and we all hopped in, enjoying the swim—all except for Autumn.
“Catgirls hate the water,” she said, hissing when May Belle splashed some onto her. “I’ll preen myself and wash my hair from the bank.”
“You’re missing a good time,” I grinned at her. “But I understand.” As I was saying this, the other four women were bickering about whose turn it was to scrub me. Invariably, whenever they switched, the new girl would spend most of the first couple of minutes scrubbing my cock. “My dick is going to be absolutely immaculate thanks to you ladies," I laughed as Etherea washed it for the third time.
“Good,” Daisy grinned, nipping playfully at my nose. “It should be clean when we suck on it later, right?”
“Not that it’d stop me if it wasn’t,” Ivy noted nonchalantly.
“Well, of course not!” Daisy said, blushing, almost offended. “I didn’t mean to imply—”
I brushed a loose bang behind her ear and kissed her. “No one thought you meant anything by it.”
We stayed there way too long, until our bodies were all pruny and getting out of the water seemed an almost impossible task.
“Shit! It’s so cold!” May Belle shivered, her teeth chattering as she spoke each word. “Keep me warm, Bucky!”
“And me!”
“Me, too!”
“I’m so cold, Bucky! I’m colder than them!”
Before I could come up with a solution to the predicament, I heard a rustling accompanied by a low growl off in the rushes. A shadow moved in them, obscured by grasses as tall as people, but there was no mistake—this thing was big.
“Shh. Get back,” I commanded them, raising my arm and grabbing my axe from a nearby stepping stone. I pointed silently at the movement.
“We need to run,” Autumn whispered. “It looks big.”
“You run,” I replied. “I’ll hold it off.”
“Go,” I insisted, turning to face her, nodding. “Just go, I’ll be home in a minute.”
She nodded and tugged the others along with her, and they all charged back to the cabin, stealing glances back at me in worry. Their movement was the trigger the beast was waiting for, and it charged, trying to follow them, but I was ready.
I jumped through the air, whistling to summon Blue to my side as soon as he could arrive. When I landed, I did so on the thing’s enormous back. Its hide was ruggedly strong, its body like that of a bear, but its face was decidedly something else. Sure, it had long claws on its bear-like paws, though they were more like talons, and when the beast whipped its head back to nip at me, I saw the predatory beak of a bird.
I’d played D&D before. I wasn't a loser. I knew what this was. As I brought down my axe to claim the first of many blows into its monstrous hide, it bellowed something like a roar and a hoot, a strange combination that would have left me befuddled anywhere else, but it only made me more certain. I was about to fight an owlbear.
I found myself naked again, and came to the realization that I should probably just get used to it, because based on the itinerary Autumn and I had just cooked up, I'd be spending most of the next week with my cock hilted in someone's pretty mouth, rump, or pussy, varying hour to hour, day to day.
Autumn was perhaps the most excited out of any of us, though in a very different manner. "Yes, go Bucky, go! Get that XP! Get that buff!" she cheered. "Wait, let me strip down to enhance the mood."
It was hardly necessary given the circumstances, but the gesture was certainly appreciated.
Daisy was at my side again, but she was taking on more of a supporting role this time, her tits pressed up against my back as she sucked on my shoulder. Her arms were wrapped tightly around me, and I could feel her fingers delicately tracing the lines of my abs.
May Belle wasn't going to sit by and do nothing while her sister inserted herself into the fun, so the busty little holstaur weaseled her way into the mix, standing at my side, getting up on her tip-toes so that she could make out with me as I hunched down to meet her. Her tongue traced along the edges of my lips, and then darted inside for some serious licking action. May Belle had always been an enthusiastic kisser, but now that I'd marked her sister, it was like she had something to prove. She wasn't going to stop until she'd taken every last morsel of flavor from my lips.
And of course, I couldn't go without mentioning the elves, Ivy and Etherea. Ivy was green-skinned with red hair that was elegantly fashioned in a circlet-like braid that crowned her head. The rest of her tresses fell behind her, extended down to the small of her back. Her body was petite, and she wasn't much taller than May Belle and Daisy.
Etherea was similarly built, a bit taller, though, and had a more generously endowed chest. Her skin was not green, but almost an icy blue, and her hair was a shimmering perfect white, sometimes shining like silver in the dark candle-lit room. She had cerulean eyes that looked up at me, but I was too busy kissing May Belle to take in their beauty as much as I would have liked, not that I was complaining. Both elves were immediately identifiable as elves due to their long pointed ears and the supernatural grace with which they moved. Even as they inched toward my waiting cockhead, they looked preternaturally sexy and regal in equal measure.
Ivy took me into her mouth first, swirling her tongue around the sensitive underside of my shaft before pushing me all the way down her throat. My hips bucked involuntarily as I felt her tongue mingling with my cockhead, Daisy cooing something sweet in my ear all the while. The soft warmth of Ivy's tongue caressed my balls, and I shivered from the bliss. Noticing my reaction, she began sucking harder, pulling off for a second only to adjust the angle so that I could press deeper into her mouth. When she finally released me, I was already gasping for breath, my heart pounding like a kettle drum.
"My turn," moaned the other elf. Her full elven lips took me between them, and she drew me deep into her mouth. I whimpered softly as I felt the heat of her tongue wrapping itself around my length. Unlike Ivy, Etherea didn't suck me all that hard. Her approach was to be as loud and slobbery as she could, and the gorgeous elfmaid pulled it off to supreme effect.
"Ohh fuck," I groaned quietly as she licked and sucked me relentlessly. Her hand reached up to fondle my balls, and when she squeezed them lightly, I thought I might start blasting right there. Instead, I subtly cast Endure 1, but not to its full potential. It was just enough of a boost to keep me going a bit longer. The girls were just enjoying themselves too much for me to burst so soon.
The two elves continued to pleasure me with equal fervor, each taking turns at my cock and balls, the friction of their hot wet lips and tongues gliding up and down my shaft again and again. They were both talented, and soon I was feeling myself approaching the edge despite my attempts to ward it off. I knew if I gave in now, I wouldn't be able to stop myself from coming into the girls' mouths, so I tried to keep myself under control. After another few minutes of their talents at work, though, the time had come, and the need couldn't be denied.
"I'm damn close," I groaned, ready to finish.
"Good," Ivy said between licks. She sucked one more hard suck and my cock exited her mouth with an erotic pop. "Paint our bodies with your seed, hero." She pumped my cock with her hand, now, readying herself, licking her lips with excitement.
The two elves moved their faces so that they were kneeling cheek to cheek, inches from my cock, ready to receive my load, moaning with soft impatience. The sight alone of their proffered faces and tits was enough to finish me once and for all, and I exploded onto their eager bodies and faces, watching with delight as my thick ejaculate dripped down their cheeks and lips and onto their tits.
And then the surprise: as I came, I became aware of a violent quaking sensation of something pressed against my body coming from behind me. Daisy was squealing like crazy, and I also heard a light splashing sound hitting the floor below her. I craned my head to look and realized, with shock and arousal that almost stiffened me again, that she was squirting her lewd girl-juice onto the ground.
“Daisy?” I said cautiously as I groaned through my own orgasm. “What happened?”
“I don’t know,” she shivered, sucking on a spot on my back, no doubt leaving a deep purple hickey.
“I do,” Autumn grinned. “Great show! Good work, everyone. Bucky, check your HUD! How much XP did you get?”
“Hold on, what happened to Daisy?” I insisted.
“She’s permanently linked to you. As long as she’s within a hundred feet, she has a chance to cum when you do. Now, check—”
But before I could do anything, the two elves’ eyes went golden and they each stood up and embraced me. Now I had four insanely hot chicks hugging me at once, which was certainly nothing I’d ever complain about, but I was curious about the eyes.
“Receive our blessing,” they said in unison, and I felt something surge inside of me.
You have received: Elfmaid’s Favor x 2. To which attribute will it be applied?
“Strength,” I said, speaking it aloud. I hoped that’s how it worked.
You now have +2 to Strength. The duration of this effect is 72 hours.
“It worked,” I said, placing a hand on each of the elves’ soft and warm backs.
“I’m so glad,” Etherea moaned contentedly in my ear, her eyes returning to normal. I could feel her nose was brushing up against Daisy’s, we were all so tightly pressed together.
“I would like to sleep forever now,” I muttered.
“May I stay here for the night?” Etherea asked.
“What is it about you, Bucky?” Ivy asked, almost suspiciously, but there was contentment in her voice, too.
“What do you mean?" I asked, and then I turned to the other elf. "And of course you can stay, Etherea.”
“I mean—” she looked over at all the other girls in the room, and I scanned their faces, too. There was no doubt. They all knew exactly what she was talking about. “Just this one experience together and I feel… committed.”
“It’s strange that it works on elves, too,” Autumn noted. “Even breeders’ powers generally don’t have any effect on elves, but you’re absolutely right. After we have sex with Bucky—sex of any kind, even once, mind you—we become incurably devoted.”
“You w-what?!” I asked in shock. This was news to me.
“Think back to how Daisy treated you before we shared our evening of lust together, Bucky,” she said. “And ever since then, she’s been following you around like a sad puppy. You brought out the love in her, as you do in all of us.”
I felt Daisy’s arms tightening around me as she wordlessly confirmed Autumn’s observation.
I swallowed hard. “Then maybe we should stick to just the five of you for the time being,” I suggested. “I don’t want to completely destabilize the town's social dynamics overnight. Maybe we roll out the plan for me to have sex with all the other monster girls a bit later.”
“It’s fine with me,” May Belle cooed happily, almost musically. “Less competition for your attention, right?” She giggled in my ear, a noise as sweet as any honey known to man.
“No complaints here,” Daisy agreed. “But I support whatever you want to do, of course.” Her face blushed. "As long as you don't leave me behind all the time."
I chuckled. “Well, with four naked women hugging me, I’m honestly feeling pretty sweaty.”
They all backed off with a look of embarrassment.
I grinned. “What I meant to suggest is this: why don’t we head down to the river for a bath together? All of us.”
Grins lit the room with more fervor than any of the candles. The idea was unanimously accepted, and we all strolled in the buff toward the stream nearby—though I had the foresight to bring my axe. This was such an amazing world that I felt I could walk naked after dark with five supermodel-hot women to take a moonlit bath in a stream like it was nothing.
The twins played and splashed each other with the water, and we all hopped in, enjoying the swim—all except for Autumn.
“Catgirls hate the water,” she said, hissing when May Belle splashed some onto her. “I’ll preen myself and wash my hair from the bank.”
“You’re missing a good time,” I grinned at her. “But I understand.” As I was saying this, the other four women were bickering about whose turn it was to scrub me. Invariably, whenever they switched, the new girl would spend most of the first couple of minutes scrubbing my cock. “My dick is going to be absolutely immaculate thanks to you ladies," I laughed as Etherea washed it for the third time.
“Good,” Daisy grinned, nipping playfully at my nose. “It should be clean when we suck on it later, right?”
“Not that it’d stop me if it wasn’t,” Ivy noted nonchalantly.
“Well, of course not!” Daisy said, blushing, almost offended. “I didn’t mean to imply—”
I brushed a loose bang behind her ear and kissed her. “No one thought you meant anything by it.”
We stayed there way too long, until our bodies were all pruny and getting out of the water seemed an almost impossible task.
“Shit! It’s so cold!” May Belle shivered, her teeth chattering as she spoke each word. “Keep me warm, Bucky!”
“And me!”
“Me, too!”
“I’m so cold, Bucky! I’m colder than them!”
Before I could come up with a solution to the predicament, I heard a rustling accompanied by a low growl off in the rushes. A shadow moved in them, obscured by grasses as tall as people, but there was no mistake—this thing was big.
“Shh. Get back,” I commanded them, raising my arm and grabbing my axe from a nearby stepping stone. I pointed silently at the movement.
“We need to run,” Autumn whispered. “It looks big.”
“You run,” I replied. “I’ll hold it off.”
“Go,” I insisted, turning to face her, nodding. “Just go, I’ll be home in a minute.”
She nodded and tugged the others along with her, and they all charged back to the cabin, stealing glances back at me in worry. Their movement was the trigger the beast was waiting for, and it charged, trying to follow them, but I was ready.
I jumped through the air, whistling to summon Blue to my side as soon as he could arrive. When I landed, I did so on the thing’s enormous back. Its hide was ruggedly strong, its body like that of a bear, but its face was decidedly something else. Sure, it had long claws on its bear-like paws, though they were more like talons, and when the beast whipped its head back to nip at me, I saw the predatory beak of a bird.
I’d played D&D before. I wasn't a loser. I knew what this was. As I brought down my axe to claim the first of many blows into its monstrous hide, it bellowed something like a roar and a hoot, a strange combination that would have left me befuddled anywhere else, but it only made me more certain. I was about to fight an owlbear.
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