Monster Girl Sanctuary
Chapter 9: Making Plans
Pretty soon my dirty boxers were back on, but I didn’t bother to wear much else. I was sitting by the sex-defiled table now, and I couldn’t really get that far in the dressing process before Daisy inserted herself into my lap, putting her head on my shoulder and wrapping her arms and legs around me. She was still naked, making me very self-conscious in front of all the other beautiful women that had come into the room.
“Quick, check your XP!” Autumn said, remarkably consistent, pumping her fists with a look of purpose on her pretty face.
I clasped my palms together, reaching behind Daisy’s sweat-soaked back, and saw the HUD light up in my eyes. “Level 8, sure enough,” I said. “2485 XP to level up.”
“At this rate you will far outpace your rivals!” she grinned, flashing her sharp feline teeth as her smile got almost too wide. "But it gets harder to level soon, and I suspect eventually we may encounter diminishing returns."
By this time, May Belle had sat down beside us and was glaring at her sister. Her sisterly pride and vicarious joy had faded into icy hot jealousy by the looks of it. She scowled—the first time I ever saw her do so. “Are you gonna hog him all night?”
“You can forgo one night, surely?” hummed the calm and alluring voice of Etherea. “This is your sister’s special night, little one.”
May Belle just pouted, slowly scooting closer and closer to me every time she thought my head was turned.
“I’m surprised you knew how to mark her,” Autumn remarked thoughtfully. “I was going to teach you all about marking once we had settled in.”
“She told me how,” I said, pointing at Daisy’s head. Her ass was already grinding against the crotch of my boxers again, and I felt myself stirring in my trunks. “Daisy, no,” I chuckled. “Not in front of people.”
“Oh, I don’t think any of us mind,” Ivy smiled. “Monster girls and elves don’t have the same ideas of modesty as humans. Besides, it’s good to know what we’ll be up against.” Her eyes darted down to my lap.
“Up against?” I said, my voice cracking as I swallowed a sudden bout of excitement. This day just keeps getting better and better.
“Tell me, Bucky, what do you know about marking? What did she tell you?” Autumn asked, sitting behind me. Her hands found my shoulders and she started massaging, pressing her surprisingly strong yet dainty fingers into all the right spots. I almost moaned from the bliss. Naked holstaur in my lap, catgirl massage behind me, horny elves appraising me as a possible fuck buddy—this is the life.
“Not much,” I admitted, and I felt Daisy tense a bit. “Just that it makes her permanently mine.”
Autumn nodded. “That is true, but there is more to it. Marking makes a monster girl uncomfortable, even painful, for other men to touch. A monster girl who has asked you to mark her has made the declaration that she is ready to swear off the possibility of being with any other man. It’s quite a bold thing—and not something I expected of our little Daisy,” she grinned.
I felt Daisy’s cheeks burning hot as she pressed her face into my chest. I smiled, caressing her hair, running my fingers through her long golden-brown ponytail. “That’s quite flattering.”
She said nothing, but May Belle made a sound. “Seems pretty sus, if you ask me. She treated you like trash up until you ate her pussy.”
“Not to bury the lead, but there’s more to it than what I just let on,” Autumn sniggered, her hand in front of her mouth like she knew a juicy secret. “For a breeder or a standard hero, what I said is the full picture, but for an Apex Hero, it’s even better than that for you, Bucky.”
Daisy looked up. “There’s more?”
“Oh yes, Daisy. For an Apex Hero, he gets an extra Feat for every monster girl he claims.”
That reminded me. “Shit! I still have a feat to choose!”
“Now you have two,” Daisy said, pecking me on the neck and giggling.
“He’ll have three soon, right Bucky?” May Belle asked eagerly.
Autumn looked concerned, though. “Not that soon, May Belle. Bucky needs to recover and do some questing before he can mark another girl.”
“What?! Why?”
“He isn’t a breeder. The gods of Lusteria saw fit to make sure that heroes didn’t become glorified breeders, so certain… incentives are built into their HUD mechanics,” she explained. “He will need to do some adventuring before he can claim you.”
Suddenly May Belle’s hands were on my biceps, shaking me. “Go questing! Go questing! Hurry, Bucky-Baby, please!”
Her overzealous action inspired laughter in just about everyone else in the room, especially her own sister. “Don’t worry, May Belle, you’ll have your turn.”
“You’re damn right, she will,” I said. “And Autumn, too,” I nodded at the catgirl, who blushed at that.
“Oh, well, I suppose if that’s what you want, it would of course be an honor to be claimed by you.”
I chuckled. “First we need to work on your bedside manner, though.”
Ivy scoffed, blowing a wisp of red hair out of her face as she frowned in irritation. “I’ll say. She called me a Wood Knife-Ear.”
“Oh, Bucky, it was so awful,” May Belle groaned, suddenly stopping shaking me to bury her face in her hands in second-hand embarrassment.
“You are the worst,” I said, scowling at the lithe feline beauty. Autumn frowned in genuine shame.
“Who is the best?” Daisy asked with a mischievous gaze, biting down on my shoulder playfully.
I laughed a hard, dry guffaw at the absurdity of the question. “I can think of no better way to ruin my night than to take a hard stance on that question in front of everyone right now.”
“He’s wise,” Etherea giggled, licking her lips. “We’ll all just have to work our hardest to win our way into his heart, girls.”
I looked up in surprise at her, though I realized that she hadn’t exactly been subtle about her intentions with me. Still, her putting herself forward as one of my girls was interesting. “Can I mark an elf?” I asked. I almost immediately regretted the question as both of the elfmaids looked at each other and blushed profusely. “Sorry, that was so rude!”
“No, it’s fine,” Ivy said, her hands on her cheeks to hide her rosiness. It was a cute gesture. “Unfortunately elves and dwarves do not count as monster girls, so you cannot mark us by any means I’m aware of.”
I lifted my newly-marked holstaur maiden off my lap and set her down on the ground beside me. She pouted, and my lap was empty for all of a half-second before May Belle attempted to climb on top, her brow still intensely furrowed in jealous angst. It was a cute and unfamiliar expression to see on her face.
“No, I’m getting up,” I said, grinning lovingly at her and patting her on the head.
“Why?” she asked, her cow ears flopping in frustration. Still scowling, she pulled down her top, freeing her breasts. “Let’s play for a little while at least.”
“Yes, it’s not a bad idea,” Autumn nodded judiciously, “but there’s more to discuss.”
I nodded, giving May Belle a reassuring peck on the lips, but I had more questions. “Autumn, how do I choose Feats? I’m looking at my HUD and I can’t quite figure it out. It just says I need to select two feats.”
“You need to harvest monster souls to generate a list of feats,” she said. “And for that, you’ll need a hero’s weapon, mastercrafted by a skilled smithy. Though there are other ways to get feats, too, but they're hard to trigger on purpose.”
“Bonny in town is already working on an enchanted sword for him at my instruction,” Etherea added, smiling softly. “Free of charge. It’s my thanks for choosing Tater Town to be your home, hero. Vale is the one who enchanted the metal.”
I gaped at her, not expecting that. “That’s incredible! Thank you!”
She averted her eyes slightly and murmured sheepishly, “Well, we need to make sure you’re equipped to do your job, don’t we?”
Autumn was beaming at her even more openly than I was. “We are truly in your debt, Etherea.” She turned her gaze back to me, and the smile faded into a look of stern focus and determination. “So, let’s lay it all out there, alright everyone?”
I looked at her expectantly. “What do you mean?”
“Etherea, how long until the weapon is ready?” Autumn asked, ignoring me.
“At least a week,” she said.
“Right, so let’s keep Bucky close until then.” She nimbly hopped up on the table, almost slipping on some of Daisy’s love juices that were still left behind. “Everyone, we all have jobs to do!”
“We do?” May Belle asked.
“Hell yes, we do! Etherea, call a town meeting tomorrow. Gather all the monster girls who wish to make themselves sexually available to Bucky in service of Tater Town. Perhaps if there is mutual chemistry, he will even choose to mark some of them!”
“They will be thrilled at the chance,” Etherea said, “Myself included, of course.” She winked at me, and I felt my cock stirring in my pants. My holstaur girls both noticed it, and there was an awkward moment where their hands met each other's as they both instinctively reached to grasp my throbbing manhood for themselves.
I grunted, wanting to put my own stamp on the plan. “You’re right, we need to take the initiative. Here’s how I see it going down. I think I can manage ten shots a day if I have to, but I want Daisy, May Belle, and Autumn to make up more than half of that number. You three are still my main girls, and I need to keep close relations with you because you’re the ones running the farm with me and watching it when I'm gone.”
“About the farm,” May Belle nodded, “we can start selling our extra milk to the townspeople for some money, if that’s alright with Etherea.”
“That would be incredible!” Etherea uttered, clapping excitedly at the prospect. “Bottled or from the teat?”
“Bottled,” May Belle said plainly. “Only Bucky can suck our tits.”
Autumn was grinning from all these developments, but suddenly her face went serious and bashful as she turned to me, sitting down on the table in front of me. “As for me, my body is yours to use as you see fit, Bucky, if you truly mean to begin your life as a hero.”
I sighed, but not without traces of a smile on my lips. “It’s time. And seeing the plight of real people, what choice do I have? The satyr girl was my awakening, and I’ve had time for that to settle in. Now there’s Ivy,” I said, nodding at the gorgeous green-skinned elf. “And I’m sure there will be more at this rate. I’m not going to sit on my ass and do nothing when a world full of beautiful women is suffering.”
To my surprise, Autumn launched herself forward and pinned me to the ground, kissing me on the lips. Her eyes opened halfway and looked into mine. Suddenly, it was like she instantly sobered up, and she sat up straight and dusted off her clothes as she recovered from her abrupt lapse in self-control. “I’m sorry, I can’t help myself when you get all heroic like that.” She was still sitting on top of me, though.
“Everyone gets to sit in his lap except me, huh?” May Belle seethed, crossing her arms. “Fucking ridiculous.”
I sat up, too. “Okay, so, let me get this straight. We fuck like rabbits for a week—”
“Bonny may take offense at that expression, so be careful around her,” Etherea interrupted. When I shot her a confused look, she added, “Bunny Girl.”
“Fucking nice,” I grinned, recalling the blacksmith in my mind. “Anyway, yeah, we have copious amounts of sexual intercourse for a week while I grind up as many levels as I can—”
“—Emphasis on grind,” May Belle giggled, her mood already shifted with the promise of sex with me.
“After that, I get my sword, run off in a random direction, and kill a ton of monsters, hopefully rescue some people.”
“Then you come back and we cash in your monster souls for feats!” Autumn added, her fist pounding against her palm in a gesture of excited purpose. “And then you mark me!”
“What? No, he heavily implied that he would mark me next!” May Belle said.
The two women went into an intense staring match. “That'll be my call. We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it,” I said, nervously eyeing that ticking time bomb. "I'll, umm, implement a point system or something."
May Belle and Autumn both smirked with eagerness. "Bring it on," May Belle growled. "I'll get all the fucking points."
“When do we begin?” Ivy asked, smiling warmly at me. “I can give you a taste of the Elfmaid’s Favor tonight if you’re ready.”
I looked over to her thoughtfully. “What does that entail, exactly?”
She smiled gently, as though what she was about to say was the sweetest and most innocent thing in the world. “Cumming onto my face and breasts. I believe, if Etherea is willing, we could simply suck you off together and you could ejaculate all over both of us at once and you'll receive the gift from us both in the same instant.”
I flinched as a tiny gasp fluttered out of my gaping mouth. “Fuck McDonald’s.”
“What?” Etherea asked in confusion as she fell to her knees in front of me and pulled off her diaphanous dress in a single motion. Ivy’s leaves also fell from her body as if Fall had suddenly arrived, and she, too, was naked, perfect, and kneeling before me. “No, hero, fuck our throats.”
“Quick, check your XP!” Autumn said, remarkably consistent, pumping her fists with a look of purpose on her pretty face.
I clasped my palms together, reaching behind Daisy’s sweat-soaked back, and saw the HUD light up in my eyes. “Level 8, sure enough,” I said. “2485 XP to level up.”
“At this rate you will far outpace your rivals!” she grinned, flashing her sharp feline teeth as her smile got almost too wide. "But it gets harder to level soon, and I suspect eventually we may encounter diminishing returns."
By this time, May Belle had sat down beside us and was glaring at her sister. Her sisterly pride and vicarious joy had faded into icy hot jealousy by the looks of it. She scowled—the first time I ever saw her do so. “Are you gonna hog him all night?”
“You can forgo one night, surely?” hummed the calm and alluring voice of Etherea. “This is your sister’s special night, little one.”
May Belle just pouted, slowly scooting closer and closer to me every time she thought my head was turned.
“I’m surprised you knew how to mark her,” Autumn remarked thoughtfully. “I was going to teach you all about marking once we had settled in.”
“She told me how,” I said, pointing at Daisy’s head. Her ass was already grinding against the crotch of my boxers again, and I felt myself stirring in my trunks. “Daisy, no,” I chuckled. “Not in front of people.”
“Oh, I don’t think any of us mind,” Ivy smiled. “Monster girls and elves don’t have the same ideas of modesty as humans. Besides, it’s good to know what we’ll be up against.” Her eyes darted down to my lap.
“Up against?” I said, my voice cracking as I swallowed a sudden bout of excitement. This day just keeps getting better and better.
“Tell me, Bucky, what do you know about marking? What did she tell you?” Autumn asked, sitting behind me. Her hands found my shoulders and she started massaging, pressing her surprisingly strong yet dainty fingers into all the right spots. I almost moaned from the bliss. Naked holstaur in my lap, catgirl massage behind me, horny elves appraising me as a possible fuck buddy—this is the life.
“Not much,” I admitted, and I felt Daisy tense a bit. “Just that it makes her permanently mine.”
Autumn nodded. “That is true, but there is more to it. Marking makes a monster girl uncomfortable, even painful, for other men to touch. A monster girl who has asked you to mark her has made the declaration that she is ready to swear off the possibility of being with any other man. It’s quite a bold thing—and not something I expected of our little Daisy,” she grinned.
I felt Daisy’s cheeks burning hot as she pressed her face into my chest. I smiled, caressing her hair, running my fingers through her long golden-brown ponytail. “That’s quite flattering.”
She said nothing, but May Belle made a sound. “Seems pretty sus, if you ask me. She treated you like trash up until you ate her pussy.”
“Not to bury the lead, but there’s more to it than what I just let on,” Autumn sniggered, her hand in front of her mouth like she knew a juicy secret. “For a breeder or a standard hero, what I said is the full picture, but for an Apex Hero, it’s even better than that for you, Bucky.”
Daisy looked up. “There’s more?”
“Oh yes, Daisy. For an Apex Hero, he gets an extra Feat for every monster girl he claims.”
That reminded me. “Shit! I still have a feat to choose!”
“Now you have two,” Daisy said, pecking me on the neck and giggling.
“He’ll have three soon, right Bucky?” May Belle asked eagerly.
Autumn looked concerned, though. “Not that soon, May Belle. Bucky needs to recover and do some questing before he can mark another girl.”
“What?! Why?”
“He isn’t a breeder. The gods of Lusteria saw fit to make sure that heroes didn’t become glorified breeders, so certain… incentives are built into their HUD mechanics,” she explained. “He will need to do some adventuring before he can claim you.”
Suddenly May Belle’s hands were on my biceps, shaking me. “Go questing! Go questing! Hurry, Bucky-Baby, please!”
Her overzealous action inspired laughter in just about everyone else in the room, especially her own sister. “Don’t worry, May Belle, you’ll have your turn.”
“You’re damn right, she will,” I said. “And Autumn, too,” I nodded at the catgirl, who blushed at that.
“Oh, well, I suppose if that’s what you want, it would of course be an honor to be claimed by you.”
I chuckled. “First we need to work on your bedside manner, though.”
Ivy scoffed, blowing a wisp of red hair out of her face as she frowned in irritation. “I’ll say. She called me a Wood Knife-Ear.”
“Oh, Bucky, it was so awful,” May Belle groaned, suddenly stopping shaking me to bury her face in her hands in second-hand embarrassment.
“You are the worst,” I said, scowling at the lithe feline beauty. Autumn frowned in genuine shame.
“Who is the best?” Daisy asked with a mischievous gaze, biting down on my shoulder playfully.
I laughed a hard, dry guffaw at the absurdity of the question. “I can think of no better way to ruin my night than to take a hard stance on that question in front of everyone right now.”
“He’s wise,” Etherea giggled, licking her lips. “We’ll all just have to work our hardest to win our way into his heart, girls.”
I looked up in surprise at her, though I realized that she hadn’t exactly been subtle about her intentions with me. Still, her putting herself forward as one of my girls was interesting. “Can I mark an elf?” I asked. I almost immediately regretted the question as both of the elfmaids looked at each other and blushed profusely. “Sorry, that was so rude!”
“No, it’s fine,” Ivy said, her hands on her cheeks to hide her rosiness. It was a cute gesture. “Unfortunately elves and dwarves do not count as monster girls, so you cannot mark us by any means I’m aware of.”
I lifted my newly-marked holstaur maiden off my lap and set her down on the ground beside me. She pouted, and my lap was empty for all of a half-second before May Belle attempted to climb on top, her brow still intensely furrowed in jealous angst. It was a cute and unfamiliar expression to see on her face.
“No, I’m getting up,” I said, grinning lovingly at her and patting her on the head.
“Why?” she asked, her cow ears flopping in frustration. Still scowling, she pulled down her top, freeing her breasts. “Let’s play for a little while at least.”
“Yes, it’s not a bad idea,” Autumn nodded judiciously, “but there’s more to discuss.”
I nodded, giving May Belle a reassuring peck on the lips, but I had more questions. “Autumn, how do I choose Feats? I’m looking at my HUD and I can’t quite figure it out. It just says I need to select two feats.”
“You need to harvest monster souls to generate a list of feats,” she said. “And for that, you’ll need a hero’s weapon, mastercrafted by a skilled smithy. Though there are other ways to get feats, too, but they're hard to trigger on purpose.”
“Bonny in town is already working on an enchanted sword for him at my instruction,” Etherea added, smiling softly. “Free of charge. It’s my thanks for choosing Tater Town to be your home, hero. Vale is the one who enchanted the metal.”
I gaped at her, not expecting that. “That’s incredible! Thank you!”
She averted her eyes slightly and murmured sheepishly, “Well, we need to make sure you’re equipped to do your job, don’t we?”
Autumn was beaming at her even more openly than I was. “We are truly in your debt, Etherea.” She turned her gaze back to me, and the smile faded into a look of stern focus and determination. “So, let’s lay it all out there, alright everyone?”
I looked at her expectantly. “What do you mean?”
“Etherea, how long until the weapon is ready?” Autumn asked, ignoring me.
“At least a week,” she said.
“Right, so let’s keep Bucky close until then.” She nimbly hopped up on the table, almost slipping on some of Daisy’s love juices that were still left behind. “Everyone, we all have jobs to do!”
“We do?” May Belle asked.
“Hell yes, we do! Etherea, call a town meeting tomorrow. Gather all the monster girls who wish to make themselves sexually available to Bucky in service of Tater Town. Perhaps if there is mutual chemistry, he will even choose to mark some of them!”
“They will be thrilled at the chance,” Etherea said, “Myself included, of course.” She winked at me, and I felt my cock stirring in my pants. My holstaur girls both noticed it, and there was an awkward moment where their hands met each other's as they both instinctively reached to grasp my throbbing manhood for themselves.
I grunted, wanting to put my own stamp on the plan. “You’re right, we need to take the initiative. Here’s how I see it going down. I think I can manage ten shots a day if I have to, but I want Daisy, May Belle, and Autumn to make up more than half of that number. You three are still my main girls, and I need to keep close relations with you because you’re the ones running the farm with me and watching it when I'm gone.”
“About the farm,” May Belle nodded, “we can start selling our extra milk to the townspeople for some money, if that’s alright with Etherea.”
“That would be incredible!” Etherea uttered, clapping excitedly at the prospect. “Bottled or from the teat?”
“Bottled,” May Belle said plainly. “Only Bucky can suck our tits.”
Autumn was grinning from all these developments, but suddenly her face went serious and bashful as she turned to me, sitting down on the table in front of me. “As for me, my body is yours to use as you see fit, Bucky, if you truly mean to begin your life as a hero.”
I sighed, but not without traces of a smile on my lips. “It’s time. And seeing the plight of real people, what choice do I have? The satyr girl was my awakening, and I’ve had time for that to settle in. Now there’s Ivy,” I said, nodding at the gorgeous green-skinned elf. “And I’m sure there will be more at this rate. I’m not going to sit on my ass and do nothing when a world full of beautiful women is suffering.”
To my surprise, Autumn launched herself forward and pinned me to the ground, kissing me on the lips. Her eyes opened halfway and looked into mine. Suddenly, it was like she instantly sobered up, and she sat up straight and dusted off her clothes as she recovered from her abrupt lapse in self-control. “I’m sorry, I can’t help myself when you get all heroic like that.” She was still sitting on top of me, though.
“Everyone gets to sit in his lap except me, huh?” May Belle seethed, crossing her arms. “Fucking ridiculous.”
I sat up, too. “Okay, so, let me get this straight. We fuck like rabbits for a week—”
“Bonny may take offense at that expression, so be careful around her,” Etherea interrupted. When I shot her a confused look, she added, “Bunny Girl.”
“Fucking nice,” I grinned, recalling the blacksmith in my mind. “Anyway, yeah, we have copious amounts of sexual intercourse for a week while I grind up as many levels as I can—”
“—Emphasis on grind,” May Belle giggled, her mood already shifted with the promise of sex with me.
“After that, I get my sword, run off in a random direction, and kill a ton of monsters, hopefully rescue some people.”
“Then you come back and we cash in your monster souls for feats!” Autumn added, her fist pounding against her palm in a gesture of excited purpose. “And then you mark me!”
“What? No, he heavily implied that he would mark me next!” May Belle said.
The two women went into an intense staring match. “That'll be my call. We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it,” I said, nervously eyeing that ticking time bomb. "I'll, umm, implement a point system or something."
May Belle and Autumn both smirked with eagerness. "Bring it on," May Belle growled. "I'll get all the fucking points."
“When do we begin?” Ivy asked, smiling warmly at me. “I can give you a taste of the Elfmaid’s Favor tonight if you’re ready.”
I looked over to her thoughtfully. “What does that entail, exactly?”
She smiled gently, as though what she was about to say was the sweetest and most innocent thing in the world. “Cumming onto my face and breasts. I believe, if Etherea is willing, we could simply suck you off together and you could ejaculate all over both of us at once and you'll receive the gift from us both in the same instant.”
I flinched as a tiny gasp fluttered out of my gaping mouth. “Fuck McDonald’s.”
“What?” Etherea asked in confusion as she fell to her knees in front of me and pulled off her diaphanous dress in a single motion. Ivy’s leaves also fell from her body as if Fall had suddenly arrived, and she, too, was naked, perfect, and kneeling before me. “No, hero, fuck our throats.”
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