Monster Girl Sanctuary
Chapter 13: Arming Up + Unicorn Sex (◆◆)
After another night of life-affirming pleasure, I had leveled up to ten and was now staring down the barrel of a bunch of decisions that needed to be made.
With 24 Skill Points available, I needed to upgrade some Trained Skills sometime soon, and possibly Discover a few more. After asking around earlier, I knew that no one in the town had anything that really called out to me, but I also knew that using Discover was a risk, too. Still, it had that little bit of a gambling feeling to it, so its allure was pretty intense to a simpleton like me. More importantly, it seemed like the main way to gain skills. But first, I figured I should upgrade the skills I already had.
No—first, I should have a chat with Bonny and see how far along my sword was. I got up, peeling my sticky body out from beneath a clump of sexy women who still remained exhausted and unconscious from our exertions the night before. After becoming a so-called harem knight, I no longer was left nearly so knackered from sex, but the same could not be said for the girls in my improvised harem. I dressed myself and stepped outside. The sun was already reasonably high in the sky, and the only girl out and about was May Belle for some reason.
I stretched, looking up at the sky in its piercing blue glory, trying to approximate a time of day from the position of the sun. Ten o’clock, I reasoned, give or take. I looked around for any signs of May Belle, and sure enough, she was hunched over in the field, investigating some little mystery or another.
"What are you working on there?" I asked, ambling up to her. She immediately stood up and threw her arms around me.
"Mmmm, good morning Bucky-Baby," she cooed in my ear, planting a dozen or so kisses on my neck. "Thank you so much for last night."
"Right back at you," I said, returning a few pecks. "What are you doing out here?"
"I planted a few seeds here yesterday, as an experiment," she said. "Look!" She pointed down at the ground where she'd been crouching, and already there was a five inch plant there.
"Whoa!" I said. "Is that the result of Ivy's blessing?"
"I think so!" she nodded. "Your farm is off to a great start, sweety!" Another kiss, this one on my lips, and I found myself allowing her and her full milky breasts to melt into me, dampening my shirt as she pressed against me and the heavenly cream came out on its own. But this exchange, blissful as it was, couldn't go on forever, and soon I'd bid her farewell for the moment and continued on with my day. With a pout and protest, she begrudgingly said her own goodbye.
I headed into Tater Town, a short walk that only took a few minutes on foot. Exiting the cabin, I could see the humble buildings atop the hill in the distance from my plot. I enjoyed the stroll, feeling the pleasant sensation of my legs loosening up as I made my way presently toward Bonny, the Bunny Blacksmith.
Walking through the simple streets of Tater Town, really only one dirt road if we're being frank, the bunny girl was immediately visible pounding out some horseshoes on an anvil as I approached. She looked up, enticingly dripping with sweat, her skin well-tanned, her brown bunny ears perking up when she saw me. She scrunched her nose cutely, making me smile.
“Hero!” she shouted, her voice frantic to see me. “You’re too early! I rushed your weapon, but it still needs a few hours!”
“A few hours!?” I blurted out. “I was told it’d take a week!”
She shook her head way too many times as she heatedly offered her explanation all in a fluster. “No, no, no, that wouldn’t do! Etherea said a week, yes, but what if some terrible monsters come to Tater Town and you’re unarmed? I needed to rush it, so I worked night and day since receiving the order, and it’s almost ready, but it’s not quite ready yet, so if you would just—”
I laughed. “Whoa, slow down, Bonny,” I chuckled. She was always like this, based on the few interactions I’d had with her. She was always talking like she was panicked and desperate about one thing or another, eternally in a hurry. She moved jerkily and fast, like someone set her to 1.5x speed. Not including her ears, she stood roughly about five feet and six inches tall, but including the expressive bunny ears was elevated almost another foot. Her body was largely human-like, but she had furry bunny feet, which added to her allure somehow.
On her chest she tended to wear a brown leather strap as a tube top that mashed her pomelo-sized breasts together, but it clearly wasn’t designed to be used in such a manner, and as such, a generous helping of underboob poured out from the strap. Her bottoms were a simple belt dangling a leather loincloth that only extended a couple inches below her nether regions, making me strain to peek whenever she bent over for something or turned around quickly. Her ass, for its part, was quite thick in the best of ways—the cringe-inducing term 'childbearing hips' came to mind, despite her thin waist.
Bonny’s face was gorgeous, just like most of the girls in this world, with bright blue eyes, a cute button nose, and perfect white teeth. She had a classic beauty about her, reminding me of a pinup model with her sultry proportions. She was the first girl in this world I’d seen wearing her hair in pigtails, too, which was an oddly cute choice for a blacksmith. Her locks were the same light brown as her ears and the fluffy little tail that always seemed to be twitching excitedly above her round and pert rump. Maybe a shade darker at most.
She took a minute to breathe as I raised my hand to calm her. “Sorry. Sorry sorry sorry! Okay, your lance is—”
I blinked. “My lance?” I grunted, confused. “I thought I was getting a sword.”
She shook her head. “The weapon can be easily adapted into a sword, but you will be fighting atop a dragon, so you need something with range.” She blushed. “I’m sorry! I should have talked with you! That’s so dumb of me! Dumb, dumb—”
“Bonny, it’s fine!” I insisted, grabbing her by the shoulders. As I touched her, she shivered and stopped moving altogether.
“Okay,” she said, breathing heavily. “Okay. Okay okay.”
“So, this lance,” I laughed. “Tell me about it.”
“Yes!” she grinned. “Okay! It’s a Lance of Returning, and I crafted it from the best steel I had, enchanted by Etherea, and the shaft is constructed from Bronze Wyrm bone—light and aerodynamic, but weighted properly of course, perfectly balanced.”
I nodded, squinting and biting my lip, trying my best not to make a joke about how all things should be that would definitely go over her head. She chattered on.
“It’ll take some practice if you aren’t used to polearms, but they’re easy to use—way more versatile than swords in my experience.”
I raised an eyebrow at her. “Are you a fighter, Bonny?”
“I have been known to slay the odd monster every now and then,” she said, blushing timidly.
I couldn’t begin to imagine her in battle. She was always a mess of nerves and jitters, like she’d just slammed a twelve-pack of Red Bull, but I stole a look down at the anvil where her paws still held the horseshoe she’d been working on. Perfectly still, stiller than my own hands at the best of times.
“That’s good to know,” I said, beaming at her. “It may be useful to have a partner at some point.”
She smiled weakly back at me. “Oh, gosh, I don’t know,” she gushed. “That’s too kind.”
“Anyway, can I see the lance?”
“Sure, and I’ll hand you your bow, too,” she said.
Welp, looked like I was going to also get a bow. Neat!
“Just—wait here a minute!” and she vanished inside her cottage, leaving me standing alone outside, whistling innocently as Scalia and a dog girl I didn’t know all that well eyed me lasciviously as they passed by. A few minutes later Bonny literally hopped back out of her home, carrying a surprisingly short bundle.
“That’s it?” I asked, pointing at what she was carrying.
She grinned, setting it on her anvil with a clang, and tearing off the cover for the big reveal. It was—a sword, as far as I could tell.
“That’s not a lance, Bonny,” I chuckled. “That’s just an awesome sword.” I examined what was slung over her shoulders, dangling on her back. “And a nice bow, too.”
“Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong!” she said, and she held up the sword perpendicular to my face and the hilt expanded almost five feet out away from the blade, making it a full-on polearm.
I marveled at the thing for a moment before my hands reached out unconsciously, grasping it from her. “Ohhh, give to daddy,” I groaned as I held the beautiful weapon in my own clutches. The shaft was black and smooth, magically extended with no ridges so that it left behind no hints that it had been a mere sword only seconds before. The blade was so polished that it was reflective, and I gasped to see the tiny serrated edges on one side, the cruelly hooked tip, and the expertly designed grooves in the blade. This thing was a masterwork.
"Daddy?" she muttered tentatively. "Are you eager to become a father, Mr. Drake?"
I didn't really hear what she was saying as I continued to inspect the godly weapon in my hands. To think I could own such a thing was almost maddeningly badass. "Uh huh, yeah. Definitely," I muttered.
Her whole energy shifted. "Oh that's wonderful news, Mr. Drake! Would you be willing to breed me? I'm free now if you have a few minutes!"
My head jerked up in shock as the conversation caught up to me. "Oh, shit, sorry I wasn't paying attention. No. No fatherhood for me for now, thank you." I felt my cheeks scorching with embarrassment, but mostly, as her face sank, I just felt bad.
"Oh, I—I see, Mr. Drake. Of course." The disappointment was palpable.
I decided to press on with the original topic of conversation, ignoring the pangs of guilt and regret surging in my guts. “This really is incredible, Bonny. How did you extend it?”
“All you have to do is want it to be a lance, and it’ll be a lance,” she shrugged, smiling. She was calm now—I’d never seen her calmer, come to think of it. When watching me admire her craft, the girl was as cool as a cucumber.
“So if I want it to be a sword—”
“Try it,” she grinned.
I quietly willed for the lance to shrink back to a sword. With hardly a sound, the shaft became the hilt of a sword once again. “You mentioned it’s a Lance of Returning,” I said. “What does that mean, exactly?”
“You throw it, it makes impact, and then it flashes back into your hands. But don’t try it yet,” she warned. “You must bond with it first. And there are still some kinks I need to work out.”
“How do I bond with it or whatever?” I asked.
“Make your first kill,” she said, gesturing over to the woods beyond my farm. “Go hunting, and once you, as a hero, make a worthy kill, the lance will soulbond with you, and it’ll always return. With this lance, you can also unlock certain feats over time, and those will give you the ability to further enchant it or add new powers to the lance.”
I almost didn’t hear what she said, I was so busy just admiring the weapon, but I learned from my previous mistake and stayed focused. “Got it,” I said, but I was doing that thing where you heard everything someone said but didn’t bother to process it until a moment later. When I was satisfied I actually knew what she was talking about, I repeated myself. “Yep, got it. Kill something worthy, bond with weapon.”
“Yep! Yep yep yep!” she squeaked. “Is there… anything else you need help with?” she said shyly, her elbows pushing her heavy breasts together as she leaned over the anvil. She repeated the operative word: “Anything, Mr. Drake. Anything at all.” She punctuated it by lifting up the flap of her loincloth just enough for me to get the gist, mouthing the word 'please.'
Feeling mighty cautious about those breedable hips all of a sudden, I decided to delay sex with the bunny girl. I didn’t need to be a papa just yet. Though, damn, sooner or later I was going to cave and fuck her, that was for sure. In any case, at that particular moment, the first thing on my mind was finalizing the bond with my weapon. "I'm good, Bonny," I said, smiling at her. "Thank you for this."
It wasn’t that I was particularly bloodthirsty or looking for adventure. Working for a fast food corporation for years had trained me to be very task-oriented. When I received a new task, I was in the habit of getting the damn thing done as soon as fucking possible. ASAFP, as we used to say back at my Mickey D's. And now I’d been given a task that was absolutely crucial to the defense of my farm and the girls who’d come to trust me.
I practiced with the sleek shortbow she'd given me while I waited patiently for her to finish with the lance. After she was finished, I happily claimed it and politely bid farewell to the busty bunny blacksmith as I walked back to the cabin, my half-erect cock scolding me the whole way home after spending far too much time fighting the urge to let the bunny girl claim my jism. When I arrived back home, I decided to let my girls know what was going on.
“You’re just going wandering in the woods to kill something?” Daisy asked, confused.
“It’s necessary,” I said. “Probably should make it a habit from now on. It shouldn’t take long.”
“Hopefully it takes a while,” May Belle shuddered. “Not because I don’t want you here! I mean, because if it takes only a short time, it means trouble is a bit too easy to find, you know?”
I sighed. That was a good point. But come to think of it, the owlbear was evidence that trouble was indeed never that far off in those woods. The thought reminded me of my other stated purpose: purge those woods and the surrounding lands of powerful monsters to make it safe for my girls. Seeing the girls at work on the farm, I decided to leave them to it, smiling with a weird sense of pride at their devotion to the cause I'd dreamed up.
I went in the cabin to put on fresh clothes, and when I went back outside to bid farewell to whoever was around, Daisy and May Belle were milking each other, collecting their heavenly nectar into bottles for sale to the folk of Tater Town. It was almost hilarious how different the process looked when they were doing it to each rather than when I did it to them. When the sisters milked one another, it was a very clinical and mechanical process that they clearly took no sexual pleasure it—but it was still fun to watch.
“Mmmm, look sis, Bucky’s watching,” May Belle cooed. “Come and join us, Bucky-Baby!” she winked, and for a moment I almost decided to postpone my quest to taste those teats again—but I thought better of it.
“We need the income,” I said sadly. “I’d contaminate the milk because I’m gonna be sucking on those boobies for fuckin' sure.”
“Dammit,” Daisy moaned. “I wish you would, honey.”
“Tonight,” I promised with a wink. “Save a few drops for me, yeah?” I waved as I blew them a kiss and walked to the tree-line.
“You got it,” Daisy cooed happily.
“I’ll save you more than a drop,” May Belle moaned as another splash of milk echoed into the wide-lidded bottle. “You need the XP boost after all.”
The forest was quieter than I’d expected. There was of course the chirping of various bugs in the grass and a few tweeting birds in the trees overhead, but as I got deeper into the thicket I started to wonder what was going on to make these woods so calm and secretive today.
Trudging through a brambly path, I happened upon a berry bush—a promising find, assuming they weren’t poisonous. I committed the spot to memory, retracing my steps and making sure I could find my way back. As I tested my sense of direction and traced my path, though, I heard something—a quiet feminine sob.
“I’m going to die here,” the sweet voice wept. “I’m going to die out here, all alone. Always alone. Or worse, there’ll be higher level commanders among the orcs who planted this trap, and they'll use some spell to see me, and kill me or—” another loud sob interrupted her dark musings, but I could put the gist of it together without her finishing it aloud.
“It’s alright,” I said, approaching the girl from the bushes nearby.
She had alabaster white skin and a golden horn jutting from the top of her head. Her rainbow hair flowed down her back and over her chest, obscuring her breasts, but she was naked without a doubt. She also had a tail—a horse’s tail, with a rainbow pattern that matched the long locks atop her head. Finally, she possessed two black horse hooves instead of feet. A unicorn girl. I let out a quiet gasp at the epiphany.
She turned her head, seeing me, and screamed in horror.
“Whoa!” I said, trying to calm her down. I took a few steps backward and held up my hands, keeping my weapons strapped to my back. “It’s alright! Let me help you.”
She furrowed her brow, suddenly looking tremendously confused, but tears yet streamed down her face. “How can you see me?” she sniffled. “You’re too gorgeous to be a virgin!”
I laughed. After the week I’d had, I couldn’t even think of a witty reply.
“What’s me being a virgin have to do with anything?”
“I thought only virgins can see unicorns and unicorn girls,” she said, wiping her eyes on her wrist.
“Well, I’m decidedly not a virgin, and I can definitely see you.” I looked down and spotted the problem. Silver blood flowed from a bad ankle wound—she was caught in a savage-looking iron trap. “Oh, damn,” I grunted, nodding at the injury. “Can I help you?”
“Please!” she gushed, tears streaming down her face, but she was hopeful all of a sudden, likely having pegged me for a hero. She threw her arms up at me as though she were reaching for a hug, like a little girl who wanted her uncle to pick her up. Her voice was cute, extremely girly, like a chick from an anime. “I thought I was going to die here!”
I approached slowly so as not to spook her and got down on one knee. “You smell like cotton candy,” I said unbelievingly. It wasn't an exaggeration. Her scent was a dead ringer for it.
“I don’t know what that is,” she said, shaking her head. She winced as my hands gripped the trap. "But if it's sweet, then I thank you, hero."
I studied the trap. It was clamped tightly on her ankle, and I couldn’t quite understand the locking mechanism. I’d seen bear traps before—my uncle used to go hunting, so I’d been taught how to unlock one in a pinch, but this was different somehow. I was going to have to force it open.
“This is going to hurt,” I said, wincing in anticipation of her shrieks or howls. Using every ounce of my strength, I managed to force the trap open, but badly cut my own hands on it. The whole time, the poor girl was screaming, kicking with her free leg unconsciously as her face contorted at the intense pain—and oddly enough, moaning almost sexually—but at last after some effort, she was free.
She looked at the wound, panting heavily, and then she gazed dreamily up at me.
“We have to take you to my home,” I said, gesturing to the wound. “The women in town can clean that up and bandage it for you.”
She made a face and flatly refused, shaking her head violently. “No,” she said. “I can't. Besides, unicorns have magic healing powers. Watch.” She licked her finger and touched the wound, letting her pointer drag across all the marks the trap had left behind. Soon, the cuts were mended, and the silvery blood had dried against her pearly white leg.
“Whoa,” I said. “That’s a useful trick.”
Then she did the same for me, licking her finger and running it across the gashes in my hands. I felt my heartbeat quicken as her white digit caressed my palms.
“Who are you?” she asked, gazing into my eyes curiously. “You’re so… beautiful.”
I had to blush at that. The irony of being called beautiful by a literal unicorn girl was immediately apparent to me. “You’re not too bad looking yourself,” I said. I cautiously reached out and stroked her hair, pulling it over her shoulder. She didn’t react except to lean in even closer to me, as if inviting me to continue. I took that as a good sign.
Shit. My boner was about to take over.
With her rainbow locks pushed back, I now had full view of her right breast. Her nipples were almost as white as the rest of her body, with the tiniest hint of pink to them. Her body was thin-waisted but well-endowed—both tits and ass were in ample supply, and I noted that she didn’t seem to mind my appraising her figure.
My suspicions were immediately validated at what she said next. “Would you ravage me here and now?” she asked, her voice a hot whisper, her face red with blush at her brazenly lewd request. “Make love to me here on the forest floor, before all the creatures of the woods?”
I froze in silence a moment, unsure how to respond. I ultimately answered her with action, leaning in and planting a gentle kiss. She moaned, her voice surprisingly raunchy as she felt my lips press upon hers, and her sounds grew even lewder and more persistent as I grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her onto my lap.
She shivered in my arms. “You alright?” I asked. “If I am going too fast—”
She was breathing like she’d just run a marathon. “No, it’s just… I can only be seen by virgin men, and I live in a world where men are rare as it is. Virgin men simply do not exist here, and one as gorgeous as you? You are the first man who has looked upon me in seven hundred years,” she moaned, licking my cheek with a hunger that took me by surprise. “I have been untainted all this time, and now—!”
“I’m a problem solver,” I said as I grinned wickedly, running my hands down her back until they rested on her firm and bubbly ass. “When I’m through with you, you won’t remember much about the last seven hundred years.”
“Good,” she groaned, biting my ear hard, drawing enough blood to make me wince. “Make me forget. Purge the loneliness from my lustful body!”
Her words were so fucking hot for some reason, weirdly articulate and lewd for coming from her sugar-sweet voice. I kissed her again, her lips literally tasting like candy, and her moaning intensified as I moved a hand to her breast, cupping it gently. I could feel her heart beating rapidly, and from the wetness I felt dampening the crotch of my pants as she sat directly on my lap, I could tell just how desperate she was to be taken by me.
"I should warn you," I said. "I have a certain effect on monster girls."
"I don't care," she groaned, her nails raking my back, making me tense up as I was sure blood was flowing as a result of her roughness. "Just fill me with your manhood already, hero.”
"Call me Bucky," I said, pushing her onto the grass. Her naked form came fully into view for the first time as she lay on her back and instantly spread her legs for me, reaching down and parting her pussy lips with two delicate fingers.
"Hurry!" she said," Before I lose my sanity, Bucky!"
"What's your name?" I asked as I hastily discarded my pants.
"Rainbow Sprinkle," she said, her voice groaning and impatient. "But you can call me anything you want if you'll just have your way with me!"
I'd gotten the hint by this point, and I wouldn't waste another second on idle chit chat. I leaned forward and sucked on her creamy white breasts, feeling her soft flesh yield to my tongue. She squirmed and writhed, moaning loud enough that it surprised me, and I devoured her tits voraciously. Licking around her areolas, I took her nipples gently between my teeth and tugged at her sensitive nubs.
"Ohhhh fuckkkk!" she moaned, thrusting her hips upwards. Her slit slammed against my body. "Harder! More!"
I was happy to oblige. I continued sucking her, but I pressed her hips down onto the ground to prepare my entrance into her waiting pussy. Positioning my cock delicately against her opening, I became aware of a series of hot, rapid breaths heating my scalp as my lips continued to stimulate her tits.
“Do it, Bucky,” she whimpered, and I began sliding inside her—slowly. She was tight, almost dangerously so, and she squealed like an animal when I bottomed out.
"Ohhhh yesssss!" she moaned, rocking her hips to meet my every stroke from that point on.
I started pumping in and out of her, relishing the massage that her erotic insides gave my cock with each thrust. The texture of her pussy was like nothing I had ever felt before. It was smooth, silky, and amazingly warm. Her walls seemed to hug my shaft, milking my erection, pulsing with each movement and hugging me, gripping tightly. Throughout it all, I couldn't help but internally freak out at the surreal eroticism of the situation, fucking a unicorn monster girl on a grassy knoll in a magical forest. Beams of light poured through the treetops as butterflies hovered all around us, only adding to that fairytale atmosphere.
My eyes rolled back into my head, and I grunted and thrust harder and faster. Sprinkle shrieked and arched her back. Then, she stopped making sound altogether, and her breaths became silent as her eyes fixed on me, mouth dropped wide open as though she were supremely shocked at just how much pleasure she could feel.
I watched her face as I pounded into her, and I saw a mixture of awe, confusion, and delight—but mostly, it was rapture. She looked like someone who had found heaven itself, right here in my cock.
"Be harsher!" she grunted at me after a few more minutes of intense sex.
"Harsher how?" I grunted in between thrusts.
"I've been--OH!--waiting for this for years! Spank me! Bite me!" she cried. "Harder!"
She wanted me to hurt her? That wasn't really my modus operandi, but the girl seemed to know what she wanted, so I wasn't about to refuse her in the heat of the moment during her first time. I gripped her hair roughly and pulled her head back, watching her reactions for any signs that I'd gone too far, but she just giggled like a mad woman and moaned in response. When I bit her neck, a sharp little snap, she gasped as her breath caught in her throat.
"Yes!" she cried out. "Mmmm, yes! I love it, Bucky! MORE!"
Continuing to nibble at her, tasting just a hint of her surprisingly saccharine silver blood in my mouth, I lifted her by the ass, getting her hips off the ground. I pulled out for a moment to turn her over, angling into doggy position, my teeth leaving her neck.
"That's it," she moaned, growling at me. "Now spank me, Bucky!"
She read my mind. "Tell me if I go too far," I said. I pushed my cock back inside her until I was hilted in her pussy, gratified by her desperate mewling as her walls greeted me with their tight flexing. I smacked her ass hard, eliciting a loud yelp that echoed through the trees. She whined and writhed on the grass beneath me. From that little slap, my hands were now covered with her womanly juices, and I could feel her pussy cream dripping from my cock as well.
"Don't stop!" she panted, hopelessly lost in me. "Slap it again!"
I spanked her twice more, loud slapping sounds that echoed through the trees and caused birds to alight in fear, and she cried out, writhing even more violently, moaning in both pain and pleasure. I grabbed her by the waist and forced her onto her stomach, grabbing a clutch of her long rainbow hair and pulling her head back. With the other hand tugging her tail, I buried myself as deep into her cunt as I could possibly get.
"Ahhhhhh!" she screamed, her body contorting and quaking with ecstasy. "Yes! Yes!"
Her pussy clamped tightly as her legs went stiff and wrapped around my back. From that position I fucked her hard, fast, and rough, slamming into her so many times in rapid succession that I lost count. My balls churned and my cock throbbed as I anticipated what it'd be like to pump my seed into her womb. She kept cumming, screaming, and crying, shaking uncontrollably and howling my name so loud that the whole forest would probably hear us at this rate.
It was all I could do to hold onto her for dear life as she convulsed beneath me. Her inner muscles milked my cock mercilessly, and I finally finished, emptying my balls into her depths. Rope after rope of sticky cum filled her, and in that moment I honestly didn't give a shit if she got properly bred. It was the most intense sex with one woman I'd ever had, and it would have been a crime to finish in any other way.
We collapsed together, gasping for air. I heard her panting, but I couldn't see her face because of the wild tangle of her rainbow tresses. She frantically grasped for my cheeks, blowing her locks out of her face, looking into my eyes like she was studying me, wide-eyed, trying to memorize every feature.
"Who are you, Bucky?" she moaned finally. "Who are you that you can do this to me?"
"Hi," I grinned, panting. "I'm Bucky Drake, and I'm an Apex Hero."
She placed her head on my chest. "Bucky Drake. Bucky Drake." She repeated my name, giggling like it was the sweetest sound she'd ever heard. "Stay here with me," she said. "Please, stay in these woods with me."
I frowned at that. "I have other girls waiting for me. I can't abandon them."
Her face went sullen and thoughtful. "I can't leave these woods, but I would go with you if I could. I would follow you so happily, Bucky Drake, if only it were possible."
"You can't leave the forest?" I asked.
"No," she said sadly, planting kisses all over me. "I would wither and die."
"I'd never allow that," I said, my voice gone dark and solemn at the mere thought.
"Then remember this spot, by the bloodberry bush, Bucky Drake. Whenever you come here, I will find you. For now, take my blessing," she said, and she raised her wrist to my lips. "Drink my blood. The blood of a unicorn is powerful, and I give its enchantment to you freely if you promise to be my lover forevermore."
My face twisted at the idea of biting into her wrist and drawing blood, and she could tell. She sighed, took her wrist back, and tore into it on her own, creating a surprisingly deep gash that spilled silver blood down her arm. "Drink, my Bucky Drake."
Reluctantly, I slurped at the wound. I'd tasted her sweet blood earlier, but drinking it outright was different, and once I'd had my fill of it I felt a warmth overcome me.
Unicorn's Blessing Acquired. You have been granted Immunity to: Disease, Aging.
Holy shit.
Autumn's been surging in popularity in my survey, so here's something I'm working on for my Patreon fans!
With 24 Skill Points available, I needed to upgrade some Trained Skills sometime soon, and possibly Discover a few more. After asking around earlier, I knew that no one in the town had anything that really called out to me, but I also knew that using Discover was a risk, too. Still, it had that little bit of a gambling feeling to it, so its allure was pretty intense to a simpleton like me. More importantly, it seemed like the main way to gain skills. But first, I figured I should upgrade the skills I already had.
No—first, I should have a chat with Bonny and see how far along my sword was. I got up, peeling my sticky body out from beneath a clump of sexy women who still remained exhausted and unconscious from our exertions the night before. After becoming a so-called harem knight, I no longer was left nearly so knackered from sex, but the same could not be said for the girls in my improvised harem. I dressed myself and stepped outside. The sun was already reasonably high in the sky, and the only girl out and about was May Belle for some reason.
I stretched, looking up at the sky in its piercing blue glory, trying to approximate a time of day from the position of the sun. Ten o’clock, I reasoned, give or take. I looked around for any signs of May Belle, and sure enough, she was hunched over in the field, investigating some little mystery or another.
"What are you working on there?" I asked, ambling up to her. She immediately stood up and threw her arms around me.
"Mmmm, good morning Bucky-Baby," she cooed in my ear, planting a dozen or so kisses on my neck. "Thank you so much for last night."
"Right back at you," I said, returning a few pecks. "What are you doing out here?"
"I planted a few seeds here yesterday, as an experiment," she said. "Look!" She pointed down at the ground where she'd been crouching, and already there was a five inch plant there.
"Whoa!" I said. "Is that the result of Ivy's blessing?"
"I think so!" she nodded. "Your farm is off to a great start, sweety!" Another kiss, this one on my lips, and I found myself allowing her and her full milky breasts to melt into me, dampening my shirt as she pressed against me and the heavenly cream came out on its own. But this exchange, blissful as it was, couldn't go on forever, and soon I'd bid her farewell for the moment and continued on with my day. With a pout and protest, she begrudgingly said her own goodbye.
I headed into Tater Town, a short walk that only took a few minutes on foot. Exiting the cabin, I could see the humble buildings atop the hill in the distance from my plot. I enjoyed the stroll, feeling the pleasant sensation of my legs loosening up as I made my way presently toward Bonny, the Bunny Blacksmith.
Walking through the simple streets of Tater Town, really only one dirt road if we're being frank, the bunny girl was immediately visible pounding out some horseshoes on an anvil as I approached. She looked up, enticingly dripping with sweat, her skin well-tanned, her brown bunny ears perking up when she saw me. She scrunched her nose cutely, making me smile.
“Hero!” she shouted, her voice frantic to see me. “You’re too early! I rushed your weapon, but it still needs a few hours!”
“A few hours!?” I blurted out. “I was told it’d take a week!”
She shook her head way too many times as she heatedly offered her explanation all in a fluster. “No, no, no, that wouldn’t do! Etherea said a week, yes, but what if some terrible monsters come to Tater Town and you’re unarmed? I needed to rush it, so I worked night and day since receiving the order, and it’s almost ready, but it’s not quite ready yet, so if you would just—”
I laughed. “Whoa, slow down, Bonny,” I chuckled. She was always like this, based on the few interactions I’d had with her. She was always talking like she was panicked and desperate about one thing or another, eternally in a hurry. She moved jerkily and fast, like someone set her to 1.5x speed. Not including her ears, she stood roughly about five feet and six inches tall, but including the expressive bunny ears was elevated almost another foot. Her body was largely human-like, but she had furry bunny feet, which added to her allure somehow.
On her chest she tended to wear a brown leather strap as a tube top that mashed her pomelo-sized breasts together, but it clearly wasn’t designed to be used in such a manner, and as such, a generous helping of underboob poured out from the strap. Her bottoms were a simple belt dangling a leather loincloth that only extended a couple inches below her nether regions, making me strain to peek whenever she bent over for something or turned around quickly. Her ass, for its part, was quite thick in the best of ways—the cringe-inducing term 'childbearing hips' came to mind, despite her thin waist.
Bonny’s face was gorgeous, just like most of the girls in this world, with bright blue eyes, a cute button nose, and perfect white teeth. She had a classic beauty about her, reminding me of a pinup model with her sultry proportions. She was the first girl in this world I’d seen wearing her hair in pigtails, too, which was an oddly cute choice for a blacksmith. Her locks were the same light brown as her ears and the fluffy little tail that always seemed to be twitching excitedly above her round and pert rump. Maybe a shade darker at most.
She took a minute to breathe as I raised my hand to calm her. “Sorry. Sorry sorry sorry! Okay, your lance is—”
I blinked. “My lance?” I grunted, confused. “I thought I was getting a sword.”
She shook her head. “The weapon can be easily adapted into a sword, but you will be fighting atop a dragon, so you need something with range.” She blushed. “I’m sorry! I should have talked with you! That’s so dumb of me! Dumb, dumb—”
“Bonny, it’s fine!” I insisted, grabbing her by the shoulders. As I touched her, she shivered and stopped moving altogether.
“Okay,” she said, breathing heavily. “Okay. Okay okay.”
“So, this lance,” I laughed. “Tell me about it.”
“Yes!” she grinned. “Okay! It’s a Lance of Returning, and I crafted it from the best steel I had, enchanted by Etherea, and the shaft is constructed from Bronze Wyrm bone—light and aerodynamic, but weighted properly of course, perfectly balanced.”
I nodded, squinting and biting my lip, trying my best not to make a joke about how all things should be that would definitely go over her head. She chattered on.
“It’ll take some practice if you aren’t used to polearms, but they’re easy to use—way more versatile than swords in my experience.”
I raised an eyebrow at her. “Are you a fighter, Bonny?”
“I have been known to slay the odd monster every now and then,” she said, blushing timidly.
I couldn’t begin to imagine her in battle. She was always a mess of nerves and jitters, like she’d just slammed a twelve-pack of Red Bull, but I stole a look down at the anvil where her paws still held the horseshoe she’d been working on. Perfectly still, stiller than my own hands at the best of times.
“That’s good to know,” I said, beaming at her. “It may be useful to have a partner at some point.”
She smiled weakly back at me. “Oh, gosh, I don’t know,” she gushed. “That’s too kind.”
“Anyway, can I see the lance?”
“Sure, and I’ll hand you your bow, too,” she said.
Welp, looked like I was going to also get a bow. Neat!
“Just—wait here a minute!” and she vanished inside her cottage, leaving me standing alone outside, whistling innocently as Scalia and a dog girl I didn’t know all that well eyed me lasciviously as they passed by. A few minutes later Bonny literally hopped back out of her home, carrying a surprisingly short bundle.
“That’s it?” I asked, pointing at what she was carrying.
She grinned, setting it on her anvil with a clang, and tearing off the cover for the big reveal. It was—a sword, as far as I could tell.
“That’s not a lance, Bonny,” I chuckled. “That’s just an awesome sword.” I examined what was slung over her shoulders, dangling on her back. “And a nice bow, too.”
“Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong!” she said, and she held up the sword perpendicular to my face and the hilt expanded almost five feet out away from the blade, making it a full-on polearm.
I marveled at the thing for a moment before my hands reached out unconsciously, grasping it from her. “Ohhh, give to daddy,” I groaned as I held the beautiful weapon in my own clutches. The shaft was black and smooth, magically extended with no ridges so that it left behind no hints that it had been a mere sword only seconds before. The blade was so polished that it was reflective, and I gasped to see the tiny serrated edges on one side, the cruelly hooked tip, and the expertly designed grooves in the blade. This thing was a masterwork.
"Daddy?" she muttered tentatively. "Are you eager to become a father, Mr. Drake?"
I didn't really hear what she was saying as I continued to inspect the godly weapon in my hands. To think I could own such a thing was almost maddeningly badass. "Uh huh, yeah. Definitely," I muttered.
Her whole energy shifted. "Oh that's wonderful news, Mr. Drake! Would you be willing to breed me? I'm free now if you have a few minutes!"
My head jerked up in shock as the conversation caught up to me. "Oh, shit, sorry I wasn't paying attention. No. No fatherhood for me for now, thank you." I felt my cheeks scorching with embarrassment, but mostly, as her face sank, I just felt bad.
"Oh, I—I see, Mr. Drake. Of course." The disappointment was palpable.
I decided to press on with the original topic of conversation, ignoring the pangs of guilt and regret surging in my guts. “This really is incredible, Bonny. How did you extend it?”
“All you have to do is want it to be a lance, and it’ll be a lance,” she shrugged, smiling. She was calm now—I’d never seen her calmer, come to think of it. When watching me admire her craft, the girl was as cool as a cucumber.
“So if I want it to be a sword—”
“Try it,” she grinned.
I quietly willed for the lance to shrink back to a sword. With hardly a sound, the shaft became the hilt of a sword once again. “You mentioned it’s a Lance of Returning,” I said. “What does that mean, exactly?”
“You throw it, it makes impact, and then it flashes back into your hands. But don’t try it yet,” she warned. “You must bond with it first. And there are still some kinks I need to work out.”
“How do I bond with it or whatever?” I asked.
“Make your first kill,” she said, gesturing over to the woods beyond my farm. “Go hunting, and once you, as a hero, make a worthy kill, the lance will soulbond with you, and it’ll always return. With this lance, you can also unlock certain feats over time, and those will give you the ability to further enchant it or add new powers to the lance.”
I almost didn’t hear what she said, I was so busy just admiring the weapon, but I learned from my previous mistake and stayed focused. “Got it,” I said, but I was doing that thing where you heard everything someone said but didn’t bother to process it until a moment later. When I was satisfied I actually knew what she was talking about, I repeated myself. “Yep, got it. Kill something worthy, bond with weapon.”
“Yep! Yep yep yep!” she squeaked. “Is there… anything else you need help with?” she said shyly, her elbows pushing her heavy breasts together as she leaned over the anvil. She repeated the operative word: “Anything, Mr. Drake. Anything at all.” She punctuated it by lifting up the flap of her loincloth just enough for me to get the gist, mouthing the word 'please.'
Feeling mighty cautious about those breedable hips all of a sudden, I decided to delay sex with the bunny girl. I didn’t need to be a papa just yet. Though, damn, sooner or later I was going to cave and fuck her, that was for sure. In any case, at that particular moment, the first thing on my mind was finalizing the bond with my weapon. "I'm good, Bonny," I said, smiling at her. "Thank you for this."
It wasn’t that I was particularly bloodthirsty or looking for adventure. Working for a fast food corporation for years had trained me to be very task-oriented. When I received a new task, I was in the habit of getting the damn thing done as soon as fucking possible. ASAFP, as we used to say back at my Mickey D's. And now I’d been given a task that was absolutely crucial to the defense of my farm and the girls who’d come to trust me.
I practiced with the sleek shortbow she'd given me while I waited patiently for her to finish with the lance. After she was finished, I happily claimed it and politely bid farewell to the busty bunny blacksmith as I walked back to the cabin, my half-erect cock scolding me the whole way home after spending far too much time fighting the urge to let the bunny girl claim my jism. When I arrived back home, I decided to let my girls know what was going on.
“You’re just going wandering in the woods to kill something?” Daisy asked, confused.
“It’s necessary,” I said. “Probably should make it a habit from now on. It shouldn’t take long.”
“Hopefully it takes a while,” May Belle shuddered. “Not because I don’t want you here! I mean, because if it takes only a short time, it means trouble is a bit too easy to find, you know?”
I sighed. That was a good point. But come to think of it, the owlbear was evidence that trouble was indeed never that far off in those woods. The thought reminded me of my other stated purpose: purge those woods and the surrounding lands of powerful monsters to make it safe for my girls. Seeing the girls at work on the farm, I decided to leave them to it, smiling with a weird sense of pride at their devotion to the cause I'd dreamed up.
I went in the cabin to put on fresh clothes, and when I went back outside to bid farewell to whoever was around, Daisy and May Belle were milking each other, collecting their heavenly nectar into bottles for sale to the folk of Tater Town. It was almost hilarious how different the process looked when they were doing it to each rather than when I did it to them. When the sisters milked one another, it was a very clinical and mechanical process that they clearly took no sexual pleasure it—but it was still fun to watch.
“Mmmm, look sis, Bucky’s watching,” May Belle cooed. “Come and join us, Bucky-Baby!” she winked, and for a moment I almost decided to postpone my quest to taste those teats again—but I thought better of it.
“We need the income,” I said sadly. “I’d contaminate the milk because I’m gonna be sucking on those boobies for fuckin' sure.”
“Dammit,” Daisy moaned. “I wish you would, honey.”
“Tonight,” I promised with a wink. “Save a few drops for me, yeah?” I waved as I blew them a kiss and walked to the tree-line.
“You got it,” Daisy cooed happily.
“I’ll save you more than a drop,” May Belle moaned as another splash of milk echoed into the wide-lidded bottle. “You need the XP boost after all.”
The forest was quieter than I’d expected. There was of course the chirping of various bugs in the grass and a few tweeting birds in the trees overhead, but as I got deeper into the thicket I started to wonder what was going on to make these woods so calm and secretive today.
Trudging through a brambly path, I happened upon a berry bush—a promising find, assuming they weren’t poisonous. I committed the spot to memory, retracing my steps and making sure I could find my way back. As I tested my sense of direction and traced my path, though, I heard something—a quiet feminine sob.
“I’m going to die here,” the sweet voice wept. “I’m going to die out here, all alone. Always alone. Or worse, there’ll be higher level commanders among the orcs who planted this trap, and they'll use some spell to see me, and kill me or—” another loud sob interrupted her dark musings, but I could put the gist of it together without her finishing it aloud.
“It’s alright,” I said, approaching the girl from the bushes nearby.
She had alabaster white skin and a golden horn jutting from the top of her head. Her rainbow hair flowed down her back and over her chest, obscuring her breasts, but she was naked without a doubt. She also had a tail—a horse’s tail, with a rainbow pattern that matched the long locks atop her head. Finally, she possessed two black horse hooves instead of feet. A unicorn girl. I let out a quiet gasp at the epiphany.
She turned her head, seeing me, and screamed in horror.
“Whoa!” I said, trying to calm her down. I took a few steps backward and held up my hands, keeping my weapons strapped to my back. “It’s alright! Let me help you.”
She furrowed her brow, suddenly looking tremendously confused, but tears yet streamed down her face. “How can you see me?” she sniffled. “You’re too gorgeous to be a virgin!”
I laughed. After the week I’d had, I couldn’t even think of a witty reply.
“What’s me being a virgin have to do with anything?”
“I thought only virgins can see unicorns and unicorn girls,” she said, wiping her eyes on her wrist.
“Well, I’m decidedly not a virgin, and I can definitely see you.” I looked down and spotted the problem. Silver blood flowed from a bad ankle wound—she was caught in a savage-looking iron trap. “Oh, damn,” I grunted, nodding at the injury. “Can I help you?”
“Please!” she gushed, tears streaming down her face, but she was hopeful all of a sudden, likely having pegged me for a hero. She threw her arms up at me as though she were reaching for a hug, like a little girl who wanted her uncle to pick her up. Her voice was cute, extremely girly, like a chick from an anime. “I thought I was going to die here!”
I approached slowly so as not to spook her and got down on one knee. “You smell like cotton candy,” I said unbelievingly. It wasn't an exaggeration. Her scent was a dead ringer for it.
“I don’t know what that is,” she said, shaking her head. She winced as my hands gripped the trap. "But if it's sweet, then I thank you, hero."
I studied the trap. It was clamped tightly on her ankle, and I couldn’t quite understand the locking mechanism. I’d seen bear traps before—my uncle used to go hunting, so I’d been taught how to unlock one in a pinch, but this was different somehow. I was going to have to force it open.
“This is going to hurt,” I said, wincing in anticipation of her shrieks or howls. Using every ounce of my strength, I managed to force the trap open, but badly cut my own hands on it. The whole time, the poor girl was screaming, kicking with her free leg unconsciously as her face contorted at the intense pain—and oddly enough, moaning almost sexually—but at last after some effort, she was free.
She looked at the wound, panting heavily, and then she gazed dreamily up at me.
“We have to take you to my home,” I said, gesturing to the wound. “The women in town can clean that up and bandage it for you.”
She made a face and flatly refused, shaking her head violently. “No,” she said. “I can't. Besides, unicorns have magic healing powers. Watch.” She licked her finger and touched the wound, letting her pointer drag across all the marks the trap had left behind. Soon, the cuts were mended, and the silvery blood had dried against her pearly white leg.
“Whoa,” I said. “That’s a useful trick.”
Then she did the same for me, licking her finger and running it across the gashes in my hands. I felt my heartbeat quicken as her white digit caressed my palms.
“Who are you?” she asked, gazing into my eyes curiously. “You’re so… beautiful.”
I had to blush at that. The irony of being called beautiful by a literal unicorn girl was immediately apparent to me. “You’re not too bad looking yourself,” I said. I cautiously reached out and stroked her hair, pulling it over her shoulder. She didn’t react except to lean in even closer to me, as if inviting me to continue. I took that as a good sign.
Shit. My boner was about to take over.
With her rainbow locks pushed back, I now had full view of her right breast. Her nipples were almost as white as the rest of her body, with the tiniest hint of pink to them. Her body was thin-waisted but well-endowed—both tits and ass were in ample supply, and I noted that she didn’t seem to mind my appraising her figure.
My suspicions were immediately validated at what she said next. “Would you ravage me here and now?” she asked, her voice a hot whisper, her face red with blush at her brazenly lewd request. “Make love to me here on the forest floor, before all the creatures of the woods?”
I froze in silence a moment, unsure how to respond. I ultimately answered her with action, leaning in and planting a gentle kiss. She moaned, her voice surprisingly raunchy as she felt my lips press upon hers, and her sounds grew even lewder and more persistent as I grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her onto my lap.
She shivered in my arms. “You alright?” I asked. “If I am going too fast—”
She was breathing like she’d just run a marathon. “No, it’s just… I can only be seen by virgin men, and I live in a world where men are rare as it is. Virgin men simply do not exist here, and one as gorgeous as you? You are the first man who has looked upon me in seven hundred years,” she moaned, licking my cheek with a hunger that took me by surprise. “I have been untainted all this time, and now—!”
“I’m a problem solver,” I said as I grinned wickedly, running my hands down her back until they rested on her firm and bubbly ass. “When I’m through with you, you won’t remember much about the last seven hundred years.”
“Good,” she groaned, biting my ear hard, drawing enough blood to make me wince. “Make me forget. Purge the loneliness from my lustful body!”
Her words were so fucking hot for some reason, weirdly articulate and lewd for coming from her sugar-sweet voice. I kissed her again, her lips literally tasting like candy, and her moaning intensified as I moved a hand to her breast, cupping it gently. I could feel her heart beating rapidly, and from the wetness I felt dampening the crotch of my pants as she sat directly on my lap, I could tell just how desperate she was to be taken by me.
"I should warn you," I said. "I have a certain effect on monster girls."
"I don't care," she groaned, her nails raking my back, making me tense up as I was sure blood was flowing as a result of her roughness. "Just fill me with your manhood already, hero.”
"Call me Bucky," I said, pushing her onto the grass. Her naked form came fully into view for the first time as she lay on her back and instantly spread her legs for me, reaching down and parting her pussy lips with two delicate fingers.
"Hurry!" she said," Before I lose my sanity, Bucky!"
"What's your name?" I asked as I hastily discarded my pants.
"Rainbow Sprinkle," she said, her voice groaning and impatient. "But you can call me anything you want if you'll just have your way with me!"
I'd gotten the hint by this point, and I wouldn't waste another second on idle chit chat. I leaned forward and sucked on her creamy white breasts, feeling her soft flesh yield to my tongue. She squirmed and writhed, moaning loud enough that it surprised me, and I devoured her tits voraciously. Licking around her areolas, I took her nipples gently between my teeth and tugged at her sensitive nubs.
"Ohhhh fuckkkk!" she moaned, thrusting her hips upwards. Her slit slammed against my body. "Harder! More!"
I was happy to oblige. I continued sucking her, but I pressed her hips down onto the ground to prepare my entrance into her waiting pussy. Positioning my cock delicately against her opening, I became aware of a series of hot, rapid breaths heating my scalp as my lips continued to stimulate her tits.
“Do it, Bucky,” she whimpered, and I began sliding inside her—slowly. She was tight, almost dangerously so, and she squealed like an animal when I bottomed out.
"Ohhhh yesssss!" she moaned, rocking her hips to meet my every stroke from that point on.
I started pumping in and out of her, relishing the massage that her erotic insides gave my cock with each thrust. The texture of her pussy was like nothing I had ever felt before. It was smooth, silky, and amazingly warm. Her walls seemed to hug my shaft, milking my erection, pulsing with each movement and hugging me, gripping tightly. Throughout it all, I couldn't help but internally freak out at the surreal eroticism of the situation, fucking a unicorn monster girl on a grassy knoll in a magical forest. Beams of light poured through the treetops as butterflies hovered all around us, only adding to that fairytale atmosphere.
My eyes rolled back into my head, and I grunted and thrust harder and faster. Sprinkle shrieked and arched her back. Then, she stopped making sound altogether, and her breaths became silent as her eyes fixed on me, mouth dropped wide open as though she were supremely shocked at just how much pleasure she could feel.
I watched her face as I pounded into her, and I saw a mixture of awe, confusion, and delight—but mostly, it was rapture. She looked like someone who had found heaven itself, right here in my cock.
"Be harsher!" she grunted at me after a few more minutes of intense sex.
"Harsher how?" I grunted in between thrusts.
"I've been--OH!--waiting for this for years! Spank me! Bite me!" she cried. "Harder!"
She wanted me to hurt her? That wasn't really my modus operandi, but the girl seemed to know what she wanted, so I wasn't about to refuse her in the heat of the moment during her first time. I gripped her hair roughly and pulled her head back, watching her reactions for any signs that I'd gone too far, but she just giggled like a mad woman and moaned in response. When I bit her neck, a sharp little snap, she gasped as her breath caught in her throat.
"Yes!" she cried out. "Mmmm, yes! I love it, Bucky! MORE!"
Continuing to nibble at her, tasting just a hint of her surprisingly saccharine silver blood in my mouth, I lifted her by the ass, getting her hips off the ground. I pulled out for a moment to turn her over, angling into doggy position, my teeth leaving her neck.
"That's it," she moaned, growling at me. "Now spank me, Bucky!"
She read my mind. "Tell me if I go too far," I said. I pushed my cock back inside her until I was hilted in her pussy, gratified by her desperate mewling as her walls greeted me with their tight flexing. I smacked her ass hard, eliciting a loud yelp that echoed through the trees. She whined and writhed on the grass beneath me. From that little slap, my hands were now covered with her womanly juices, and I could feel her pussy cream dripping from my cock as well.
"Don't stop!" she panted, hopelessly lost in me. "Slap it again!"
I spanked her twice more, loud slapping sounds that echoed through the trees and caused birds to alight in fear, and she cried out, writhing even more violently, moaning in both pain and pleasure. I grabbed her by the waist and forced her onto her stomach, grabbing a clutch of her long rainbow hair and pulling her head back. With the other hand tugging her tail, I buried myself as deep into her cunt as I could possibly get.
"Ahhhhhh!" she screamed, her body contorting and quaking with ecstasy. "Yes! Yes!"
Her pussy clamped tightly as her legs went stiff and wrapped around my back. From that position I fucked her hard, fast, and rough, slamming into her so many times in rapid succession that I lost count. My balls churned and my cock throbbed as I anticipated what it'd be like to pump my seed into her womb. She kept cumming, screaming, and crying, shaking uncontrollably and howling my name so loud that the whole forest would probably hear us at this rate.
It was all I could do to hold onto her for dear life as she convulsed beneath me. Her inner muscles milked my cock mercilessly, and I finally finished, emptying my balls into her depths. Rope after rope of sticky cum filled her, and in that moment I honestly didn't give a shit if she got properly bred. It was the most intense sex with one woman I'd ever had, and it would have been a crime to finish in any other way.
We collapsed together, gasping for air. I heard her panting, but I couldn't see her face because of the wild tangle of her rainbow tresses. She frantically grasped for my cheeks, blowing her locks out of her face, looking into my eyes like she was studying me, wide-eyed, trying to memorize every feature.
"Who are you, Bucky?" she moaned finally. "Who are you that you can do this to me?"
"Hi," I grinned, panting. "I'm Bucky Drake, and I'm an Apex Hero."
She placed her head on my chest. "Bucky Drake. Bucky Drake." She repeated my name, giggling like it was the sweetest sound she'd ever heard. "Stay here with me," she said. "Please, stay in these woods with me."
I frowned at that. "I have other girls waiting for me. I can't abandon them."
Her face went sullen and thoughtful. "I can't leave these woods, but I would go with you if I could. I would follow you so happily, Bucky Drake, if only it were possible."
"You can't leave the forest?" I asked.
"No," she said sadly, planting kisses all over me. "I would wither and die."
"I'd never allow that," I said, my voice gone dark and solemn at the mere thought.
"Then remember this spot, by the bloodberry bush, Bucky Drake. Whenever you come here, I will find you. For now, take my blessing," she said, and she raised her wrist to my lips. "Drink my blood. The blood of a unicorn is powerful, and I give its enchantment to you freely if you promise to be my lover forevermore."
My face twisted at the idea of biting into her wrist and drawing blood, and she could tell. She sighed, took her wrist back, and tore into it on her own, creating a surprisingly deep gash that spilled silver blood down her arm. "Drink, my Bucky Drake."
Reluctantly, I slurped at the wound. I'd tasted her sweet blood earlier, but drinking it outright was different, and once I'd had my fill of it I felt a warmth overcome me.
Unicorn's Blessing Acquired. You have been granted Immunity to: Disease, Aging.
Holy shit.
Autumn's been surging in popularity in my survey, so here's something I'm working on for my Patreon fans!
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