Monster Girl Sanctuary
Chapter 14: My Little Kinky Pony (◆◆)
"Does this mean what I think it means?" I asked, gesturing at the HUD which only I could actually see. "Immunity to disease and aging?"
"Yes," she cooed, raking a sharp nail down my chest under my tunic. "So you can ravage me forever, Bucky Drake. Forever and ever..."
I chuckled. "Just Bucky is fine."
"Just Bucky," she murmured, gazing up at me with misty eyes. "My beautiful, gorgeous, amazing Just Bucky."
"I mean, you can just call me Bucky."
"Oh," she grinned, blushing slightly at her error. "I see. Then you can just call me Sprinkle. Is that alright?"
"Sprinkle it is," I beamed back at her. Shit, she was incredible to look at. Her dazzling rainbow hair was hypnotic as it fluttered with every slight movement she made. Her porcelain white body was curvaceous in all the right ways, like she was designed to be sexy, and it seemed so utterly tragic that she'd gone so long without even seeing a man. My gain, I supposed, smirking to myself greedily as I regarded her perfection.
"I love you, my Bucky," she cooed as she tugged hard on a lock of my hair. "I love you, I love you, I--"
She noticed my face twist when she said the words.
"What's the matter?" she pouted, her nail digging deep into my scalp. "Am I scaring you, my Bucky?"
I tried to smile. May Belle and Daisy had used the L Word but it felt earned in their cases. I suppose I bore some of the blame here, taking advantage of a poor unicorn girl caught in a trap in a moment of weakness, apparently leading her on. It wasn't that I didn't like to hear her say it, or that I thought I couldn't love her back. I was sure that I could, but I'd been raised not to throw that word around lightly, and here she was chucking it at me on our first meeting. Maybe I was being a bitch about it, but yeah, I kind of was a bit scared of it.
"Let's just slow down a bit," I said. "I promise you, I won't abandon you. I'll be back here as often as I possibly can to see you, and I believe we'll grow into using that word when the time is right."
Her brow furrowed. "I want to use it now," she said, her voice gone cold, her eyes piercing mine, and her nails dragging down my neck and digging deep into my chest. I winced from the pain--and from the obvious red flags.
But it was hard to blame her. The girl had been all alone without a man in her life even once in the many centuries of her existence. She just needed a positive male figure. I was pretty sure I could be that guy for her, and God knows she deserved someone.
"Well, tell me about yourself, then," I said, shaking off the pain. "Teach me to love you."
She smiled a bit at that. "There isn't much to say, my Bucky, my beloved. I've lived here in these woods in peace for many centuries, but in the last decade or so things have gotten worse."
"Worse how?" I asked, sitting up straighter and pulling her fully into my lap.
"Ever since the General Keenfury moved his keep near these lands, more and more orcs, ogres, trolls, and goblins have been corrupting these woods, poaching its magical creatures, and slaughtering monster girls like me, harvesting our parts for their nefarious purposes. It was never like this before when it was just the Goblin Queen."
"What can you tell me about her?" I asked, stroking her back reassuringly, trying to show her that affection was still on the table despite my hesitation to drop the L Bomb as fast as she did.
She noticed, her ass grinding into my lap playfully as she bit her lip. She thought for a moment, and then continued to speak.
"There are three Dark Queens of Lusteria, and they must be pacified for peace to return, so say the prophets. The Goblin Queen is the one whose castle is nearest to our lands, known widely as Goldenvale, and these woods are called the Watcher's Woods. She is ancient, as old as the gods, and goes by the name Marrowheart."
"That Watcher?" I said curiously. "Who is the Watcher?"
She shrugged. "An old wizard, one of the first heroes. He made these woods his home base many centuries ago, when I was a little pony-girl."
I nodded, looking down at my shirt. Blood was soaking through the tunic in all the places where she'd scratched and poked me with her surprisingly sharp nails.
"Would you mind, umm, being a bit gentler?" I asked, nodding down at the blood.
She looked annoyed by the request. "But I have to show the intensity of my love. I love you, I love you, I love--"
"There are better ways to express love than through bloodletting," I chuckled, but I was definitely getting concerned. She might be more than I could handle at this rate.
"That's boring," she pouted. "I can heal you with a lick, so what's the harm?"
"Some people don't dig pain as much as you do, Sprinkle."
She looked genuinely puzzled at the revelation. "But... pain and pleasure are almost the same thing, right?"
"To some people, yeah, I guess so," I said. "But I'm not a big fan of the former."
She nodded, some understanding finally sinking in. "So I should be gentle with you, my Bucky?"
"That would be appreciated," I laughed.
She grinned. "But you don't need to be gentle with me," she insisted, wide-eyed. "Please be as rough as you can be."
Before I could respond, her little nose twitched, and she started looking around frantically.
"What is it, Sprinkle?" I asked in a cautious whisper.
"Ogres. Nearby. Pawns of Keenfury, Marrowheart's general, come to find whatever sprang their trap."
A split second later a barrage of javelins and rocks were hurled in our direction, and I only just managed to avoid getting hit, picking Rainbow Sprinkle up in my arms and using Great Leap to land aloft a thick tree branch overhead.
"Kill them," Sprinkle giggled sweetly, licking my cheek. "Kill them all, my Bucky." She necked me, kissing my shoulder blade and grabbing my ass as I studied the threat below. "I wanna see their blood spray all over your beautiful body, my Bucky. I love you, I love you--"
Shit. Why was this growing on me? It was like murderhobo dirty talk, and it was working for me for some damn reason.
In any case, I set her seated upon the branch, and she watched with glee as I punched the clock and got to work, flipping downward into the fray, surrounded by three hulking green-skinned ogres that stood each about eight feet tall with immense bodies that were a potent mix of fat and muscle. They were like sumo wrestlers with great clubs and bags full of rocks on their hips. Each of them had a black top knot and a beard, though the beards were all fashioned and groomed differently.
"I don't suppose we could talk this out," I said.
"Ha ha! You stupid!" one of the ogres growled as he lumbered toward me with surprising speed—but I was quicker, and I side-stepped his heavy strike and used Charged Thrust, lifting my lance and lunging into action.
The sword-like blade glowed red just before I plunged forward, piercing the fat belly of the first ogre. He screamed, and instead of pulling out, I sawed my way out horizontally with the serrated edge on the left side of the lance's blade, spilling the contents of his guts onto the forest floor in a red and pink mess.
He howled in pain and clutched his belly, struggling to put his intestines back where they were supposed to go. His two friends were momentarily shocked, but they looked at each other, grunted, and charged me together as their friend slumped to the ground, not dead, but dying slowly, and we all knew it.
They were slow. I flipped backward, planting my feet in the trunk of a tree, pushed off, and flew toward the nearest one with Smite activated, my lance colliding with his head. The resulting explosion was even more disgusting, but I couldn't think about that now. I regretted doing such gory things in front of my unicorn—
"Yes! When the final ogre's blood is spilt on my forest floor, we will roll around in their blood together. I love you, my—"
"Now's not the time!" I said, stupidly casting a semi-disgusted look up at her, and in that moment of distraction I was hit hard by the great club of the remaining ogre. I felt something crack, a rib, probably, and I went flying into another tree, this time hitting it with my face.
My face was a mess of blood, my nose almost definitely broken. "Oh my God!" Sprinkle squealed in shock.
But it was just me and one ogre left now. He wouldn't get another hit in like that. "I'm fine," I shouted up at her. "Don't worry--"
"Who's worried, my Bucky? Your face looks so gorgeous now, covered in all that blood!"
I'd absolutely stuck my dick in crazy, hadn't I?
I shook that realization aside and made my final attack. This time I charged on foot, made a feinting lunge that I let the ogre avoid, then, when his great club was raised to parry, I slid between his legs and crouched behind him, planting the lance in his back, impaling him completely through. I opted not to use any abilities, because I didn't want to sap any more of my powers just in case this wasn't the only encounter I ended up having.
"Yes, my Bucky! I love you! My hero!" She leapt down from the tree in such a way that it was abundantly clear that she expected me to catch her and was not prepared for any other outcome but that. I dropped my lance and obliged, clutching her like a fairytale princess in my arms.
Her warm pink tongue immediately started licking my face, dragging across my skin and my nose, and I felt my wounds there healing all at once.
"Mmmmm, my Bucky, your blood is so good." She smacked her lips giddily. "It's the very best!"
I was woefully unready to deal with her, but I did some quick introspection and learned a hell of a lot about myself in a very brief span of time.
First of all, yes, she made me uncomfortable, but there wasn't really anything evil or wrong about her as far as I could tell. She hated greenskins and had a weird kink for blood and pain, but that wasn't really a reason to abandon her. It all likely stemmed from having little to no contact with the outside world for centuries, being totally isolated due to the nature of what she was. And how could I even consider leaving her behind? I'd already given her my word that I'd visit her as often as possible, and I'd had sex with her already, too. That was on me, and it couldn't be taken back. Furthermore... If I was being honest with myself, I really wanted to keep that sex going, and her kinkiness wasn't nearly as much as a dissuader as I liked to pretend it was.
Hell, it kind of turned me on.
She climbed out of my arms and stood in front of me. "I want to roll naked in their blood with you," she said, and she fell backward, like a kid falling into the snow, about to make a snow angel. But she wasn't doing anything as innocent as that--she was frolicking in the blood of my enemies.
"So, just so you know, this is not normal," I said, still ogling her nudity as she did it. "It's going to take me some time to adjust to your... quirks."
She looked up at me meekly from a spread eagle position, her rainbow hair and white skin now stained with ogre blood and entrails. "What do you mean?"
"You have a very intense fixation on pain and blood that I'm not used to being introduced in a romantic setting," I said, trying to phrase it as delicately as possible.
Her eyes teared up. "Are you disgusted by me?"
"Not nearly enough for it to affect my internal decision-making paradigm," I said, sighing in resignation.
"Will you still be my Bucky? Will you come visit me by the bloodberry bush?"
I nodded, smiling weakly back at her. Fuck, she was cute, even covered in ogre goop. "Of course, but I just want you to be aware... go easy on me. I'm not used to the bloodlust vibe you're putting off."
She rushed to her feet and threw her arms around me, her body covered in blood, now soaking me, too. I cringed at that. This shirt was brand new.
"Oh, my Bucky! Please don't forsake me! I love you, I love you so much! The gods let you see me for a reason. Our meeting is fate, I know it!"
I whimpered defeatedly and patted her on the head. Despite everything, I was getting hard again, feeling her naked body pressing up against me. Little Bucky and I were going to have to have a stern talk about appropriate situations for erections.
"It's fine," I chuckled, and it was. She wasn't the craziest girl I'd dated, after all. I once dated a girl that said the Star Wars prequels and sequels were better than the Lord of the Rings, and we were together for ten months. If I could manage Stacy Klarke, I could handle Rainbow Sprinkle.
After another round of sex, and a whole lot of licking, I left my endearingly bloodthirsty unicorn girl and headed home. The day went on way longer than I intended it to, and when I'd arrived, I discovered the girls at the Sanctuary were setting up a search party to go look for me.
"Bucky-Baby!" May Belle shouted, the first to notice me exiting into the clearing. I waved to her in the distance, and soon all five of my girls were charging toward me, tackling me to the ground.
"By the gods, there's so much blood!" Etherea gasped. "Take his clothes off, we need to bandage him right away!"
They stripped me naked and I didn't say anything in my defense, just letting them do it, because a song in my heart knew that it could lead to good times ahead.
"What? There's no wounds," Autumn mumbled, decidedly muddled, her fingers spending a suspicious amount of time caressing my abs, perhaps pretending she was inspecting them for damage.
"I was healed," I said plainly. "I fought off a few ogres, but most of the blood is either theirs, or wounds I suffered dealing with a unicorn girl."
Autumn gasped. "You met a unicorn girl?! They're so rare! I doubted if they even existed anymore!"
"Wait, a unicorn girl fought you?" Ivy asked, confused. "That doesn't sound right."
"It was... a lot like a battle," I winced, recalling the kinkiness of it. "A lot of blows were struck and blood was spilled, for sure."
"Is she still alive?" That was Daisy.
I laughed. "Yeah, and we have an appointment for tomorrow," I said.
Autumn squinted at me with suspicion. "What aren't you saying?"
I grinned. "I may have had sex with the unicorn girl and received her blessing."
The women all looked at each other unbelievingly.
"No," Daisy said, shaking her head. "It can't be!"
"You mean..."
"You can't age?" May Belle asked excitedly. "Bucky-Baby will be this young and hot forever?!"
I nodded. "That was the gist of it, yeah."
"How!?" Autumn asked, her jaw in danger of hanging open in shock if she didn't keep talking. "No, wait. Focus. Focus. Bucky, you have a sacred duty."
I cocked my head sideways and waited for her to elaborate.
"She must be marked. You must lock down all the boons she can give you, and bring her to the sanctuary."
I grunted a bit uncomfortably, imagining the dramatic shift in Tater Town's cool dynamic if the unicorn girl were suddenly left in polite company. "She's a bit... well, she takes some getting used to."
"And, as a creature of the forest," Ivy continued, "She won't be able to leave it."
But Autumn stroked my hair and bit her lip as she shook her head at the wood elf. "That's not true," she said. "Not if she's marked. She'll go where he goes without issue."
I swallowed hard. "Well, let's focus on marking everyone here first, and--"
"No," Autumn insisted. "I insist that you mark her before me at the very least. This is too important, Bucky."
I looked at her, seeing how serious she was, and my mind flashed to Sprinkle. She was so stupidly hot, so dazzlingly gorgeous, but with her fixation on blood and pain, I worried how the others might receive her. This was a new aspect to the harem-building experience that I hadn't thought I'd ever need to consider.
"We'll... take it one day at a time," I said.
Sensing the conversation was over for now, my twin holstaurs flashed each other a meaningful look and tugged down their tops in unison. Their incredible breasts were so full that I could practically hear the sloshing cream inside them as they wiggled them gently in my face.
"If that's all, honey," Daisy whined first, "May Belle and I saved some milk for you, but you were gone so long we're practically engorged again." She blushed, looking away from my gaze. "I hope you're prepared to take full responsibility for that."
"Suck my titties first, Bucky-Baby, I need it worse than she does."
"Humph!" Daisy scoffed at her sister. "I offered first, so he'll suck me first."
I sighed. I wasn't ready to think about what to do with my little BDSM pony. But this? This I could handle. Which milky tits to suck first--this was the kind of decision I lived for.
"Alright," I nodded thoughtfully. "Let's reason this out..."
"Yes," she cooed, raking a sharp nail down my chest under my tunic. "So you can ravage me forever, Bucky Drake. Forever and ever..."
I chuckled. "Just Bucky is fine."
"Just Bucky," she murmured, gazing up at me with misty eyes. "My beautiful, gorgeous, amazing Just Bucky."
"I mean, you can just call me Bucky."
"Oh," she grinned, blushing slightly at her error. "I see. Then you can just call me Sprinkle. Is that alright?"
"Sprinkle it is," I beamed back at her. Shit, she was incredible to look at. Her dazzling rainbow hair was hypnotic as it fluttered with every slight movement she made. Her porcelain white body was curvaceous in all the right ways, like she was designed to be sexy, and it seemed so utterly tragic that she'd gone so long without even seeing a man. My gain, I supposed, smirking to myself greedily as I regarded her perfection.
"I love you, my Bucky," she cooed as she tugged hard on a lock of my hair. "I love you, I love you, I--"
She noticed my face twist when she said the words.
"What's the matter?" she pouted, her nail digging deep into my scalp. "Am I scaring you, my Bucky?"
I tried to smile. May Belle and Daisy had used the L Word but it felt earned in their cases. I suppose I bore some of the blame here, taking advantage of a poor unicorn girl caught in a trap in a moment of weakness, apparently leading her on. It wasn't that I didn't like to hear her say it, or that I thought I couldn't love her back. I was sure that I could, but I'd been raised not to throw that word around lightly, and here she was chucking it at me on our first meeting. Maybe I was being a bitch about it, but yeah, I kind of was a bit scared of it.
"Let's just slow down a bit," I said. "I promise you, I won't abandon you. I'll be back here as often as I possibly can to see you, and I believe we'll grow into using that word when the time is right."
Her brow furrowed. "I want to use it now," she said, her voice gone cold, her eyes piercing mine, and her nails dragging down my neck and digging deep into my chest. I winced from the pain--and from the obvious red flags.
But it was hard to blame her. The girl had been all alone without a man in her life even once in the many centuries of her existence. She just needed a positive male figure. I was pretty sure I could be that guy for her, and God knows she deserved someone.
"Well, tell me about yourself, then," I said, shaking off the pain. "Teach me to love you."
She smiled a bit at that. "There isn't much to say, my Bucky, my beloved. I've lived here in these woods in peace for many centuries, but in the last decade or so things have gotten worse."
"Worse how?" I asked, sitting up straighter and pulling her fully into my lap.
"Ever since the General Keenfury moved his keep near these lands, more and more orcs, ogres, trolls, and goblins have been corrupting these woods, poaching its magical creatures, and slaughtering monster girls like me, harvesting our parts for their nefarious purposes. It was never like this before when it was just the Goblin Queen."
"What can you tell me about her?" I asked, stroking her back reassuringly, trying to show her that affection was still on the table despite my hesitation to drop the L Bomb as fast as she did.
She noticed, her ass grinding into my lap playfully as she bit her lip. She thought for a moment, and then continued to speak.
"There are three Dark Queens of Lusteria, and they must be pacified for peace to return, so say the prophets. The Goblin Queen is the one whose castle is nearest to our lands, known widely as Goldenvale, and these woods are called the Watcher's Woods. She is ancient, as old as the gods, and goes by the name Marrowheart."
"That Watcher?" I said curiously. "Who is the Watcher?"
She shrugged. "An old wizard, one of the first heroes. He made these woods his home base many centuries ago, when I was a little pony-girl."
I nodded, looking down at my shirt. Blood was soaking through the tunic in all the places where she'd scratched and poked me with her surprisingly sharp nails.
"Would you mind, umm, being a bit gentler?" I asked, nodding down at the blood.
She looked annoyed by the request. "But I have to show the intensity of my love. I love you, I love you, I love--"
"There are better ways to express love than through bloodletting," I chuckled, but I was definitely getting concerned. She might be more than I could handle at this rate.
"That's boring," she pouted. "I can heal you with a lick, so what's the harm?"
"Some people don't dig pain as much as you do, Sprinkle."
She looked genuinely puzzled at the revelation. "But... pain and pleasure are almost the same thing, right?"
"To some people, yeah, I guess so," I said. "But I'm not a big fan of the former."
She nodded, some understanding finally sinking in. "So I should be gentle with you, my Bucky?"
"That would be appreciated," I laughed.
She grinned. "But you don't need to be gentle with me," she insisted, wide-eyed. "Please be as rough as you can be."
Before I could respond, her little nose twitched, and she started looking around frantically.
"What is it, Sprinkle?" I asked in a cautious whisper.
"Ogres. Nearby. Pawns of Keenfury, Marrowheart's general, come to find whatever sprang their trap."
A split second later a barrage of javelins and rocks were hurled in our direction, and I only just managed to avoid getting hit, picking Rainbow Sprinkle up in my arms and using Great Leap to land aloft a thick tree branch overhead.
"Kill them," Sprinkle giggled sweetly, licking my cheek. "Kill them all, my Bucky." She necked me, kissing my shoulder blade and grabbing my ass as I studied the threat below. "I wanna see their blood spray all over your beautiful body, my Bucky. I love you, I love you--"
Shit. Why was this growing on me? It was like murderhobo dirty talk, and it was working for me for some damn reason.
In any case, I set her seated upon the branch, and she watched with glee as I punched the clock and got to work, flipping downward into the fray, surrounded by three hulking green-skinned ogres that stood each about eight feet tall with immense bodies that were a potent mix of fat and muscle. They were like sumo wrestlers with great clubs and bags full of rocks on their hips. Each of them had a black top knot and a beard, though the beards were all fashioned and groomed differently.
"I don't suppose we could talk this out," I said.
"Ha ha! You stupid!" one of the ogres growled as he lumbered toward me with surprising speed—but I was quicker, and I side-stepped his heavy strike and used Charged Thrust, lifting my lance and lunging into action.
The sword-like blade glowed red just before I plunged forward, piercing the fat belly of the first ogre. He screamed, and instead of pulling out, I sawed my way out horizontally with the serrated edge on the left side of the lance's blade, spilling the contents of his guts onto the forest floor in a red and pink mess.
He howled in pain and clutched his belly, struggling to put his intestines back where they were supposed to go. His two friends were momentarily shocked, but they looked at each other, grunted, and charged me together as their friend slumped to the ground, not dead, but dying slowly, and we all knew it.
They were slow. I flipped backward, planting my feet in the trunk of a tree, pushed off, and flew toward the nearest one with Smite activated, my lance colliding with his head. The resulting explosion was even more disgusting, but I couldn't think about that now. I regretted doing such gory things in front of my unicorn—
"Yes! When the final ogre's blood is spilt on my forest floor, we will roll around in their blood together. I love you, my—"
"Now's not the time!" I said, stupidly casting a semi-disgusted look up at her, and in that moment of distraction I was hit hard by the great club of the remaining ogre. I felt something crack, a rib, probably, and I went flying into another tree, this time hitting it with my face.
My face was a mess of blood, my nose almost definitely broken. "Oh my God!" Sprinkle squealed in shock.
But it was just me and one ogre left now. He wouldn't get another hit in like that. "I'm fine," I shouted up at her. "Don't worry--"
"Who's worried, my Bucky? Your face looks so gorgeous now, covered in all that blood!"
I'd absolutely stuck my dick in crazy, hadn't I?
I shook that realization aside and made my final attack. This time I charged on foot, made a feinting lunge that I let the ogre avoid, then, when his great club was raised to parry, I slid between his legs and crouched behind him, planting the lance in his back, impaling him completely through. I opted not to use any abilities, because I didn't want to sap any more of my powers just in case this wasn't the only encounter I ended up having.
"Yes, my Bucky! I love you! My hero!" She leapt down from the tree in such a way that it was abundantly clear that she expected me to catch her and was not prepared for any other outcome but that. I dropped my lance and obliged, clutching her like a fairytale princess in my arms.
Her warm pink tongue immediately started licking my face, dragging across my skin and my nose, and I felt my wounds there healing all at once.
"Mmmmm, my Bucky, your blood is so good." She smacked her lips giddily. "It's the very best!"
I was woefully unready to deal with her, but I did some quick introspection and learned a hell of a lot about myself in a very brief span of time.
First of all, yes, she made me uncomfortable, but there wasn't really anything evil or wrong about her as far as I could tell. She hated greenskins and had a weird kink for blood and pain, but that wasn't really a reason to abandon her. It all likely stemmed from having little to no contact with the outside world for centuries, being totally isolated due to the nature of what she was. And how could I even consider leaving her behind? I'd already given her my word that I'd visit her as often as possible, and I'd had sex with her already, too. That was on me, and it couldn't be taken back. Furthermore... If I was being honest with myself, I really wanted to keep that sex going, and her kinkiness wasn't nearly as much as a dissuader as I liked to pretend it was.
Hell, it kind of turned me on.
She climbed out of my arms and stood in front of me. "I want to roll naked in their blood with you," she said, and she fell backward, like a kid falling into the snow, about to make a snow angel. But she wasn't doing anything as innocent as that--she was frolicking in the blood of my enemies.
"So, just so you know, this is not normal," I said, still ogling her nudity as she did it. "It's going to take me some time to adjust to your... quirks."
She looked up at me meekly from a spread eagle position, her rainbow hair and white skin now stained with ogre blood and entrails. "What do you mean?"
"You have a very intense fixation on pain and blood that I'm not used to being introduced in a romantic setting," I said, trying to phrase it as delicately as possible.
Her eyes teared up. "Are you disgusted by me?"
"Not nearly enough for it to affect my internal decision-making paradigm," I said, sighing in resignation.
"Will you still be my Bucky? Will you come visit me by the bloodberry bush?"
I nodded, smiling weakly back at her. Fuck, she was cute, even covered in ogre goop. "Of course, but I just want you to be aware... go easy on me. I'm not used to the bloodlust vibe you're putting off."
She rushed to her feet and threw her arms around me, her body covered in blood, now soaking me, too. I cringed at that. This shirt was brand new.
"Oh, my Bucky! Please don't forsake me! I love you, I love you so much! The gods let you see me for a reason. Our meeting is fate, I know it!"
I whimpered defeatedly and patted her on the head. Despite everything, I was getting hard again, feeling her naked body pressing up against me. Little Bucky and I were going to have to have a stern talk about appropriate situations for erections.
"It's fine," I chuckled, and it was. She wasn't the craziest girl I'd dated, after all. I once dated a girl that said the Star Wars prequels and sequels were better than the Lord of the Rings, and we were together for ten months. If I could manage Stacy Klarke, I could handle Rainbow Sprinkle.
After another round of sex, and a whole lot of licking, I left my endearingly bloodthirsty unicorn girl and headed home. The day went on way longer than I intended it to, and when I'd arrived, I discovered the girls at the Sanctuary were setting up a search party to go look for me.
"Bucky-Baby!" May Belle shouted, the first to notice me exiting into the clearing. I waved to her in the distance, and soon all five of my girls were charging toward me, tackling me to the ground.
"By the gods, there's so much blood!" Etherea gasped. "Take his clothes off, we need to bandage him right away!"
They stripped me naked and I didn't say anything in my defense, just letting them do it, because a song in my heart knew that it could lead to good times ahead.
"What? There's no wounds," Autumn mumbled, decidedly muddled, her fingers spending a suspicious amount of time caressing my abs, perhaps pretending she was inspecting them for damage.
"I was healed," I said plainly. "I fought off a few ogres, but most of the blood is either theirs, or wounds I suffered dealing with a unicorn girl."
Autumn gasped. "You met a unicorn girl?! They're so rare! I doubted if they even existed anymore!"
"Wait, a unicorn girl fought you?" Ivy asked, confused. "That doesn't sound right."
"It was... a lot like a battle," I winced, recalling the kinkiness of it. "A lot of blows were struck and blood was spilled, for sure."
"Is she still alive?" That was Daisy.
I laughed. "Yeah, and we have an appointment for tomorrow," I said.
Autumn squinted at me with suspicion. "What aren't you saying?"
I grinned. "I may have had sex with the unicorn girl and received her blessing."
The women all looked at each other unbelievingly.
"No," Daisy said, shaking her head. "It can't be!"
"You mean..."
"You can't age?" May Belle asked excitedly. "Bucky-Baby will be this young and hot forever?!"
I nodded. "That was the gist of it, yeah."
"How!?" Autumn asked, her jaw in danger of hanging open in shock if she didn't keep talking. "No, wait. Focus. Focus. Bucky, you have a sacred duty."
I cocked my head sideways and waited for her to elaborate.
"She must be marked. You must lock down all the boons she can give you, and bring her to the sanctuary."
I grunted a bit uncomfortably, imagining the dramatic shift in Tater Town's cool dynamic if the unicorn girl were suddenly left in polite company. "She's a bit... well, she takes some getting used to."
"And, as a creature of the forest," Ivy continued, "She won't be able to leave it."
But Autumn stroked my hair and bit her lip as she shook her head at the wood elf. "That's not true," she said. "Not if she's marked. She'll go where he goes without issue."
I swallowed hard. "Well, let's focus on marking everyone here first, and--"
"No," Autumn insisted. "I insist that you mark her before me at the very least. This is too important, Bucky."
I looked at her, seeing how serious she was, and my mind flashed to Sprinkle. She was so stupidly hot, so dazzlingly gorgeous, but with her fixation on blood and pain, I worried how the others might receive her. This was a new aspect to the harem-building experience that I hadn't thought I'd ever need to consider.
"We'll... take it one day at a time," I said.
Sensing the conversation was over for now, my twin holstaurs flashed each other a meaningful look and tugged down their tops in unison. Their incredible breasts were so full that I could practically hear the sloshing cream inside them as they wiggled them gently in my face.
"If that's all, honey," Daisy whined first, "May Belle and I saved some milk for you, but you were gone so long we're practically engorged again." She blushed, looking away from my gaze. "I hope you're prepared to take full responsibility for that."
"Suck my titties first, Bucky-Baby, I need it worse than she does."
"Humph!" Daisy scoffed at her sister. "I offered first, so he'll suck me first."
I sighed. I wasn't ready to think about what to do with my little BDSM pony. But this? This I could handle. Which milky tits to suck first--this was the kind of decision I lived for.
"Alright," I nodded thoughtfully. "Let's reason this out..."
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