Monster Girl Sanctuary
Chapter 3: Level-Up! PLUS, A Milky Reunion (◆)
Just like on Earth, the sun of Lusteria rose and set in the same cardinal directions on the horizon each day, making it pretty easy to discern the way we were meant to be headed. East and West functioned here exactly as they did back on Earth, so my Boy Scouts skills were not all obsolete. Don't read into that too much—I was a pretty shitty Boy Scout, but I knew how to do some orienteering and possessed a respectful modicum of survival skills, at least.
It was hard not to enjoy the scenic walk through those magical woods. A well-worn path made our journey easy, and the sounds of strange and unfamiliar birds sounded from the trees overhead as we trudged through the thicket. All manner of enchanting flowers and cute animals were visible along our path, like we were on some kind of magical safari.
With May Belle clinging to my arm, gazing up at me adoringly every few seconds, it kind of felt like a date. The obvious third wheel, of course, was Daisy, who looked back at us in irritation every couple minutes or so to sling a cuss or a backhanded compliment my way. I didn’t mind. It was hard to be put in a bad mood when you had huge milky boobies pressed up against you.
The various species of flora were relatively unremarkable to me, even if unfamiliar. They looked like plants, and even though they were likely alien to my world, it was hard to care much about it, not being much of a botanist back home. I couldn’t appreciate the differences even if I wanted to.
The animal life was another matter. Zoologically speaking, these woods were incredible. Squirrel-sized dragon-like things with butterfly wings and big bug-like eyes fluttered from flower to flower and branch to branch. Some seemed to be watching us, even following us on our walk, making me smile.
“Faeire Dragons,” May Belle said. “Do you have them in your world?”
“Just about anything with dragon in the name, save for the Komodo variety, the answer will be no,” I chuckled. “They’re beautiful, though.” I leaned in against her ear, seeing an opportunity to be corny. “But not as beautiful as you.”
Her face went bright crimson at my cheesy compliment. I was enjoying this way too much.
“Hey, whatever-your-name-is,” came Daisy’s voice from ahead of us.
“It’s Bucky,” I chuckled.
“Sure. Did you level up after that fight?” she asked. “You should have enough XP to get to level 2.”
I clasped my hands together and pulled up the HUD.
“Oh, hey,” I remarked, “You’re right. I have 5 skill points now.”
“All heroes start with 3, and then you gain skill points equal to the value of your new level each time you level up,” May Belle explained, sneaking in a kiss on my shoulder. "At least until level 8 or 9 or something like that. Then the rules change, but don't ask me about that."
“Do you have levels?”
“Yes, but we aren’t heroes, so our levels aren’t nearly as valuable as yours,” Daisy said. “We draw from smaller ability pools and don't get feats.”
I nodded, trying to make sense of it all. “Got it,” I said. “So how do I upgrade a skill?”
“Well hold on,” Daisy answered, stopping in her tracks. She pivoted elegantly to face us, scoffing in disgust at the sight of her sister on my arm. “If you’re going to be our protector, I’m not going to let you spend skill points on a whim.”
May Belle grunted her agreement. “She’s bitchy, but she's right. You need to understand how this works, first.”
“Okay, lay it on me,” I said, cracking my knuckles and grinning. We’d come to a halt. This seemed important enough for that.
Daisy took a big breath, brushing her golden-brown ponytail back over her shoulder. “The basic rules are like this: You can spend a number of skill points equal to the level of the skill you’re trying to upgrade, plus one. So, your Fire Bolt 1 can be upgraded by spending 2 skill points, making it Fire Bolt 2. Max level is 7 for any one skill.”
“Easy enough,” I said, committing it to memory. It was a very basic, almost standard, system.
“But there’s more,” May Belle said, squeezing my elbow. “You can also spend a skill point to 'Discover' a new level 1 skill at random, though it’ll be influenced by the skills you’ve been using most, or the activities you’ve been engaging in.”
I frowned a bit at that. It was pretty cool, but kind of risky. “Is there a better way to get a skill?”
“If you can find a monster girl or another man with the skill you want trained up to at least level 4, they can train you instead,” Daisy said. “Aaand,” she looked at her sister for confirmation, “that’s about it, yeah?”
“Yeah,” May Belle grinned. "At least for now."
“What about Feats?” I asked. “I see Feats in my HUD, too. And you mentioned them.”
“You can get your first one at fifth level, I think,” she added in a sweet sing-song voice. "But I don't know all the rules. Heroes get more through quests and completing hidden objectives. Might be other ways to get them, too, or limitations."
“Right, and you will be given a selection to choose from based on your recent activities, though there may be added rules about that for heroes,” Daisy added. "I think your level 5 feat is a sub-class. You also need to kill monsters with a special weapon or skill to get feat lists to generate for you to select from, spending your points. Something about souls."
“Okay,” I nodded. It was starting to get a bit esoteric. “So should I try to get a new skill now, or no?”
“You mean Discover? Or would you rather Upgrade?” asked the chocolate-haired holstaur, still clutching me tightly.
I thought about it. Discover sounded more fun, but it was also a bit of a gamble. Still, I—
“Do you have any Area of Effect attack skills?” Daisy asked, interrupting my train of thought.
“I have Cleave.”
“And you have an axe. Upgrade Cleave. That’s useful.”
“I don’t plan on doing much fighting,” I shrugged.
May Belle raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Umm, you’re an Apex Hero. You’re going to be fighting.”
“I’m going to be farming,” I corrected her with a smirk.
“Regardless,” Daisy said, her tightened face and tapping hoof showing her impatience, “you need to be able to protect us. Upgrade Cleave.”
I couldn’t argue with that. She seemed to know what she was talking about, so I took her advice. I focused on my HUD once more, and spent two of my five Skill Points upgrading to Cleave 2.
“I’m going to try to Discover a skill as well,” I said, not letting it be a question. Neither of them said anything, just letting me take care of business, which I appreciated. After making some adjustments, this is what I saw.
“Okay, all done,” I said in a self-satisfied tone. “Still 2 skill points for later. Flame Sword 1, by the way. Sounds cool.”
“Very. Any more questions, hero?” May Belle asked me through a cutely tossed wink.
“Two more, actually,” I said as I studied the HUD. “How do I level up my Attributes? Body, Mind, Soul, and their sub-stats? That’s the first question.”
“Level up your skills enough and one of the stats they’re connected to will also increase over time,” Daisy replied, crossing her arms and blowing a strang lock of hair out of her face.
“Okay, great. Last question,” I nodded. “What are the maximum values of everything?”
“I don’t know of a max level, actually,” May Belle said, looking to her sister for reassurance. Daisy shook her head and shrugged her shoulder to indicate the same. “But Trained Skills max out at 7, and I’ve heard that it gets harder and harder to level up Attributes the higher level you get. Diminishing returns, you know?”
“Alright,” I said, stretching. I felt a little mentally exhausted to be bombarded with all this new and important information, but it really wasn’t all that complicated in the end. Some details were worth making a note of, for sure, but mostly the rules were fairly straightforward.
“Can we get back on the path?” Daisy complained, rolling her eyes.
“Daisy, honey,” May Belle giggled. “You were the one that stopped walking first.”
The golden-brown haired holstaur cast a dirty look at her sister and let out a high-pitched “Humph!” as she pivoted to face the trail once more. May Belle and I had a bit of a chuckle at her expense, but then kept only a few paces behind, staying just on her tail.
After a while, we reached a cliff that dropped down into a teeming river. The crossing was a fifty foot cleft in the land, a flimsy rope bridge the only obvious way across. The smell of river water flowed up to us from the depths of the chasm.
“Have you been to this village before?” I asked incredulously.
“No, why do you ask?” said Daisy.
“How should we get across?”
“We just walk across. The bridge isn’t as rickety as it looks,” May Belle said.
“Alright, but how about that.” I pointed. Standing in front of the bridge was a hulking troll, or something big and greenish gray that very much looked like what I imagined a troll to be. It was wearing tight leather breeches and nothing else. Its skin was mottled and scarred, and it had only one eye, the other socket covered with a tied bandana. The beastly looking bastard was wielding a club roughly the size of May Belle.
“That’s not good,” Daisy remarked. “Trolls sometimes set themselves up at bridges. They like to bully travelers.”
“Are they dangerous?” I asked.
“I mean, yeah,” she said, rolling her eyes at my admittedly stupid question. “Look at him. But the three of us can get by. We’ll kill him if we have to.”
“You mean with his help, right?” May Belle asked. “You and I wouldn’t have a cherub’s chance in the Nine Hells against it alone.”
“Humph!” Daisy scoffed, turning her head as her cheeks burned hot. “In any case, we need a plan.”
“I’ve got a plan,” I said, pulling up my HUD again. “What’s the name of the town?”
“Tater Town,” Daisy said. “Why?”
I flinched at the name. “Am I high? Did you just say Tater Town? Like potatoes?”
“It’s their cash crop,” she shrugged.
“Yikes,” I sighed. “Okay, you two just hang back. I’ve got this.” They muttered a few complaints that went unheeded as I strode over to the bulky troll. When it saw me approaching, it lifted up its club menacingly, but I ignored it, instead activating Charm 1.
“G’day to you sir,” said the troll, his eyes glowing pink with the proof that my Trained Skill had worked. He lowered his club, all but forgetting it existed. “And what might I be able to do for you on this fine spring day?”
“Thank you kindly for asking, my dear fellow!” I chuckled. “My companions and I would like to use your bridge to meet our friends in... Tater Town. Would that be agreeable to you?”
“Why of course, my good man! Please avail yourself of this here bridge at your convenience.” He took a step back, and I called out to my two beautiful companions.
They were smart and careful enough not to say anything about it until we’d crossed the bridge. I didn’t love the crossing of it—it was shaky and nerve-wracking every step of the way. But within a few minutes, we’d made it over, and all was well.
“How did you do that?” Daisy asked, her eyes wide in surprise. “I mean, the troll.”
“I have Charm 1,” I said. “I figured with only one target, it was an ideal situation to test it out.”
“My hero!” May Belle cooed, beaming at me. “You’re so amazing, Bucky!”
“Aww shucks,” I chuckled, batting my hand at her playfully. “You two aren’t so bad yourselves. In fact, you're the prettiest girls I've ever seen.”
“You’re going to make me blush again,” May Belle said, fanning herself, though Daisy made no reply except to swallow and turn her head from me. “I’m going to enjoy being your little milk cow, I can tell.”
My eyes bulged wide, wondering if that sounded as erotic to Daisy as it did to me. I had my answer fast, as May Belle’s sister whipped her head back at her, snarling. “You vulgar slut,” she growled. “I can’t believe you.”
“What?” May Belle shrugged. “We’d be greenskin dairy girls without him. And someone’s gotta drink this milk, sis,” she said, lifting up a leaking tit. “Might as well be our handsome hero and savior, right?”
Daisy’s jaw clenched and her mouth opened and shut as if she was saying something, but no sound came out. Another haughty “Humph!” rang through the forest air, rustling the leaves as she returned her eyes to the path.
“Don’t worry, Bucky-Baby. She’ll come around,” May Belle whispered as she nudged me. “Mark my words, by the end of the week you’ll be suckling cream from both our teats.”
I practically groaned aloud at her unabashed lewdness. “It is absolutely unsustainable for you to talk like this while I’m trying to walk,” I said, adjusting my pants. I was still in my McDonald’s managerial uniform, and I had the lack of foresight to wear tight black slacks to work. Of course, I never would’ve predicted this morning that I’d be in a fantasy world with two lactating monster girl hotties before the lunch rush began. That was pretty far down on my list of 'expected outcomes.'
We traveled for another two hours before the sun started to go down. Using what remained of my mostly-forgotten Boy Scout training, I found an ideal spot off the path nestled in a small clearing between several trees where we could set up camp. We didn’t have much in the way of supplies, though.
“We’re going to have to huddle for warmth,” Daisy said, flashing me a look of disgust, though I noticed her looking me up and down at the end of it.
“Oh no,” May Belle said in the weakest mock protest ever, winking at me. “Whatever shall we do?” Even as she said it she was fondling her tits. Thankfully, Daisy didn’t notice because her eyes were still busily assessing me.
I gathered wood and set up a fire while the girls foraged enough berries and edible leafy plants for us to fill our bellies. It wasn’t a great meal—in fact it was one of the least enjoyable meals I’d ever eaten, but it did fill me up, and it didn’t make me feel sick, so that was a win. I remembered trying wild berries before in forests like this, back when I was a snot-nosed brat. It never ended well for my bowels.
We kept the fire burning hot as we went to bed. I was assured that in this part of the forest, no hostile beasts were likely to be hunting us, so I should have slept easily, but for some reason, mashed between the bosoms of the holstaur twins, I just couldn’t quite manage it.
The sleeping arrangement was practically a living wet dream. May Belle was facing me, positioning herself so that my face was burrowed into the spot between her chin and her chest. Her arms were wrapped tightly around my head, and her little legs were fastened around my waist.
Her sister, too, was pressed up against me—for warmth, she insisted… many times. She didn’t speak a word to me once we’d settled in to sleep, but minute by minute she pushed herself closer and closer until her chest was completely squished against my back. I could even feel her milk leaking through the back of my shirt, wetting my shoulder blades. She, too, eventually threw her arms around me to my utter surprise, but I knew that if I said anything to acknowledge that fact, I’d probably be a dead man.
After a while I heard soft snores coming from behind me. Daisy was asleep, but I still hadn’t caught a single wink.
“Hey,” May Belle said, leaning down to whisper in my ear.
“Hey,” I whispered back, but my face was buried in her neck, so I wasn’t sure she could hear me.
“Don’t say anything,” she said. I felt her hand relinquish the back of my head, tracing down her own neck until it reached her breast. She tugged lightly at the thin raggedy fabric that covered her boobs, and with a little jiggle I felt her bosom freed of its confines just below my face. “Go ahead, Bucky-Baby,” she said. She was literally shivering with anticipation.
I swallowed my Adam’s apple, not sure how good an idea this was with her sister also pressed up against me, but also knowing full well that I wasn't about to deny this blessed gift. I pulled my head back ever so slightly so that I could look down and see her exposed chest for the first time.
There are no words to describe the perfection of those breasts. Glory. Roundness. Smoothness. Those words come close, but they don’t capture it. Her incredible tits were both enormous and somehow perky, and her rosy pink nipples poked out, just begging for me to take up their cause. What could I do but oblige? I was a gentleman, after all.
I lowered my head, my mouth latching onto her teat. “Mmmm fuck yeah,” she said. “Okay, do you need instructions?”
“I mean I’ve sucked tits before,” I said, resisting the urge to shrug as it might wake Daisy.
“Right, but the goal here is a bit different, honey,” she giggled. “Massage my boobs a little first to loosen it up, okay?”
I wordlessly followed the command, withdrawing my arm from behind her to drag it across her body until my palm was cupping her breast. I squeezed gently, and I felt her gasp and exhale a hot breath on the top of my head. My fingers danced lightly along the smooth flesh of her tit, gripping lightly, massaging it until her nipple dribbled a hint of cream onto my lips. I lapped up that gift eagerly and was astounded by the sweetness of it.
“It’s good,” I whispered into her chest, but she was shaking and couldn’t respond. I stopped moving to give her a chance to calm down, still very much waiting for further instructions.
“Okay,” she said shakily, tangling her fingers up in my hair. “Good boy. Now, latch onto my nipple so that your lip is all the way around my areola. Keep massaging the—Oh!” she moaned suddenly when I applied suction to my lips, feeling her nipple become erect, hardening inside my mouth.
We both froze from the horror of her loud outburst. No stirring from Daisy. Maybe she was playing dumb, but if she was, at least she wasn’t making a scene.
“Fuck… don’t stop,” May Belle cooed at last. “Please, don’t stop.”
I resumed my suckling, feeling her nipple plunge further into my mouth as she relinquished a generous helping of her sweet white nectar down my throat. I took a breath, releasing her breast for only a moment to swallow, but she immediately tugged me back down against her.
“Ohhh gods of Lusteria,” she moaned helplessly and high in airy desperation, nibbling at my hair as I fixed my lips back onto her tit. “Fuck, fuck… I’m so horny, Bucky-Baby. I don’t even fucking know what to do, my pussy’s so fucking w—”
“Bahaha!” suddenly a familiar voice cackled a high-pitched guffaw into the night air, and I was shocked out of my blissful task.
A bit of milk dribbled down my chin as I turned to face our assailant—the damn catgirl that brought me to Lusteria to begin with.
“This is pretty much the best case scenario for me to find you in!” she giggled, hand to mouth with genuine glee. “Nursing on a holstaur's breast! What a gift! Absolutely perfect!”
May Belle and I sat up straight, her jerking her ragged top back up to cover her breasts, suddenly looking quite embarrassed. Daisy, too, stirred and sat up, still clutching me.
“What’s going on?” she said, groggily at first, but then suddenly wide awake. “Who are you?!”
“Isn’t it obvious?” she sniggered and pointed at me. “I’m the catgirl who brought him here. And soon I have to shuttle him to his date with destiny.”
“You,” I growled, my eyes narrowed with anger. Milky titties. I had milky titties in my mouth, and this wretched catgirl interrupted that heavenly glory. Then again, I had to admit she did bring me here.
“Oh, don’t complain,” she said, rolling her eyes. “It doesn’t look like things have gotten particularly bad for you, Bucky Drake.”
She had my number there. It was hard to stay angry given the circumstances.
“Now, resume your suckling!” she commanded, drawing a dagger and pointing at us.
I twitched at the unexpected order. “Sorry, what?”
“You heard me. Holstaur milk provides incredible benefits—regeneration and XP boosts, namely, and I need you at your best when you meet the gods. Suck her dry,” she ordered, pointing at May Belle. “Suck them both dry.” Now she was eyeing Daisy.
Daisy squealed in disgust. “No way, I’m not—”
“Holstaur, do you value your life?”
“Don’t threaten her,” I growled. “That’s unnecessary.”
“I swear, I’m not threatening anyone,” she said, lowering her weapon. “It’s a simple question. Holstaur, let me ask again. Do you value your life?”
“Y-yes?” Daisy said, tightening her grip around me fearfully.
The catgirl grinned. “Then feed him. Lend him your enchanted cream, because if this meeting with the gods goes to plan, he will come out far better equipped to keep us all safe.”
Her eyes widened, and I felt her head turn. “Be gentle,” she said, whispering anxiously in my ear.
Soon both holstaur sisters were kneeling in front of me as I sat on the ground before them. They eyed each other nervously, embarrassed to be exposed in front of the catgirl.
“Can you at least look away?” May Belle pleaded. "This is kind of intimate."
“Why?” she asked. “I must make sure everything goes perfectly. The stakes are too high.”
“I think he can figure out how to suck our tits,” Daisy growled, but the catgirl glared back at her impatiently.
“Moo moo, little cows. Time is of the essence.”
The twins sighed and gave one last look at each other as they removed their tops. They were kneeling side-by-side, so close that their titties touched, just a bit. Even with the catgirl there, effectively killing the vibe, I still managed to find a measure of joy in the task as I ravaged their nipples one-by-one.
“Oh my gods,” moaned Daisy, clutching me by the shoulders. Her cream had more of a vanilla quality to it, not quite as sweet but more aromatic than her sister’s. I could get used to this.
“I know, right?” May Belle grinned at her twin. “He’s good.”
It went on like that for a while. I nursed from each of them until not a single drop of milk was left and the two girls were reduced to wanton moaning.
By the end of it, my belly was feeling rather full, and the girls were both ragged and burning with visible desire, grinding their thighs as they knelt, panting like dogs more than cows.
“Oh fuck,” Daisy groaned, licking her lips lasciviously. “I’m so fucking—”
“I know,” May Belle panted. “Me, too.”
“But she’s here,” Daisy groaned, eyeing the catgirl. “Otherwise I’d fu—” she looked at me and then flushed red with a horrified face, realizing what she was about to admit, her lips only inches from my face.
I ignored it and stood up, trying not to smack the girls in the face with my overbearing erection as I did so. They both readjusted their tops so that their breasts were once again hidden away—a crime against the gods, if ever there was one, that such perfection had to be concealed.
“Very good,” said the catgirl, rubbing her hands together. “We must hurry. I found you barely in time, and in impeccable circumstances to boot. Fate is on our side, Bucky Drake! The boons of your holstaur maidens will serve us well.”
I narrowed my eyes at her, looking her up and down. The trench coat and beret were gone. She was wearing a leather corset-like top with spaghetti straps and a matching brown skirt. Her legs bore no visible stockings but she did wear tall laced-up leather boots that were a similar brown to the rest of her attire. She was sexy and lissome, but not nearly as busty as the other two women in my company. Height-wise, she was also on the shorter side, easily a full foot shorter than my six feet and change, and yet she seemed so confident of herself, seeing fit to boss us all around at every turn.
“You know my name, but I don’t know yours,” I pointed out.
“Ah, yes,” she giggled. “Call me Autumn. Are you ready?”
I looked at the two holstaurs. They gazed back at me dewily. “Yep.”
“Will he come back?” Daisy asked, tearing up a bit with worry.
“Of course he will!” Autumn said in a high giggle. “Try not to miss us too much, little cow. And if you want to see him again, stay put.” She turned her attention to me, and her face went serious. “Now, brace yourself,” she commanded, walking up to my position. Her palm slammed against my forehead, and suddenly everything was white.
When my vision reset itself, I was no longer in the forest with May Belle and Daisy—I was floating above the clouds, one of six people forming a circle around a pulsating yellow orb.
“All the Heroes have assembled!” shouted a deep, booming voice. “Now, come! Receive your quest and your blessing!”
It was hard not to enjoy the scenic walk through those magical woods. A well-worn path made our journey easy, and the sounds of strange and unfamiliar birds sounded from the trees overhead as we trudged through the thicket. All manner of enchanting flowers and cute animals were visible along our path, like we were on some kind of magical safari.
With May Belle clinging to my arm, gazing up at me adoringly every few seconds, it kind of felt like a date. The obvious third wheel, of course, was Daisy, who looked back at us in irritation every couple minutes or so to sling a cuss or a backhanded compliment my way. I didn’t mind. It was hard to be put in a bad mood when you had huge milky boobies pressed up against you.
The various species of flora were relatively unremarkable to me, even if unfamiliar. They looked like plants, and even though they were likely alien to my world, it was hard to care much about it, not being much of a botanist back home. I couldn’t appreciate the differences even if I wanted to.
The animal life was another matter. Zoologically speaking, these woods were incredible. Squirrel-sized dragon-like things with butterfly wings and big bug-like eyes fluttered from flower to flower and branch to branch. Some seemed to be watching us, even following us on our walk, making me smile.
“Faeire Dragons,” May Belle said. “Do you have them in your world?”
“Just about anything with dragon in the name, save for the Komodo variety, the answer will be no,” I chuckled. “They’re beautiful, though.” I leaned in against her ear, seeing an opportunity to be corny. “But not as beautiful as you.”
Her face went bright crimson at my cheesy compliment. I was enjoying this way too much.
“Hey, whatever-your-name-is,” came Daisy’s voice from ahead of us.
“It’s Bucky,” I chuckled.
“Sure. Did you level up after that fight?” she asked. “You should have enough XP to get to level 2.”
I clasped my hands together and pulled up the HUD.
“Oh, hey,” I remarked, “You’re right. I have 5 skill points now.”
“All heroes start with 3, and then you gain skill points equal to the value of your new level each time you level up,” May Belle explained, sneaking in a kiss on my shoulder. "At least until level 8 or 9 or something like that. Then the rules change, but don't ask me about that."
“Do you have levels?”
“Yes, but we aren’t heroes, so our levels aren’t nearly as valuable as yours,” Daisy said. “We draw from smaller ability pools and don't get feats.”
I nodded, trying to make sense of it all. “Got it,” I said. “So how do I upgrade a skill?”
“Well hold on,” Daisy answered, stopping in her tracks. She pivoted elegantly to face us, scoffing in disgust at the sight of her sister on my arm. “If you’re going to be our protector, I’m not going to let you spend skill points on a whim.”
May Belle grunted her agreement. “She’s bitchy, but she's right. You need to understand how this works, first.”
“Okay, lay it on me,” I said, cracking my knuckles and grinning. We’d come to a halt. This seemed important enough for that.
Daisy took a big breath, brushing her golden-brown ponytail back over her shoulder. “The basic rules are like this: You can spend a number of skill points equal to the level of the skill you’re trying to upgrade, plus one. So, your Fire Bolt 1 can be upgraded by spending 2 skill points, making it Fire Bolt 2. Max level is 7 for any one skill.”
“Easy enough,” I said, committing it to memory. It was a very basic, almost standard, system.
“But there’s more,” May Belle said, squeezing my elbow. “You can also spend a skill point to 'Discover' a new level 1 skill at random, though it’ll be influenced by the skills you’ve been using most, or the activities you’ve been engaging in.”
I frowned a bit at that. It was pretty cool, but kind of risky. “Is there a better way to get a skill?”
“If you can find a monster girl or another man with the skill you want trained up to at least level 4, they can train you instead,” Daisy said. “Aaand,” she looked at her sister for confirmation, “that’s about it, yeah?”
“Yeah,” May Belle grinned. "At least for now."
“What about Feats?” I asked. “I see Feats in my HUD, too. And you mentioned them.”
“You can get your first one at fifth level, I think,” she added in a sweet sing-song voice. "But I don't know all the rules. Heroes get more through quests and completing hidden objectives. Might be other ways to get them, too, or limitations."
“Right, and you will be given a selection to choose from based on your recent activities, though there may be added rules about that for heroes,” Daisy added. "I think your level 5 feat is a sub-class. You also need to kill monsters with a special weapon or skill to get feat lists to generate for you to select from, spending your points. Something about souls."
“Okay,” I nodded. It was starting to get a bit esoteric. “So should I try to get a new skill now, or no?”
“You mean Discover? Or would you rather Upgrade?” asked the chocolate-haired holstaur, still clutching me tightly.
I thought about it. Discover sounded more fun, but it was also a bit of a gamble. Still, I—
“Do you have any Area of Effect attack skills?” Daisy asked, interrupting my train of thought.
“I have Cleave.”
“And you have an axe. Upgrade Cleave. That’s useful.”
“I don’t plan on doing much fighting,” I shrugged.
May Belle raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Umm, you’re an Apex Hero. You’re going to be fighting.”
“I’m going to be farming,” I corrected her with a smirk.
“Regardless,” Daisy said, her tightened face and tapping hoof showing her impatience, “you need to be able to protect us. Upgrade Cleave.”
I couldn’t argue with that. She seemed to know what she was talking about, so I took her advice. I focused on my HUD once more, and spent two of my five Skill Points upgrading to Cleave 2.
“I’m going to try to Discover a skill as well,” I said, not letting it be a question. Neither of them said anything, just letting me take care of business, which I appreciated. After making some adjustments, this is what I saw.
“Okay, all done,” I said in a self-satisfied tone. “Still 2 skill points for later. Flame Sword 1, by the way. Sounds cool.”
“Very. Any more questions, hero?” May Belle asked me through a cutely tossed wink.
“Two more, actually,” I said as I studied the HUD. “How do I level up my Attributes? Body, Mind, Soul, and their sub-stats? That’s the first question.”
“Level up your skills enough and one of the stats they’re connected to will also increase over time,” Daisy replied, crossing her arms and blowing a strang lock of hair out of her face.
“Okay, great. Last question,” I nodded. “What are the maximum values of everything?”
“I don’t know of a max level, actually,” May Belle said, looking to her sister for reassurance. Daisy shook her head and shrugged her shoulder to indicate the same. “But Trained Skills max out at 7, and I’ve heard that it gets harder and harder to level up Attributes the higher level you get. Diminishing returns, you know?”
“Alright,” I said, stretching. I felt a little mentally exhausted to be bombarded with all this new and important information, but it really wasn’t all that complicated in the end. Some details were worth making a note of, for sure, but mostly the rules were fairly straightforward.
“Can we get back on the path?” Daisy complained, rolling her eyes.
“Daisy, honey,” May Belle giggled. “You were the one that stopped walking first.”
The golden-brown haired holstaur cast a dirty look at her sister and let out a high-pitched “Humph!” as she pivoted to face the trail once more. May Belle and I had a bit of a chuckle at her expense, but then kept only a few paces behind, staying just on her tail.
After a while, we reached a cliff that dropped down into a teeming river. The crossing was a fifty foot cleft in the land, a flimsy rope bridge the only obvious way across. The smell of river water flowed up to us from the depths of the chasm.
“Have you been to this village before?” I asked incredulously.
“No, why do you ask?” said Daisy.
“How should we get across?”
“We just walk across. The bridge isn’t as rickety as it looks,” May Belle said.
“Alright, but how about that.” I pointed. Standing in front of the bridge was a hulking troll, or something big and greenish gray that very much looked like what I imagined a troll to be. It was wearing tight leather breeches and nothing else. Its skin was mottled and scarred, and it had only one eye, the other socket covered with a tied bandana. The beastly looking bastard was wielding a club roughly the size of May Belle.
“That’s not good,” Daisy remarked. “Trolls sometimes set themselves up at bridges. They like to bully travelers.”
“Are they dangerous?” I asked.
“I mean, yeah,” she said, rolling her eyes at my admittedly stupid question. “Look at him. But the three of us can get by. We’ll kill him if we have to.”
“You mean with his help, right?” May Belle asked. “You and I wouldn’t have a cherub’s chance in the Nine Hells against it alone.”
“Humph!” Daisy scoffed, turning her head as her cheeks burned hot. “In any case, we need a plan.”
“I’ve got a plan,” I said, pulling up my HUD again. “What’s the name of the town?”
“Tater Town,” Daisy said. “Why?”
I flinched at the name. “Am I high? Did you just say Tater Town? Like potatoes?”
“It’s their cash crop,” she shrugged.
“Yikes,” I sighed. “Okay, you two just hang back. I’ve got this.” They muttered a few complaints that went unheeded as I strode over to the bulky troll. When it saw me approaching, it lifted up its club menacingly, but I ignored it, instead activating Charm 1.
“G’day to you sir,” said the troll, his eyes glowing pink with the proof that my Trained Skill had worked. He lowered his club, all but forgetting it existed. “And what might I be able to do for you on this fine spring day?”
“Thank you kindly for asking, my dear fellow!” I chuckled. “My companions and I would like to use your bridge to meet our friends in... Tater Town. Would that be agreeable to you?”
“Why of course, my good man! Please avail yourself of this here bridge at your convenience.” He took a step back, and I called out to my two beautiful companions.
They were smart and careful enough not to say anything about it until we’d crossed the bridge. I didn’t love the crossing of it—it was shaky and nerve-wracking every step of the way. But within a few minutes, we’d made it over, and all was well.
“How did you do that?” Daisy asked, her eyes wide in surprise. “I mean, the troll.”
“I have Charm 1,” I said. “I figured with only one target, it was an ideal situation to test it out.”
“My hero!” May Belle cooed, beaming at me. “You’re so amazing, Bucky!”
“Aww shucks,” I chuckled, batting my hand at her playfully. “You two aren’t so bad yourselves. In fact, you're the prettiest girls I've ever seen.”
“You’re going to make me blush again,” May Belle said, fanning herself, though Daisy made no reply except to swallow and turn her head from me. “I’m going to enjoy being your little milk cow, I can tell.”
My eyes bulged wide, wondering if that sounded as erotic to Daisy as it did to me. I had my answer fast, as May Belle’s sister whipped her head back at her, snarling. “You vulgar slut,” she growled. “I can’t believe you.”
“What?” May Belle shrugged. “We’d be greenskin dairy girls without him. And someone’s gotta drink this milk, sis,” she said, lifting up a leaking tit. “Might as well be our handsome hero and savior, right?”
Daisy’s jaw clenched and her mouth opened and shut as if she was saying something, but no sound came out. Another haughty “Humph!” rang through the forest air, rustling the leaves as she returned her eyes to the path.
“Don’t worry, Bucky-Baby. She’ll come around,” May Belle whispered as she nudged me. “Mark my words, by the end of the week you’ll be suckling cream from both our teats.”
I practically groaned aloud at her unabashed lewdness. “It is absolutely unsustainable for you to talk like this while I’m trying to walk,” I said, adjusting my pants. I was still in my McDonald’s managerial uniform, and I had the lack of foresight to wear tight black slacks to work. Of course, I never would’ve predicted this morning that I’d be in a fantasy world with two lactating monster girl hotties before the lunch rush began. That was pretty far down on my list of 'expected outcomes.'
We traveled for another two hours before the sun started to go down. Using what remained of my mostly-forgotten Boy Scout training, I found an ideal spot off the path nestled in a small clearing between several trees where we could set up camp. We didn’t have much in the way of supplies, though.
“We’re going to have to huddle for warmth,” Daisy said, flashing me a look of disgust, though I noticed her looking me up and down at the end of it.
“Oh no,” May Belle said in the weakest mock protest ever, winking at me. “Whatever shall we do?” Even as she said it she was fondling her tits. Thankfully, Daisy didn’t notice because her eyes were still busily assessing me.
I gathered wood and set up a fire while the girls foraged enough berries and edible leafy plants for us to fill our bellies. It wasn’t a great meal—in fact it was one of the least enjoyable meals I’d ever eaten, but it did fill me up, and it didn’t make me feel sick, so that was a win. I remembered trying wild berries before in forests like this, back when I was a snot-nosed brat. It never ended well for my bowels.
We kept the fire burning hot as we went to bed. I was assured that in this part of the forest, no hostile beasts were likely to be hunting us, so I should have slept easily, but for some reason, mashed between the bosoms of the holstaur twins, I just couldn’t quite manage it.
The sleeping arrangement was practically a living wet dream. May Belle was facing me, positioning herself so that my face was burrowed into the spot between her chin and her chest. Her arms were wrapped tightly around my head, and her little legs were fastened around my waist.
Her sister, too, was pressed up against me—for warmth, she insisted… many times. She didn’t speak a word to me once we’d settled in to sleep, but minute by minute she pushed herself closer and closer until her chest was completely squished against my back. I could even feel her milk leaking through the back of my shirt, wetting my shoulder blades. She, too, eventually threw her arms around me to my utter surprise, but I knew that if I said anything to acknowledge that fact, I’d probably be a dead man.
After a while I heard soft snores coming from behind me. Daisy was asleep, but I still hadn’t caught a single wink.
“Hey,” May Belle said, leaning down to whisper in my ear.
“Hey,” I whispered back, but my face was buried in her neck, so I wasn’t sure she could hear me.
“Don’t say anything,” she said. I felt her hand relinquish the back of my head, tracing down her own neck until it reached her breast. She tugged lightly at the thin raggedy fabric that covered her boobs, and with a little jiggle I felt her bosom freed of its confines just below my face. “Go ahead, Bucky-Baby,” she said. She was literally shivering with anticipation.
I swallowed my Adam’s apple, not sure how good an idea this was with her sister also pressed up against me, but also knowing full well that I wasn't about to deny this blessed gift. I pulled my head back ever so slightly so that I could look down and see her exposed chest for the first time.
There are no words to describe the perfection of those breasts. Glory. Roundness. Smoothness. Those words come close, but they don’t capture it. Her incredible tits were both enormous and somehow perky, and her rosy pink nipples poked out, just begging for me to take up their cause. What could I do but oblige? I was a gentleman, after all.
I lowered my head, my mouth latching onto her teat. “Mmmm fuck yeah,” she said. “Okay, do you need instructions?”
“I mean I’ve sucked tits before,” I said, resisting the urge to shrug as it might wake Daisy.
“Right, but the goal here is a bit different, honey,” she giggled. “Massage my boobs a little first to loosen it up, okay?”
I wordlessly followed the command, withdrawing my arm from behind her to drag it across her body until my palm was cupping her breast. I squeezed gently, and I felt her gasp and exhale a hot breath on the top of my head. My fingers danced lightly along the smooth flesh of her tit, gripping lightly, massaging it until her nipple dribbled a hint of cream onto my lips. I lapped up that gift eagerly and was astounded by the sweetness of it.
“It’s good,” I whispered into her chest, but she was shaking and couldn’t respond. I stopped moving to give her a chance to calm down, still very much waiting for further instructions.
“Okay,” she said shakily, tangling her fingers up in my hair. “Good boy. Now, latch onto my nipple so that your lip is all the way around my areola. Keep massaging the—Oh!” she moaned suddenly when I applied suction to my lips, feeling her nipple become erect, hardening inside my mouth.
We both froze from the horror of her loud outburst. No stirring from Daisy. Maybe she was playing dumb, but if she was, at least she wasn’t making a scene.
“Fuck… don’t stop,” May Belle cooed at last. “Please, don’t stop.”
I resumed my suckling, feeling her nipple plunge further into my mouth as she relinquished a generous helping of her sweet white nectar down my throat. I took a breath, releasing her breast for only a moment to swallow, but she immediately tugged me back down against her.
“Ohhh gods of Lusteria,” she moaned helplessly and high in airy desperation, nibbling at my hair as I fixed my lips back onto her tit. “Fuck, fuck… I’m so horny, Bucky-Baby. I don’t even fucking know what to do, my pussy’s so fucking w—”
“Bahaha!” suddenly a familiar voice cackled a high-pitched guffaw into the night air, and I was shocked out of my blissful task.
A bit of milk dribbled down my chin as I turned to face our assailant—the damn catgirl that brought me to Lusteria to begin with.
“This is pretty much the best case scenario for me to find you in!” she giggled, hand to mouth with genuine glee. “Nursing on a holstaur's breast! What a gift! Absolutely perfect!”
May Belle and I sat up straight, her jerking her ragged top back up to cover her breasts, suddenly looking quite embarrassed. Daisy, too, stirred and sat up, still clutching me.
“What’s going on?” she said, groggily at first, but then suddenly wide awake. “Who are you?!”
“Isn’t it obvious?” she sniggered and pointed at me. “I’m the catgirl who brought him here. And soon I have to shuttle him to his date with destiny.”
“You,” I growled, my eyes narrowed with anger. Milky titties. I had milky titties in my mouth, and this wretched catgirl interrupted that heavenly glory. Then again, I had to admit she did bring me here.
“Oh, don’t complain,” she said, rolling her eyes. “It doesn’t look like things have gotten particularly bad for you, Bucky Drake.”
She had my number there. It was hard to stay angry given the circumstances.
“Now, resume your suckling!” she commanded, drawing a dagger and pointing at us.
I twitched at the unexpected order. “Sorry, what?”
“You heard me. Holstaur milk provides incredible benefits—regeneration and XP boosts, namely, and I need you at your best when you meet the gods. Suck her dry,” she ordered, pointing at May Belle. “Suck them both dry.” Now she was eyeing Daisy.
Daisy squealed in disgust. “No way, I’m not—”
“Holstaur, do you value your life?”
“Don’t threaten her,” I growled. “That’s unnecessary.”
“I swear, I’m not threatening anyone,” she said, lowering her weapon. “It’s a simple question. Holstaur, let me ask again. Do you value your life?”
“Y-yes?” Daisy said, tightening her grip around me fearfully.
The catgirl grinned. “Then feed him. Lend him your enchanted cream, because if this meeting with the gods goes to plan, he will come out far better equipped to keep us all safe.”
Her eyes widened, and I felt her head turn. “Be gentle,” she said, whispering anxiously in my ear.
Soon both holstaur sisters were kneeling in front of me as I sat on the ground before them. They eyed each other nervously, embarrassed to be exposed in front of the catgirl.
“Can you at least look away?” May Belle pleaded. "This is kind of intimate."
“Why?” she asked. “I must make sure everything goes perfectly. The stakes are too high.”
“I think he can figure out how to suck our tits,” Daisy growled, but the catgirl glared back at her impatiently.
“Moo moo, little cows. Time is of the essence.”
The twins sighed and gave one last look at each other as they removed their tops. They were kneeling side-by-side, so close that their titties touched, just a bit. Even with the catgirl there, effectively killing the vibe, I still managed to find a measure of joy in the task as I ravaged their nipples one-by-one.
“Oh my gods,” moaned Daisy, clutching me by the shoulders. Her cream had more of a vanilla quality to it, not quite as sweet but more aromatic than her sister’s. I could get used to this.
“I know, right?” May Belle grinned at her twin. “He’s good.”
It went on like that for a while. I nursed from each of them until not a single drop of milk was left and the two girls were reduced to wanton moaning.
By the end of it, my belly was feeling rather full, and the girls were both ragged and burning with visible desire, grinding their thighs as they knelt, panting like dogs more than cows.
“Oh fuck,” Daisy groaned, licking her lips lasciviously. “I’m so fucking—”
“I know,” May Belle panted. “Me, too.”
“But she’s here,” Daisy groaned, eyeing the catgirl. “Otherwise I’d fu—” she looked at me and then flushed red with a horrified face, realizing what she was about to admit, her lips only inches from my face.
I ignored it and stood up, trying not to smack the girls in the face with my overbearing erection as I did so. They both readjusted their tops so that their breasts were once again hidden away—a crime against the gods, if ever there was one, that such perfection had to be concealed.
“Very good,” said the catgirl, rubbing her hands together. “We must hurry. I found you barely in time, and in impeccable circumstances to boot. Fate is on our side, Bucky Drake! The boons of your holstaur maidens will serve us well.”
I narrowed my eyes at her, looking her up and down. The trench coat and beret were gone. She was wearing a leather corset-like top with spaghetti straps and a matching brown skirt. Her legs bore no visible stockings but she did wear tall laced-up leather boots that were a similar brown to the rest of her attire. She was sexy and lissome, but not nearly as busty as the other two women in my company. Height-wise, she was also on the shorter side, easily a full foot shorter than my six feet and change, and yet she seemed so confident of herself, seeing fit to boss us all around at every turn.
“You know my name, but I don’t know yours,” I pointed out.
“Ah, yes,” she giggled. “Call me Autumn. Are you ready?”
I looked at the two holstaurs. They gazed back at me dewily. “Yep.”
“Will he come back?” Daisy asked, tearing up a bit with worry.
“Of course he will!” Autumn said in a high giggle. “Try not to miss us too much, little cow. And if you want to see him again, stay put.” She turned her attention to me, and her face went serious. “Now, brace yourself,” she commanded, walking up to my position. Her palm slammed against my forehead, and suddenly everything was white.
When my vision reset itself, I was no longer in the forest with May Belle and Daisy—I was floating above the clouds, one of six people forming a circle around a pulsating yellow orb.
“All the Heroes have assembled!” shouted a deep, booming voice. “Now, come! Receive your quest and your blessing!”
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