Monster Hunt: Notes From a Hunter

Chapter 210: I have a friend who is a sword master

  Chapter 210 There is a friend who is a swordsman

  Hayata heard the words, hesitated for a while, and then said: "Senior Gordon, of course I am happy to form a team with you, but you are already a five-star hunter. With my strength, won't you hold back?"

  When hunting the Cang Huolong, the feeling that she can only stand and watch from a distance most of the time, but she is not qualified to step forward to help, makes her very uncomfortable.

   "Ah, it's okay, your technology is enough, but the equipment can't keep up, anyway, you are going to be promoted to four-star, right?

   If you really mind, you can wait until you have four stars and updated your equipment before hunting in a team.

   Well, there is one more thing I need to explain in advance. I have two regular teammates, a four-star heavy crossbowman called Anshir, and a two-star shield and axeman named Fengying.

  The two-star salted fish in the back is a trainee member and can be regarded as half of my apprentice, so you don't have to worry about your hunter level being lower than mine. "

   Anyway, there is a salted fish to help you come to the bottom, Gordon thought to himself.

  Hayata nodded lightly, "In this case, I agree to join. By the way, should I visit the two partners of the senior and ask for their opinions?"

  Gordon made a "hmm" sound, and added: "The two of them are currently participating in a long-term **** mission, escorting a caravan to the Western Continent, and it may take half a year to return.

  I will write to them and ask about it, and they should have no objection. "

  Speaking of this, Gordon changed the subject and asked a little abruptly: "By the way, Hayata, are you brave?"

   "Huh?" Hayata didn't understand what Gordon meant.

  Gordon scratched his chin, pondered his words, and said: "That guy Anshir has good shooting skills, but his way of supporting shooting is more aggressive. Most of the time, the crossbow shells will 'swoosh' past the scalp.

  If you don’t trust him, if you can’t adapt, you may be affected. In that case, there may be conflicts in cooperation. "

  After hearing this, Hayata smiled and said: "If it's just like this, then I should be fine, the companion trusted by Senior Gordon must also be a very high-level senior.

  Besides, my courage should be pretty big, and Master has always told me to be cautious. "

  Hearing what Hayata said, Gordon couldn't help but recall the thin little girl who was wearing a skirt and holding a short sword in front of Blue Velociraptor.


  Gordon also laughed, "Let's go, Hayata, pork chop, in order to celebrate the achievement of the intention to form a team, I invite you to a big meal!"

   "I want to eat cod meow!"


   "Then I won't be polite~."

   "Order whatever you want!"

  The biggest advantage of the tavern in the meeting place is that there are wine and food available no matter what time it is. After the two of them sat down with one cat, they ordered a lot.

  On the wine table, Gordon found that Hayata's drinking capacity was surprisingly good.

  Her drinking style is not heroic, but very quiet, taking small sips like drinking tea, but the amount is indeterminate.

   It takes two or three hours to eat a big meal.

  In the end, Gordon, who had a lot of self-sufficiency, was a little dizzy, but Hayata, who drank no less than him, still looked quiet.

   After the banquet was over, after saying goodbye to Gordon Pork Chop politely, she walked back to the hunter's hut she rented in the assembly hall with light steps.

  Gordon's footsteps were a little wobbly. He supported the table and asked Pork Chop, "I was worried at first that she drank too much. That guy won't be drunk, right?"

  “.I don’t know meow.”

   "How much did she drink?"

   "One liter cup, eleven cups or twelve cups meow?"

   "Wine Barrel"

  The sea, on a merchant ship going to the port of Tangia.

  A peregrine falcon lands, the crew removes the letter box from its leg and sprints to the captain's cabin.

   This kind of peregrine falcon that can accurately find the target on the sea is extremely difficult to train. Generally, only a few large official organizations such as the Hunters Guild and the Gulong Observation Bureau have domesticated a small number of them, and they rarely flow out.

   Unless, you're rich, very, very rich.

   Coincidentally, the Sterling Chamber of Commerce has strong capital.

  For this crucial caravan, Miss Jessica Sterling, the head of the chamber of commerce, specially spent a huge sum of money to buy two to facilitate the exchange of information.

   A few minutes later, a small note attached to the letterbox was delivered by the captain to Anshir who was supervising Fengying's endorsement.

   "A letter from Master Gordon?" Fengying happily threw away the book and stood up.


  An Xier glanced at her sideways, Fengying sat back with a bitter face.

   "Oh, forget it." Looking at Fengying's bitter and bitter face, An Xier sighed.

   "Break meeting, let's watch together."

  Fengying immediately came over like a puppy.

  Anshir spread out the letter paper.

  [I have successfully hunted a horned dragon and have been promoted to a five-star hunter. ]


  Seeing the first sentence on the letter paper, Fengying cheered, and the corners of Anshir's mouth curled up.

   An Xier and Feng Ying continued to read, and the following content surprised them a little.

[Recently, a Taisword user friend came to East Doruma. He was very young and applied for the task of being promoted to four stars at the age of nineteen. Due to the wrong information of the guild, he encountered a blue fire dragon. After fighting for a day and a night, he was rescued by me. , After working together to solve the Cang Huolong, thanks to her.

I! Started! The Ruby of the Fire Dragon! ]

   Seeing this, Anshir's face became visibly stiff.

  —He recalled the gloomy days when he was dragged by Gordon, hunting dragons over and over again.

  Fengying's focus was obviously on other things, "Her? Does Master Gordon have any female friends?"

Anshir gave her a strange look, "Is there anything surprising about this? In Minagarde, he has quite a few female friends, right? Ohsura, Tij, and Maxine are also counted. .”


   The two continued to look down.

  [Her name is Hayata. She has good strength, talent, and personality. I think she can be recruited as a regular teammate. I am writing this letter to ask your opinions. ]

   This concludes the contents of the letter.

   "New teammate, Gordon is not someone who likes to brag. If he approves, I have no objection."

  An Xier looked at Fengying, "What about you, what do you think?"

  Fengying pointed at herself and said in surprise, "What do I think?"

  Anshir just remembered that he and Gordon hadn't made it clear to Fengying that they planned to invite her to form a permanent team in the future.

  The little guy has always positioned himself as Gordon's apprentice.

   Forget it, let’s take this opportunity to explain clearly.

   "Gordon and I recognize your potential and hard work. Within a year or two, you should be able to catch up with us, so we have already regarded you as a regular teammate."

  Anshir deliberately took things for granted, without inducing the little girl's guilt at all.

  Feng Ying was very happy after hearing this, and was even a little surprised.

  It turns out that Master Gordon and the others have always recognized me~!

   "So, about the new teammates?"

   "Agreed! Of course I agree!"

  Fengying happily raised her hands. She was still a little worried that Gordon Anhill would form a team with the dual swordsman named Julius and drive her out.

   Now not only her "position" has been determined, but also a sister of about the same age has come, of course she is happy.

   "That's fine, I'll write back to him later." An Xier pinched his fingers, and was about to put away the letter paper.

  Fengying noticed with sharp eyes that there was a line of small characters in the corner of the back of the letter paper.

   The two looked closer.

   "It's written in pork chop!" Feng Ying confirmed it.

   "Well, it should have been added secretly later." An Xier thought at the same time: Only the word "pork chop" is so ugly.

  [Hayata and Gordon are childhood sweethearts, and the gold coin on Gordon’s neck is a gift from Hayata! ]

  The sentence of pork chop is a bit out of date, but the meaning is obvious.

  An Xier and Fengying looked at each other, and ambiguous smiles appeared on their faces at the same time.

   "Hmph ~."

   "'I have a friend who is a sword master', right?"


   Again, this book will have cp, but feelings will definitely not be the main line (because I don’t know how to write it).



  (end of this chapter)

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