Monster Hunt: Notes From a Hunter

Chapter 211: beetle beetle

  Chapter 211 Beetle Beetle

  After repairing the armor, Hayata reapplied for the promotion task and went hunting alone.

  Gordon placed the order for the Canghuolong suit and Huolonghuangjian to the workshop, and it will take about ten days to complete the actual building.

   He has been very idle recently.

  In addition to the main weapon Xiong Huo Long Yan Jian, which is being strengthened and forged in the workshop, he has two spare weapons.

  —The obsolete "Explosive Knife Kai", and the "Rust Great Sword" that is polished with plate-shaped rust blocks dug out of the volcano, and I don't know what it can be used for.

  With the Explosive Knife, at least it’s okay to take a three-star mission, but it doesn’t seem necessary.

  Gordon, who didn’t have many acquaintances in East Doruma, visited his master a few times and harassed his brother Julius. After feeling bored, he stayed at home to train, fish, and spend a leisurely vacation.

  A few days later, Gordon, who was dozing off on the sofa, received a reply from Anshir and the others.

  The peregrine falcon that delivered the letter flew directly to the Sterling Chamber of Commerce. Jessica received the important letters, and then sent someone to deliver the small letter paper attached to the letter box.

  There is very little content on letter paper.

  [Congratulations to Five Star, I have no opinion on the new teammates. ]

  This is Anshir's handwriting, which is simple but clear.

  [Come on~! ]

   This was written by Fengying, and I don't know what she is cheering for.

   Next to it, there is a stroke that can't tell whether it is a dumpling or a flower, which is very mysterious.

  Gordon looked through the letter paper, and after confirming that no other information was missing, he threw it into the wastebasket.

   Then turned over and sat up on the sofa, intending to go to the pork chop to discuss the philosophical issue of "what to eat at night".

   Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was a knock on the door. Gordon straightened his shirt and went to open the door.

  I thought the person who knocked on the door was the servant of the Sterling family who had just delivered the letter, but I forgot to explain something.

   After opening the door, he found that the person standing outside the door was Julius and a strange female hunter.

  Gordon crossed his arms, leaned against the door frame, and said with a smile, "Brother? You're so free today, why don't you come to me for tea?"

  Actually, he is not such a playful and smiling person, but when he sees Julius who always likes to put on a straight face and looks like a judge, he especially wants to make fun of him.

   Julius frowned at him.

   Seconds later, Gordon surrenders

   "Come in, come in, tsk, I don't know who you learned to control the expression of this guy, the master is obviously such a kind person." Gordon turned sideways, and invited Julius and the strange huntress into the door.

   "What to drink? Black tea?" Gordon asked after leading the two to sit down at the table.


  Julius said in a flat tone, "Drinking the tea you made is worse than drinking hot water. It's a waste of the good tea from Anshir's family."

  Gordon's mouth twitched, and he raised his voice and shouted: "Pork chop! Help me make a cup of black tea! Pour Julius another cup of boiling water!"


  The huntress covered her mouth and smiled lightly. She rarely had the chance to see Julius' deflated expression.

   "Okay, no kidding." Gordon knew that the pork chop would definitely make a pot of tea in a while, "Why don't you introduce this lady?"

   "I'll do it myself."

  The huntress smiled and said: "I am Nadia, a four-star light crossbowman. I can be regarded as Julius' regular teammate. Please give me more advice."

   "Gordon, five-star swordsman, nice to meet you."

  Gordon and Nadia bumped their fists, and took a brief look at each other.

   This is a young woman whose appearance can easily give people the impression of "wildness". She should be about the same age as Julius, in her twenties.

There are crimson battle patterns on the brownish-black skin, even on the face. After the long black hair is braided into countless small dirty braids, it is pulled into a simple high ponytail, and many colorful beads are dotted on it, which is very distinctive. exotic.

  Gordon didn't recognize her armor. Except for the wrist armor, almost no nail leaves could be seen, and the muscular abdomen was directly exposed.

  There are only two kinds of people who like this kind of armor whose defensive performance is almost equal to nothing. One is mentally retarded, and the other is a master who is extremely confident in his own skills and has a light and agile fighting style.

   Can be favored by Julius and become a regular teammate, Nadia undoubtedly belongs to the latter.

  While Gordon was looking at Nadia, Nadia was also looking at him.

  For the hunters, this level of sizing does not offend them—they need to use it to judge each other's strength.

  Even though Gordon is not wearing equipment at this time, Nadia can still see some clues from the muscle circumference, palms, and movement habits.

   "Okay, you two are pretty much familiar with each other, let's get down to business." Julius said.

  Gordon's expression became a little more serious, and he looked at Julius, motioning for the latter to continue.

   "Master's research needs a monster material." Speaking of this, Julius paused, "If it's just me and Nadia, I'm not sure, so I came to you."

  Gordon nodded, Julius's intention was almost as he guessed.

   "Of course I will help with Master's affairs, but I have to wait for about a week. My main battle weapon is being strengthened in the workshop. As for the backup weapon, the level may not be enough."

   "What is the sharpness of the spare weapon?"

   "Explosive Knife Change, Green Slash, I have the 'Carpenter' stone guard, so I can barely mention Blue Slash."

   "Enough." Julius nodded in satisfaction.

   "Huh?" Gordon was stunned.

Generally speaking, green slashing-flavored weapons are the standard equipment in the three-star hunter period, and four-star weapons can also be used, as long as you don’t encounter those monsters with outstanding defensive capabilities. Knives hit anyone.

  It's like Hayata's chopping knife, there's nothing to do with Cang Huolong.

  Five-star Julius and a four-star excellent light crossbow user are not sure, and he has to bring along a monster that can only be hunted by the same five-star great swordsman. How can he be the top of the five-star existence?

  Explosive Knife·Change, enough?

  Understanding what Gordon was wondering, Julius explained: "The target is not a five-star monster, but a two-star monster."

   Gordon raised an eyebrow.

   He wasn’t surprised at all. He knew Julius’ character very well. The other party didn’t like to joke. Since the goal was two stars, there must be a special reason.

   "Do you know Aruselutas (carabinous beetles)?" Julius asked Gordon.

   "Torch Beetle? You know something, two-star beetle monsters, right?" Gordon doesn't like reading books very much, but he has always read all kinds of monster illustrations.

  Since it was this kind of monster, Gordon understood a little bit.

   "If I remember correctly, its female individual, Geneluserutas (heavy beetle), is a five-star dangerous monster, right, and also has the reputation of 'Heavyweight Empress'.

   Because you are worried about the existence of heavy beetles, so do you need my help? "

   "You can say that, but it's not quite accurate."

  Julius rests his index finger and thumb against his chin.

   "Master needs the sharp horns of the beetle. It seems to be used to develop special shells. The demand is relatively large. In order to protect the ecological environment, this is a long-term collection process."

   Gordon nodded in understanding.

  Master is not the kind of madman who is desperate for research. As an official weapon research and development master, he also pays great attention to ecological protection while collecting various materials.

   "Not long ago, I saw a rather special task. If it goes well, I should be able to collect a large number of 'beetle sharp horns' at one time.

   is a request from Sinard Village.

  It is said that due to the existence of heavy beetles, many carnivorous beetles are attracted to concentrate, which poses a serious threat to nearby villages. I hope the hunters can hunt five carnivorous beetles. "

   Gordon: "Five."

  (end of this chapter)

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