Monster Hunt: Notes From a Hunter

Chapter 237: The Late Team

  Chapter 237 The Late Team

   This is by no means a beautiful big ship, and even the first impression it gives is a bit tattered.

   The skeleton of an unknown giant creature made its keel, and with the hull made of old and new wood, it looked like a vicissitudes old hunter covered in scars.

  The captain of the ship explained on the side, "As the main force against Mineyama Dragon every year, Mineyama Maru always suffers the most attacks, and at the worst time, even more than half of the ship's hull was smashed.

  If the mysterious skeleton that made up the keel was not so strong, and when we repaired it, we would only use high-quality cloud wood from Jieyun Village, it might have sunk in the sand of history long ago. "

  Jie Yunmu’s name is not to mention the well-informed Gordon, even Hayata, who has not traveled much, has heard of it.

  It is a special kind of wood with super high strength, which is only produced in Jieyun Village in the Western Continent.

   It can even be used to craft hunter weapons.

  You must know that the materials of hunter weapons are generally alloys and monster bones, which can be compared with these materials, and the strength of the cloud knot wood can be seen.

  However, Jieyun Village

  Gordon hesitated and prepared his words, "Boss Captain, I heard that Jieyun Village has not been very peaceful recently."

  The head of the ship's face turned bitter, "You also know about this, yes, there seems to be something wrong there.

  We placed an order there at the beginning of the year. In previous years, around the middle of the year, at the latest, July and August, the wood would arrive in Locklark, but this year is very strange, and it has not been delivered yet. "

  The face of the mustache leader became serious, "That is to say, the repair work of the Dragon Fighting Ship has not been completed yet?"


  The captain of the ship said with a frowning face, "All the other sand ships have been prepared, and only the dragon-fighting ship is left. We were still discussing just now, what is the backup plan?"

   "For example, replace it with other wood, the kind used for ordinary sand boats, how many more layers of boards should be laid?"

   "Maybe we can also consider monster materials? Sand dragon's carapace and hard skin, it seems that it will also be suitable for sand boats."

   "What about metal, iron sheet and iron plate, the strength will not be bad."

   "Metal is not good, the metal is too heavy, it will destroy the speed and balance of the dragon-fighting ship."

  The elder brothers around the head of the ship were chattering.


  Moustache chairman rejected their whimsical idea, "For countless years, dragon boats have only used cloud knot wood, which proved that cloud knot wood is the most suitable material.

  Fighting Fengshanlong is a major event related to the safety of Locklark, and it must not be sloppy! "

The captain of the ship nodded his chin, expressing approval of the chairman's attitude, "I also thought the same way, so more than three months ago, I wrote to an old friend of Baru Barre, asking him to help me collect cloud knots, Emergency delivery."

   "That's right, if you have a problem, find a way to solve it!" The president twisted his beard, "So? Baru Barre hasn't delivered the wood yet?"

   "It's here. I just received a letter from a carrier pigeon two days ago, saying that the camel team delivering the timber will arrive today. We waited here for a long time without seeing anyone, and only then did we discuss the backup plan.

  If the delivery team has not appeared in the evening, I plan to notify you and ask you to send hunters to investigate. "

   "You don't have to wait until evening, just release the sand boat and explore north."

  Moustached chairman showed his decisive side as a businessman.

   "I received a message two days ago, and at the speed of the camel team, they will not be more than 60 to 70 kilometers away from Locklark.

   If we meet successfully, we will bring the camel team back together, in case something happens to them.

  Gordon, Hayatta, can you please go with the sand boat, I am a little worried that the transport team is in trouble. "

   "Okay, we are both swordsmen, and there is nothing to prepare, we can start at any time."

  Gordon simply agreed, and Hayatta also said that there is no problem.

   "Bomb meow! Is there a Bomb meow? It will also work if you wear a Bomb meow!" Pig Chop hopped aside.

   "These are the most indispensable things here."

  The captain of the ship grinned, and began to give instructions, "Let the first team set sail and get ready to go, you guys, go to the warehouse and help the little cat bring some large barrels of bombs."

   "The first team! Where are the people in the first team? Get up, Lao Tzu, and get to work!"


  The whole big dock suddenly became lively.

  The mustache leader is very careful, helping Gordon and the others to collect some necessary supplies and tools in the sandy sea area.

  Water bag, anti-sand face towel, cold and hot drinks, etc.

  The personnel of the Sandy Boat Regiment were well-trained. In just a few minutes, the two sandy boats were ready to go, and the explosive bombs for pork chops were also transported into the cabin.

  Gordon, Hayata and Pig Chop boarded one of the sand boats, and the captain of the boat also jumped aboard.

   "I'll go with you guys."

   As he spoke, he and the sailors skillfully manipulated this small boat, which was only about ten meters long.

  The two sand boats were pushed into the sand sea along the **** of the dock.

  The crew pulled the rope, and the triangular sail with the sun pattern was pulled up.

  The hot wind in the sandy sea immediately bulged the sails, and the specially designed streamlined bottom slowly slid on the fine sand surface like running water. The sandy boat gradually accelerated, and finally galloped on the sandy sea.

  This is the first time for Hayata to take a sand boat, so it feels very fresh.

  The feeling of riding is almost the same as that of a surface ship, which made her forget that this is on the sand sea in the middle of the great desert.

  Put your head out of the ship's side, trying to take a deep breath of "humid air", but inhaled a mouthful of sand.

   "Cough cough cough, bah bah."

  Hayata spat out the sand in embarrassment, and Gordon handed over the sand-proof face towel in a funny way.

  Blushing, he took the face towel, followed Gordon's example and covered his mouth and nose with the face towel, and his breathing became smoother.

   "Is it the first time for the little girl to come to the desert?" The captain of the boat asked with a smile.

   "Yeah." Hayata nodded slightly, not trying to be brave.

   "It's okay. In the process of blocking Fengshanlong, there are not many opportunities to go to the ground to fight. The main thing is to be brave. Facing a monster that is hundreds of meters long and as huge as a mountain, you must dare to rush on its back!"

  Hayata's eyes exposed outside the veil were bent, "I should be quite courageous."

   "Hahaha, that's good!"

  Since deciding to accept Gordon and the others, the captain's attitude has become much more amicable.

  He smiled boldly, "In the past few days, I will teach you how to use the weapons on the sand boat and the dragon-fighting boat. After learning these, plus being bold and careful, there will be no problem!"

  While the sand ship was speeding, it was on a small platform rock tens of kilometers away from Locklark.

  A transport team is huddling here.

  The young member of the transportation team said in frustration: "We have been trapped for almost two days. I don't know when Locklark will send someone to rescue us."

The middle-aged captain glanced at him, "I guess it will take two to three days. After all, according to the original plan, we arrived today. There was a small accident on the way. It is normal to be late for a day or two. You should realize it after a few days." Not right."

   "Two or three days." Another team member sighed, "It's barely enough to save some water and food, but I'm afraid that the camels will be frightened and run away and rush down the rock platform.

   Alas, we should keep the last carrier pigeon, so we won't be as passive as we are now. "

   "It's okay! Everyone cheer up, and it will be fine for a few days." The middle-aged captain tried his best to boost everyone's morale, but unfortunately the effect was not good.


  In the center of the rock platform, a very petite Ai Lu, who seemed to be underage, was trembling with her head in her arms.

   "I'm so scared meow, I want to go home meow."

   (Brain hurts, I lie flat, I hope I won’t be late tomorrow emmm)


   There are creatures like camels in the mh world, which appeared in the official background paintings



  (end of this chapter)

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